See editorial page
131k i an
Cloudy and mild,
Clearing towards evening
Vol. LXXVIII, No. 133
Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, March 9, 1968
Seven Cents
Eight Pages
Sororities Moving to
Two sororities will most likely
occupy Vandenberg and Goddard
Houses of Oxford housing next fall
despite continued protests from
current residents and the Student
Advisory Commission on Housing
The Regents unofficially ap-
proved the housing request from
Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta
Sigma Theta sororities at a special
meeting last Saturday. Formal
vote on the proposal is expected
at the official Regents meeting
next Thursday and Friday.
The housing assignment is part
of the University's efforts to ,offer
equal opportunity to all students,
explained Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard Cutler.
"The majority of girls in these
sororities are Opportunity Award
students," added John Feldkamp,
director of University housing.
"Offering housing to these soror-
ities is a gesture to make the Uni-
versity more attractive to Op-
portunity Award students and to
Negroes," he said.
SACH, an advisory body to Feld-
kamp, opposed the move on the
grounds that University housing
should be open to all applicants on
an individual basis rather than to
"self-selective social groups."
However, Feldkamp insists the
housing arrangements were not
made with the sororities as units.
The girls are applying individually
as part of an ; equal opportunity
"I support the University's posi-
tion on fraternities and sororities,
which is that we don't house fra-
ternities and sororities as such.
We would not have allowed a white
group to move in," he said.
Many of the present Oxford
residents are upset by these ar-
rangements. Not only will Vanden-
berg and Goddard Houses be closed
to those who wish to reapply, but
Noble House is being converted into
a men's co-operative and will also
be unavailable to women.
Cutler has said that present res-
idents wishing to return to Oxford
will be accommodated. But two of
the six cooperatives houses are
language houses for French and
German, two will belong to the
sororities and one will be men's
"The Regents have promised res-
idents a place in Oxford coopera-
tives, but that probably means Ox-
ford Apartments," said Sandy
Weurding, '70.
"I might as well get an apart-
ment and I don't want a regular
apartment," she added. "They
held off on their decision for three
months and left us all up in the
air for a place to live."
Feldkamp had offered to hold
Noble House for present residents,
said Ricci Wiley, '70, if they col-
lected 30 signatures on a petition.
If 100 girls petitioned, Feldkamp
said he would save all three houses.
However, after 61 signatures
were collected, "some representa-
tives from the co-ops met with f
Feldkamp and he told them the
petition didn't hold," Miss Wiley
Feldkamp explained the report
about the petition was inaccurate.
"I've never operated on the basis
of bindng petitions," he said. "They
can be used for recommendations
but I cant be bound by them."
Pan-Hellenic Association sup-
ported the move along with the
sororities involved. Ellen Heyboer,
'69, Pan Hel president, said the na-
tional organizations of the two
sororities do not finance housing
- unites for the local chapters. "All
other national sororities do," she
Delta Sigma Theta president
Retha Wellor\s, '68, said, "Oxford
wasn't being filled before we asked
to live there. Now all of a sudden
everyone is feeling a deep attach-
ment to Oxford."
"We don't have the funds to
build a house and we couldn't find
one to buy," she added.
The arrangement is limited to
two years. Cutler said he expects
the sororities to obtain permanent,
private facilities during that time.
Miss Heyboer said the Univer-
sitys decision to offer housing to
both sororities is part of the re-
cruitment campaign for Negro stu-
"In most cases, the University
says 'come' but then doesn't take
the responsibility once they are
here. They've recruited, and prom-
ised equal opportunity but there
isnt. The Oxford housing offer is
not a solution, but. it's a start,"
she added.
Feldkamp noted that the new
arrangements will give the Negro
sororities a chance to compete
with other sororities on campus
since a house is a vital part of
sorority life.
He also believes the move will
be an important step toward end-
ing discrimination and segregation
in the Greek system.
Van Wylen Defends Research
As Relevant Faculty Function
Judge Rulespen Housing,Anti-Riot Bills
Draft Order0A
Dismissed Challenge State Legislature
Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the
engineering school yesterday de-'
fended classified research as part
of the "intellectual and academic
activity of the faculty which
tmakes them current and rele-I
vant." Van Wylen spoke at a
Guild House noon lecture.
Van Wylen said that research
allows researchers to be active
participants in their field of
knowledge and effective teachers.
"I have no regret that the
4dassified research issue came
up," he said and described the
controversy as "a healthy in-
But, while commenting favor-
ably on the Elderfield report, he
added, "Having no classified re-
search is a simple answer to a
A complex question."
Only seven percent of the $10
million spent on research pro-
grams at the University goes for
classified research, Van Wylen
said. About half of these programs
are classified for access only," he
Van Wylen cited three problems
concerning the issues of classified
research. First, he expressed con-
cern that too much of the gov-
ernment and economy come out
of the Department of Defense and
called for "a greater effort to
have the department limit its
*activities to those concerned with
An alternative proposal, he sug-
gested, would be the funding of
basic research through the Na-
tional Science Foundation.
House on class
The second problem he noted
was that of priorities. "With the
limited amount of time and mon-
ey available to departments andj
the faculty, are things like classi-
fied research the most impor-
tant?" he asked.
"Issues of classified research are
secondary to general questions of
Hershey Letter Held From Wire Service Reports to the Senate floor Wednesday, supporters; who had expressed licans met for 'a cauus one-hai
'Personal Opinion'; LANSING-The Michigan Legis- but was sent back to the Appro- hope for quick passage. It was also hour before the vote for reom-
NSAlature is currently faced with some priations Committee Thursday for a setback for Gov. George Rom- mission, Lockwood and other mod-
mTo Appea Stit of the thorniest issues to come a study of fiscal implications. The ney, who has come out strongly in erate GOP l'eaders failed in an at-
before that body in recent years, Senate voice vote was considered support of the bill. tempt to keep the bill on the floor.
WASHINGTON voPewA federal including open house, state aid to a major initial victory for op- Senate Majority Leader Emil Opponents of the bill voting for
judge has ruled that he cannot private schools and anti-riot legis- ponnts of the bill. Lockwood said Wednesday he was recommission were led by Sen.
overturn a Selective Service rec- lation. The open housing legislation confident the bill would pass and Robert Hubert (R-Birmingham)
ommendation that draft boards Perhaps hottest of all is the pro- would' prohibit discrimination in that he would oppose any attempt and included most of the 20 Re-
reclassify for prompt induction posed open housing bill. The bill, most real estate transactions. to send the bill back to commit- publicans in the Senate. Huber
some antidraft and antiwar dem- which was killed in the last session The recommittal vote marked a tee. cast one of two votes Wednesday
onstrators. of the Legislature, was reported sudden reversal for open housing However, when Senate Repub- opposing the move which brought
U.S. District Court Judge Geoige - the bill to the floor from the state
Hart ruled Thursday that draft ....affairs committee, but was over-
director Lewis B. Hershey "mere- 7 . ; .r. y, ' ruled by a surprise bi-partisan
ly expressed his personal opinion" . vote.
in a letter Oct. 26 to local boards. "..Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair
Hart dismissed a suit filed by ;chairman of the Appropriations
the National Student Association, ..Committee and one of the few
Students for a Democratic Society Republican supporters of the bill,
and Campus Americans for Dem- x..*],Y ," r. ".. . promised to do his best to see that
~ ocratic Action to have the delin- 4Y ....k ' . . i it was returned to the floor. Even
quency provision declared uncon- t.<. h if it does 'return to the floor, the
stitutional. .bill likely will have been amended
NSF e and watered down to the point
N. . l"where it will not be recognizable,"
Seveal smlar suits are filedaid Sen. Coleman Yog(D-
around the country by individuals f 11 ' saiC n
seeking to reverse their own re- . x a:,. t 4+ <{A measure that would give state
-Daily-Mike Feldberg classifications. The NSA suit, .financial aid to parents of children
(left) spoke yesterday at Guild which attorney Jerry Wulf said in private and parochial schools
ified research. will be appealed. is believed to be is still awaiting consideration by
the only attempt to declare the committees in the state legislature.
foreign policy and the role of our Hershey directive unconstitutional. Educators and school boards
government," Van Wylen said, ex- Hershey's letter to the 4,084 local across the state have denounced
plaining the third problem, boards said demonstrations, "when the bill, including the Detroit and
He added that keeping Dow they become illegal, have pro- Ann Arbor Boards of Education
Chemical Corp. recruiters off duced and will continue to produce the Michigan Association of Sec-
campus and cancelling all classi- much evidence that relates to the tMondary School Principals, the
fied research contracts "really is 'basis of classification." Michigan Education Association,
not solving any basic problems."ancitns u pn caSnd
be impressed by it." The NSA suit contended the let- and a citizens group called Spend
- - - ter was treated as an order rather Taxes On Public School (STOPS)
than a comment, and claimed it The House is ready to take
was a blow against free speech be- final action on a bill which would
cause students feared that if they -Daily-Mike Feldberg give cities, counties and townships
OtookdparteinhrdemonstrationsdtheyDle tethe right to declare a local state
t e1C1ss ollok rthr de trmtns andthya (iie '8 ti S Can(didlates' Views of emergency, during riots.
besdrafted. Opponents of the bill, led by
'bef / ,/jl" 6 8 Negro lawmakers from Detroit,
1t dr u Lists Reasons have charged that it is "total-
ithdrawals Hart,inhissoral opinion, based 'Choice '68 Cancellations: Neroamakders fromsDetoit,
his decision on the following tion."
liaison officer between ROTC and grounds: The bill defines a riot as "five
the University, both claim this -The letter had no legal effect,ua cI or mor persons, acting in concert
isnttecs.-Teei osuch was not binding on the boards, and townfullyin enagey in vioklent-
is not the case. "There is nosuhctownglyegaeivoet
asntbnigo h ors n ptyagreement to that effect." Wil- was merely the general's personal cnutitninlyo ekes
rams said. opinion. By HIENRY GRIX Republicans, former Vice-Presi- Representing Halstead, John ly causing or creating a serious
Davies denies he is flunking. If last night's "Choice '68" dent Richard Nixon and New Belisle of the Socialist Workers risk of public terror or alarm."
"I received an "A" last semester -Individuals who believed their teach-in serves as an indication York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, one Party outlined a three-plank plat- A similar bill was passed by the
and was doing ok this semester," draft status was changed for il of the upcoming presidential race, Democrat, Sen. Eugene McCarthy, form including immediate with- Senate yesterday.
he said legal activities had recourse to the choices definitely appear to and one socialist worker's party drawal from Vietnam, black con- A resolution proposing a con-
The situation drew the atten- other administrative and judicial be limited. Representatives for all candidate, Fred Halstead, had trol of black communities "by any stitutional amendment to prohibit
tion of the administrative board remedies the prospective candidates didn't their views expressed by proxy. means necessary" and support of ability to pay tuition plans at
largely because of the implica- -Amendments to the draft law even show up. But representatives for Presi- socialism. ste-supporte coe and u-
tions of the rule concerning the last summer prevented court re- Of the eight politicians sched- dent Johnson, Alabama Gov. Rockefeller's spokesma Bob versi ouse Thursday
remainder of the two year pro- view of local board actions until uled to be represented, only four George Wallace and California Gorsline, '69, would not tke ubut The amendment would outlaw
gram. the time of induction. had representatives appear. Two Gov. Ronald Reagan were unable prcte that his candidate pro- Michigan State University's "slid-
to appear and "Choice '68oa represen- vides "the very viable alternative ing scale" tuition system approved
FAVOR SGC RESTRUCTURING tative for Sen. Robert Kennedy to the present adr'iinistration." last year by the MSU Boardof
_____________________________(D-New York.'However, he was hesitantto pre- Trustees. The plan charges stu-
The-eacYik aog.. dict if and when Rockefeller dents varying tuition fees depend-
Th1e' te-in sdt ing on their parents' income.
Late Attempt To Drop
Creates Confusion on W
An attempt by an honors stu-
dent to withdraw from a second
semester Reserve Officer Training
Corps course has resulted in more
Misunderstanding than anything
Sam Davis, '71, asked to with-
draw from Military Science 102
in the sixth week of this semes-
ter three weeks past the dead-
line - was refused permission by
instructor Maj. Andrew McVeigh,
and Col. H. K. Reynolds, com-
*mandant of the University's
Army ROTC unit.
Davis, who refuses to attend
any more ROTC classes, then
went to Prof. Otto Graf, chair-
man of the Honors Council, and
the administrative board of the
literary college. The board was
informed that Davis would not
be allowed to drop the course
without also taking an "E" in
the two remaining semesters of
the undergraduate ROTC pro-
The Board decided to check
this with an official source, the
1967-68 literary college catalog.
The section under military science
reads in part:
"A cadet may drop the basic
nonscholarship course, if he so
desires, during the first few
weeks of the first term. A cadet
who remains in the basic ROTC
program after dropout period is
expected to complete the basic
course of ROTC (four terms1
however, this requirement may be
waived in hardship cases; for ex-
a student has taken the first
course, he cannot drop the pro-
gram until the end of his sopho-
more year, except by permission!
of the commandant.
Anderson said about five years
ago an agreement was made be-
tween ROTC and the University'
that a student could not drop
after the deadline unless he had
the permission of the unit's com-
But Reynolds and the Adminis-
trative Dean Robert Williams,
1-1 1-11 ,
Lon-ton iaies rroposea tnanges
Daily News Analysis
A narrow choice of alternatives for restructuring Student
Government Council will confront students voting for constitutional
convention delegates on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reorganizing
election procedures appears to be a primary concern among candi-
dates with substantial Council changes secondary.
At least one slate, however, proposes a radical approach to the
whole concept of student government, authority and power. This
group of 16 literary college candidates led by Ruth Baumann, '68,
has formulated the idea of a student union which would be aimed
at giving student demands both power and legitimacy.
The union would be a separate entity from any student govern-
ment, but both would necessarily be working towards the same goals,
Miss Baumann said.
.Membership in the union would be entirely voluntary, and based
on payment of a membership fee, she explained.
Eventualy she hopes the size of the union would be big enough
does not provide fair representation of student opinion. A variety
of remedies for this alleged condition have been suggested:
-geographic apportionment by population. Specified geo-
graphic areas would have their own representative on the council.
-ward apportionment by housing unit masses. Under this sys-
tem, the campus would be divided into complexes of large living
units, each group with its representative.
-apportionment by type of housing unit. This system would
classify students according to the type of housing they live in, with
delegates from each type of unit.
-representation by schools. The number of members from each
school would be proportionate to the enrollment of each school.
-a mixed system, combining the "ward" system in the case
of major housing units, and the "at-large" system for the rest of
the campus
-membership in student government. This is the idea of the
student union, but in this concept, the union becomes student gov-
ernment itself. While all students are not represented here, those
interested in student government will supposedly receive better,
erment Council general elec-
tions next week and will includea"r"o "
the Vietnam war. Financed by a r Tb a l
Time Magazine, "Choice '68" will Anti-W ar 0 Alu n
conduct similar student ballots at A L WUn
rw Ar 9.00 mllprrct a niniI'S Auril
24. CLOVIS, N.M. (9")-A nine-of- given choices of finding Noyd in-
Speaking for Nixon, Bob Edge- ficer military court martial found nocent, guilty of willful disobedi-
worth, Grad, explained his can- Air Force Capt. Dale Noyd, who ence of a lawful order, or guilty
didate hopes to secure "greater objects to the war in Vietnam, of the lesser charge of failure to
freedom for the individual than guilty yesterday of willful dis- obey.
he has ever enjoyed before." obedience of a lawful order. The prosecutor, Maj. Roy Smith,
McCarthy's proxy, Jerry Du- 'h or hnwa eesdu-contended in final arguments that
pont, candidatepfor the Second it was a simple case of Noyd will-
Congressional District, said "crime til today, when defense attorneys fully disobeying a lawful order, al-
in the streets is a pseudo issue" will present arguments on extenu- though the prosecution did not
and his candidate is attacking the ating circumstances before sen- contest the character and sinceri-
"problems underlying the mani- tencing is passed. ty of Noyd.
festations of violence." Five Years Since the defense was not al-
The maximum sentence is five lowed to question lawfulness of the
years imprisonment at hard labor order or to base a defense on reli-
)OOKS! . and dismissal from the Air Force. gious compulsion to disobey the