u4r tEiigall hal Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFEB _ ;_ _ [ '- Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. 'This must be noted in all reprints. 1Y5 EASY( To WANT TO BVRM VERYt1II6 D~oi. / Wf{r ATS tYOUR PROGRAM1? OUR PROweN4is GUER1UC.GA k+F -u . IFOL d&Et'P y fi41ATWc. N -v WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE 'U' Budget Cuts: Spanking the AFTER UNIVERSITY administrators send the budget request to Lansing each year, they smile enigmatically and sit tight. At first, they make vague, opti- mistic comments about how state rev- enues are up and how the University can naturally expect more money from the state which last year forced the Univer- sity to raise tuition and go on an austerity budget. But then the governor takes a close look at the University's request and issues his recommendations of how many dol- lars he thinks this institution deserves. Tlis year, he chopped $11.1 million off the University's request and administra- tors started to frown and fidget. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith commented, "If they ac- cept the governor's recommendations, we have to get legislators to realize the dol- lars to achieve our objectives aren't there." However, administrators brace them- selves to hear legislators' recommenda- tion. For legislators, especially senators, have shown themselves to be even more tightfisted than the governor. Monday the Senate Appropriations Committee slashed the governor's recommendations by $3.4 million. THIS LEAVES the University with only $61.3 million of its original $75.8 mil- lion request. The Senate Committee's action came almost concurrently with release of the substance of Auditor General Albert Lee's report. Lee charged that University aud- iting practices "have resulted in an over- statement of expenditures and an under- statement of available cash." Although committee chairman Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) said "it had no ef- feet on the figures in the bill," senators were reportedly pounding the tables with their fists when they heard what the auditor had to say. The University, long looked at as the spoiled favorite of the Michigan educational system, was con- sidered to be misusing its status. Most administrators wouldn't admit it, but they really didn't expect the legisla- ture would go very far toward meeting the needs of this institution, or indeed of any institution in the state. And the aud- itor general's report can hardly be blamed Spoiled Child for the general lack of concern for the welfare of state schools. Administrators suspect that despite arguments against doing so, legislators would ask out-of-state students to pay more of the actual cost of their educa- tion. Some out-of-staters already are be- ginning to look elsewhere for an educa- tion-just in case fees skyrocket again. AND THEY aren't afraid they'll be miss- ing much because students, faculty and administrators are all quietly aware that this school is headed downhill and has been ever since state funds started being cut. Again this year, administrators are plotting how to make do with insuffi- cient dollars. Although executive officers were unwilling to consider the possibility of a tuition increase for a second con- secutive year, it seems more and more apparent that student fees, especially out- of-state fees, are the only source of rev- enue that can be tapped. In the past, when state funds have not met needs, the University has established a list of priorities. This year, salary in- creases for teaching staff, the addition of new teachers and supporting staff are already earmarked for first priority. The University requested a 9 per cent salary increase, but may have to accept the governor's 6.3 per cent as an absolute minimum. To allocate increases to priorities, the University will have to drain $3.4 million from other important areas. In the past, supporting staff have not been hired, facilities have not been rehabilitated. BUT THIS YEAR, the governor recom- mended increases to only one of the six general areas of University need, that of instruction. So the library, student services and basic operations will doubt- less be hardest hit by the senate recom- mendations, if adopted by the legislature. The library is due to receive only $4.7 million, student services are slated for $3.4 million and operational costs are to get a meager $17.5 million according to Romney's breakdown. The $3.4 million senate cut, even if balanced over the six areas, could prove disasterous to a uni- versity already walking a financial tight- rope. -HENRY GRIX (r FOL4 OG(EP 8 Y T OCP XCUpPATK03 OF lTHE GHC~fOS. FOB.U0&JCc7 Byt FoEO1UWpi Ry IM&R.- t /'~49t ',N r 1U W ETT0B AS ACCEPTABLE' To~ YO() AS 6X-wISAI1ICAs RKCE pRO~t.EH 5Ssot-vEP. 1111 A iL Pub~mna ydi Malcolm X Service: Black over White By KENT WITTRUP "IN THE PAST, yes, I have made sweep- ing indictments of all white people. I never will be guilty of that again-as I know now that some white people are truly sincere, that some truly are capable of being brotherly toward a black man. The true Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks." Last week the Afro-American Libera- tion Movement sponsored a memorial service for Malcolm X at Canterbury House, which included speeches, a short poetry reading, and a jam session by the Don Morrow Combo. One of the young black girls who spoke said that it has taken us three years to understand what Malcolm X was talking about. It may take longer than three years. "I don't speak against the sincere, well- meaning, good white people," the girl said. "I have learned that there are some. I have learned that not all white people are racists. I am speaking against and my fight is against the white racists. I firmly believe that Negroes have the right to fight against these racists, by any means that are necessary" THE FIFTH SPEAKER of the service, a spontaneous inclusion, was a young man in Eastern clothes. He came to the speak- er's stand and said he was "disgusted" that an integrated audience should try to make a memorial to Malcolm X. Citing Malcolm's statement that all that he liked about integration as "coffee with cream" as an example, the speaker gave an inter- pretation of Malcolm X's message-that the best thing for the black man to do is to have as little contact with the white man as possible. He wasn't talking about Black Libera- tion, but segregation of black against whites. In Nobody Knows My Name, writer James Baldwin tells of how he left Amer- ica and went to France-and when he got there, he found that he was American first and black second, whether he liked it or not. This is what the black and white populations of the United States in the twentieth century must know, as Mal- colm X found out in Mecca-that there can be no black liberation without white liberation. The black man say he wants full com- mand of his society, having the same con- trol that the white man has exercised for four hundred years in this country. But in seeking the identical power as the white man has held in the past, the black is not asking for a Black Liberation to replace the white domination, but a black domination over the whites. But this young man deserved part of the applause he got because he did do one thing---he stated for all to hear the basic truth that Malcolm X proclaimed throughout his life-"Whitey is the Devil." HE WAS RIGHT-the devil of history, of South Africa, of Vietnam, of Hiro- shima, of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the United States the unquestioned Satan of non-white history has been the "Chris- tian" white man. His gift to the non- white populations has been constant poverty, oppression, exploitation, cruelty, murder, emasculation, and rape. This speaker knew the truth-that the white man is the devil and he was not afraid to say so to whoever might have been listening-black and white. There was just one catch in the speak- er's argument-his concession' that "I have been convinced that some American whites do want to help cure the rampant racism which is on the path to destroying this country." There were white people in the room at Canterbury House, probably wanting the same justice, the same freedom, same human dignity that Malcolm X stood for. The fourth speaker, a young minister, another spontaneous addition to the serv- ice, told the story of the young college girl who came to Malcolm X and asked "What con I do?", to which Malcolm re- plied, "Nothing," sending her away in tears. That story comes from page 286 of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and it is an important part of his memory. But there is, another story from page 362, eighty pages later which was not part of the service. "... I WAS in my car driving along the freeway when,'at a red light, another car pulled alongside. A white woman was driving and on the passenger's side, next to me, was a white man. "Malcolm X!" he called out-and when I looked, he stuck his hand out of his car, across at me, grinning. 'Do you mind shaking hands with a white man?' Imagine that! Just as the traffic light turned green, I told him, 'I don't mind shaking hands with human beings. Are you one?'" Letters: Smothering of Smothers Bros. 4 Lee's Folly Victimizes U' STATE AUDITOR General Albert Lee told The Daily yesterday that his report on University accounting "was not intended to be inflamatory." Lee must be incred- ibly naive. His statement implies chicanery on the part of University officials at a time when the Senate Appropriations Committee was meeting to decide on cuts in the Univer- sity's budget. And although the auditor general refuses to publically release the full 85-page document, several copies of the preliminary report were circulating throughout high Lansing circles as the appropriations committee met to discuss the higher education bill. The committee chairman Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) said the report caused "quite a bit of controversy in the hearings" but denies it had any effect on the outcome of the deliberations. A close observer de- scribed the committee session as a fierce debate, with committee members shout- ing and pounding their fists on the table. University President Robben W. Flem- ing called Lee's report "potentially ex- tremely damaging to the University" and Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier (5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($P by mail). Editorial Staff MARK LEvIN, Editor STEPHEN WILDSTROM URBAN LEHNER Managing Editor Editorial Director DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor WALLACE IMMEN ...................... News Editor PAT O'DONOHUE .................. ..News Editor DANIEL OKRENT ................. Feature Editor representative Raymond Smit (R-Ann Arbor) said it was "an attempt to find an excuse to cut appropriations to the University." All this from an ostensibly non-inflam- matory statement. LEE'S EVALUATION of University fi- nances was no less naive than his views on the effect of the report. He recommended that unrestricted gifts to the University be used to reduce state ap- propriations. The recommendation borders on ab- surdity. What donor would provide funds to the University if he knew his gift would simply be marked off the legislature's appropriation to the University? Further- more there would be absolutely no incen- tive for the University to attempt to so- licit such gifts for they would in no way increase the funds available to the Uni- versity. Should the University be penalized by the legislature because its alumni have generously contributed to its growth and expansion. Obviously accountant Lee knows very little about the operation of a university. The auditor general has also suggested that projects funded by private gifts or federal funds should be charged with a full share of ongoing overhead costs to the University, thus reducing the require- ment of funds from legislative appro- priations. RESTRICTED GRANTS are by their nature earmarked for specific use only. Foundations are unwilling to pay the overhead costs on gifts. Should the Uni- versity turn down a large grant from a foundation merely because it doesn't pro- vide for operating expenses? Federal Editor's Note: The following is a letter sent to Larry Carino, general manager of WJBK TV, the CBS affiliate in Detroit. LAST SUNDAY night we watched the Smothers Brothers show on Channel 2 specifically to hear the songs of Pete Seeger. Deploring the reactionary censorship which had barred him from the major networks for so many years, as well as the CBS policy which had deleted one of his songs from an earlier broadcast, we were an- xious to see him allowed to pre- sent his views over your station in song form. Unfortunately, as General Manager of WJBK, you took it upon yourself to delete that portion of the song which you felt was improper or perhaps unfit for the American public. Your apologist on CBS radio, J. P. McCarthy, claims that your rationale for censoring the song "The Big Muddy" was that you felt that it demeaned the office of the President of the United States and consequently was unfit for public consumption. The implica- tions of your action is that the American public is not prepared to assimilate variant opinions on publicaffairs and that your sta- tion is obligated to protect them for a satirical song and directed at American policy in Southeast Asia and the leaders who direct this policy. Whether or not you agree with Mr. Seeger's position, he does not stand alone. and your action of censorship raises a va- riety of questions about the nature of American society today, more particularly as viewed by WJBK Detroit. TO BEGIN WITH, the notion of "sacred" in public office is both outdated and ludicrous when compared with the political pro- cess in the United States today. The wisdom of the President is questioned daily in the newspapers by various editorial commentators and the Detroit area public is not normally protected from this type of information. Secondly, it is just this type of censorship which is characteristic of the thought con- trol which supposedly character- izes totalitarian states. Why in the United States is this type of action acceptable when it is just this type of activity which we de- plore elsewhere? Third, is the in- stitutional foundation of democ- American way of life, to the American political process? IT WOULD SEEM in conclusion that the right of the broadcaster is viewed as predominating over the rights of the viewing public and the foundations of the demo- cratic ideal on which this country is historically founded. Both my wife and I are deeply concerned with regard to the action taken by WJBK in censoring the songs of Pete Seeger. We deplore your censorship of the Smothers Broth- ers show and would like to recom- mend that you reconsider the broadcasting policy of your sta- tion. -Prof. and Mrs. William B. Hauser Rent Arithmetic To the Editor: AT PRESENT there is great concern over landlord accep- tance of the 8-month University lease. The Daily and other stu- dent organizations have given this strong support; however, I feel that the University lease has been distorted by the inadequacy of the demands placed upon it. By requesting only an 8-month lease, SHA and SGC are probab- ly doing more harm than good. The reason is simple. There is no stipulation providing for a rea- sonable percentage increase in monthly rent if the landlord ad- heres to the new 8-month lease. The result of this campaign has been a 25 per cent increase in rent concomitant with acceptance of the 8-month lease. This is a regression from the current 12- month lease since the student will be paying a greater total rent during the academic year. Under the new policy the land- lord receives 25 per cent more rent for eight months or the equivalent of ten months rent under a 12-month lease. Thus during the four month sublet the landlord needs only 50 per cent of the regular rental (under a twelve month lease) or two full months rent to earn the same to- tal rent as accrued under a twelve month lease. (i.e., 8 mo. and 25 per cent of 8 months and 50 per cent of four months.) Any amount over 50 per cent of regu- lar monthly rent results in great- er profits for the landlord under the new 8-month lease. 8-month lease. The total rent would be $2000 for the 8-month lease and $2400 for the 12-month lease. However, considering the average sublet (case "a," at 60 per cent for regular rent for four months and case "b," at 70 per cent for four months) the aver- age total rent for the 12-month lease would range from $1920 (case "a") to $1840 (case "b"). Taking this hypothetical ex- ample, a_ four-man apartment at $250 per month under an 8-month lease would rise at least $80 to $160 for most tenants. This seems like a very high price to pay for apartment "reform." -Robert P. Morris, '68 Registration To the Editor: ON FEBRUARY 23, 1968, I went to Ann Arbor City Hall to register to vote. I informed the clerk of my intentions and he im- mediately proceeded to question me. Of course, his first question was: "Are you a student?" I could hardly deny my student status. Then, answering that this criteria made me ineligible to vote and without further questioning me to determine whether or not I was eligible to vote, he informed me that state regulations were such that I was ineligible to vote in 'Ann Arbor. Now, I had reviewed the requirements as listed on The Daily's editorial page in a recent issue and considered myself elig- ible to vote in Ann Arbor. I im- mediately proceeded to volunteer information to establish my elig- ibility. In the end, he grudgly ac- cepted my eligibility to vote here disapproval of my persistence to but, not before he demonstrated OPINION The Daily has begun accept - 'ng articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on ,ub.iects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. his disapproval of my persistence to register. I have registered in other gov- ernment offices and was never subjected to such treatment but I walked away from this office with the distinct impression that the city clerk's office has a subtle, systematic means of depriving some students of their right to vote. They do this by harassing the student as they did me, by first asking the question pertain- ing to student status and drawing inferences from that, by failing to question the student fully, and by forcing the student to take the initative in proving his right o voe. By this means, they are able to deny this right to those who are not quite as aggressive as my- self, to those who are not fully aware of the statures governing eligibility to vote, and to those who are easily convinced by what others 'tell them; none of these traits are pertinent to voter eligi- bility. I would suggest that the city clerk's office review their voter registration procedures. -C. Michael Taylor, '68 Ed r I ~ i~4 7o ' I I am ' 4 + _ _.,, '.--, . ' te.. ; l4 I .: : 4 U' R LA i