WHO'S AFRAID OF WHITE RACISM? See editorial page Y Ink C~.4a 46F :43 a t t DISMAL Iligh-36 Low-18 Possibility of light snow or rain Vol. LXXVIII, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, March 5, 1968 Seven Cents Twelve Pages I ~'1 Dodging the Rules at Charter Realty By DANIEL ZWERDLING Since the late 1950's, student apartments have been mush- rooming irregularly about the Ann Arbor landscape as build- ers have capitalized on the booms in University enroll- ment. In the rush for quick profit, these local builders have often sacrificed quality for quantity -and students, faced with' little choice, have been power- less to do much about it. But, prominent realtor John Stegeman is proud of his posh student apartment complex, Albert Terrace. Even as the building was nearing completion last August, Stegeman confided to a city of- ficial, "I am sure you are aware of my efforts to make it some- thing as well done as possible." For Stegeman, Albert Terrace (located at 1700 Geddes Rd.), started out to be just one more achievement chalked up to the impressive list of apartments owned by his Charter Realty and various subsidiary compa- nies. But by the time of comple- tion, Albert Terrace (named in memory of Stegeman's father, Albert) had instead chalked up an impressive record of build- ing and zoning violations: # When Stegeman first ap- plied in 1966 for zoning pnd building permits, the Ann Ar- bor Department of Building and Safety Engineering ap- proved his construction plans with ,provisions included for the minimum number of park- ing spaces required by city codes. Last August, however, Build- and Safety Engineering offi- cials took another look-and discovered the parking plans they had approved violated the zoning law. N Stegeman prepared to open his 62 Albert Terrace apartments last August while his parking lots were still in- completed. City law states all parking must be provided prior to occupancy. The building department agreed to let Stegeman go ahead anyway, if he would first file a monetary bond guaran- teeing to finish all the park- ing by a given date. According to city records, Stegeman promised the bond and then occupied his apart- ments. The bond however, did not come until January. (In November Stegeman did issue a check bond but when the city treasurer tried to cash it, he found Stegeman's account had been closed.) 0 Stegeman moved tenants into the first 32 of his swank Albert Terrace apartments be- fore the Department of Build- ing and Safety Engineering in- spected them or gave him per- mission to do so. City ordin- ance requires inspection and ap- proval of all units before they are occupied. The department did not press charges against Stegeman, even though Stegeman was convicted and fined a year earlier for 14 identical violations-occupancy before inspection at his 525 Walnut St. complex. 0 Stegeman's zoning com- pliance specified construction of 62 one-bedroom apartments. When city inspectors examined Albert Terrace, they found 62 two-bedroom apartments. The building and safety de- partment protested, records show, and Stegeman promised to refurnish his units as origin- ally directed. He never did. The zoning violation dispute began as the apartments near- ed completion last summer. City ordinance requires every apartment complex to provide for its tenants a certain amount of parking, depending on the size and number of units. In 1966, Stegeman proposed to build his parking lots on two parcels of land, zoned respec- tively R4C (multiple-family dwelling) and R2B (two-fam- iy dwelling). The building and safety department approved the plan. Last August, however, just as Stegeman prepared to open his R4C apartments, the building and safety department ex- amined the plan again - and found it was illegal Chapter 55, Section 5:20 of the City Code states "Uses (of buildings and land) not express- ly permitted . . . are prohi- bited." Nowhere does city law expressly permit parking for multiple-family units on R2B zoned land-so Stegeman's par- cel was out of the picture, and with it, his plans to meet city See EVADING, Page 5 IN LANSING: Fleming Seeks Hays Named as New ePost LA Dean, Aid for Budget By JILL CRABTREE Habe To Leav June 30 University President Robben W. Fleming reported re- ceiving a "sympathetic reaction" during Lansing conferences yesterday with Gov. Romney and members of the State House concerning budget' slashes made in the State Senate last week. The Senate after only two days of deliberation Wednes- day approved a controversial bill recommending an ap- propriation of $61.3 million for the University's general fund budget. This represents a $3.4 million drop from the $64.7 million recommended by Romney in his January budget mes- sage and is $14.3 million less than the University's original! $75.6 million request. The bill cuts more than $7 million from Romney's total recommendations for all state ...- - ,.... I--...- Regents Authorize Dean's Appointment tFleming, S ith Make Final Choice Frout Faculty RecommerndI ations By HENRY GRIX William L. Hays was named yesterday to succeed the retiring William L. Haber as dean of the literary college. Hays, of the psychology department and currently associate dean of LSA, will take over July 1. President Robben W. Fleming and Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith selected Hays from a "very small list" of names from both inside and outside the Uni- versity. At their February meeting, the Regents, who have the final authority in the selection of a dean, gave Fleming and Smith authorization to go ' - West Quad May Lose Two Houses By BRIAN FORD Conversion of Lloyd and Win- chell Houses in West Quadrangle into offices for the literary col- lege faculty is 95 per cent certain, according to West Quad Director William R. MacKay and Assistant Director of University Housing Edward C. Salowitz. Salowitz said the Regents will consider the conversion plan at their March meeting. Neither of the two houses is listed as available for student pc- cupancy next fall by the Office of University Housing's (OUH) bul- letin. MacKay feels the change is cer- tain because an estimation has* already been obtained for the shipping of student-purchased furniture, stereo equipment, and piano from Lloyd to Mosher Hall, which is now scheduled to house men next year for the first time since its construction. The finaxl decision, however, must come from the Regents. Salowitz described the plan as an "interim arrangement 'that will last at least two years. The houses might be converted back to resi- dence halls after that." According to Salowitz,' occu- pancy projections indicated an excess of women's housing and a; shortage of men's housing. These predictions led to plans for con- verting Mosher and two houses in Alice Crocker Lloyd Hall to men's houses. The Office of Academic Affairs has asked OUH to shift the ex- cess space to West Quad for con-a version. Salowitz said West Quad1 was chosen primarily because of its location. colleges and universities. Fleming said Romney "still fa- vors his own recommendations" and will try to aid in restoring some of the cuts the Senate has made., The recommendation now goes to the House Appropriations Com- nittee for consideration. Commit- tee members have said restoration! :as a "good chance." Rep. William Ryan. (D-Detroit) House Min- >rity Leader, said the cuts will be liven "serious reconsideration." 'Adverse Effects' He said the recent Auditor Gen- ral's report charging the Univer- sity w i t h improper auditing nnothods "could have an adverseI Sffect on some House members." Committee Chairman Arnell Engstrom (R-Traverse City) was unavailable for comment. One provision in the Senate bill which has causeda' great deal of ~ontroversy sets as "a condition of apnropriation" a ceiling of 20 xor cent on the number of out- )f-state students which may be nrolled in any given state-sup-. ported college or university. 25% Out-of-State Any college with non-resident students over the 20 per cent limit nay not increase either the num- ser or percentage. The University, 'on-resident enrollment is pres- mntly 25 per cent of the total enrollment. The University. together with Michigan State and Wayne State Universities, is now appealing a; similar provision in last year's budget appropriation in Ingham County Circuit Court. Eugene Kra- sicky, Assistant Attorney General representing the state in the suit, said the outcome of the current case will not necessarily affect any possible suit over this year's en-t rollment restrictions. Also in the bill is a provision aimed at forcing some of the col- leges to boost non-resident tuition. The appropriation for each school ahead with the appointment. 'Distingufshed Teacher' "Dean Hays has distinguished himself as a teacher and re- William L. Haber William L. Hays CIVIL DISORDER REPORT Cap lan Examines Riot Pattern searcher, and ink the past fourj years as associate dean has dem- onstrated his skill as an adminis- trator," Smith said. "His under- standings of the literary college's problems will provide a smooth transition from the administration of Dean Haber." Hays was one of about 25 can- didates considered by the ad- visory Committee on the Dean- ship elected last spring by the LSA faculty. The five-man com- mittee invited nominations from the faculty, the LSA Steering .Committee, the Honors Steering Committee, Graduate Assembly and Student Government Council. Only the faculty responded by suggesting eandidates. 'Overwhelming Responsibility' By STUART GANNES In a major chapter of the report of the President's National Ad- visory Commission on Civic Dis- orders released Friday, Prof. Na- than Caplan of the Institute for Social Research examines the riot process, its effects on the com- munity and the motivations of the disturbances. Caplan compiled his chapter, "Patterns of Disorder," with funds provided by one of the pri- marybgrants issued by the eleven- member committee. 'Against Symbols' Caplan's analysis claims civil disorders usually involve Negroes acting against local symbols of white American society, authority and property, rather than against individual white persons. Caplan feels the initial damage, estimates of the riots by the local The typical rioter, the chapter3 explains, is a teen-ager or young adult, a life-long resident of the: city in which the riot occurred, and a high school dropout. He is fairly intelligent and underem- ployed for his abilities, proud of his race and extremely hostile toI politicans and middle-class Ne- g roes. Riot Motivations Among the motivations for the riots. Caplan lists poor and in-} adequate housing, aggressive po- licse practices and ineffectual grievance systems. Caplan notes since last sum- mer's riots there has been little improvement of the conditionsI which caused the riots. He feels the muncipal governments havej responded negatively to the riots riots lies on the white commun- ity. Among the commission's recom- mendations are " Creation of over 2,000,000 jobs in the next three years through the combined efforts of both public and private sectors. " "Sharply increased efforts to eliminate de facto segregation in the public schools." * Improvements o f schools serving disadvantaged children. * Establishment of uniform na- tional welfare standards "at least as high as the annual poverty level" including income supple- ments as incentives for those who' already have jobs. I Enactment of an "enforce- able Federal open housing law" concurrent with steps to provide 6,000,000 new housing units with- in the next five years. The commission'notes, however, "the need is not so much for the Government to design new pro- Although."gratified" at his ap- grams as it is for the nation to poiritment Hays said he was generate new will." "overwhelmed by the respon- The President's commission warns sibility" he has in inheriting the against the use of large guns and University's largest unit. tanks for riot control and con- One of the Hays' first concerns demns cities for stockpiling lethal will be to appoint a new associate weapons in anticipation of riots dean to fill the position, he will during next summer. leave vacant. The cogmission's program, "in- Hays was appointed assistant tegriation," will include an en- professor of psychology in 1957 richment of the slums and a mas- and received the Henry Russel sive national effort to erradicate Award for outstanding teaching in barriers keeping Negroes separat- 1960. He was named associate dean ed from American society. of the literary college in 1964. Kelly Begins Investigation, Of Harlan By STEVE NISSEN Michigan State U n i v e r s i t y Trustee C. Allen Harlan's busi- ness affairs are being investigat- ed by the state attorney general for alleged conflict of interest. Two Republican legislators havewasked Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley if Harlan, a Democrat, is violating the state constitution which prohibits any member of the Legislature or state officer from having business interests with the state which might cause a substantial conflict of interest. Electric Company Involved Reps. William Hampton (R- Bloomfield Hills) and Martin Buth (R-Comstock Park) said at a news conference Harlan is list- ed in the 1965-66 edition of the Michigan Manual as chairman of the board of Harlan Electric Co. The manual, an official listing of state officers, also identifies Harlan as president or director of ten other companies, they said. "We would hope the attorney general would be able to identify the ten companies and determine if they have done business with Michiga'n State, Oakland Univer- sity, or the State of Michigan," Buth said. The State Journal in Lansing quoted Stanley Sutton, secretary of the Central Electric Company, as saying Harlan Electric is the parent organization of Central. The two Republicans also said Central has held $2.8 million in contracts with MSU since Harlan became a trustee in 1957. Suggested Account The Journal reported Harlan is a director of the Birmingham- Bloomfield bank and quoted the Chancellor of MSU's Oakland branch as saying Harlan suggest- ed the university set up an ac- count with the bank. is geared to the number of stu- news media of Detroit and Newark dents, both state and out-of-state. were "greatly exagerated." by equipping and training addit- ional police with more sophis-! ticaed weapons. n C on F c tyg sS ho Increasing Polarization increasing polarizatined there is an white and black separatist groups Sever Connections with IDA Inter-Cooperative Conference Plans International Association By MICHAEL THORYN Dr. William Birenbaum, presi- The Conference on Student dent of the Education Affiliate of; Housing Cooperatives d e c i d e d the Bedford-Styvesant Develop- e during weekend discussions to ment Service Cooperation, spoke form an International Student to the delegates at the conference, Cooperative Association. claiming, "Co-ops Are Student The association will promote Power." organizationcand expansion of Birenbaum said, "In the Uni- student cooperatives and provide versity ghetto there is an absence gram. (College Housing Program loans are 100% loans at 3' in- terest.) In order for the ICC to get money, the University must co- sign the loan. If the University agrees to co-sign it becomes legal- ly responsible for repayment of the mortgag e. while a general breakdown of in- terracial communications has oc- curred. The commission's report, re- leased Friday, claims "our na- tion is moving toward two societ- ies, one black, one white - separ- ate and unequal." President Johnson created the commission in the wake of wide- spread urban rioting last summer. It warns unless "drastic and costly" measures are begun at once there will be a "continuing BULLETIN PRINCETON, N.J. {A:-The faculty of Princeton University voted yesterday to recommend that the university withdraw ' from the government spon- ,sored Institute of Defense Analyses (IDA). Dan Coyle, director of public relations from the university, would not give the exact vote but said the faculty voted overwhelm- The institute is a non-profit not responsible to the universi- consortium of 12 universities! ties. which performs basic research for t"If the sponsors cannot agree the Defense Department. to change the structure," the Earlier this week, a faculty committee said, ."then we recom- study committee report had urged mend unilateral withdrawal." Princeton take joint action with 'Uninformed' IDA's other members to change The committee said their pri- the structure under which IDA is mary objection to IDA is that even the organization's board of trustees often is not informed of CLASSES AS USUAL what research it is approving. SThe University announced The committee also stated that