WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PAO-W yr"nvv WEDNSDA, JNUAY 10 198 TE MCHIGN i~u~ 1~A I' U~?U ~U~W~ rt)~RL L a.I 1'AUE T ffRF E s Cambodia Buffer Zone Vanishes as War Grows WAR ZONE C, Vietnam (iP)-A narrow no fire zone which American commanders once ob- served along the Cambodian bor- der has vanished beneath the pressure of Communist military infiltration. The U.S. Command has evi- dently removed all restrictions on operations however close to the line. American soldiers now operate daily right up to the frontier. High altitude B52 Stratofor- tresses are putting bomb loads of 150 tons in saturation patterns within 300 yards of the border. Big howitzers with ranges up to 15 miles bristle from jungled bases within 10 miles of the edge of Cambodia. The sultry nights rumble with harassing fire fall- ing on infiltration paths east of the line. The U.S. Command informally imposed the buffer zone upon its units in 1965. It sometimes dif- fered in application for air power and for ground units and was often loosely observed when local actions raged. However, it was usually there. a zone which extended five miles or so from the border. Now, in the inching escalation of the infiltration crisis, one more barrier to expanded war has been quietly swept aside. "For all practical purposes there isn't any buffer zone any more," a troop commander said. It all but vanished last October when the Communists gave a full scale launching to their "peri- pheral strategy" in the battle of Loc Ninh - with two regiments supplied from Cambodia a bare eight miles away. The battles quickly spread to Dak To in the central highlands and U.S. commanders faced a new dimension in the war-not a new situation but the dangerous ex- pansion of a threat that was al- ways there. Intelligence officers consider that, in frontier territory across from the central highlands, the Viet Cong have perhaps 18,000 men available. In the virtually unpopulated area of War Zone C, which has long been a Red jungle sanctuary northwest of Saigon, there are probably more Communist troops today than there were more than a year ago before American troops conducted appreciable operations in the area. "They have to be coming from somewhere," an intelligence offi- cer said, gesturing toward Cam- bodia on his grease penciled wall map. S p e c i a 1 presidential envoy, Chester Bowles, ambassador to India, is to see Prince Norodom Sihanouk today about Commun- ist use of Cambodian frontier territory in the Vietnam war. Yesterday, Bowles had a half hour talk with Premier Son Sann. Bowles is in Phnom Penh in response to a statement by the Cambodian chief of state that he would welcome an envoy from President Johnson to discuss the controversy over the sanctuary issue. However the prince said Sun- day he would not allow U.S. units to enter Cambodia and would condemn both the United States and the Viet Cong if they clashed on his soil. He said then he would "never let any foreigner occupy the least square meter of our territory" without acting to drive him out. Commanders on the spot show little hope that the current mis- sion to Cambodia by Bowles will help much. Nor do the command- ers feel that Cambodia's neutral- ist Prince Sihanouk could stop the infiltration even if he wanted to. The Viet Cong have been at it too long to forego their privi- leges lightly, and Cambodia's meager forces could hardly be deployed to seal the frontier. Apart from the possible right of hot pursuit - which many unit commanders don't feel they will get-the men in the field simply look forward to more and more jungle battles so long as the Communists are willing to brave the fantastic American firepower there. In the long run, the U.S. commanders seem to think that Red losses will prove prohibitive. Surveyor Lands Safely on Moon, Begins Soil Tests TRANSPLANT SUCCESS UNCERTAIN: Brooklyn Doctor Performs Fifth Human Heart Transfer PASADENA, Calif. () - The seventh and last of the amazingly successful Surveyor spacecraft landed gently yesterday in the most rugged area yet visited in the U.S. moon exploration pro- gram. Moments after the 5:05 p.m. (PST) touchdown the three legged little scout, carrying a camera and soil sampling instruments on the series first exclusively scientific mission, radioed that all was well. McKissick Commends. A id Refusal DETROIT MP)-The action of a militant Negro group in rejecting a proposed $100,000 Ford Founda- tion grant was applauded Monday by Floyd McKissick, chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality. McKissick, in supporting the federation's break away, said, "It's a matter of principle. It's a matter of saying I'm equal." The grant was made through the New D e t r o i t Committee, charged with rebuilding after July's riot. It was rejected last Friday by the Federation of Self- Determination, headed by the Rev. Albert Cleage, a Black Power advocate. Cleage said his group objected to what he called the strings at- tached to the group. He also said his federation was severing its ties with the New Detroit Com- mittee. McKissick backed Cleage in re- jecting the proposed $100,000 grant. "This $100,000 is merely welfare to the black community to keep the black folks quiet for the coming summer," he said. 0 McKissick stressed the impor- tance of how Detroit handles its relations with Negroes because, he said, key decisions affecting the economy are made in the city. "You make Ford cars on the outskirts of Atlanta," he said. "But the policy for making those Scars is here. So what happens in Detroit right now is more impor- tant than Newark. It's more im- portant than Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Denver." Meanwhile, Joseph L. Hudson, chairman of the New Detroit ( Committee, said the grant was re- jected because of a misunder- standing. Hudson also appealed to two Negro militants who resigned from his committee to reconsider and said he hoped cooperation between his committee and the Negro group would continue as before. Hudson in a news release Mon- day said, "We are sure this deci- sion in rejecting the grant is prompted by a misunderstanding of the conditions associated with the grant." Hudson did not elaborate, how- ever, and was unavailable -for further comment. This was the fifth success in the series, which has yielded tens of thousands of photos of terrain where astronauts next year may tread. So successful were No. 7's predecessors that it was assigned a purely scientific mission: to take pictures and sample soil in a rugged highlands area. Surveyor 7 touched down in a crater pocked highlands area near the south central edge of the lunar disk and began transmitting pic- tures within an hour to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. After turn- ing its television eye downward to inspect its tubular legs it gazed at the horizon. Lunar Landscape Initial shots were too indistinct to reveal surface features of what aerial photos had shown to be a boulder strewn area near the bat- tered rim of the 15,000 foot crater Tycho. But later pictures in the first series showed a large prominence rising on the horizon at an un- determined distance. The surface was strewn with rocks and various sizes and pocked with small and large craters typical of the lunar terrain. The horizon slanted at about 45 degrees. A laboratory spokesman said this could mean either that the spacecraft was tilted or that the portion of the horizon shown was the slope of a distant prom- inence. A, later photograph, with the camera aimed in another direction showed an extremely rugged land- scape with high prominences and boulders estimated to be as high as a three story building. Scientific Goal Unlike previous Surveyors, Sur- veyor 7 had a purely scientific goal. This was to see if there is any major geological difference between the vast plains around the moon's middle and the rugged highlands around Tycho. Scientists believe that tests of the soil around such a large crater should find material ejected from miles deep. If this material shows no evidence of having been melted sometime in the past, It could support theories that the moon was compacted of cold dust and gas. -Associated LOOK WATTS BACK Adam Clayton Powell removes his coat before making a speech at the edge of the Watts areai Angeles yesterday. The former New York congressman, expelled from the House of Represent last March 1, walked through Watts "to meet all my soul brothers." The speech marked the begi of a four week nationwide speaking tour. $190 BILLION: Federal Budget To Increase Melitary, Domestic Spendinp NEW YORK {A'-The world's fifth heart transplant between humans was performed yesterday with the long term survival of such operations still in doubt. In the newest operation, a 57 year old man was given the heart of a 29 year old brain damaged woman. There were no further details -:. available immediately. The only statement came from a spokesman at Maimonides Hos- pital in Brooklyn, where surgeon Adrian Kantrowitz attempted a transplant last Dec. 6. The statement said: "Maimoni- des Medical Center confirmed to- day that a heart transplant opera- d Press tion is in progress here. There will be no further comment at this time." in Los It was 37 days ago'that the first atives heart transplant in world history nning was attempted at the Groote Shurr Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. There Dr. Christiaan N. Barnard took the heart of a young woman and placed it into the breast of wholesale grocer Louis Washkansky, 53. He survived 18 days. j That is the longest period any human heart transplant patient has survived so far. Washkansky died of double pneumonia, his body rendered prone to disease by the drugs given him to insure his body would not reject his new e fiscal heart. 1966. It Only three days after the follow- Washkansky operation, Kantro- nated at witz tried to give the heart of a nt fiscal congenitally doomed two day old. baby to a 212 week old boy whose kept as heart was damaged from birth idential and endangering his life. adopted The tiny heart lived 6%/ hours. Decein- Doctors said they didn't know lic con- why it had failed, but said they get fig- had been having difficulty fight- ore un- ing a system wide imbalance in the baby's body chemistry since arges of before birth. Two human heart recipients are still alive. In Cape Town, Bar- nard's second attempt came Jan. 2, on Dr. Philip Blaiberg, a white dentist who received the heart of a mulatto man, Clive Haupt. Blai- berg is recovering well in the hos- pital, and may be sent home in two weeks. Then in Palo Alto, Calif., Stan- ford University surgeon Dr. Nor- man Shumway took the heart of a stroke victim, a 43 year old woman, and gave it to Mike Kas- perak, a 54 year old steelworker. After some difficulties Monday, Kasperak was in critical condi- tion with -:doctors still fighting Marine Officers Anticipate North Vietnam Offensive conditions brought on by his weakened liver. Drs. Shumway and Barnard studied together at the Univer- sity of Minnesota. Barnard and Kantrowitz are using techniques developed by Shumway. Shumway, who predicted the imminency of transplant opera- tions last October, ran into trouble with his first attempt when Kas- perak began to bleed internally Monday, just two days after the operation. The bleeding stopped, and the heart function is good, but the condition of the patient has not improved greatly. SAIGON OP)--Despite massive A m e r i c a n bombardments and! ground operations, U.S. Marine of- ficers figure North Vietnam is presently capable of launching an- other major offensive against South Vietnam's northern frontier. A new Red drive is considered tkely in the 1st Corps area this spring with dissipation of the northeast monsoon storm clouds now blanketing the frontier. Sizable Units Sizable units of the enemy op- erating in the five northern pro- vinces and other across the DMZ are considered in Da Nang, the Marine headquarters, to pose the new threat. Marine intelligence sources es- timate Communist troop strength in all the 1st Corps area at 50,000 men-33,000 main force and 17,000 guerrillas. American and other allied ele- ments total more than 100,000. "Here in the 1st Corps we are fighting two wars, the convention- al DMZ war and the rice paddy war," a Leatherneck officer said at Da Nang yesterday. Additional Troops With 25,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops reported in the two northernmost provinces, Quang Tri and Thua Thien, it apears likely the Marines will move soon to reinforce those pro- vinces with additional maneuver battalions. These are highly mo- bile units. Additional maneuver battalions would not necessarily mean fresh troops from the United States. WASHINGTON (/P) - Increased; domestic spending already written into law, and higher military costs, reportedly will boost total federal outlays in the next fiscall year to $190 billion or beyond. An informed source reporting this yesterday noted that the1 figure isn't exactly comparablet with past budgets since the ad-i ministration will use this year for1 the first time a unified budget1 format which lumps all spending together, including that of the huge government operate l trust funds such as Social Security. But one official said spending in the administrative budget - if that were still in use-would range between $145 billion and $150 bil- lion in the estimates now sched- uled to be sent to Congress Jan. 29. This is substantially above the $136 billion to $137 billion in ad- ministrative budget spending ex- pected in the current fiscal year ending June 30 but one source 17 7 said the increase stems from high- er defense costs and the increased cost of existing federal programs such as welfare, medicaid and pay r a i s e s for government workers. While spending in the new budget will be higher than in the- current year, the source said it will definitely remain below $200 billion under the new unified budget format. Under the administrative budget which has been in use for years, spending rose above $100 billion for the first time in th year that ended June 30, went to $126.7 billion the ing year and is now estim $136.2 billion in the currer year. The unified budget con proposed by a special pres commission last fall and; by the administration in ber is designed to end pub fusion over different bud ures, make the budget m derstandable, and end chi budget gimmickry. Petitioning for Joint Judiciary Council Six Seats Available Pick up petitions at SGC offices in the SAB Petitions Due 5 P.M., Tues., Jan. 16 NOW IN THE FISHB OWL I RV I NG HOWE'S I. I DICALISM t " ,-* K .r. , fir. 1.!-. ,.' /',. STEADY WORI ESSAYS IN THE POLITICS OF DEMOCRATIC RA UNION-LEAGUE w orm tw esnounuup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Pentagon called yesterday for 39,000 men to be drafted in March, the high- est military manpower request in 17 months. The March request, placed with the Selective Service System, is the highest since October, 1966 when the Pentagon sought 49,200 inductees. ' * * * STOCKHOLM - Sweden for- mally granted asylum yesterday to four American Navy men who deserted from the U.S. aircraft carrier Intrepid in Japan Oct. 23 to protest the Vietnam war. The sailors were invited to ap- ply for alien passports, which would enable them to travel free- ly anywhere within the country. The U.S. State Department de- clined comment on the decision. * * * ALBANY, N.Y.-Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller reaffirmed his support for Michigan Gov. George Rom- ney for the Republican presiden- tial nomination yesterday but said he would back Richard M. Nixon if Nixon should be named the GOP standard bearer against President Johnson. Under questioning, Rockefeller said that "only as a last resort" would he agree to be the favorite son candidate for New York's 92 member delegation to the Repub- lican national convention. WINTER WEEKEND Once in Chelin, the mythical village of East European Jews, a man was appointed to sit at the village gate and wait for the coming of the Messiah. He complained lo the village elders that his pay was too low. "You are right"' (hey said to him, "the pay is low. But considers the work is steady." it Mass Meeting Roundup Tomorrow Night Thursday, January 11 7:30 P.M. ON SALE-JANUARY 10-16 WRITER-IN-RESIDENCE '68 i I ! UNION BALLROOM Need interested workers for ALL committees UNION-LEAGUE NOW $6.00 ORDER YOUR MICHIGANENSIAN CONTEMPORARY DISCUSSION * I I 1 , I I I I. U t I Frontier Beef Buffet Deliciously Sweet Roasted Chicken ... 99c now thru January only Carry Out Service Available An International Peace Army For Vietnam