0 4r midptgan aI Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLIcATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Platform Choices: Priority, Not Programs SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM -.. - ยข SGC Election Endorsements AFTER CONSCIENTIOUS considera- tion of the three candidates for Student Government Council presi- dency, as well as close scrutiny of their platforms, we have decided that none of them is qualified to assume the post. None of the presidential candidates can provide SGC with the leadership it will need in the coming year. In general, they lack the comprehensive knowledge of University affairs, dy- namism and ability to work under pressure an SGC president must have. SGC will have to look to current at- large members and the three candi- dates for at-large seats we consider excellent-Michael Davis, Gayle Rubin, Carol Hollenshead-for leadership in the year to come. In the early 1960s, when SGC's ma- jor concerns were narrowly con- ceived, a certain type of individual was needed to lead the institution as president. It was necessary that he'be hard-working, conscientious and all- things-to-all-men. Since then, the concept and scope of student government has changed drastically. Following the eruption of Berkeley Free Speech Movement-the first assertion on an American cam- pus of student rights in university decision making - SGC has evolved into a new institution. With this new type of student gov- ernment, there is a need for a new type of student leader. Whereas the three candidates for president in this week's SGC elections may have been well-qualified in 1964, none of them is suited to fill the position today. MIKE KOENEKE has served. on SGC since November, 1966, and is a hard-working individual who has re- cently devoted much of his time to the'eight-month lease" campaign. He is an effective organizer with con- siderable knowledge of the University. However, since joining SGC 16 months ago, he has taken virtually no initiative. He has devoted a great num- ber of hours to worthwhile efforts, but usually gets moving on these cam- paigns far too slowly and only after someone else has cleared the way for action. There is a definite need for an SGC president who can conceive and initiate progressive programs. Koe- neke has not shown this ability. A further qualification that an SGC president needs and that Koeneke lacks is a workable program to imple- ment his goal. Established channels of action will only get students so far, and after they have embarked on disruptive tactics, there is no guar- antee that they will work at all. There is a definite need for better-developed contingency plans than Koeneke has conceived. MARK SCHREIBER excels in the areas in which Koeneke falls short. Schreiber, who has been an SGC member since the beginning of this semester is much more the innovator than Koeneke. Some of the maneu- 1 vers he has directed in the eight- month lease campaign have begun to pay off. He has many imaginative pro'- posals in his platform, notably his suggestions for more effective Uni- versity recruitment of low-income stu- dents. But Schreiber hasn't nearly the un- derstanding of the University deci- sion-making process that is necessary. And, like Koeneke, he lacks concrete. ideas concerning implementation of his proposals., D. PANTHER WHITE is difficult to compare to either of the other two candidates. T o t a 11y inexperienced and incredibly naive concerning the workings of the University power structure, he nevertheless possesses, some admirable qualities. Most' not- able among these is his sincere desire to change SGC. into a more assertive body, backed up by a well thought out program for the institution of a stu- dent union. White is running for an at-large seat, as well as for president. He Despite the shortcomings of the presidential candidates, there are three excellent candidates for at- large seats who would provide SGC with some sorely needed leadership in the next year. EXCELLENT MICHAEL DAVIS is clearly the best- qualified candidate. As SGC's admin- istrative vice president, Davis has been the prime mover and idea man be- hind many of Council's concrete ac- accomplishments this past year. In addition, there are few people around with as complete an understanding of the University as Davis. He actually has the qualities of an excellent SGC president. GAYLE RUBIN, recently appointed to an SGC seat, presents some of the most practical views recently voiced concerning actual means of accom- plishing needed academic reforms. Not one to wait for the slow wheels of institutions to adapt to change, Miss Rubin has actively worked in the past year toward the establish- ment of freer academic processes andi structures. Extremely articulate, she is needed on SGC. CAROL HOLLENSHEAD deserves recognition and votes for her work as chairman of the Student Con- sumers Union. Although not widely publicized, this body has taken the initial steps toward the betterment of economic conditions for University students. A narrow loser last semes- ter, she should definitely be elected this time. ACCEPTABLE PAUL MILGROM is an experienced SGC hand (he has served as both elections director and co-ordinating vice president) with a credible com- prehension of University affairs. He can add experience and dedication to the new SGC. D. PANTHER WHITE, while not ex- perienced enough to assume the pres- idency, would add some new insights to SGC procedures and policies if elected as member-at-large. With ad- ditional seasoning, he would make a fine candidate next semester. Now, his strength lies in the possibility of providing new perspectives. MARK MADOFF is intelligent, but slightly confused concerning such pressing problems as University judi- ciaries and rule-making. He, how- ever, shows signs of promise and is willing to learn. UNACCEPTABLE BOB NELSON is SGC's personnel director, but hasn't had the exper- ience to qualify for a seat. He has little understanding of the pressing problems facing student government. DAVE PHILLIPS also suffers from a lack of comprehension of SGC and University affairs, and possesses an out-dated view of student's role in pushing for needed University re- structuring. SHELLY MITTLEMAN, who is also a candidate for vice president (he is White's running mate) doesn't seem to be at all serious in his campaign. For Board in Control of Intercol- legiate Athletics, there are two can- didates. PHIL BROWN views his position as potential student member of the board as being a representative of an external viewpoint. He understands the complex structure of the athletic department bureaucracy, and has workable plans for the development of a good intramural program. His opponent, JOE JONES, is a sin- cere candidate, but hopes to work en- tirely within the Board's closed stru- By ELEANOR BRAUN and RON LANDSMAN THE CHOICES for student voters in the upcoming Stu- dent Government Council election are more between priorities and personalities than issues or pro- grams: ! Academic reform, student housing and consumer power, classified research and SGC structure concernall the candi- dates, but each assigns different importance to each of these issues. The greatest disparity in priorities occurs in the presiden- tial tickets. Voters must decide which allocation of priorities they prefer. 0 The candidates' abilities to implement their programs and their originality in conceiving new answers are of crucial impor- tance. Academic reforms create little argument among the various slates; everyone agrees they are necessary and everyone pledgesato work for them. All the candidates list reform first in their platforms and consider it the most impor- tant of the issues. THE KOENEKE-NEFF ticket sees academic reform in general traditional terms: a greater stu- dent voice in tenure and curri- culum decisions, a "Free Univer- sity" and easier grading stipula- tions. Schreiber and Quinn, while also advocating a strong student voice in the same areas, also make some very specific proposals for updating the curriculum of the literary colleges They aim at the problem of the ghetto and urban areas-an Urban Studies Center and expansion of the Inner Cities Course. Koeneke and Neff advocate wider application of pass-fail grading and making "D" a pass- ing grade. White and Mittleman base their program on the impersonality of the University. Unlike Schreiber and Quinn, -they ask for changes in the structure and functioning of classes rather than in subject matter. Thus, they ask more tutorial - reading, experimental, "field experience," and seminar courses. They want more contact between teacher and student. This contact would be by written evaluations rather than grades and oral rather than written exams. Like the others, they ask student involvement in decision- making at all levels of the Uni- versity. Each of the three programs represents a differentconceptual- ization of University life and each is basically dependent on an un- stated view of what the individ- ual student's college life might be life. Koeneke and Neff are closest to the current set-up with little per- sonal involvement on the part of students. They recommend struc- tural changes to protect the stu- dent from the University - easier grading and a grade review board -but do not advocate significant student participation. The student voice argument, used by all the candidates, is really of the same mold, and involves only those oc- casional activist students who choose to submerge themselves in the ways of the University power structure. SCHREIBER and Quinn advo- cate a program significantly more activist in nature. Along with the standard student voice, they pro- pose a "Course Mart" and three recommendations concerning ur- ban studies. Inherent in those three recommendations is more personal involvement - all three require student devotion to the class or program, for they are more than just academic pro- grams. White and Mittleman .demand even more. Their unstated con- ception is of a student truly con- cerned with the world around him and willing to devote himself to its study. The proposals for more faculty-student contact re- quire far more preparation on the part of the student than the cur- rent "impersonal" form. A stu- dent cannot take Sociology 101 in the same mood that he must take smaller personalized courses. It takes a change both in attitude and action. How the candidates plan to implement their programs is a function of their personalities. This is best reflected in consider- ing the issue of student housing. Recommendations point to the possibility of an incorporated SGC moving into the housing market to force other landlords to meet the competition. Both Koeneke and Schreiber advocate student organization to protect students. Koeneke wants the University to pressure land- lords to reduce rents. Schreiber's view is much more encompassing. He asks that ten- ant unions be formed to meet with landlords on equal bargain- ing terms. He suggests that the University e n t e r the housing market to handle the construction and management of apartments. WHITE'S PROPOSALS are very similar to Schreiber's with the addition that sophomore women be given apartment privileges to free residence halls for conversion into apartments, although it would tighten up an already tight housing market by increasing de- mand. The N e 1 s o n - Hollenshead - Davis platform stresses a "sec- ond stage" in the drive for stu- dent power, one which will take "money and hard work" to achieve. There are various tar- gets in this stage of the fight but the salient ones of this platform are in economic and academic areas. It pledges more competition for Ann Arbor merchants and realtors through expansion of the Student Consumers' Union (SCU) and through better opportunities for low-cost housing, both in res- idence halls and off-campus. SCU, according to the platform, will continue working to reduce Ann Arbor prices of general goods and will "investigate establishing a major cooperative book and dry- goods store." THE HOUSING problem, ac- cording to Nelson-Hollenshead- Davis, will only be solved through a higher apartment vacancy rate which they plan to bring about through additional units built both by the University (on Cen- tral Campus) and by SGC, when and if it incorporates. Concerned with classified re- search and the moribund Office of Student Affairs, the Nelson- Hollenshead-Davis slate "opposes and will continue to oppose the presence of classified research at this university," but will heed the verdict of the referenda re- sults. They "pledge to see the OSA reorganized so that those making decisions are responsible to boards dominated by students." THE USUAL solutions - good ones, if they materialize-are of- fered for the perennial problem of course evaluation ("SGC has al- ready promised to underwrite the CE Booklet"); separate room and board contracts in quads and dorms ("we pledge to work for separate contracts and for a va- riety of board contracts to fit students' varied needs"); and in- tramurals ("what was once the best intramural program in the country is today a disgrace"). Preoccupation with academic reform and Ann Arbor prices is shared by the Madoff-Rubin-Mil- grom slate. They "advocate the creation of an independently funded Board for Interdisciplinary Studies," which, t h r o u g h a "Course Mart" would be open to student suggestions for desired interdepartmental c o u r s e s and would define credit requirements. Also in the area of academics, Madoff-Rubin-Milgrom ask that students gain the right to sit on boards which make tenure deci- sions for faculty, since at the present time "it is a fact that only one professor in five is brought to the University for his outstanding teaching a b ili t y." The trimester plan, already un- dergoing criticism from students and faculty alike, is also up for change; the platform "recom- mends the adoption of a work- study plan on an optional basis." HOUSING COSTS also should be reduced and these candidates, like the previous three, see an in- corporated SGC as the means to doing so. An incorporated SGC "should seek federal grants to build student housing to be op- erated at cost and to drive down housing costs in Ann Arbor." Rent strikes and boycotts are ef- fective economic tools which these candidates propose to employ should they become necessary. Finally, Madoff-Rubin-Milgrom find classified research "stifles dialogue and the free flow of ideas upon which the University is based," but also reserve a final opinion until after the referenda results are known. Dave Phillips, running singly. advocates a greater "grass-roots" effect for SGC. He is also con- cerned with the issues of course evaluation, although he offers little concrete evidence for a defi- nite plan for its execution. .'His platform as stated does not deal with b a s I c academic reform, which is a strong point in the other two platforms. His primary concern is with economic issues. Phillips suggests expansion of the Student Consum- ers Union, but without definite suggestions for its implementa- tion. He ,discusses housing prob- lems, but makes no statement re- garding feasible ways to solve them, defining as "areas of stu- dent concern" the eight-month lease, damage fees and high rents. He opposes classified research for the same reasons given by other candidates, but withithe addition that he favors war research if it is unclassified. There is something fascinating in how the same ingenious little ideas tend to pop up on three dif- ferent slates under five different names all opposed to each other. The intellectual and political in- breeding of SGC candidates really is something to be noted and admired. U Research: Historical Fallacy. j! Letters to the Editor Research Committee's Vote To the Editor: "SHALL THE UNIVERSITY cease all classified research?" This is Referendum Question No. 1 on the ballot of the forthcoming stu- dent election. If this issue were only so clear cut, as black and white as SGC, GA, the editors of The Daily and the candidates for student president portray it to be, the Senate Assembly Committee on Research Policies could have completed its review of the matter in short order. Unfortunately. such is not the case. In its several months study, this Committee discovered that there are many kinds of classified research and many different bases for classification. Some classified research is clearly not appropriate for any university; other classified research is completely unobjectionable on the basis of any criterion which has been mentioned by any of the opponents of classified research. For example, the scholarly research of some of our historians and political scientists on events of the last 50 years requires access to government archives not yet open to the public .Many research projects in the physical sciences and engineering are classified only because investigators need access to classified information or facilities. The findings of many of these research projects are completely unclassified and appear in refereed scholarly journals. BECAUSE WE FOUND the problem of classified research to be so complex and multi-dimensional, all members of the Committee came to the conclusion that neither categorical solution: "anything is OK" or "none at all" constituted a defensible policy for the University. We therefore proposed and the Assembly is soon to consider: * a set of general policies which would automatically exclude certain clearly inappropriate projects (e.g., the infamous Project 1111) and " the creation of a committee of nine Senate members responsible for reviewing all proposals for classified research (new ones, renewals and extensions), judging the appropriateness of each proposed activity under the sponsorship of the University, and reporting their judgments both to the Assembly and the Vice President for Research. WE BELIEVE that this review committee, representative of the entire University, in judging each proposal on the basis of its ap- propriateness for University sponsorship, will protect the widely shared values of our community of scholars. If we thought (as has been re- peatedly suggested) that this review committee would routinely approve all proposals for classified research, we too would urge students to vote "yes" on Referendum No. 1. However, based on the experience of a com- parable committee at Stanford University, two consequences may be anticipated: that proposals for some classified projects will not be made or submitted for review and that some proposals will be reviewed and rejected as not appropriate for University sponsorship The Committee on Research Policies agrees that some classified research projects are clearly not acceptable for university sponsorship and believes that its proposed procedure will eliminate such projects in the future. On the other hand, the Committee can find no reason for rejecting (or even discouraging) other kinds of research in the university community, simply because they are labelled "classified." To do so would eliminate much research which is characterized by scholarship of high quality and results in substantive and open con- tributions to knowledge. FOR THESE REASONS, the Committee regrets that the framers of this referendum did not see fit to permit students to answer other than "yes" or "no" to what is not a neat categorical issue. In these days of "write in" candidates, we invite thoughtful students to consider the possibility of responding to Question 1 by writing in a third alterna- tive: Use Review Committee. -Senate Assembly Committee on Research Policies Gerald T. Charbeneau, Dentistry Robert C. Elderfield, Chemistry, Chairman Stanford C. Erickson, Center for Res. Learning & Teaching John J. Gannon, Public Health 'Tha. rn.,' i C (aBuinessj gAdmiinistration By BRUCE LEVINE Daily Guest Writer EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a two-part series on classi- fied research by the educational chairman of Voice-SDS. TPISDISCUSSION is based on the assumption that imme- diate struggle issues must be used as springboards to wider and more fundamental analyses of the in- stitutions and objective relation- ships involved in our struggles. Towards the middle of last se- mester, The Daily published a series of articles exposing the Uni- versity's engagement in and grow- ing reliance upon military-and more specifically-classified mili- tary research contracts. SDS was able to use this publicity to force a public debate over the propriety of such a relationship. Subsequ- ently, Voice-SDS called a well-at tended sit-in in the Administration Building were issues and demands were discussed and formulated. In defense of University research policy, Vice President for Re- search, A. Geoffrey Norman, has repeatedly tossed into our lap the seeds of a radical analysis of the situation-an analysis which we have evaded thus far. Attempting to clear himself (and his admin- ist-ation colleagues) of blame for the military's involvement in the Unversity, Norman has periodical- ly delved into an area proverbially perilous for defenders of the status quo-history. SINCE WORLD WAR II, he ex- plains, a growing and by now the largest source of financial support for research has been the Federal Government, through mission- orientated agencies-especially the Defense Department (and, to a lesser extent, the Atomic Energy Commission and National Aero- nautics and Space Administration. It has reached the point where a faculty member wishing to do it under contract to one of these agencies. If that means what choice is there? As Norman so succinctly put it, "Some fields are totally classified, (and) if you want to play the game, you have to play by the rules." Recognizing the defensive intent of this soliloquy, Voice has usually brushed it impatiently aside. This is unfortunate: Norman's inter- pretation of the facts is, in its es- sentials, correct. The dominating component- three-fourths, in fact--of univer- sity research is done under con- tract to theFederal Government. Of this, more than 60 per cent is extended through the Department of Defense (DOD). Mr. Norman's problem is the problem which faces every major university in the country attempting to undertake an extensive program of hard science research. Before the Second World War, academic scientists were literally starved for funds, barely subsisting on meager salaries and niggardly budgets. During the war, however, the situation changed when a mar- riage of convenience was arranged between the War Department and the sectors of the university's scientific community. For the lat- ter, famine became feast, and sci- entists understandably jumped at the chance to run their labs with blankhchecks. "And if the research being supported was not always to the liking of the men involved, that was one of the prices one had to pay for support," said John S. Tompkins, an editor of Business Week. IN HIS FAREWELL ADDRESS, President Eisenhower drew the na- tions's attention to the dangerous growth of a military-industrial complex in the United States. Some of the broader outlines of that complex will be explored later. What is of interest now is an aspect of Ike's speech which received somewhatless noticethan the rest: his concern with the manner in which the nation's in- tellectual resources were being utilized: "The prospect of the domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment project allocations and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to .be re- garded." Since 1961 the role of the DOD's support of the "national research effort" has increased, and Ike's worst fears continue to be realized. What initially seem- ed to scholars to be a marriage of mutual convenience has evolved into a sort of indentured servi- tude. It is now true of many of our "great universities that at least half their research funds comes through contracts with military - oriented Federal agen- cies. While we are. continually assured that the university's via bility is not a function of con- tinued Federal support, the evi- dence indicates otherwise. In 1963, the American Council on Education published the results of its survey of 26 colleges and universities undertaking Federal research projects. Without Fed- eral funds, it was discovered, "the wholeucharacter of many universi ties' research programs (and in consequence, of their instructional programs) would change. Many research efforts would have to be abandoned completely. O t h e r s would be sharply curtailed." * 41b _ __ I 'WE'RE to blame for the riots?!...- Why, in a ghetto in my life!' I've never been .I I . f .r 4 . I. 1 ""' 4 1;..yam rGY t t ' c_: / I I '~F~j WJJ'~tt4' ~ ~'Y kj I