Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS -2m , Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed ini The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN The Riot Commission Report: Who's Afraid of White Racism? I J,~ I , 1 , k T 1 1 d 1 r, / r~'~~ AJ ''' ;~N~ & t ~ ' q. '" rx 144 / WHITE RACISM was chiefly to blame for the explosive conditions that sparked riots in American cities during the -last few summers. This is the opinion of the President's National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders contained in a report released last Friday. Even though the commission's report was designed as the Government's reac- tion to the civil disorders which have plagued the past few "long, hot sum- mers," the commission's underlying mo- tives should not be impugned. For the commission's failure is not a failure of will but of perception, an in- ability of the well-meaning liberals to understand that their program for cur- ing conditions engendered by white racism embraces a still more sophisti- cated form of the same disease. Given the limits within which the dia- logues of American politics operate, the report goes about as far as "responsible" politieians arelikely to go. Starting with white raeism as its basic assumption, it analyzes recent riots in terms of "per- vasive discrimination and segregation," "black in-migration and white exodus" to andfrom the central city, and the dis- couraging effects on black young people of "segregation and poverty" in the ghetto- O THIS beaker of discontent, the commission s document continues, have been recently added several cat- alysts:. * frustrated hopes caused by the abortive end of the civil rights movement; * the encouragement of violence im- plicit i official and vigilante reactions to non-violent civil rights demonstrations and laws * the feelings of powefessness and the alienation and hostility toward institu- tions tof law and government which have given birth to the concept of "black power,,- a new mood of self-esteem and en- hanced racial prit;e among young Ne- groes" # growing Negro resentment of the police as the symbol of white power, white repression and white racism. THE COMMISSION'S proposed solutions follow inevitably-if not always log- ically-frOm Its analyss of the problems: more and better welfare, steps, toward guaranteed income, better housing, more jobs, token Negro political control over the ghetto But aside from the likelihood that the commission's proposals will never be adopted, the report can be criticized on philosophical grounds. Ignoring much that is useful in its discernment of the problem, the commission's proposals rely heavily on a dangerously' facile liberal assumptions and miss an entire dimen- sion of racism. By advocating massive infusions of Federal planning and money, the com- mission seems to swallow whole the tra- ditional liberal cant on crime: "To end crime, strike at its causes: poverty, di- sease, oppression and badly paved high- ways." This rationale, while a necessary anti- dote to the even worse alternatives ad- vanced by the Ronald Reagan "get-tough- with-criminals and stop-handcuffing- the-police" enthusiasts, glosses over the evidence. Although the correlation be- tween c'ime and bad social conditions is at least tenable, the recent upsurge of white middle-class, suburban crime in- dicates at least the presence of other variables. And to consider the urban riots just another kind of crime would require an especially hard-boiled insensitivity. RADICAL BLACKS insist, and are prob- ably correct in insisting, that through rioting black men are asserting their manhood, are demonstrating that they control their own lives. From the per- spective, to blacks the social engineering racism of the HEW is as intolerable as the yahoo-vigilante racism of the KKK. The implicit assumption of HEW brand social engineering is the patron- izingly-offensive intellectually-snobbish notion that the planners, by virtue of superior education and wisdom, know money entangled with strings (such as bedchecks for ADC mothers) and the planned-for are the black inhabitants of the local ghetto, the white racist over- tones are manifest. The rioter is rebelling against bureau- crats who subordinate him to the level of political and social children as much as against the bigot who calls him "boy." More than anything else, black people demand to control the conditions of their lives, their politics, their school systems, their supplies of goods and services. Certainly there is little evidence to sup- port the assumption that the planners know better. Twenty years of the gov- ernment's failure to do more than make the slums vertical proves this. And the recent attempts to suppress dissent stemming from the war, the sub- ordination of major universities to the military arm of the Federal government and the disclosure of the activities of the FBI and CIA identify the Federal gov- ernment as the greatest threat to civil liberties. All this-the failure of existing Federal programs to solve anything and the realization of the almost endless possi- bilities for Federal tyrrany-necessitates a rethinking of the role of the Federal government with regard to social prob- lems. If Federal money flowing into the ghetto is to be meaningful, the strings must be disattached and control turned over to the blacks themselves. RIOTS WILL certainly come this sum- mer again and only the naive believe that Federal social welfare programs can prevent them. Short-range techniques for dealing with summer disorders seem to have filtered down to a choice of three: the Ronald Reagan right-wing "hit them with everything you got" approach; the moderate-liberal "keep order but take it easy" faction; and a laissez-faire alter- native. The' commission, in keeping with its philosophic bias, of course, took the sec- ond alternative. It condemns local police departments for stockpiling automatic rifles, machine guns, and tanks, and sup- ports controlling rather than suppress- ing riots. This is fine as far as it goes and again constitutes an excellent anti- dote to white racists with itchy trigger fingers of whatever political persuasion. But the laissez-faire alternative is far better. When riots occur, all symbols of white authority-including the police- should be removed from the ghetto. The army-not the national guard or police -should take up positions on the peri- meter of the ghetto and merely prevent it from spreading. According to the com- mission's own finding there was much less sniper fire in last summer's riots than the police reported; most of the sniping that did occur was made up of exchanges within the ghetto between white authori- ties and scattered blacks. Recognizing this, the laissez-faire alternative would limit the damage of the rioting to merely looting. Furthermore, the laissez-faire approach would be a step toward spawning an eco- nomic and social situation in the ghetto which would encourage people to assert control over their own lives. By allowing looters to strip every store in the ghetto of every piece of merchandise, the gov- ernment would be discouraging white merchants from returning to the ghetto after the riots. When this happens, blacks can take a major significant step toward self-determination by running their own shops as co-operatives. THIS WILL alleviate two problems at once. It will place blacks in control of their own economic lives and will end the chronic complaint that ghetto prices are intolerably. high while ghetto residents are unable to transport themselves to low-price suburban shopping plazas. Hopefully, this step will be accom- panied by overall urban decentralization which will place sub-units of the large cities in control of their own political processes and educational arrangements. At the same time, ideally the Federal government can be putting an end to HEW-type strings, perhaps through some form of guaranteed income. The dilemmas here are complex and unamenable to panaceas. Riots must be + f~ V1AITI NG~ I Letters to the E Oxford To the Editor: AS A RESIDENT of Noble House, I was extremely upset to read in the Feb. 25 Daily of Mr. Feld- kamp's recommendation concern- ing Oxford Housing. In December it had been worrisome enough to hear that several co-ops and/or suites and/or apartments would be given to two sororities and/or men, poor communication on the part of the university preventing us from ever knowing precisely which. Now Mr. Feldkamp has added absurdity to absurdity by recommending that both two sor- orities and 30 men be given three of the Oxford co-ops, thereby leav- ing a grand (!) total of one free- standing co-op (Cheever, which fortunately has an endowment fund), and thus only 30 spaces for 61 girls who plan to return here next year. That number does not include incoming freshman and transfer students. (Many girls from the large dorms have visited the Oxford co-ops and have ex- pressed a desire to come here next year.) It would be a most unwise and injudicious move on the part of the University to follow through on this measure, since many of the Oxford girls would be displaced. If two white sororities had been involved in this issue instead of the Negro ones, it is my feeling that the University would never even have considered the question to begin with. This reverse pre- judice and discrimination against the Oxford residents, provided the measure passes, would be carrying the fear of an in fact non-existent racial prejudice too far. The girls in the sororities involved are not being denied equal housing rights: Seven of them already live in Ox- ford' and all the others have an equal opportunity to do so. Yet if Mr. -,eldkamp's recommendation is carried out. he erls will be granted the privileges of both low- cost housing and sorority living, the latter of which many of the present Oxford residents cannot afford at all. Many of the co-op residents would, on the other hand, be denied the privilege of low-cost housing! Also, we residents are confused by an apparent conflict between some of Mr. Feldkamp's statements and his policies. The father of one of the girls in Noble House was told several weeks ago by Mr. Feld- kamp that if we could get a peti- tion with the signatures of 100 girls from the Oxford co-ops (ex- cept for the French and German Hoduses), then "all" of Oxford could be saved. At a meeting in his office, we presented Mr. Feld- kamp with petitions that together contained 61 signatures. But he hedged a bit when we asked if Oxford could maintain its status quo. He said that first we'd have to influence and convince "other people" too; he would merely make the final decision. Wouldn't it logically follow, however, that if at least two-thirds of the supposed- ly required 100 signatures were ob- tained, then at least half of the co-ops-that is, two-should, ac- nnr-ia n .fi Fakm' stse THE LITTLE run-around game that University Housing is playing with Oxford residents, who, since December, have been told first one thing and then another concerning whether men or sororities or both would be taking over their houses, has caused numerous confusion, tears, and anxiety among many of us, who are, at the last minute, frantically trying to find an alter- native, low-cost comfortable hous- ing for next fall. With the already high cost of out-of-state tuiton, I, among others, would simply not be able to afford anything other than a co-op. In passing the proposed measure, the University would be making an. unjust and unfair move. Hope- fully, this letter will come to the attention of and influence those whose decision on March 5 will be crucial, -Nancy Rando, '71 More Oxford To the Editor: I WAS DISTRESSED to read about Mr. Feldkamp's decision concerning Oxford Co-op in the Michigan Daily, Sunday. I am a resident of Noble House, which may become a men's house next year. Since three of the houses are being taken, either for sorori- ties or for men, there will be only thirty places left for the sixty-oqe of us who have signed a petition desiring to return next year. At least thirty-one of us do not even have the option of returning. I have spent a year in a dorm, and I much prefer co-op living. I am also not interested in all the prob- lems that an apartment entails. I have found the type of place that I want to live in. We have ex- cellent food, spacious rooms, a clean house, and I like the people who are living here and who want- ed to return next year. Our house- mother is a great person, and we enjoy living and working with each other. The $300 saved is a great help to my parents who will be supporting three in college next year., Poor publicity and management by the University has caused a problem with filling Oxford, and I don't think that a solution which involves displacing the girls who want to return is right. Noble House is my home and I would very much like to return and live here next year with my friends. But, if the present deci- sion goes through, we will be de- nied that privilege. -Sandra Weurding, '70, Arch New Politics To the Editor: DAN SHARE'S article (Feb. 23) on the Michigan New Politics conference contained errors of fact and errors of interpretation. It is not true that Eric Chester's addendum was adopted. It was re- jected. That addendum would in- deed, if read carefully, have ex- cluded New Politics support for candidates such as Conyers and Diggs. Because it was not read carefully, almost everyone on both sides of the issue initially support- ar' it 'nP, what w a atntd in is ditor radicals and blacks (radical or otherwise). By and large the De- troit group, white and black, dis- sented from the majority orienta- tion at the conference. Further- more, the Detroit people regard themselves as every bit at "radical" as any other New Politics group. The dispute had nothing to do with the black-white issue that arose in Chicago, although some people chose to characterize it in that way. The dispute focussed en- tirely on the tenability of a left- wing organization nurturing ties to such established institutions as the Democratic Party and the labor union leadership. The majority said that such ties are untenable and carry with them the danger of "cooperation." THAT, BY THE WAY, is the correct use of "cooptation" - a word which has become as grating as the word "escalation." Mr. Share used it incorrectly. McCar- thy and Kennedy were not con- demned for being "coopted" by the Democratic Party (in fact they were not condemned at all) and for "allowing their principles to be prostituted." Their principles are part and parcel of the Democratic Party. The point is that those are not our principles. They were re- jected as Offering "false hope" for meaningful social change, not con- demned for being true to them- selves. The same goes for Reuther. Support for New'- Politics will come once the organization be- comes viable and its programs be- come relevant and widely-known. It is naive to expect "real black support" for what are so far just ideas surrounded by an incipient state structure. "Real support" lies in the future. -Larry Hochman, Ann Arbor Citizens for New Politics Deliberation Day To the Editor: THERE HAS BEEN an unfor- tunate confusion in the pub- licity given to the Draft Teach-in and the Day of Deliberation. In the news stories and in your Sun- day editorial it appears that the two events have been planned to- gether and for the same reasons. I would like to set the record straight. The Draft Teach-in is being planned by an ad hoc com- mittee representing several campus organizations. We began to work on this teach-in last December, long before the selective service system announced its new policy in regard to deferments for grad- uate students. The Draft Teach-in is not a response to the new draft policy, but rather it is a response to the whole selective service sys- tem, whatever its policies may be from year to year. The Draft Teach-in will be held on March 19 beginning at 4:15 P.M. and continuing that evening with panels and workshops. The featured speaker will be the Rev. William Sloan Coffin Jr., com- plemented by the usual array of participants representing a diver- sity of points of view. The Day of Deliberation is a m1., hmor erecent idea .and it is Co-op (tation): AlPrpose Cure By WALTER SHAPIRO Traditionally conferences are held here during spring vacation to protect the participants from any jarring contact with students. While this isolation may be beneficial from the standpoint of alumni groups and trial lawyers, it was unfortunate that a confer- ence on student co-operative housing was held on an almost barren campus because the people involved should have been talking to students and-not to each other. Standing on the periphery of such a conference, one could easily be seized by a sort of infectious optimism. One was caught up in a dream of co-ops changing the face of student life in two very different ways. In practical terms, the expansion of co-ops on college campuses could serve as the most effective way to cut living costs and the sense of community which such units artificially engender could be a prime antidote' to the isolation of the multiversity. Idealistically-perhaps impossible so-the idea of co-ops could aggressively challenge existing life styles among young people and pro- vide alternatives to the stultifying job-wife-house syndrome. Conferences like this can bring together some incredibly diverse people. There' was a greyish Irishman here from Central Mortgage in Toronto. He didn't know much about the actual operation of co-ops, but he was convinced that the way to save money was to hire cooks and cut down on food wastage. And he kept citing the meal he had here Friday night as evidence. Staying at Vail Co-op were girls from Illinois State and Purdue who were overjoyed to find that their co-ops back home were so alike -both served ;as sororities for the stingy. They were sororities in every sense except the girls economized by doing all the work and avoiding national affiliation. They talked of the selection process to decide which girls "will best fit into the house." And they continued on this exalted level until they finally got to comparing co-op pins. "Oh, what's that little dangle on the end of yours for," cooed a Purdue coed. "That? It's for being work-manager," was Illinois State's reply. Several leagues from this were the girl and the corduroy-jacketed administrator from New College in Sarasota, Florida. This small, experimental and hyper-individualistic school was facing the alter- native of either expanding through co-ops or by having students live in private homes in one of Florida's leading retirement communities. The administrator with an unbuttoned cardigan sweater beneath his jacket asked directly about drugs at Michigan, after confiding that probably two-thirds of his students had used them this year. He seemed very afraid of the Florida police, but was ever so careful to always say "busted" at the appropriate moment. Add to this a large number of Canadians and you have recon- structed a large portion of the conference. The Canadians were here in droves because Canada has an infinitely larger co-op movement than this country. After listening to the Canadians, the co-op program at the Uni- versity seems small and unambitious in comparison. Yet even here coops provide one of the best answers to the twin problems of student housing-cost and isolation. At present about 220 students live in co-ops at the University and ,another 100 students board there. With a room and board cost of about $20 per week these student-run enterprises are probably the cheapest living arrangements-barring a few garrets-available in Ann Arbor. And with the less than conspiciuous success of the housing boy- cott, they are likely to remain so. But the real importance of co-ops is its ability to destroy the personal isolation that the modern university creates. At a school like Michigan this has always been one of the biggest selling points for the Greeks-this sense of fraternity, the joys of a "hou." It is this which lures many into fraternities and sororities every year-people who are willing to tolerate ritualistic nonsense for the sake of a sense of community. Yet Co-ops , here at Michigan-and presumably elsewhere An America-have never tried to exploit their communal possibilities. This is especially unfortunate considering that University co-ops have no selection process other than first come-first served-because they provide a greater cross-section of students than do either fraternities, sororities, or underclassmen dormitories. While an expansion of co-ops on campus may be one answer to the student housing dilemma, the conference also provided another far more challenging perspective on the possibilities of co-op housing. And that is the radical alternative to contemporary life styles provided by such groups as the Washington Free Community and Rochdale College-a non-degree granting experiment in co-operative learning in Toronto. Of the two, the Washington Free Community is far more relevant to challenging existing life styles, as well as prevalent educational values. The Free Community-a loose amalgam around Dupont Circle consisting of an underground newspaper; Liberation News Service, the Institute for Policy Studies, some artistic ventures and radical political groups-is converting a series of town houses and similar dwellings into co-ed co-ops for six to ten people. Proponents of these co-ops claim they are challenging pre- valent concepts of the American city in which individual lives both are isolated and fragmented. By keeping costs beneath $1,000 a year from room and board, these co-ops are designed to free young people from excessive demands from unsatisfying jobs. This utopian idealism is contagious, but underneath some serious doubts remain. There was something reeking a little too much of social engineering and anti-individualistic arbitrariness in the way that guy from Washington carefully explained that his co-ops would be no smaller than six or larger than ten. And this impression was solidified when he carefully sketched on a blackboard a diagram of exactly how a free community is to be laid out. Washington stressed that no co-op should be smaller than six or larger than then and the diagramatic sketch of whole community he drew. Implicit here is the unanswered question of whether co-ops are an attempt to create by artificial means the kind of community which must grow by itself or not at all. Are the isolation, spiritual loneliness, and fragmentation of American life merely a function of the archi- tecture of the American city? Or are these maladies more the logical extension of a failure of values? 4 41 I,, .9 a M' OAWA11 I- "°O RA, 21I\ / ox 00000