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Draft Protesters File Suit
Constitutionality of Classif
Seventeen young men last week
filed suit in Federal District
Court to restrain the Selective
Service System from practices
they believe are illegal. These
practices include the reclassifica-
tion and declaring delinquent of
those who protest the war in Viet-
nam, turn in their draft cards or
take other similar actions.
Defendants in the civil action
are General Lewis B. Hershey, di-
rector of the Selective Service
System; Colonel Arthur Holmes,
Michigan director; and 12 Mich-
igan draft boards.
Plaintiffs include men who
have been reclassified and/or de-
clared delinquent as well as those
who have refrained from taking
legal action against the govern-
ment and selective service policies
for fear of the consequences. Most'
are members of the Draft Resis-
tance Committee.
Attorneys for the suit are being
provided by the American Civil
Liberties Union, which is support-
ing the suit.
A spokesman for the group
made the following statement at
a press conference held Friday,
Jan. 5:
"The draft system in this coun-
try has long been used not only
to supply men for military adven-
tures in foreign countries and re-
cently at home as well but also as
a weapon of intimidation against
the yqung men of this nation.
"We refuse to be intimidated.
"Through this lawsuit, we seek
to restrain the selective service
from further totalitarian like
New Program for Young
Combats Poverty in Cities
threats which us
tional guarantee
and due process
this action on b
of draft age
United States. W
draft age to join
gle, and others.n
draft to support
"The recent ac
lective Service Sy
fying and/or dec
those who opp
policy of the U.
exemplified by G
infamous direct
make clear the f
ernment is stiflin
mands rather
"We will notr
Hershey's conten
ance to the Selec
tem by turning i
other means is n
interest. Moreove
right of General
termine what t
terest of the natic
is the right of ti'
ple-a right whic
systematically de
duct of this coun
icy. This applies
men of draft a
domestic victims
"Our law suit i
tempt at draft
political offensive
ment agencies fr
rights and freedo
ican people."
The legal actio
attornies for the
page complaint f
declaratory relife
acts by the Selec
tem both taken
ication Change
urp the constitu- violate the constitutional rights of
s of free speech the plaintiffs.
of law. We take The suit argues that the turning
ehalf of all men in of draft cards is a legal act
throughout the protected by the First Amendment
Ve urge other of guarantees of free speech and the
us in our strug- right to petition the government.
iot subject to the It further contends that the Selec-
us. tive Service System, in using the
Directive' draft as a punishment, has vio-
ctions of the Se- lated the separation of powers
ystem in reclassi- clause of the constitution by
laring delinquent usurping powers reserved to the
ose the foreign Judiciary. Such action further de-
S. government as prives the plaintiffs and others in
eneral Hershey's a similar situation of constitu-
ive of Oct. 26 tionally granted rights to due pro-
act that the gov- cess.
ng legitimate de- Moreover, the complaint con-
than answering tends, the actions of the Selective
Service System have a "chilling ef-
concede General fect" on those who would other-
ition that resist- wise feel free to exercise rights of
tive Service Sys- free speech and petition which are
n draft cards or protected by the constitution.
of in the national The suit asks the court to issue
r, it is not the a declaratory judgement which
Hershey to de- would void the October directive
he national in- of General Hershey, make null and
on shall be. That void the reclassifications and de-
e American peo- clarations of delinquency which
nied in the con- have followed, and declare uncon-
try's foreign pol- stitutional the provisions of the
s particularly to selective Service Act pertaining to
tge whoare the declaration of delinquency and re-
of that policy." quiring that a registrant carry "his
registration and classification card
s not a novel at- at all times."
Open I
ber-the House or
should be first to
thorn-studded ope
when the 1968 leg
convenes this week
The House, whic
a bill last month a
just nine votes sho
Or the Senate,
even to take up th
year, but whose me
advantage in hal
troversial issue be
not up for re-elec
Undecided C
On the eve of th
session, which be
noon, the question
not been decided, a
of the Legislatur
majority continued
upcoming issues.
House Speaker R
and Senate GOP
Lockwood planned
terday with the ch
Legislature's twoj
mittees, probably t
chamber should be
on reorganization
lower courts.
If one house wa
task of concentrat:
complex court que
leave the other fre
emotion-ridden iss
wide open occupan
"If the Senate ca
bill fast enough, t
be adverse to lettin
first," said House N
.. '"?"" '.Xi""':"+i'5:4 3.a.4.: . .t.1".'1.1' . i? ,v.,,;;;: : S.S. Dresge Company. Detroit, Mich..
Onu-siMeasure DAILCA BA Econ. for Mgmt. Trng.
Summer Placement Service, 212 SA.B
LansinIAenda " LEere contact 212,S.A.B.for
g e d a:: ,,": :.::,"-.::,::::,,...:.; further Information, and details, Jan.
12. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Camp Conestago. Ohio
(Coninue fro Pag 8) Boys Camp. Openings for trip master,
-Which chain- William. Ryan, (D-Detroit), a !Ill.-M & F. Adv. degrees in Math & ca~bin counselors w spec. in waterfront.
the Senate- firm backer of the housing bill. Phys. for Oper. Res. and Consulting. kitchen help needed also.
o pick up the Ryan said senators might be Motorola, Inc., Chicago, Ill. M & F. Jan. 16, 10-12 a.m. and 1:30-5 p.m.
n housing issue willing to vote for a tougher ver- All degree levels in math for training Pine Forest Camp, Penn. Coed. Water-
programs in Data Processing and Acctg .font and instructors for tennis, scout-
;islative session sion of the controversial measure U.S. Women's Army Corps. Detr oit, ing riflery and archery.
:? because they won't face the voters Mich.--Women. All degrees, all majors, Jan. 17, 10-5. Cook Paint and Varnish
h defeated such again until 1970. Adv., Art & Des., Banking, Biol., Botany. Company, Detroit. Chemistry students
h deeatd suh aain nti 197. .Zool., Languages, Library, Mgmt. Trng.. for lab tech positions.
Llthough falling But Ryan added he though that Mktg. REs., Merchand., Person. Pro- Jan. 18. all day Foreign Students-
ort of passage? the House, which defeated its duction, Publ, Admin., Pub. Relations, The Stewardship Council, Phila. Pa.
which refused housing bill 47-55 last month, Purchasing, Recreation, Social Work, Leaders for summer camps and con-
whc eue osn il4-5ls otStat., Transportation, and Gen, and: ferences all over the U.S.
he question last could pass the measure this year. Tech. Writing. Final Date for applications for sum-
embers have an "I think everybody who voted Wednesday, January 17, 1968 mer Jobs in federal agencies examina-
ndling a con- for it before would vote for it U.S. Naval Command Systems Sup- tion is Feb. 1, 1968.
cause they are again," he said, "so if we could Al1 degree levels Educ., Engl., Math and Make interview appointments at Room
tion this year? pick up five votes from each party Phys for EDP. 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
QuIest1n We could pass it." He added : "We National Castings Division-Midland- January 16, 1968
er's wea Deouldas itn." He adde: We y.Ross Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio-P.M. Bell Aerosystems Co.-Div. of Textron
is year's regular Democrats can get five more." only. BA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, for The Budd Company
gins today at Other Legislation Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, and Produc- Columbia University-Graduate
reportedly has Gov. George Romney has pledg- tion. School of Business (Make appt. at
: rporedl ha Go. Gorg Roneyhaspleg- U.S. Public Health Service, Detroit, Bureau of Appts.-3200 SAB)
lthough leaders ed his aides will push for adoption Mich.-Men. BA Econ., Educ., Engl., Commonwealth Edison Company
e's Republican of the housing bill again this year. For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., Hist., Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.
Journ., Math, Philo., Poll. Sdi.. Psych., City of Detroit
to discuss the Romney's office probably will Pub. Health, Speech, Soc. and Soc.Wk E. I. du Pont de Memous & Co.
have a voice in deciding which City of Detroit, Detroit, Mich.- M Harshaw Chemical Co.
obert Waldron chamber will consider the measure & F. BA/MA Arch., Econ., Engl., Gen. Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Psych., Soc. and Alal. and Gen. Chem. Raytheon Company
leader Emil first. Lib. Arts, Math, Physics, Poll, Sci., Sangamo Electric Co.
to huddle yes- Besides housing and court re- for Mgmt. Trng., Person., Publ. Admin., Sperry Rand-Sperry Gyroscope Div.
Purchasing, and Recreation. Stauffer Chemical Co.
hairmen of the organization, the Legislature will U.S. Naval Personnel Program Sup-? Toledo Edison Co.
judiciary com- face at least two other issues this port Activity, Wash. D.C.-M & F. All West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.
1 discuss which year; crime legislation and the degree levels in Educ., Math, Psych., Bleached Board Div.
o , cieand Soc. for EDP, Mgmt. Trng., Pub. Research Labs.
e first to work annual budget battle. Admin., and Stat. .est Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.
of the state's _--- --
is awarded the
ing on the big,
stion, it might
e to debate the
s Out-of-stock Books
sue of a state
cy law.
an pass a strong
hen I wouldn't
g them have it
Minority Leader _ I = - - - A
Department of Labor is planning
to finance a unique new program
designed to encourage college stu-
dents and young people to work
together at fighting poverty and
unemployment in cities.
The program will be unique be-
cause the Labor Depatment plans
to fimd projects developed by stu-
dents and young people at the
local level. The main role of the
government will be to provide the
resources needed for implementing
the projects.
Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz
said the new program will give
young people the opportunity to
work on the problems of cities
"without getting too involved with
the Establishment."
Young People
The initial phase of the pro-
gram will be financed by a grant
of $300,000 in Manpower Develop-
ment and Training Act experi-
mental and demonstration funds.
Wirtz said the authority for
granting funds to specific projects
will be entirely in the hands of
an Executive Review Board com-
posed of seven Labor Department
management' interns. All of the
interns are young people in their
early 20's just out of college.
The emphasis will be completely
on the young people," Wirtz said.
"We're going to keep our hands
off of it."
The program calls for the de-
velopment at the local level of
"boards" composed of college stu-
dents and young community resi-
dents in poverty areas. These
boards will develop and operate
projects to meet community in-
terests and needs though. the ex-
tensive use of student volunteers.
The management interns at the
Labor Department will fund the
projects through the boards, but
will not direct them.
Man Power
Management intern Fritz Kra-
mer said, "We are keeping the
guidelines for the projects as
broad as possible, but we are in-
terested in manpower primarily."
Local boards will be encouraged to
develop manpower-related proj-
ects that reach the poor on a one-
to-one basis through the use of
.Wirtz is enthusiastic about the
program because of his belief that
the remaining unemployment in
this country is more the result
of personal than economic prob-
lems. Many of the problems of
the poor require case-by-case,
person-by-person attention, which
is where government programs are
least effective, accord to Wirtz.
The new program was develop-
ed by 25 management interns who
call themselves the Coalition for
selected seven areas for initial
concentration. They are Austin,
Boston, Milwaukee, the Mississip-
pi Delta, Philadelphia, San Jose,
and Washington, D.C.
"Although we are starting with
only seven areas, there may be
many more than seven projects,"
Kramer said.
Intern Paul Minkoff, who heads
the Executive Review Board, said
the $300,000 is budgeted for only
six months on an experimental
basis. "If the program is success-
ful, there won't be enough money,
but when the initial grant runs
out we will go back for more," he
Minkoff said the program could
include a wide variety of projects,
such as day care centers, infor-
mation centers, or tutorial pro-
grams. He said one of the initial
proposals calls for students to set
up a center to disseminate in-
formation in poverty areas about
government programs designed to
serve the poor.
evasion. It is a
e to keep govern-
rom uprising the
)ms of the Amer-
n itself taken by
e group is a 17
or injunctive and
It contends that
tive Service Sys-
and threatened
Study Shows Freshmen
Want Lower Voting Age
per month
overwhelming majority of enter-
ing college freshmen believe fac-
ulty'members are more competent
to set the curricula, but a large
group also believe faculty pay
should be based on student evalu-
ations of their performances.
A study- of 185,848 freshmen
who entered 252 colleges and uni-
versities this fall shows that 85.3
per cent believe faculty members
should determine the curricula,
while 62.2 per cent believe faculty
salaries should be based on stu-
dent evaluations.
The study, conducted by the
American Council on Education
(ACE), also shows that 52.2 per
cent believe colleges are not too
lax in dealing with student dem-
onstrators and that college ad-
ministrations should be allowed to
censor student publications.
Lower Voting Age
Other results showed that 64.9
per cent want the voting age low-
ered to 18, some 56.7 per cent
don't want colleges to give prefer-
ential admissions treatment to the
disadvantaged, only 39.5 per cent
believe the college has the right
to ban extremist speakers, and
only 20.8 per cent favor de-em-
phasizing college sports.
Although 56 per cent said the
main benefit of a college educa-
tion is increased learning power,
82.9 per cent rated "developing a
meaningful philosophy of life" as
an important objective, 67.8 per
cent "becoming an authority on a
special subject in my special
field," 61.8 per cent "helping
others who are in difficulty," and
50.6 per cent "keeping up to date
with political affairs." Less than
a majority, 46.4 per cent, said
"being successful in a business of
my own" is essential or very im-
Most of the freshmen were
concerned about financing their
education, with 57 per cent ex-
pressing some concern, 8.6 per
cent major concern, and 34.4 per
cent no concern. Parental and
family funds were the source of
money for 54.8 per cent, personal
savings and earnings for 27.3,
scholarships and grants for 17.5
and loans for 13.2.
Only 4.7 per cent said they ex-
pected to participate in a campus
demonstration, while 30.8 per
cent expected to join a fraternity
or sorority.
Thirteen per cent expected to
transfer to another college, 16.6
per cent to change their major,
and 17.6 per cent to change their
career choice. Less than two per
cent expect to drop out either
temporarily or permanently.
Minority Undecided
The top five majors were busi-
ness (16.2 per cent), education
(10.5), engineering (9.5 per cent),
fine arts (8.6 per cent), and psy-
chology, sociology or anthropol-
ogy, 7.8 per cent. Only 1.8 per
cent were undecided about their
Only 10.1 per cent of freshmen
are non-caucasians with 4.3 per
cent Negroes, 0.7 per cent Indians,
0.8 per cent Oriental, and 4.4 per
cent other.
The ACE, the nation's largest
and most influential higher edu-
cation association, conducted a
similar study last year and plans
on continuing the surveys for sev-
eral more years in an effort to
examine the attitudes and be-
havior of students. Further studies
will try to determine how these
attitudes change.
The results were statistically
weighed to represent the nation's
total estimated freshman enroll-
ment of 1.3 million. The study in-
cluded both two-and four-year
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