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February 28, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-28

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gilCt ai

4E a it33

Windy and colder
except in Florida

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 128

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, February 28 1968

Seven Cents

Ten Pages

State Auditor sReport MCause

' Budget Cut

Fleming 'Shocked,
Puzzled' by Action













prPCir Pnt c

Commis sion


State Auditor General Albert
Lee's report on University fi-
nances may cost the University
more cuts in its 1968-69 fiscal!
S Rep. George .F. Montgomery
(D-Detroit) yesterday told The
Daily he believes the University
has been guilty of "an institu-
tional misdemeanor" for "not ac-
curately reporting its financial
condition to the legislature."
Montgomery is a member of the
House Appropriations Committee
which must consider the Univer-
sity's budget request after the
Senate finishes consideration of
Lee's report on University fi-
nances is not scheduled for re-
lease until about tvo weeks from
now, but a preliminary version
caused a furor in Lansing Mon-
day when the Senate Appropria-
tions Committee -net to discuss
the higher education bill. Th'!
committee cut $3A4 million from
Gov. George Romey's request of
$64.7 million for the Universiiy's
genera fund budg.-
Lee's 85-page statement charges
that University auditing practices
"have resulted in an overstate-
ment of expenditures and an un-
derstatement of available cash."
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin L. Nienuss refused
ICC To Holda
On Housing
With hopes of "stimulating stu-
dent co-operative residences espe-
cially on campuses where there are
no co-ops" the Inter-Cooperative
Council (ICC) will hold a confer-
ence March 1-3 in the Michigan
Union and co-op houses.
Over 100 students, faculty, and
administrators from 20 campuses?
will attend.
The Education Chairman of the
ICC, Nancy Meyerson, hopes the'
conference will solve the iCC's
problem of financing for its North
Campus Project. Low-cost housing
for 200 people planned by the ICC
has not been built because of the
inability to get a substantial loan.
"Our main problem is how to!
attract low-interest money to stu-
dent co-ops," Miss Meyerson said.
The ICC is a non-profit student-
owned and operated corporation,
which provides low-cost housing
for about 300 University students
in 11 houses. Since members, work-
W ing about five hours a week, do
all cooking and maintenance, $4001
per year is saved1 over dormitory
President Robben Fleming will
wlecome delegates to the confer-
ence on Saturday morning.
"Co-ops are Student Power" is
0 the topic of a speech by Dr. Wil-
liam Birenbaum, President of the
Education Affiliate of Bedford
Stuyvessant Development and
Services Corporation.

to comment yesterday on the 3 1 ,l f )I
charges leveled by Montgomery or
Lee. However, Niehuss said he
feels the appropriations recom-
mended by the committee are "en-
tirely too low."
University President Robben WV.
Fieming said he vas "muzzled and
shocked by the Senate commit-
tev'z action."
"We are deeply perplexed, about
the mechanism the committee
used to obtain its figures." he
said. "The governor', budget rec-
ommendation provicex the ab-
solute minimum for our salary
and wage program and other mm-1

L V.X,/ X ' K)







Calls' for

imal needs," Fleming added.
Montgomery warned that the
"University is going to have to
pay a fine" for its "lack of can-
(ndness in repomaiig its financial
"They pretend to spend more
than they actually do," he ex-
plained, "by shifting funds back
and forth in twenty or so dif-
ferent accounts that the Univer-
sity uses."
sWe're not going to knock our-
selves out for the University when
they didn't knock themselves out
for us," he said.-
When asked if he thought other
universities were also distorting
t heir financial posihior3, Mont-1
gomery replied that the Univei -
sity is a "bad example' and that}
"if other universities do it. they
learned how from the University
of Michigan."
The Senate Appropriationsj
Committee yesterr fy moved the'
education bill to the head of the
debate calendar and plans to push
for early action on the measure
Early Senate action on the bill
would give the state's colleges an-
universities less time to apply
pressure for raises in their ap-
propriations for the coming fiscal
It has been rumoredi that the
University or a group of univer-
sities were planning to ask for a
special legislative lbearing before
V_ house appropriations commie -
tee if the bill came out of the
senate too low.
The appropriations committee
stipulated as a condition of the
appropriation that no college or
university with a non-resident en-
rollment exceeding 20 per cent of
total enrollment may increase the
non-resident total over that of
the fiscal 1967-68 year.
It is a further condition that
'ny institution having an enroll-
ment of non-residents less than
20 per cent of total enrollment
shall not raise that percentage by
more than five per cent of non-
resident enrollment for the pre-
vious year.
"Michigan's out-of-state tuition
is already the highest of any major
Istate university in the nation,"
Fleming said. "An increase of $348
(per student), reported to be pro-
posed by the Committee, would put;
the University completely out of
line with other universities," he
Fleming said he would urge the
Governor to intervene in support
of his own recommendations lesti
serious damage be done to the Uni-

Runoff Spot
Negro Leader Leads
White Conservatives
In Congressional Race
JACKSON, Miss. UP - Negro{
leader Charles Evers won a run-
of f spot against a white conserv-
ative last night in a special elec-
tion for Southwest Mississippi's
congressional seat.
Running against six white op-
ponents for the 3rd Congressional
District post vacated when John'
Bell Williams became governor
last month, Evers posed the first
real Negro challenge of the cen-
tury for a seat from this DeepC
South state.
Evers had 31 per cent of the
vote with an estimated 80 per
cent of the votes counted. with
two white Democrats battling for
the other spot.
Charles Griffin of Utica, who
was on Williams' congressional
staff, led State Sen. Ellis Bodron,
Vicksburg, for the other spot in
the runoff.
With 245 of 309 precincts re-
ported, the count >tood : Eversa
25,027; Griffin 19,967: Bodron'
14,078; Troy Watkins 7,990: Joe
Pigott 6.816; Republican Hagan
Thompson 4,392; and David Per-
kins 2,207.
Evers told a cheering crowd of
supporters in Jackson that he
would win the runoff election
"All the Negroes voted for us."
said Evers, "and I'm proud to say7
that many of the whites voted for
us, too."
Federal election on;,ervers were
on hand to watch Il e voting i
the 12 county area

'U'-Wide Counc11
The President's Commission on the Role of Students in
Decision-Making early this morning requested that the Re-
gents ' establish a tri-partite University-wide rule-making
body and suggested that "it is the primary responsibility of
students" to establish a central judiciary.
. A University Council (UC) would replace the Office of
Student Affairs as the University's rule-making body for
students. OSA would be re-organized as the Office of Student
Services and would be run essentially by students.
The Commission also recommended that the vice-.presi-
dent for student affairs'be renamed the director and vice
president of student services '

-Daily-Bernie Baker
THE COMMISSION on the Role of Students in Decision-Making issued its final report last night.
Seated in the Student Government Council conference room are (left to right) SGC President
Bruce Kahn; a Daily reporter; William Steude, director of student-community relations; Commis-
sion Chairman Prof. Inis Claude of the political science department; and Prof. ?Maurice Sinott
of the engineering school.
WSU Editors Win Battle

and that students "play a
major role" in his selection.
UC, which would replace the
Campus Council of the commis-
sion's draft report, would be com-
posed of equal numbers of stu-
dents, faculty and administrative
officers. The University President
would serve as chairman. All UC
rules would require. ratification by
Student Government Council and
Faculty Assembly.
The commission also reconi-
mended all student, faculty and
aministration meetings tend' to
be open - to public observattoni
Sw=heiever possible.
The proposal on the judiciary
allows students to form the body
which would hear cases under
UC rules and act as an appellate
Student judiciaries would have
original jurisdiction in all non-
academic cases. In addition, the
commission urged student judic-
iaries in the 'individual schools

Council Asks
End to School
cil of Graduate Schools in the
United States appealed to Con-
gress yesterday to abolish all col-
lege draft deferments and turn to
a random lottery of 19-year-olds
to fulfill draft quotas.
The council, which represents
major universities across the coun-
try, also strongly opposed desig-
nation of certain subjects to which
students would be eligible for de-
Under the new rules only those
graduate students in the medical
or related fields may be deferred
in the future. Students in college

With today's paper, The Daily
ceases publication for spring
break. We will resume publica-
tion Tuesday, March 5.
The district has about 195.000
voters, with pernaps 70,000 of
them Negroes. Man:; of the Ne-
gro voters were registered during
civil rights drives spearheaded by
Evers, who once said he would
never be a political candidate.
The congras-oi al seat became
vacant when Williams. who I- .1d
it for 21 years, resigned following
his election as governor last No-

' t

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - The editors of
Wayne State University's student
newspaper have won a victory in
their battle with the WSU's ad-
ministration over the Metro, a
new inter-campus paper which
they publish.
Wayne County Circuit Court
Judge Joseph L. Sullivan yester-
day dissolved an earlier court or-
der which had forbidden staff
members of the South End from
contributing to the Metro.
The original order was granted
at the instigation of WSU's Board
of Governors.
However, South End editors Art
Johnston, Anthony Zineski and
Alan Fisk still must appear in
court Friday to show cause why
they should not be held in con-
tempt of court for distributing the
Metro's first edition to the Uni-
versity and thirteen other Detroit
area campuses.
The Metro included an article
written by Johnston. He claims
however that he didn't receive


the court order unil iter the'
Metro had finished its press run.
Johnston claims tat WSU
president William R. Keast
sought the original court order as
part of a "personal vendetta"
against the South Eni, which has
published many articles critical
of him since Johnston, was ap-
pointed last spring.
The editors also face disciplin-'
ary action from WSU's Commit-
tee on Stuwcnt Conduct, a disci-

plinary board compcsad of three
deans, an mdninistrator, a mem-
ber of the laculty and one stu-
dent. So fq-,. accordins to John-
ston, no :tudent h > been found
who was 1ling to serv - on the
board, wnii has summoned the
ee to a, . ai on c'ijfl;;es of


Pass-Fail S ti
The literary college's pass-fail option,
initiated 18 months ago, has caused a con-
tinuing controversy in all parts of the Uni-
versity community.
Although the Center for Research on
Learning and Teaching (CLRT) has not
yet completed its review of the pass-fail
program for the literary college Curriculum
S Committee, proponents of an extension of
the option hope to have a new policy es-
tablished by this fall.
The literary college Student Steering
Committee has proposed that all students
beyond the first semester be allowed to elect
one course per semester on pass-fail, ac-
cording to committee chairman Diane Lynn
Salta, '69.
The only area in which courses could
noc be elected on pass-fail would be those
in the student's 'major field under this

rs Continuing
from the present antiquated system." Pass-
fail teaching is more demanding of a teach-
er, he says, whereas the ?ld system protects
bad teachers and their methods.
The curriculum committee of the literary
college has been "discussing the extension
of pass-fail for some time. A recommenda-
tion is still quite far off," says Prof. Roy
Pierce of the political science department,
chairman of the committee. He explained
that the language and natural science re-
quirements would have to receive in-depth
reviews. Those courses have the greatest
request-to-drop rate in the college.
"Putting troublesome required courses on
pass-fail would merely be a glossing over of
the symptoms." says James W. Shaw, asso-
ciate dean of the literary college. "It would
not really be getting to the heart of the
"'t has been very difficult to reach any
kind of consensus on pass-fail among the

Hagiwara. The problem with a D cutoff,
he says, lies in the large turnover bf tc.ach-
ing fellows. This results in many new and
inexperienced teachers each semester. It
takes teaching experience, says Hagiwara,
to determine whether or not a student who
receives a D should pass the course or fail it.
The only conditions Hagiwara insists on
are a minimum grade of C to pass the 232,
or' terminal course, and the keeping of
grades on students' records. This is for the
convenience of graduate schools in admit-
ting students, he says.
Shaw also recognizes the problems in-
volred in the D cut-off proposed by the
steering committee. "In sequence courses,
especially in language and mathematics,
the question is not only who passes but
who proceeds to the next course in the
s e'uence." he says.
Complaints about the language iequire-

On Mornill
The Ann Arbor City Council is
considering a ban on parking on
all city streets from 2 a.m. to 5
a.m. daily.
This move would be primarily
aimed at counteracting the ex-
pected influx of autos brought on
by the abolition of student driv-
ing regulations by the University.
City Administrator Guy C. Lar-r
com, Jr. proposed the move to the
City Council last night.
Larcom said that the proposal
is not a new concept, but the de-
sirability of the early-morning
ban has been discussed for years.'
The council, he said, has had a
policy of "creeping extension" of
this parking restriction.
Abolition of 'student regulations
would only speed up the necessity
for imposing the parking restric-
tion, he explained.
"I don't want people to think
the regulations I'm talking about
are necessarily retaliatory. They
will be needed anyhow."
The Regents passed a resolu-
tion in January requesting "an
expression from legal counsel
concerning the -rights and powers
of the Board to limit the use of
motor vehicles by students."
They also requested "an indi-
cation from the City of Ann
Arbor of the impact upon traffic
and parking prob!-;i-s of any fu-
ture liberalization" of regulations.
The Regents' action came in.
the wake of a Student Govern-

imiprope iy and without author- and colleges and all other existing or apprentice school may be de-
izationei t d tgenera!pub-I student courts to join the central ferred until they complete their
ato believe tha th,.r pvatejudiciary when it is formed. training.
u to believe tthe ofeir private A split on the judiciary issue The council's position paper
newspaper was the official news- had been expected but a com- said the rule barring future draft
paper of WST. promise proposal written by Prof. deferments for graduate students
Willian Iorter, chairman of the imposes serious planning burdens
journalisrhi department, brought Ion universities which rely heavily
students and faculty together. on graduate teaching assistants to
ler h an Student members of the com- teach some freshman courses.
mission had favored the establish- The council stressed its accept-
" ment of a student-controlled Joint ance of.the principle that military
University Committee (JUC) tosanceo incipat military
hear cases under UC rules and to service is an obligation of every
act as the appellate student court. able bodied citizen.
Several faculty members ap-' "We believe that this obligation
al traffic would also force the city proved the JUC proposal but wish- should be borne equally by all citi-
to move more rapidly in widening ed to give the faculty of the in- zens and that neither graduate nor
such streets as Packard, Hill and dividual school or college the opt- undergraduate students -should be
Maynard. Larcom, said, ion of remaining outside the sys- deferred pr exempted from such
Councilman Douglas D. Crary tem. service," the statement said.
questioned if the city was expect- Another faculty proposal gave The statement said a system of
ed to provide "free garaging fa- the individual school or college selective service should be design-
cilities" on the city streets. He original jurisdiction in all cases ed to create a minimum of dis-
pointed out that it interferes with concerning UC rules. ruption and uncertainty in the
city services, "including snow re- 1 In the area of student housing,|lives of those eligible for induction
moval, refuse collection, and the commission recommended the , and that the selection process
street cleaning." University move "as quickly as should take place at "a natural
Councilman James Riecker took possible to a policy in which dor- time of transition."
a stronger line. "I can't help but mitory living is not compulsory at The council defined this as the
feel the University is afraid to any level." In addition, the pro- completion of high school. Stu-
make this decision and is trying posal would change the Board of dents who, under present law, have
to hang it all on us," he said. Governors of the Residence HalNs been deferred to pursue a bacca-
"When the University officials from a rule-making body to a laureate or higher degree should
have been afraid to stand up to "policy-coordinating group" and not be inducted until they have
students, we've had to. I'm -ick of increase the number of students completed their immediate objec-
it." t t<;ng on the Board. tives, the council statement said.
State Education Board Nears
Completion of aster Plan'

A revised draft of th
Board of Education's long
ed plan to consolidate p
planning among Michiga
public colleges and univer
nearing completion.
The proposed State P
Higher Education aims at
ating a critical shortage c
educational facilities by e

e State
an's 11
sities is
lan for'
of state

Thes plan was then sent to a;
citizen's committee chaired by
former Michigan Gov. G. Mennen
Williams for criticism.

organizations of the 11 campuses
affected by the plan, but the com-
mittee was never formed.
"We couldn't get the idea to
" ",t y 'v.E, ., :n 4ZT c rb rtl

The plan is presently "all torn gen," Smith says. "We ent out
to pieces by committee aciton," feelers to Deans of Students at all
Smith says. As soon as the criti- the colleges, but received only a
cisms have been incorporated into few responses, and some of those
the plan, it will be sent to univer- were non-committal."
sity and college presidents, the De- Discussed for nearly a decade,
nartment of State. and other in- the Rtate Plan was originally con-


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