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March 09, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-09

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Saturday, March 9 1968


Nage Three

Saturday, March 9, 1968 THE MICHiGAN DAILY I~'age Three


Rhodesia To Execute
Six More Africans

Thieu Faces Czech Army
Crisis Over


SALISBURY (-) -- Rhodesia's
white minority government plans
to execute six more Africans early
next week, probably Monday, an
unofficial source reported yester-
The breakaway British colony's
executive council, including Prime
Minister Ian Smith and his cabi-
net, decided , on the hangings
Wednesday, the source said.
4 The execution that day of three
Africans reprieved by Queen Eliz-
abeth II has set off an uproar
There are 115 Africans con-
demned to death in Rhodesia, in-
All 21 Dead in
Calumet Mine
CALUMET, La. (R) - The 21
men trapped two days ago when
a fierce fire erupted in a salt'
rnine's elevator shaft were found
dead yesterday.
Rescue crews first found 16 of
them, huddled like children in
sleep, in a tunnel 3,000 feet from
the shaft. The other five were lo-
cated a few hours later.
"All 21 are now accounted for,"
announced a weary spokesman for
Cargill, Inc., the Minneapolis firm
that owns the isolated coastal
The disaster came eight months
after the Federal Bureau of Mines
recommended that the mine sink a
4second shaft as an escape route
and for ventilation, and install
various fire controls.

cluding at least 30 men sentenced
as nationalist terrorists.
The executive council is review-
ing their cases to decide whether
to reprieve or execute them.
, The six expected to be hanged
next week are Hebert Crambo,
Amen Chikwakwata, John Ndhlo-
vo, Francis Chisoro Chirisa. Taka
Jeremiah, and Samson Majengwao.
Attorneys Appeal
Their attorneys have appealed
to Rhodesian'authorities for clem-
ency and efforts were reported in
London to save the men.
In London Prime Minister Har-
old Wilson ruled out any reprisal
action that could sever Britain's
frail link with its former colony.
Wilson attempted to enlist sup-
port of the Conservatives and Lib-
erals for an all party resolution in
Parliament accusing Smith's re-
gime of an inhuman, unlawful and
immoral act. But Conservative
leader Edward Heath would not
go along.I
Shows Restraint
Wilson said his government is
showing restraint partlyhbecause
of the others under the death
sentence. There were also fears in
London that mass hangings in
Rhodesia could provoke the blacks
into starting a massacre.
One Laborite member of the
British House of Commons, Wil-
liam Molloy, called for an emer-
gency meeting of the Common-
wealth nations to consider means
of bringing down Smith's regime.
At UN headquarters in New
York, demands for Security Coun-
cil action came from the UN Com-
mittee on Colonialism and the UN
Commission on Human Rights.

Tet Attacks NResignation
S. Vietnamese House

A VIET CONG prisoner glares at his South Korean captors in
central Vietnam. He was captured near the coastal city of Qui
Non, in an area where the South Koreans are on the offensive.
Heavy Gold Trading
Hits Pou d, Dollar

Votes on Confidence *.
SAIGON (P)-A motion to dis-
cuss whether to vote on a motion
of no confidence against the gov-
ernment will be placed on the-
agenda of South Vietnam's House
of Representatives.
A petition Thursday received
the required signatures of more
than one third of the House '
membership-setting the stage for
what could be weeks of political
testing for President Nguyen Van
It was learned yesterday the
petition calls to task Premier
Nguyen Van Loc, the director of
national police, and the ministers
of defense and interior.
The four are charged vith not
knowing about plans for the Com-
munist Tet offensive and with not
dealing effectively enough with
it after it began.
They all deal with intelligence
services that should have detect-
ed the coming Communist offen-
sive, backers of the petition
South Vietnamese rangers star-,
red again yesterday in defense of
the U.S, Marine base at Khe Sanh. Antonin Novotny
They mauled a North Vietnamese
company as it emerged from a
tunnel just outside the base's DEFY SOVIETS:
barbed vire and killed 27. *_
The government troops, had re-1
pulsed an onslaught by 500 Ha-
nor infantry men March 1. om ania
More than 100 of the 1nemy
took part in yesterday's probe.
In Washington Secretary of De-
fense Clark M. Clifford said yes- =u
terday President Johnson is
keeping an open mind on the
question of more troops for Viet- SOFIA (;) - Romania openly
nam and related actons. defied the Soviet Union for the
He said it will be some time second time in eight days yester-
before any decisions are made, day, refusing to sign with its
Communist allies a statement sup-

ByThe Associated Press
The Czech army's general staff
demanded yesterday the resigna-
tion of Antonin Novotny, the na-
tion's old-line Stalinist president,
as political ferment and calls for
deimocra tic reforms spread
through Czechoslovakia.
The generals insisted that No-
votny, ousted as Communist party
leader in January, step down
from the lesser post and assume
personal responsibility in the case
of Maj. Gen. Jan Sejna, a for-
mer defense minister who de-
fected to the United States.
Novotny was replaced Jan. 5 as
Communist party chief by Alex-
ander ,Dubeck although allowed
to retain the presidency.
Novotny's demotion was consid-
ered the prelude to liberal reforms
to quiet the country's restless in-
Czechoslovakia is expected to
press its demand for extradition
of Senja, but government sources
say it isn't likely he will be re-
Highest Officer
The Czech army's top political
officer, Senja is considered the
highest East European military
man to flee to the West.
Ambassador Karel Duda of
Czechoslovakia submitted the re-
quest Thursday for Senja's re-
They assailed the administra-
tion of justice during "the period
of serious deformations of the
norms in party and public life"-
a reference to Novotny's 10 years
as party chief.
In addition to Novotny, they
demanded that other party and
government officials resign, in-
cluding Miroslav Mamula, the
former state security chief of the
party's Central Committee.
Little Beria
Mamula has been dubbed the
"mini Beria" by Czechs, a ref-
erence to Lavrenti P. Beria, .the
head of the Soviet NKVD, the
secret police under Joseph Stalin.
Czechoslovakia h a s charged
Sejna with misappropriation of
funds and embezzlement.

Alexander Dubeck

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By The Associated Press
Feverish gold trading on Euro-
pean markets yesterday weakened
both the British pound and U.S.
dollar. The heightened run on gold
reflected growing speculation that
President Johnson will not be able
to keep defending the U.S. gold
price of $35 an ounce.
About 75 tons of gold flowed out
of London-the main market for
the international gold pool-and
pressure on gold was also reported
in Paris, Zurich and Frankfurt
Since the current gold rush be-
gan a week ago, dealers estimate
about $225 milloin worth of gold
has been sold to private specula-
tors and possibly some smaller na-
tion's central banks anxious about
their dollar and other currency
Dollar rates slumped across Eu-
rope, reflecting the demand for
gold; the pound, closing at $2.3925,
dropped to its lowest level since
devaluation from $2.80 to $2.40 in
U.S. Federal Reserve Board
chairman William McChesney
Martin flew to Basel, Switzer-
land to attend the monthly meet-
ing of central bankers for the first
time since June. Financial quar-
ters in Zurich said both British
and American delegates would be
sharply questioned on their inten-
tions to overcome unfavorable
payments balances.

World, News Roundup



Department of Romance Languages

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John-
son nominated Democratic Gov.
Otto Kerner of Illinois yesterday
to be a federal circuit judge, with
the understanding Kerner will re-
sign from the governorship if con-
firmed by the Senate, as seems as-
Kerner's resignation before the
expiration of his term would auto-
matically turn over the governor-
ship to another Democrat, Lt. Gov.{
Samuel Shapiro.
Shapiro already has been se-
lected as the party's nominee for
governor in the November elec-
NEW YORK-Auxiliary Bishop
Terence James Coke, once a par-
ish priest in the Bronx, yesterday
was named archbishop of New
York to succeed the late Francis
Cardinal Spellman. Cooke was
Spellmans' protege.

He is expected to be elevated to
the rank of cardinal soon. He just
became 47 last week. Only one
cardinal in the world is younger.-
* *
PANAMA - One showdown be-
tween President Marco A. Robles
and the National Assembly was
averted temporarily. last night9
when a municipal court set aside;
an injunction it had issued to,
suspend impeachment proceedingsj
against Robles.
The assembly rejected on var-,
ious legal grounds the injunction1
obtained by Robles' government
and met yesterday to continue dis-
cussing the impeachment.
Robles has d'eclared he will ig-
nore any impeachment action
against him as illegal.
The municipal court, which is-
sued the injunction Thursday in
lieu of the vacationing supreme!
court, said it now would leave the
matter up to the high court when
it meets in-April.

devaluation to prevent even big-I
ger drains on the U.S. gold sup-I
The Treasury also revealed gold
sales to Britain in the last quarter
of 1967 totalled $771.2 million, in-
dicating the extent of speculative
gold buying during devaluation.
The total U.S. gold losses for
the fourth quarter exceeded $1
billion, including $953.3 million in
sales to foreign governments and
$58.9 million in domestic sales.

rts Rect
tan Pact
proving trade with the West
while questioning the Soviet Un-
ion's leading role in Eastern Eu-
ropean trade and the military

porting a U.S.-Russian agreement
on halting the spread of nuclear
weapons, Communist sources said.
The new rebellion at a sum-
mit meeting of Warsaw Pact
leaders, resulted in a watered
down general communique and a
deepening crack in Soviet bloc
unity, breached publicly on Feb.
29 when the Romanian delega-
tion walked out of a world Com-
munist party congress at Buda-
Romania agreed with the six
other member nations of the mil-
itary alliance to a separate de-
claration charging the United
States with "malice" toward the
Vietnamese people and "imped-
ing the creation of conditions for
negotiations for the political set-
tlement of the Vietnam problem."
But the general communique she
endorsed barely touched on the
nuclear issue and, apparently to
insure Romanian signature, avoid-
ed all mention of West Germany
and Israel.
Bucharest maintains friendly
relations with both countries,
condemned elsewhere in the Com-
munist world.
Romania's independent stance
involves its own interest in im-

She has
push other
into line.

New Education Funds End
Florida Teacher Walkout

This and criticism of
munist China and Israel
the Romanian walkout in

led to

accused Russia of
tactics in trying to
Communist countries

March 8 and 9, 8:00 P.M.
TICKETS ON SALE at the door



E (The U.S. Treasury yesterday an-
nounced it was borrowing $200
million from the International
Monetary Fund, the first loan in
_ 15 months, to repay short-term
loans obtained during the British

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By The Associated Press
The striking Florida Education
Association called for an end yes-
terday to the 2% week old state-
wide walkout of teachers after the
State Board of Education voted
to release funds under a new law.
The teachers were asked to re-
turn to their classrooms Monday
by the association president, Dex-
ter Hagman.
The stalemate appeared solved
when the board approved a nine
point resolution, a key point of
which called for giving $10.2 mil-
lion to public school education
from surplus in a $329 million
education tax package that be-
came law at midnight Thursday.
An estimated 17,500 of Flori-
da's 60,000 teachers were out of
their classrooms Thursday, state
officials said.
Pittsburgh Strike
In Pittsburgh, hundreds of strik-
ing teachers and members of trade
unions demonstrated at the City
County Building yesterday in sup-,
port of the nine day teacher
The sheriff's office reported that
deputies found pickets at Pitts-
burgh schools again yesterday in
defiance of a court order. The
deputies said the pickets dispersed
quietly and no arrests were made.
Washington, D.C.
Teachers in Washington, D.C.
returned to their classrooms
after a one day holiday to protest,
pay scales.
In Los Angeles, where 400 pu-
pils boycotted. classes at Lincoln
High School, pupils marched to a
nearby park in the heavily Mex-
ican-American section. Police were
on standby alert in the North
Side area, but were not needed.
The students have charged dis-
crimination and "second class
Classes at North High School
in Milwaukee were dismissed yes-
terday afternoon for staff meet-
ings to discuss problems in the
predominantly Negro schoof.
Teachers had been assured of

extra personnel to curb vandalism
and pupil disorder Thursday. The
morning classes yesterday were re-
ported quiet.
In Chicago, the white principal
of the predominantly Negro Crown
Elementary School withdrew the
resignation he submitted Wednes-
day after being warned to quit or
have his "head blown off."
The principal, Dr. Eugene Rich-
ards, agreed to stay after Schools
Supt. James F. Redmond prom-
ised him "all the protection he
Senate Clears
Way :for New
Riot Measure
cleared the way yesterday for pas-
sage, probably on Monday, of a
civil rights protection, open hous-
ing, and antiriot bill.
By a 61-19 vote, the Senate ac-
cepted the legislation as amended
as a substitute for the original
civil rights measure brought up in
Only three non-southern sen-
ators voted against acceptance. -
They were Carl T. Curtis (R-
Neb), John J. Williams (R-Del),
and Robert C. Byird (D-W. Va).
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont), said he hopes to pass
the bill and send it to thetHouse
on Monday
He indicated he does not expect
opponents to wage a filibuster
against passage, although he told
newsmen he has no agreement
with them.
The limitation on debate that
was put into effect last Monday,
with adoption of the cloture rule,
expired with completion of action
on amendments.
But Mansfield made clear he
would not hesitateto ask the Sen-
ate to invoke its cloture rule again
if he felt it was necessary.

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