. DORMS-TO-OFFICES: INEVITABLE SHIFT See editorial page Yl r e g Aitog~ :4E a it4 WARMER High-47 Low-a13 Clear and sunny today Vol. LXXVIII, No. 131 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, March 7, 1968 Seven Cents Ten Pages r ._ 'U'To Build Intramural Fields on I. Ca By BOB McFARLAND Executive Sports Editor (1967-68) The University yesterday au- thorized construction of four new intramural playing fields on the North Campus land now occupied by the Municipal Golf Course. It will be the first major ad- dition of outdoor recreational facilities since the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics purchased Wines Field for $125,000 in 1966. The development will provide facilities for North Campus in- tramural activity and in addi- tion help alleviate space prob- lems now facing club sports. The new playing fields will be located on a 10-acre tract bounded by Fuller road on the north, the Huron River on the west, the New York Central Railroad tracks on the South, and the western edge of the future Residential College site. The site will include two touch football fields with di- mensions of 120x300 feet, and two larger fields suitable for lacrosse, soccer, and rugby, with dimensions of 200x360 feet. The complex will include a 100-car parking lot. Addi- tional land is available nearby for projected construction of a service building, that could in- cludeflocker, shower, and stor- age facilities. The plan for recreational de- velopment of the tract origin- ated in May, 1966 at a meeting of the University's planning of- fice. At that time it was feared that Residential College con- struction would infringe on field play in the area. The plan- end Fuller Parkway realign- ment was also considered a pro- hibiting factor. "However, when the Residen- tial College was deferred, the project was revived, and the Regents authorized the propo- sal," Assistant University Plan- ter Fred Mayer explained yes- terday. "The majority of the development is in that portion of the area originally designated for recreation," he said. Four golf holes on the re- mainder of the 29-acre area originally designated for the Residential College will be pre- served. They will be available by both Men's and Women's Physical Education Depart- ments. The development is part of a larger University effort to pro- vide, additional intramural fa- cilities for students, Mayer said. He explained that the effort is part of a three-phase program. "There are a series of needs to be met," he said. "First, there should be housing-related re- creational a r e a s. Secondly, there should be provisions for field sports. Thirdly, indoor fa- cilities are an integral part of the effort." In response to the need for housing-r e l a t e d recreational areas, the Regents authorized the construction of four multi- purpose recreational pads on North Campus. The pad con- cept is to provide a hard-sur- face outdoor court half the size of the Sports Building gym- nasium. The pads are adaptable to various activities, including basketball, tennis, handball, and volleyball. The first pad was constructed adjacent to Baits Housing last summer, and has received ex- tensive use, even during winter months. Providing space for outdoor activities (the four new fields) is part of the second phase of the program. Two other fields have been provided on North Campus; one at the corner of Murfin and Hubbard, north of MP us Bursley Hall where goalposts were erected completing a full- size football field this week. The other is located between Baits II and the Zeta Beta Tau House, and is regarded chiefly as an area for impromptu field sports. Two other plots currently are earmarked as playing fields on North Campus, although there is no timetable for their devel- opment. Both are land-fill areas, one 10 acres and the other 16 acres. Mayer views these projects optimistically. "We've tradi- tionally had an outstanding varsity complex here, but there haven't been many facilities in the way of recreation provided with housing, for one reason or another," he said. The movement of undergrad- uate students to North Campus helped precipitate the move to See FOUR, Page 8 -Daily-Thomas R. Copi FOUR NSW PLAYING ,FIELDS will be added to the University's outdoor recreational facilities. The development includes two touch-football fields and two larger fields suitable for lacrosse, rugby, soccer and a one hundred car parking lot. INFORMAL DECISION: Kelley Rules Fraternity GA Withdraws Approval Discrimination Illegal Of 'Day of By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Atty. General Frank Kelley has ruled that fraternities and sorori- ties at state-supported colleges and universities may not discrim- inate in membership selection on the basis of race. color .religion pact," but Del Rio said he thought the state universities participate the Attorney General was "being peripherally would constitute a naive." violation of the equal protection It will be the responsibility of clause of the 14th Amendment to the presidents of state institu- the United States Constitution, tions to enforce this ruling, Del the opinion states. IRio said. i U1 j oo V L4C, VV , 1 1 11, or national origin, "If we get complaints," he said, "I think we can only presume The informal ruling was made that the school is not doing its in a letter to Rep. James Del Rio job as an agency of the state and1 (D-Detroit) who had requested an appropriate review of its bud- an opinion onthe issue in 1966. get would be in order." Kelley said he didn't think thej "Any denial of equal protec- decision would have a "severe im- tion by an organization in which Med School Students' Petition Against Warl Although participation in frater- nity or sorority activities is con- sidered an extracurricular activity, it is often recognized as part of the educational process, Kelley's ruling explained. "It would therefore appear that the denial of an opportunity to so participate could be a denial of a portion of the educational ex-I perience provided in an institution of higher education," Kelley said. Informal opinions do not carry the weight which "numbered" opinions that are officially pun- lished do. Del Rio said he had asked Kelley to make the ru ig a "numbered" opinion. - 'U' T Offers A rchitects' Doctorates .Degree Programs In Four Areas Set For Fall Term '69! By LESLIE WAYNE The Graduate Studies Commit- tee of the architecture school yes- terday approved the development of a Doctor of Architecture pro- gram. The move resulted "from a rec- - Deliberatior X resses Support For Draft Resisters Asks Limit on Conduct Restrictions. Backs Schreiber for SGC President By LEE HORNSTEIN Graduate Assembly last night withdrew support from the boycott of classes on March 20, planned in conjunction witl> the Day of Deliberation. In a motion proposed by Dave Shapiro, Grad, GA with- drew support from the strike but continued backing for "voluntary" activities on March 19 and 20. GA will still support Day of Deliberation activities in- cluding study groups and a, speech by Rev. William Sloan Coffin, of Yale University. Coffin is scheduled to speak at Hill Aud. on March 19. He is now under federal indictment ffor advocating resistance to the draft. In other action, GA voted 11-10 "_" - By PHILIP BLOCK and that "the principles of our yprofession and our concern for Request Ruling Approximately 20 University humanity are being compromised Del Rio tried in 1966 to get a apetition to U.S. Rep. Marvin by the actions of our government." bill passed banning discrimina- Esch of Ann Arbor demanding Esch accepted the petition, and tion in fraternities and sororities. withdrawal of Americandforces indicated his intention of inserting When the bill failed to pass he from Vietnam. the students' statement in the requested the ruling from Kelley. Trom Vetn. 103 Congressional Record along with It came in a letter eated Feb. 29. T e petition, signed by 0 his reply. Local reaction to the ruling was medical students, states that Commend Eseh cautious. "We have set a goal American involvement in the Viet- The group submitted a second on this and are working toward nom war s_ immorl_ and_ ujust,'ipetition, commending Esch for his it," said Ellen Heyboey, '69, pies- proposal last summer to begin ident of Panhellenic Association. : rr~olrt2 t graduated de-escalation of the war. "There is a possibility for dis- However, the statement criticized crimination in the mechanism o:I Esch for not going far enough al- selection," Miss Heyboer ex- At Record Level though it recognized his views as plained, referring to the power' a substantial departure from "the: of alumnae to veto a prospective Enrollment in the nation's col- general hard-line, military victory- member in many University sor- leges and universities is at a rec- oriented Republican policy.' aorities. ord high of nearly seven million, The medical students stated that Alumnae Influence Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary the concept of "limitedar" which In January, Panhel voted to of Health, Education, and Wel- Esch supports "is only a limited In tanard anhl vt to; fare announced yesterday. war from our view-point" and niove toward a policy in which The all-time high enrollment in that from the Vietnamese view- wreo not consee bdialumnae the fall of 1967 was. an increase point it is no more of a limitedwor tieierered bynexto- of 500,000, or about eight per cent, war than the American Revolution te be r y over the previous fall, according to was to our first American cola- operate with the new policy. a U.S. Office of Education survey nies." of 2,382 colleges and universities. Stimulate Debate Robert Rourke, 69, president of Over the past five years, college Esch explained at the afternoon Inter-Fraternity Council said that and university enrollments have meeting that the goal of the posi- the ruling would have no effect! increased some 45 per cent,. from tion paper which he and eight on University fraternities. 4 800,332 in the fall of 1963 to other Republican Congressmen Rourke said an IFC committeej 6 963,687 last fall, the survey had written was to stimulate de- on membership was continually showed. bate on Vietnam in the House of investigating fraternities to make By 1972, the enrollment total is Representatives ahd that he felt sure they are not practicing dis- expected to rise 25 per cent, to that in this respect the paper had crimination. about 8.6 million. ; been successful. Rourke refused to disclose the Last fall, the largest percentage Walter Willet ('70 Med), who names of any members of the: increase in enrollments appeared helped coordinate the soliciting committee because, he said, se-1 among public colleges and univer- of the petitions said Esch was crecy facilitates their investiga- sities-up 11 per cent from the earnest in his desire to hear the tive operations. previous fall to about 4.9 million, opinions of the medical students "We're working this year to ex- Private enrollment edged up near- and that Esch's stand on the war pand our efforts in this sector."I ly 3 per cent to 2.1 million. is in a "position of change." Rourke said. 'i ognition that the five-year bac- calaureate degree in architecture is out of step with the recogni:ed aacdemic way of moving," Walt- er Sanders, chairman of the cony- mittee, explained. Presently, most professional studies require a masters deg ee followed by two years of addi- tional study before granting a doctorate. The Architecture schucl expects to follow this pattern once i the doctoral program is estab- lished, he said. The Architecture school pres- ently offers only a five-year( course of study. This programI requires 160 credit hours, 40 cred- it hours more than for most bac- calaureate degrees. The new system is scheduled to begin in the fall term of 1969.1 The committee originally hoped to start the program at an earlier date, however budgetary and or- ganizational problems delayed its completion. The program, open to students with a Master of Architecture de- gree, will be divided into four specialized areas: urban design, building design, architectural hj.- tory and environmental technol- ogy. Presently, the committee is en-E gaged in developing courses, ob- taining personnel and publicIzing the program. The proposal will be submitted to the Governing Board of thel Rackham School for their ap-t proval and to the Regents forl final approval. I I i ii I -Daily-Richard Lee HEART SURGEON AT HILL Dr. Christian Barnard, the South African surgeon who made medical history with the first successful human heart trans- plant, spoke to a packed audience at Hill Aud. last night. The lecture was technical in nature and mainly for the benefit of University medical students, but many others went anyway. The Galens Medical Society sponsored the program. PLAN STUDY, ANALYSIS: i i i i E x City To Reconsider HRC OrgCanizaton By ANN MUNSTER headed the commission since Octo-t City Council and the Human ber, 1967. Relations Commission met last After lengthy debate among night in a joint session to recon- councilmen and commissioners, sider the role of the HRC in city State NAACP Chairman Albert government and community af- Wheeler condemned the Human fairs. Relations Commission as "almost The meeting was prompted =by irrelevant to the black community. the resignation last month of HRC The NAACP and CORE get more Director Robert Brown, who crit- complains of discrimination from icized lack of support for human members of the black community relations programs. Brown had each month than the HRC gets in a year," Wheeler charged. Opponents of the present Hu- man Relations Commission have charged it with lack of direction and amorphous structure, but V~m m esaid, "I would not look for an or- om n e Comsine onC.Fkm der that would be much more spe- Flint congressman whom The Na- cific, because the problems in the tion magazine named as one of area of human relations are ever the two "best congressmen for the changing." year 1967." Commissioner Fred Holtfreter How is the project being fi-, endorsed the organization. "We nanced? "Mostly by scrounging, :'are in a position to carry out pro- says Katz. SGC allocations, dele- grams because we are the con- gation fees, and donations are science of the city government," to support those Americans who, "because of the dictates of con- science, have refused or will refuse to serve in the armed forces of the United States." The Day of Deliberation class boycott was first approved by GA at its Feb. 21 meeting. Student Government Council added its sup- port on the following day. Council is expected to re-examine the pro- posed class boycott at its meeting tonight. In withdrawing support for the boycott, GA representatives con- sidered the administration's re- fusal to support the class strike, and- the lack of necessary plan- ning. One GA member questioned the sincerity of the war protest. Den- nis Marks, Grad., complained stu- dents were concerned with the problem only "now that the draft is getting to us." GA also accepted a report that recommends the graduate school' regulate the off-campus behavior of students only insofar as "such behavior or conduct bears directly upon the student's scholarly quali- fications as a member of the aca- demic community." GA also endorsed Mark Schrei- ber, '69, for SGC president, after hearing speeches by Schreiber, Mike Koeneke, '69BAd, and D. Panther White, '69. In addition, GA called on the, graduate school to re-examine its policy of granting Horace H. Rackham Pre-doctoral Fellow- ships. Assenfoly said the graduate school's policy of granting the scholarships only to students who have completed 10 terms of grad- uate work is inconsistent with the school's stated "interest in pro- moting earlier completion of Ph.D.'s." Each candidate said he opposed the participation of the Univer- sity in classified research, and State Board. To Cut Grad Deferments The Michigan- Selective Service Headquarters has reaffirmed re- commendations by national Selec- tive 'Service director Gen. Lewis B. Hershey regarding student de- ferments. The state headquarters will con- tinue to grant deferments to un- dergraduates but will eliminate deferment of graduate students except for medical studies. Only graduate students in medi- cine, dentistry, veterinary medi- cine, osteopathy or optometry are eligible for II-S deferments. These deferments will be granted yearly and are dependent upon certifi- cation of satisfactory status by the student's college. Students who entered graduate school for the first time before October, 1967, are eligible for a one year deferment. Second year graduate students may be deferred for one year to earn a master's degree or on a yearly basis to earn a doctorate or professional degree provided the total does not exceed five years. Any undergraduate who is ordered to report for induction is eligible to postpone his induction until the end of the academic year. In this case he would re- ceive a I-S (C) deferment. This type of deferment is granted only once and is not available to gradu- ate students with a II-S status. Registrants deferred as students after June 30, 1967 are not eligi- ble for a later fatherhood defer- ment. In addition all deferred stu- dents are liable for service until the age of 35. STUDENTS INVADE YOST Mock Convention To Pick' GOP I By ALISON SYMROWSKI An unlikely coalition including Conservative College Republicans, Voice members, and political sci- entists will convene March 16-17 to select the 1968 Republican Presidential nominee. Campaign buttons, a key-note If each "delegate" votes as he expects the actual delegate to vote this summer, hopes Katz, the mock nominee should be an ac- curate forecast of the real con- vention next August. "We're not trying to pick our own candidate," he explains. by John Kingdon of the political science department, and some of his students Kingdon, who once participated in a similar convention at Ober- lin, felt a mock convention was such a worthwhile experience that he uaacrted it he tried here. saw for anticipated campaign signs. Members of the delegations representing each state have been I busy writing to their official, counterparts for campaign ma- terials, information on their par- ticular states, and preference lists .i