Tuesday, Merch 5, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Foy Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30,P.M. UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOR RENT LINES 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 1 day .65 .85 1 05 1 20 1 40 1.55 1.70 1.85 2,00 2 day 1.25 1.65 2.00. 2.30 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 3.80 7.30 1040 13.35 16.25 3 doy 1 80 2.40 2 90 3.35 3 80 4.25 4.70 5.10 5.50 5.50 10 60 15 20 19.65 24.15 4 day 2.30 3.10 3 75 4 35 4 95 5.55 6.15 6.70 7.15 7 15 13.75 19 60 25.75 31.85 5 day 2.80 3.75 4.55 5.30 6.05 6 80 7.50 8. 20 8.75 8.75 16.75 23.95- 31.50 39.35 6 day 3.25 4.35 5.30 6.20 7.10 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.25 1025 19.55 28.20 37.15 46.55 odd. .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 1.2C 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 INCHES 1 2.00 2 3.75 3 5.35 4 6 85 5 8.25 Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that are of I 2, 21/2, 31. etc. inch size will average of the lower and higher inch rate. be billed at the i FOR RENT The Ann Arbr Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws, prohibit dis- crnination in the University com- munity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing. 764-7400 'MALE ROOMMATE now for house near campus. 761-9893, 662-3325. C6 NEED FOURTH MAN for modern 4- man apt. Now-April or August. 800 Fuller. Call 665-5415. C8 WANTED: 1 or 2 girls to complete apt. for fall. Prefer Sr. or grad. Call Joni Shapiro, 761-4465. C7 WHY WAIT for an Apt.? Rent a whole house. 8-month lease. Mod., fully- furnished, 3 bdrm., attached garage. $70/mo./man. 1 mile west of campus, Bus service, ample parking, loads of extras. 761-9546. CF CAMPUS FALL 1968 New, furnished, close-in, student apartments. DAHLMANN APTS. Office: 545 Church 761-7600 weekdays C11 SINGLE ROOMS - For men, quiet, kitchen, TV lounge. $10/wk. Call 668-9755. 09 MAY TO MAY LEASE Modern 1 and 2 bdrm. apts., a/c, dish- washer, disposal, laundry, balcony, reasonable rent. Call 665-4200 to see. C10 COOL 4-MAN bi-level, air-cond., free TV, dishwasher, short walk from 7 A.H. 415 Benjamin, No. 6. Call 761- 7481. 012 AVAILABLE NOW! Large 2 bedroom, air conditioned apartment. Call 761- 9309. C5 FURNISHED 2 bedroom modern apart- ment for fall with wall to wall car- peting, air conditioned, parking and S laundry facilities. Geddes location. 662-7787. C4 ARBOR FOREST Luxury 1 and 2 bdrm. furnished apts. for fall. Wall-to-wall carpeting, air- cond., right on campus. Inquire at 721 S. Forest., Apt. 102 or call 663- 6052. 35 ROOMMATE FOR FALL-1 or 2 girls wanted to share quite modern 2 bdrm. apt. with another girl. Call Karen, 662-7701, eve. or weekends. C46 DIRECTLY ON CAMPUS NEW BUILDINGS-SPACIOUS APTS. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 1 bdrm. suitable for 3 students. Large 2-bdrm. suitable for 4 or 5. ' Available for summer and fall. NO 8-6906 C FEMALE GRAD or working girl for 4th in quiet bi-level apt. Immed. occup. Rent negotiable. 665-3179. C48 AVAILABLE FOR FALL 3 BEDROOM with fireplace, only $240/mo. Also large 4-man apt. $220/mo., and a good selection of single and double sleeping rooms from $50 up. Free parking and laundry included. Call 662-3302. -49 BURNS PARK CAMPUS - 3 bdrm. house furn. for 4 adults. April or Aug. $250/mo. Phone 663-0337. C36 AVAILABLE MAY 1 or Aug. 25, Mod. 1 and 2 bdrm, apts. Includes carpeting, dishwasher, disposal, air-conditioner, balcony. University lease-8 or 12 months. Call 665-4200 for appoint- ment to see. 31 FALL RENTALS Efficenies for 1 or 2 people. 1 block from UM campus. Call eves or week- ends. 483-9895. 37 BARGAIN CORNER Sam's Store Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore For GALS and GUYS CORDUROY SLIM FITS $5.98 BUTTON FLY LEVI'S $5.29 (Guaranteed to Shrnk) "NUVO" HOPSACK $8.00 SUPER SLIM DEN IMS $5.50 LEVI'S DUNGAREES $5.79 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S $6.98 LEVI'S STA PREST $6.98 CANVAS SUPER SLIM $4.98 "WHITE" LEVI'S $4.98 FOR RENT SANS SOUCI APTS. 1036-1044 S. Main St. (across from Michigan Stadium) for fall and summer: ONE BEDROOM APTS. - ideal for two or three students, couples. TWO BEDROOM APTS.-of various sizes, fine for 3, 4, or 5 students, families. balconies, dishwashers, air-condit., garbage disp., individual storage rooms, reserved private parking, laundry room, commuter bus to cam- pus 1%Z blocks away, completely furnished, resident manager. CALL,761-2265 5:30-9:30 eves. FURN. 2-BDRM. APT. near campus, Next to commuter bus, parking, pa- tio, co-operative manager, air-cond., all elec. kitch., wall-to-wall carpet, lge. rms., Ig. closets, all util. except elec. 761-2596. 03 FALL RENTAL SUMMIT HOUSE 915 S. DIVISION 1, 2, 3, bedroom, completely furn. mod. apts. Features include garbage disposals, balconies, and plenty of free parking. Some apts. even have fireplace. Call 761-5471 after 6 p.m. C WANTED: 2 girls for 4-man bi-level apt. for next fall. Call 769-0664. 012 LOADED WITH GOODIES 2 BDRM 4-man apt. Campus and hosp. location. NO 3-9373. Eves., NO 5-0063. C36 3 MEN NEED 4th to sublet until Aug. 20. Furnished 2-bdrm. Rent $57 each. 809 Catherine, Apt. 1. Call 769-1546. C9 $61.25 per person Three-Man Apts. Furnished bi-level Parking, Air-Con. Efficiencies and 2-man apts. available University leases 8 month terms available STUDENT HOUSING Ann Arbor Trust Co. is now offering these choice Ann Arbor apartment buildings for 1968-1969 school year. MODERN BUILDINGS WELL MAINTAINED GOOD LOCATIONS 608 Monroe 917 Packard 815 S. State 508 S. Division 817 S. Main Before making hnal plans for 1968- 1969, be sure to call: ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPT. 769-2800 106 S. Main, A. A. C17 The Tradewinds 2-3-4 Man Units Among the Largest on Campus Now Renting for-Fall Featuring: 0 Central Air-Conditioning 0 Bi-Levels Covered Parking 9 Balconies Disposals 9 Laundry & Storage Facilities 9 Completely Furnished Management by: SUMMIT SSOCIATES Call 665-8330 for Rental Informnati'n till 8:00 PM. C59 MADISON APTS. FALL 1968 8 MO. LEASE Lease applications being accepted. Large furnished four-man, also two bedroom. two baths. -ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS -FREE PARKING -FREE AIR-CONDITIONING -RESIDENT MANAGER For appointment call NO 3-8866 C9 SUBLET SERVICE We Rent Your Aportment for you. , 211 S. 769-1' State 185 C36 THE COLONY -- 731 Packard near State Phone 663-8866 C21 2-3-4 MAN APARTMENTS FOR SUM- MER AND FALL - Large, modern, swimming pool and sun terrace. 761- 1916. C2 FALL OCCUPANCY-Large 1 bedroom apartment with fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, new furnishings and win- dow seat. Located at corner of Divi- sion and Liberty. $165/mo. 662-7787. 03 NOMINAL RENT in return for light services. Newly panelled and decor- ated 2 bdrm. bungalow. Short dis- tance from AA. Retired or middle- aged couple desired. References re- quired. Phone Brighton 229-4683, af- ter 5 p.m. for further info. C32 THOMAS PLAZA NOW RENTING FOR FALL A beautiful new building featuring: * Air-conditioning * Balconies 9 Covered Parking 0 Completely Furnished * 3 minutes from Campus 0 Laundry & Storage * Resident Manager And many other features 3 & 4-Man only NEAR CORNER OF STATE & PACKARD CALL 769-4759 C B-LEVEL APTS. FOR FALL THE PARK LANE 511 EAST HOOVER 3 or 4-man, furnished, garbage dispos- als, dishwashers, free parking, laun- dry machines on premises. Call 665- 9627 or see mgr. in apt. 15 after 5 p.m. 061 FALL RENTALS We still have a few modern 2-man units, perfect for grads and married couples. Also, modern 4-man units, These units come witl all the mod- ern features and: " COMPETITIVE RENTS3 " FREE SUBLET SERVICE So for comfortable units, old and new. Call: 761-8063 C25 OFFICE SPACE for rent. Multi-purpose penthouse. Call 665-7766 ext. 770 and ask for Mr. Spear. 027 ARBOR FOREST 1n .Pw r ~rl FOR F(~~'ALLV WANTED TO RENT WANTED-APARTMENTS For Summer Sublet Service 769-1185 SUMMER SUBLET DIRT CHEAP-And so is this fabulous 4 bdrm. house. Extras include TV and carpeted John. The privacy can't be beat. Rent it this summer and live! 419 N. Ingalls. 761-3493. UE LUXURIOUS 3-man apt., mod., close to campus. Air-condl., garbage dis- posal, laundry, parking, storage, thick carpeting, paneling, big pic. window. Call 769-1723 or come to 520 Packard, No. 23. UE ONE GIRL NEEDED for 2-man, 2 bed- room on Church near campus. Free parking in lot. Call Donna, 665-5847 after 6. Ul GRADUATE WOMAN, mature and swinging, wanted to share lovely 3 bdrm. house near campus. Summer sublet, fall option. 665-0007., U2 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern 4-man, 2 bdrms., covered parking, garbage dis- posal. Half way between campus and hospitals. $45/mo per person. Call 761-6872. U50 COMFORTABLE summer living in this modern 2 bedroom Summit House sublet. Free parking, air condition- ing, balcony, modern appliances, and close to the main campus near the IM building. Two men needed to room with one. Call 769-1388. Apt. 301, 915 S. Division. UF APT. 204 The greatest 3-man on campus can be had as a sublet this summer. Separate study room in apartment, air-cond., covered parking, balcony. Only five minutes from campus, new bldg. As added bonus, our eight- month collection of TV Stamps plus a case. For further info, drop in at 918 S. State, or call 769-1069. UF 2 STEPS FROM LAW QUAD 2-man apt. Spacious, completely furnished,tfree TV, low rent, plenty of storage space. Call 761-5347. FOR PERSONAL INSPECTION: 702 Oak- land, No. 3. U23 LARGE, two-bedroom, big enough for four; presently a two-man. To sublet May-August; $135-$140 negotiable. Call 761-0273. 531 S. Forest (corner of -S. University). U3 NEED FOURTH GIRL May-Aug. sub- let-Modern, air-cond., balcony, large 2 bdrm. apt.; new bldg., Tappan St., close to campus. Call 769-4022. U4 OUT OF SIGHT! Need speed? Short trip (3 blocks to campus) from lux- ury apt. for summer sublet. 4-man, air-vond., dishwasher, parking, etc. Reasonable. Cali 761-6388. U5 SUMMER SUBLET-Mod. furn. 3 bdrm. 4-man, 2 air-cond., 2 blocks from campus, indoor parking. 848 Tappan. Call 761-0563. U 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES needed for large, 3-man apt. 3 bdrms., spacious living room, fireplace, 1 block from P & A Bldg. 1312 Washtenaw. 663- 9712 after 5 p m. UD APT FOR 2, 3 or 4 to sublet for ?a or whole summer. Piano, large bdrm., living room and kitchen. Free gas and elec. Reduced to $110/mo. Call 663-4988. UD MAYNARD HOUSE Apartment to sub- let starting May 1-Two man. Beau- tifully furnished - air conditioned. Excepllent. view,. fromn 1oth floor. 76l1- ,SUMMER SUBLET I CAMPUS-1 Block Spacious, 1 bdrm. Mod. Bldg. Beauti- fully furn. Reasonable rent. Call NO 8-6906 for appointment. U46 4-MAN 4-SUMMER SUBLET 2 bedrooms, central air-conditioning, covered parking, bi-level, garbage disposal, large rooms, ll% bath rooms. All for your summer comfort at a very reasonable price! 121 E. Hoover No. 14 Call 769-0839. UA LARGE MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED 3-bedroom summer sublet. 2 blks. frm campus and IM. $175/mo. Call 761-6409. UB ONE MAN EFFICIENCY Comfortable bedroom/studio and large kitchen.rNear State and Pack- ard. $110. For Spring and Summer semesters. Call 665-2888 evenings 6- 10. U36 MURALS INCLUDED, 2 girls needed for generous single rooms, in well- cooled apt.: furnished with disposal, freezer, parking space, and reliable landlord. Convenient to campus and downtown, on S. Division. Call 761- 4413. U29 CHEAP . . but 1% miles from cam- pus. Need one man to share air- cond., 3-man. 2 bdrm. apt. for sum- mer half-term. Apt. abounds in lux- ury. Cal 769-0411. UA BEST TAN in all AA from your own sun deck. Also included in this out- standing deal is a 4-man apt. with two large bdrms., central air-cond., spacious living room, parking space, and laundry facilities. Call now 761- 2235. Just two blks. from the Union. UF 1 PLUS 2 PLUS 4-MAN APTS. All close to campus. Rents from $40/person. Call Madison or Packard Manage- ment. 663-8866. U21 TOWN HOUSE - Sublet now with fall option. 2 story, enormous bdrm. Ap- pliances, carpeting, total air-cond., dispos., etc. Pets allowed $140/mo. 663-5548. U42 THIS SUMMER-live in comfort. Large 4-man, 2-bdrm. apt. (Plus a convert- ible couch in living room). Air-cond., parking, patio. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 628 Packard, No. 8. Call 769-2885. UA MODERN EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Central air-conditioning, garbage disposal, parking, laundry, large bal- cony and storage area. Perfect for quiet grad or professional. Calil 761- 3906. U15 LARGE 2-BDRM. APT., wood paneling, fully carpeted, air-cond., garbage disposal. ige. closets, live-in mana- ger, parking foacl. Call 761-3653 or come to Apt. 328, 1001 S. Forest. U16 BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE for the 4 lucky people that rent our beautiful bi-level apartmnet. Two air-condi- tioners, 1' baths, dishwasher, 2 bedrooms, and all other modern con- veniences. Close to campus at 1316 Geddes (across from women's) and to Hospitals. Call 769-5048. U39 HELP WANTED EXCEL. OPPORTUNITY for women who desire to earn extra money. 761-8830. H3 WORK ON FREIGHTERS or Passenger Ships Where, how, necessary require- ments, hiring places in your area, etc. Earn $407 to $1,500 monthly. Free room, board, travel, and ad- venture. Summer or full time. Booklet $2. Marine Information, P.O. Box 6025, Seattle, Washington 98188. H6 SECRETARIAL-CLERK TYPIST Long and short term temporary posi- tions. 45 w.p.m. typing. Minimum $1.90 per hour depending on exper- ience and skills. Contact U of M Part Time Employment Office, 2200 S.A.B. Phone 764-7283. Hl STUDENT EMPLOYMENT in Yellow- stone and all U.S. National Parks. Booklet tells where and how to ap- ply. Send $1.00 to Arnold Agency, 206 East Main, Rezburg, Idaho. 83440 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE H50 CASUAL SUMMER JOBS For neat, personable men and women who like to have fun. Earn high commissions selling AERIAL PHO- TOS. Exclusive areas available in Michigan. 'Ten dollar investment. Telephone FLIGHT THREE, 662-5266. for interview. H48 CIVIL ENGINEERS-Sophomores, Jun- iors - Summer Employment Central Michigan Sanitary Consulting Firm- prefer work experience or surveying course. Send personal data. Write Box 5, Michigan Daily. H49 PART-TIME or full-time clerking in health food store. 9:30-3:00. Pay ac- cording to ability. Ask for Miss Mole at 662-9541 or 662-9500. H45 FREE dinner to student for cooking dinner .5 or 7 days a week. Quiet room for studying eves. Ask for Miss Mole at 662-9541 or 662-9500. H46 GIRL AGE 21-28 needed as roommate and assistant to handicapped col- lege student. $50/wk. plus room and bd. Weekends off. Must be able to drive. Call 764-5154. H40 PART-TIME MALE OR FEMALE - Encyclopedia Britannica and Great Books of the Western World. Now hiring. Make an extra $80-$134/wk. No cold canvassing. Work on leads and by appointment only. Must have car. Phone for personal interview. 761-1488. 1122 MISCELLANEOUS CAR IN EUROPE Buy, Rent, or Lease * Factory Prices " Low Shipping Rates 9 Special Student-Faculty Lease Call761-3690.6-8 P.M. or 971-5418 M15 A-1 New and Used Instruments PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 HONDA S-50. Good cond. Low mileage. 764-4615. Z13 1966 HONDA 305 Scrambler, 5.000 miles, excel. cond. Helmet included. $425. 769-3008. Z14 DOWNTOWN HONDA 310 E. Washington Phone 665-8637 NOTICE THE ALL NEW HONDA SCRAMBLERS ARE ON THE WAY 175's, 350's, 450's Limited Supply HONDA OF ANN ARBOR' Reserve yours now at 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 Z12 1966 YAMAHA 80-Engine newly over- hauled w/new piston and rehoned cylinder. Good condition. Call Wild- strom, 764-0562. ZC TRANSPORTATION RIDE NEEDED to Syracuse-Feb. 26- 28. Call Joe, 764-5763. 028 DON'T CAST TWO COEDS to the fate of their thumbs and the high- way! Take them to State THIS SATURDAY morning after 11:00. Need ride back Sunday too! Please, oh please, call1764-7871. D -RIDE to Grand Rapids. Wanted Sat. or Sun. (24 or 25th). Call Mary Ann 761-7347. GF SUMMER POSITIONS - Camp Onota, Pittsfield, Mass. Openings for male counselors, specialist in swimming, tennis, golf, riflery, basketball, etc. Interviewing at Summer Placement Service, Tues. and Wed., Feb. 20 and 21, 3-5 p.m. or call 663-2766. H36 PHOTO SUPPLIES AUTO - SOLIGOR 135mm/2.8 in Nikon F mount with meter coupling. Case and hood included. $50. Call: Richard 764-6635. DB FOR SALE FOR SALE: 2 UAC tickets to Europe, May 4 to June 1. Call 663-2411 or 434- 1390, ask for R. Bay. B14 FOLK GUITAR - Favilla F-5 steel strings, perfect cond. Call Harvey, 764-0318 or 663-3878. B13 Still Frezing? FUR COATS Good condition at cost. End of season sale. None over $20, some under $5. Call 663-8051 or come to 620 Felch between 2-5 p.m. any day. B12 HOUSE FOR SALE Large 4-bdrm. brick and frame home on % acre lot on Awixa off Geddes. 663-0211. B5 FOR SALE: One 1965 model Epiphone banjo. Better than excellent condi- tion. Call 761-9827. B3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Silver filigree bracelet on Feb. 23 at Mich. Union. Call 663-2973. A5 LOST: Green book bag, vicinity of Hill and E. University. PLEASE CALL MITCH at 761-6070. A6 LOST: large black motorcycle cover. Vicin. S. Quad. Reward. 761-9188. A7 LOST: Frog beanbag with U. of M. on back. Sentimental value, please re- turn. 769-3803. A8 LOST: Sunglasses. Men's Prescription. Brown case. Tuesday on campus. Re- ward. 764-9703. A2 PERSONAL WE FEATURE diamond engagement rings of many happy No-The-Sames, reasonably priced. Check it. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663- 7151, Fl NEED TEMPORARY HOME for puppy. 769-1207. F7 Budget-Minded Budlong SW's VOTE FOR B.B. To Put The Treasury In Good Shape EUROPE $230-Forced to sell Union charter flight seat May to Aug. Safe plane, nice place to visit. Call Roger, 761-7190. FA THE 59th bridge was designed by aI Michigan engineer Will it fall? F30 MICHIGAN ARTISTS We will display and sell your paint- ings; etc. for you. Sometimes we buy. THE ATTIC 204 N. 4th Ave. Ann Arbor 761-8550 F31 DR. WOLOWITZ-Do you believe that to love Wayne, I must love his goril- la? Moo, Psych 555. F22 GOT A PROBLEM? Call SGC "com- plaint-action" service. 663-0553. F12 L.H. is an Irish Squaw. FC THE OFFICIAL WEEKLY GIEDUZ POLL1 In place of the usual ratings, the fol- lowing awards have been given: *The Harry Truman-Perle Mesta award for trying, trying, trying again and finally having a good party. *The William O. Douglas Odd Cou- ple Award-to about ten people for obvious reasons. *The Walter Heller-Shirley Temple Award-for keeping your bar bill down by making the world's weakest drinks. Mazel Tov. FC ARE YOU UP TIGHT? THEN FLY! Last chance for beautiful freshmen women to lose your cares in the wild blue yonder in the safest aircraft ever, short of birds. Call 763-1765 fer da details. - the red baron. FD FOR SALE: One wazoo, be at 2390 Adare in time for dinner. Ask for Doug. PC KAREN: Our day shall come, it shall not be too soon. In the meantime keep your shoulders back, pick up your feet and be good. Good luck. your Love, Lovely. FC TRY OUR SAUNA - Private and com- munity rooms. Basic membership $5. Ann Arbor Gymkhana. 662-9200. F15 HUNG UP? Call SGC "complaint- action" service. 663-0553. F13 Summer in ISRAELI KIBBUTZ Call before it Is too late 665-4925 evenings F46 SCIENTIFIC experience is not neces- sarily the best in the world, but it works. The Gestalt. F3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE LUDWIG FB B.J. - You should have been born when George was, but better late than never. I know it was happy. With LOVE, A.? FC DO YOU HAVE a beautiful poem or beautiful thoughts to share with a person from Marion, Indiana, or any person for that matter? If yes (and I hope it is), call at 764-4697, and we'll arrange a get-together. FC ARE YOU GOING to "A Day at the Chicago Tribune" this weekend? I'd like to talk to you. Call Sue, 665- 6855. C WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- les? Why ruin your papers with smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or only 6c per copy on overnight service. .2 convenient locations, S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S State right next to Marshall's. F18 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7 (18-21 years old need parent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 X MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS GIBSON "LES PAUL" Electric guitar, excellent condition. $300. Call 761- 3525. X23 HARPSICHORD - NEUPERT, 4 stops, superb! Save $300. Price $1275. Phone 663-5614. X24 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Custom and personal- ly made instruments, electric, acous- tic. 209 S. State. 665-8001. X STEREO SYSTEM-Dyna 70 watt amp,i pre-amp and tuner. 2 Jensen 3-way speaker systems. AR turntable. ADC cartridge. Walnut cabinet. $400 or best offer. 761-4743. X4 FOR SALE - Farfisa Compact Elec- tric Organ. 769-4919. X22 FOR SALE - Fender,7Telecaster and case, 6 mos. old $175. Gibson J-50 folk guitar and hard case, $125. 761- 0064. X19 TAS-X pre-amplifier. 662-5393. X1 BANJOS. GUITARS. AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PERSONAL SUMMER SUBLET Great four-man, half way between the hospitals and campus-perfect for med students, nurses, drinkers who like to be close to the Village Bell. Covered parking, garbage disposal.- Modern, and has a fire escape right out of West Side Story-would you believe the inner city? $45/mo. Call 761-6872. F23 "Who is John GaIt?" - Read ATLAS} SHRUGGED and find out. F281 GOING TO NEW YORK - Thursday, March 7. Make $3 for simply drop- ping off packet at midtown Man- hattan office. Call Roger, 761-7190. FA WHAT ONLY costs $1.00 and lasts allI evening? FA MR. RICHARD SHAFER and the class of '69 present Junior Miss Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16. FF WANTED-4 bedroom house for fall occupancy. Call 761-2798 or 761-9599.! 'L4' FRED WENT to Hawaii yesterday. What will he do with his com- PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 pm. and 2:30 p m We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention Thank you. mittment? PERSONAL OON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Zerox them instead. and save hours aid hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations. NAN (row G, s 11): avid, unfamiliar astronomer wants you for Byrd watching. If available and willing. call 4-3744 or see azimuth 340 degree, alt. 5 (next to sleepy head), Friday. F49 WAKE-UP SERVICE. Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). Fj STUDENTS' FRIEND- Discount Barbers. High class work- manship. 347 Maynard. F39 NEED 2-MAN APT. ?or '68-'69. If you know of a good one call 764-5948. We'll pay you $10. if we rent it. F46 DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. F17 LOST! One pair of brown glasses in a black leather snap case. Lost in the vicinity of Couzens and Alice Lloyd. If found, call 764-5978. FF POETRY WANTED for Anthology. Idlewild Publishers, 543 Frederick, San Francisco, Calif. 94117. F RELIABLE Ph.D. ca'ndidate and wife seek room arrangement in exchange for services. 763-0834, 761-7225. F37 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING in my home. Term papers and theses. Reasonable. 761-5652. J25 DON'T TSK IT... TASK IT! Typing-theses and term papers our specialty; IBM typewriters; execu- tive type and justified copy avail- able. Transcription-Medical, technical, business, conferences. Printing-Mimeograph, offset Photeopying Composition & Art Work Stuffing, mailing & addressing Resumes Telephone answering (Pick-up and Delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. FB BUSINESS SERVICES BACCHUS FILMS Stil & Motion Picture Photography priced for the university Community. Call 769-1565 anytime for info. J24 WINTER SALE '66 HONDA-Super Hawk. Excellent PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox 2400 duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents). Immediate service during business hours only 8c per page. 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers; S. State right nett to Marshall's. . J TYPING-Term papers and theses. Fast and accurate. Call 769-0555. J19 TYPING IN MY HOME. Term papers and theses. Reasonable. 761-5652. J12 USED CARS 1966 TEMPSET Lemans CONVERT. - Black and black, 4-speed stick, con- sole, power steering, wire wheels, 23,000 miles. LIKE NEW. $1800 or best offer. CALL 769-2735 or see at 1114 S. Forest. Nil FOR SALE 1967 Austin Healey, MK III, BRG, R&H, convert., low mileage, over- drive. Priced low, must sell. 668-9478. Ask for Wayne in 3. N12 PLYMOUTH '63 Sport Fury. 318 cu. in. 52,000 miles. Great cond. 769-0994 after 10 p.m. N13 VALIANT. 1963. 6 cylinder automatic. Very good condition. Call 662-6887. N14 1960 RAMBLER Classic Station Wagon, reliable transportation, good con- dition, good tires. Call 761-9791 after 5:30 Mon.-Fri. or reasonable hour on weekends. N8 RAMBLER AMER., '59. Excellent cond. Only 30,000 miles. $200. 761-3525. N4 1961 LANCIA FLAMINIA Sport Zagato. Aluminum bodied V-6, 2.5 liter. A classic car by any standards. Me- chanically perfect. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 761-3906 between 6-7 p.m. N2 PORSCHE 912. 1966 green, 5-speed, radial ply tires. AM-FM, ski rack, driving lights, 31,000 miles. $3100, owner relocating. 965-3000 Don Lucas Delta Air Lines, Detroit. NI5 KEEP FREEDOM RINGING BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS 1900 West Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan AC 313 761-4146Lose Something eves. 665-3531, 761-1187. 662-8495 Marilyn L. Keith. Directora cond. $450 761-9027. Z3 Find it with a Creative Photography Weddings, candid and formal por- -DailyClassified traits. Professional quality at student rates. Call 764-2288 days, 769-0868 evenings, weekends. Ji -_ --- - - -- - -- - F24 F THE Chattanooga Choo-ChOo carries NERVOUS? Learn self-help. Recovery. draft evaders to Canada. Sit-in at Inc., Box 231. An Arbor, GL 3-0327. Hill Auditorium, March 16. F29 F suos Syracuse University M ORO Foreign Study Program D NMaximum 6 undergraduate or graduate credits SUMMER ART SESSION IN FLORENCE, ITALY Syracuse University School of Art: courses in painting, drawing, ar thistory Write for brochure: Foreign Study Programs of Syracuse University 335 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13210 Who looks better on a Motorcycle- BIBLE STUDY FOREIGN AND OTHER STUDENTS Quiet talks on the essential teach- ings of Christ. Participate inform- ally in Bible readings and discus- sions. We meet in a small private basement apt. near campus. Coffeea and cookies. Saturday nights start- ing Feb. 3. 8:00 p.m. at 1243 Washte- naw, Apt. 1 (opposite U7niv. Chapel) Phone 663-5659. M9 100 COPIES of an original, perfectly Xeroxedi, only $3.00. 500 copies, only $11.00. immediate service on super