Her atetHeln
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LBJ To Send Bowles
To Talk with Sihanouk
H eart Patient H ealing Quickly;,
NBC Retains Sole Photo Rights
Find Jones Guilty
For Riot Activity
'Sanctuary' Issue
Chester Bowles
U.S.-North Vietnam
t Negotiations Possible'
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (')-Pres-
ident' Johnson announced yester-
day he is sending Ambassador
Chester Bowles to confer with
Prince Norodom Sihanouk of
Cambodia on the question of use
by Communist Vietnamese of his
country as a sanctuary.
The Texas White House state-
ment said in part:
"The United States government
is sending a representative to..
Cambodia in response to the indi-
cation given by His Highess Prince
Norodom Shihanouk, chief of
state of Cambodia, that he would
agree to receive an emissary of
President Johnson . . . . (they
agreed) Mr. Bowles should arrive
in Phnof Penh within the next
few days."
At issue in such talks, is what
U.S. officials term the growing
use of Cambodia as a sanctuary
for North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong troops battling the United
States in South Vietnam.
ICC Experience
Bowles was reportedly chosen
for the Cambodian mission be-
cause of his experience in work-
ing with the Indian government
on U.S. efforts to increase the ef-
fectiveness of the International
Control Commission (ICC) in
Southeast Asia.
He participated in talks in New
Delhi with Cambodian officials in
1965 after Sihanouk broke diplo-
matic relations with the United
States. The prince at that time
accused the Central Intelligence
Agency of plotting against him.
Bowles is known to have con-
sulted in New Delhi with Indian
officials on the sanctuary issue.
Beef Up
The United States has urged
beefing up of the ICC. And Si-
hanouk, in extending an invita-
tion to a U.S. envoy, blamed
Communist Poland for using its
veto power to block an extension
of ICC operations. India and Can-
ada are the other ICC members.
In the same statement-in re-
sponse to questions posed by the
Post-Sihanouk switched an ear-
lier stand in acknowledging some,
Vietnamese Communist use of his'
nation as a sanctuary. And he
said his nation would not fight
U.S. troops engaged in "hot pur-
suit" of enemy forces into Cam-
bodia so long as no population
centers were involved.
In a New Year's Day statement,
Sihanouk explained his position
this way: "If Mr. Johnson wants
to ,send an ambassador to Cam-
bodia to negotiate, this is possi-
ble, but what is going to be nego-
tiated? There will be negotiations
so that the two countries do not
become enemies.
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (P)
-With Dr. Philip Blaiberg's con-
dition described as very good, the
medical superintendent of Groote
Schuur Hospital said yesterday
the chances are "very remote"
that the 58-year-old patient's
body will reject the heart he re-
ceived in Tuesday's transplant.
Blaiberg, the third person to
ever receive a heart transplant,
and the second by the staff of Dr.
Christian Barnard, was described
as being in "entirely satisfactory
condition" yesterday by staff
members at the hospital.
Blaiberg remained in an oxygen'
tent under constant observation
and the hospital said he was mak-
ing "satisfactory progress."
Meanwhile, the National Broad-
casting Co. was successful in
court Wednesday in protecting
its exclusive photo coverage and
interview rights for history's
third transplant patient.
NBC said it contracted with Dr.
and Mrs. Blaiberg last Friday to
pay them $9,000 for exclusive
films and interviews before the
operation, $25,000 for "publication
of the first exclusive film or pic-
tures of the operation," and
$16,000 for exclusive coverage
Dr. Barnard refused to permit
NBC to photograph the operation,
and court sources said this ap-
parently would reduce the Blai-
bergs' take $25,000. But NBC in
an affidavit to the Supreme Court
said photographer Don McKen-
zie slipped into the gallery of the
operating theater and made pho-
tographs of the operation before
Dr. M. C. Botha, a member of the
surgical team, ejected him.
Justice Basil F. J. Banks issued
an order temporarily restraining
McKenzie from selling or dispos-
ing of photographs relating to the
operation. He was ordered to ap-
pear for a hearing Jan. 17 to de-
termine whether the restraining
order should be made permanent.
At the same time the retired
dentist's lawyers announced that
he and his wife will not keep for
personal use any money they are
due to receive under the contract.
Geneva Commission Patrol
Of Viet Border Unlikely
NEW DELHI (A') - An Indian
government spokesman said yes-
terday the International Control
Commission, set up to supervise
the 1954 Geneva Agreements on
Indochina, would not be able to
investigate any incidents along
Cambodia's border with South
The spokesman said the com-
mission's military components
have been withdrawn from Cam-
bodia and only political represent-
atives remain. He said it was
doubtful.whether the commission's
By The Associated Press
Washington officials have noted
that U.S. Ambassador Chester
Bowles' impending trip to the
Cambodian capital Phnom Penh
mould lead to contacts with North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong repre-
sentatives there.
Interest in such a possibility
has 'been heightened by a recent
year-end statement by North
Vietnamese foreign minister Ngu-
yen Duy Trinh.
He said North Vietnam "will
talk" with the United States if
China To Arm
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (P)-
The Cambodian government ac-
cepted 11 planes and several
dozen antiaircraft guns from
Communist China Wednesday and
claimed once again that it is
threatened by the United States.
Accepting the military aid on
behalf of Prince Norodom Sih-
anouk, the chief of state, Premier
Son Sann said:
"The important military aid
that our friend China gives us has
a great significance in the present
circumstances. We see growing
'continuously the threat of Ameri-
can intervention against our inde-
pendence, our neutrality and our
territorial integrity."
They said money received "will
be donated to organizations and
individuals connected with the
heart transplant operation.".
The lawyers said the Blaibergs
had avoided publicity until they
were approached by NBC for ex-
clusive rights. They added the
Blaibergs contracted on the basis
that shares of the income be paid
to the hospital or to the recently
established Christian B a r n a r d
Fund for heart research or the
estate of the heart donor; Clive
Haupt, a 24-year-old factory
worker, died of a stroke. Mrs.
Haupt declined to say whether
she knew anything about the
prospect of receiving a share in
the contract.
"It's a lot of money," the young
widow said.
Dr. Jacobs Burger, the medical
superintendent, said pictures were
not allowed because of the risk of
infection from the filming crew.
The South African photographer,
Don McKenzie, was ejected from
the gallery when his presence was
"We caught some NBC people
in the corridor and threw them
out," said Burger. "I do not know
if they had taken any pictures."
Another hospital spokesman
said that Blaiberg was in good
spirits and although he had eaten
no solid foods, he began taking
fluids by mouth Wednesday, less
than 24 hours after the five hour
operation. The spokesman said
he might be given some soft
boiled egg today.
Blaiberg is expected to remain
in the oxygen tent for another
three or four days. Checks are be-
ing made on his pulse rate and
blood pressure at least every half
hour. His blood gases are an-
anlyzed twice daily, and the
chemical content of the blood is
tested every four hours.
NEWARK () - LeRoi Jones, {
the Negro poet playwright who
advocates separation of"the races,
was sentenced Thursday to 21/2 to
3 years in state prison and fined
$1,000 for possession of weapons
during the Newark race riots last
summer. Jones will not be eligible
for parole for 21/ years.
Essex County Judge Leon W.
Kapp handed down the sentences
to Jones and two co-defendants
citing excerpts from Jones' writ-
ings and calling them "a diabolic
prescription to commit murder
and to steal."
Jones, in turn, shouted back:
"I don't agree that this is a
righteous court. You are not a
righteous judge. You represent a
crumbling structure of society."
One co-defendant, Charles Mc-
Cray, 33, was sentenced to 18
months in the Essex County Peni-
tentiary-12 months in custody
and the rest on probation and
fined $500. The other, Barry
Wynn, 23, also received an 18
month term-nine in custody and I
nine on probation-and was fined
Judge Kapp turned down ap-
peals by defense lawyers to stayt
the sentences.1
Jones, 33, and his co-defen-
dants were convicted Nov. 7 of
possessing two pistols in their1
camper bus in the heart of the
Newark riot area during the peakf
of the July disturbances. Their
trial was held in Morris town
after their attorneys requested a
change of venue.
Before passing sentence, Judge
Kapp read from an article he said
Jones wrote last month in Ever-
green Publications. He quotedl
Jones as urging Negroes toI
"smash windows, take what you
and when the*Americans halt un-
conditionally the bombing of
North Vietnam and other acts
of war.
Previous Hanoi statements have
said only that cessation of the
bombing could lead to talks. Us-
ually they said such an end to
bombing would have to be per-
manent, a word Trinh did not
Cautious reaction from Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk in a news
conference last Thursday was the
first public comment from a top
administration o f f i c i al amid
swelling peace speculations.
"I cannot tell you today kwheth-
er there is a change or not" in
Hanoi's previously tough line
against peace negotiations, Rusk
said. But he refused to rule out
the possibility of a genuine peace
feeler from Hanoi.
"It would be premature for me
to brush this aside as purely a
propaganda ,play," he said. Rusk
declared the U.S. position remains
as President Johnson put it in a
San Antonio speech last Sept. 29:
"The United States is willing
to stop all aerial and naval bom-
bardment of North Vietnam when
this will lead promptly to produc-
tive discussions. We, of course,
assume that while discussions pro-
ceed, North Vietnam would not
take advantage of the bombing
cessation or limitation."
three members-India, Poland and
Canada-would agree to re-estab-
lish military functions in Cam-
The question of violations of the
Cambodia-Vietnam frontier has
been raised by American military
officials seeking permission for
"hot pursuit" across the border
of Vietnamese Communist guerril-
la units they say are operating
from bases in Cambodian jungles.
Not Intervene
Prince Norodom Sihanouk of
Cambodia has been quoted as say-
ing his armed forces would not
intervene if U.S. troops engaged in
limited combat on Cambodian soil.
However he has rejected an
American proposal that the Inter-
national Control Commission be
strengthened to keep the Vietnam-
ese Communists out of his coun-
India is chairman of the com-
mission, created at the 1954 Ge-
neva conference, that brought an
end to fighting between Vietminh
and French forces in the Indo-
china states of Cambodia, Laos
and Vietnam.
Hypothetical Question
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
said in a recent press conference
that the issue of "hot pursuit" by
U.S. forces into Cambodia now is a
"hypothetical question."
"We want to eliminatethe ques-
tion by eliminating the conditions
which cause it," he said.
"If Cambodia and the Inter-
national Control Commission can
come to some arrangements that
will remove the cause the presence
of Communist forces on Cam-
bodian territory we would much
prefer that solution."
LeRoi Jones
want, take white persons' lives,
but get what you need."
Kapp told Jones, "I believe you
were an active participant in
burning Newark and were making
an inspection tour" at the time of
the arrest.
"You have the ability to ,make
a wholesome contribution but you
are in the vanguard of radicals
who would dstroy our democratic
society," the judge commented.
"You are sick," he added.
"Not as sick as you," Jones shot
The trio's convictions carried
maximum sentences of three
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Christian Science Monitor
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Complaints-9-1 1:30