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February 27, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-27

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See editorial page

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Intermittent Snow
Changing to Flurries

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 127

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, February 27, 1968

Seven Cents

Eight Pages







An Editoria


. . .

* * * * * *Auditor Blasts
Senate Slashes 'U' Bu dget Fund Shifts

THE DOCUMENT which the President's Commission on
the Role of the Student in Decision-Making is
scheduled to issue tonight promises to be a bitter dis-
appointment to all who had hoped that the Commission
would once and for all enunciate the fundamental
principle that non-academic student conduct should
not be regulated by the University.
Conceived by President Hatcher as a response to the
student power crisis of November, 1966, the Commission
has taken over a year to propose a rule-making tripartite
Campus Council and two alternate judiciaries. Yet both
proposals are largely irrelevant because they are rooted
in a faulty assumption.
Both the relatively innocuous proposal for a student-
dominated judiciary (Joint University Committee) and
the totally unacceptable alternative of dumping adju-
dication of non-academic student conduct into the laps
of the faculty assume that the University has the obliga-
tion, or the right, to make and enforce rules governing
the lives of students outside the classrooms.
That assumption is embodied most explicitly in the
Commission's unanimous proposal for a tripartite Cam-
pus Council to legislate non-academic conduct rules. CC's
authority would extend over sit-ins, picketings, demon-
strations and non-academic lectures. - in short, all
non-academic, non-residence halls conduct on Univer-
sity property. Student Government Council and Faculty
Assembly would have to ratify its legislation.
This effective veto-power would probably render any
CC legislation trival. But the crucial fault of the pro-
posal is not its built-in infeasibility but the faulty
assumptions underlying the entire report. The University
has neither the obligation nor the right to govern the
lives of students outside of the classroom.
IT IS DISAPPOINTING that the arguments need to be
restated. With the Reed Report of 1962, the University
committed itself to a phasing-out of the noxious phi-
losophy of in loco parentis, and for sound reasons. At
least half of the students at this University are of legal
age. The University's role by its own admission and
rhetoric is to educate students for life, not for vocaions.
This means allowing students to learn how to live by
taking responsibility for their own actions, by question-
ing or holding any and every opinion.
Because University and civil laws, especially with re-
gard to sit-ins and public demonstrations, would over-
lap, students and faculty members who violated the rules
would be in danger of being prosecuted twice for the
same offense.
The legal questions connected with sit-ins and disrup-
tions of public addresses are beyond the University's
jurisdiction. They should be left to courts and juries,
the duly constituted civil authorities.
JUST HOW misguided the Commission's report is be-
comes clearer when the issue is viewed in historical
perspective. Because the Commission was designed by
President Hatcher as a means of sidestepping a renewed
crisis over non-academic discipline, the failure of the
Commission to propose alternatives even approaching
the demands students made during that crisis brands the
commission process as an odious delaying tactic which
should be forever buried without tears or thoughts of
In November of 1966, at a time when the administra-
tion-in compliance with a national Selective Service
request-was supplying class ranking of all male stu-
dents to local draft boards, students voted 2-1 in a
University-wide referendum for the University to dis-
continue submitting class rankings.
While the University was announcing its intention to
ignore the expressed wishes of students and continue
rankings, a series of sit-ins proliferated-including one
in Vice President Pierpont's office.
THANKSGIVING vacation broke the momentum. When
students returned to campus after vacation, Presi-
dent Hatcher disclosed the administration's response to
the students' unrest: a packet of tripartite Presidential
Commissions on Sit-ins, the Draft, and the Role of the
Student in Decision-Making.
By the end of the next semester, changed conditions
and attitudes had obviated the work of all but the Deci-
sion-Making Commission; the others died out or issued
non-committal reports. Major structural and philoso-
phical changes in every other area were postponed as
students, faculty and administrators waited with some-
thing less than bated breath for the Commission to
Today the Commission will release its report. Beside

the totally unacceptable Campus Council, it will propose
two alternative judiciary systems. One, a student-domi-
nated Joint University Committee, would be, relatively
inoffensive and serve a useful purpose as an appelate
court for cases brought from dormitory and fraternity
and sorority judiciaries.
The other, adjudication by the separate colleges, vio-
lates the fundamental democratic principle of trial by
peers and deserves no consideration.
But no alternate proposal or even statement of prin-
,,.,...t~a o s a

Cuts Romney
Request By
$3.4 Million

special To The Daily
LANSING - The Senate Ap-
propriations Committee last night{
recommended an appropriation of
$61.3 million for the University's
general fund budget, a substan-
tial drop from the $64.7 million {
recommended by Gov. Romney in
his January budget message.
The committee reported out a$
higher, education bill calling for:
a total appropriation of $247 mil
lion for the 1968-69 fiscal year.!
This represents a 16 per ,cent de- _
crease from the $299 million i ee-
ommended by Romney.
A last minute report from tne
State Auditor General's Office on
University accounting methods
yesterday caused "quite a bit of,
controversy in the hearings," said ;
c o m m it t e e chairman Frankt
Beadle (R-St. Clair).
However, "it had no effect on
the figures in the bill," he ex-;
plained.YOU CAN
Sen. Charles Zollamber of the com-
mittee, said that the reason or Students began boarding buses for home
the cut was "the state should not break approaches. Classes end officially a
subsidize out-of-state students are starting appropriately early. Official
mre than 25 per cent." -
"He said the cut is aimed at fore-AE
irg the University to boost tul- ASSISTANCE LIMITED:
tion for out-of-state students soI

Fleming Statement Defends
Accounting of Expenditures
University President Robben W. Fleming yesterday blast-
ed a report by State Auditor General Albert Lee which charged
that University auditing practices "have resulted in an over-
statement of expenditures and an understatement of available
"There are neither secrets nor improprieties about the
way in which accounts of the University are kept," Fleming
The auditor general reportedly charged in an 85-page
statement that University officials had shifted funds from
one source to another in such a way as to distort the true
nature of University expend-

--Daily--Anita Kessler
or other destinations as early as yesterday as spring (?)
at 5 p.m. tomorrow, but many students and professors
ly classes are scheduled to resume Monday.

Vice-President and Chief Fin-
ancial officer Wilbur K. Pierpont
refused to comment on the
Lee recommended that unre-
stricted gifts to the University be
used to reduce state appropria-
tions. However Fleming explain-
ed such practices "would exstin-
guish unrestricted gifts because
there would be no incentive to a
donor to provide money in lieu
of state support."
Fleming acknowledged that the
report "suggests that accounts at
the University are not properly
The auditor general's official
statement has not been made pub-
lic yet, but Fleming received a
copy severaldays ago for his re-
view and comment. The report
examines the financial affairs of
the University for the fiscal year
1965-66 at the request of the Sen-
ate appropriations committee.
"The report contains certain im-
plications" that might be "extre-
mely damaging to the University,"
Fleming said. "The fact is ac-
countants do not always agree on
a single correct method for hand-
ling accounts."
State representative Raymond
Smit (R-Ann Arbor), called the
report "an attempt to find an
excuse to cut appropriations to
the University.
"To insure against any im-
propriety in the handling of its
I funds the University for more
than 40 years has bad its accounts
audited by well known public ac-
counting firms," Fleming said.
Fleming also said that the aud-
itor general's report implies "that
there are substantial funds avail-
able in University accounts which
See AUDITOR, Page 8

To Analyze
University Activities Center's
Symposium '68 will bring novelist
Norman Mailer, television com-
mentator Louis Lomax and other
speakers to the University March
9-31 for lectures and panel dis-
cussions on "The -Moods of Dia-
sent" in religion, race relations,
science and politics.
Other speakers include Saul
Alinsky on urban problems, Wil-
liam Stringfellow on dissent and
religion, Carry McWilliams on
dissent in politics and Prof. Ar-
thur Miller of the Law School on
cybernetics and science.
Ea=h speaker will determIne the
format for his topic, said J'imn
Rosbe, 70. publicity chair.-an for
Symposium. Lomax, author of
"The Negi o Revolt," will lead an
informal discussion on race rela-
tions while other speakers have
requeste l a more formal presen-
Two panel discussiors are
scheduled The first will involve
foreign students and faculty
members. A wrap-up panel of
students and faculty will sum-
marize the Symposium- presenta-
tionsand analyze the -influence
of dissent in different areas of
society discussed.
Symposium will feature Univer-
sity President Robben Fleining's
first formal address to the stu-
dent body March 18 at Hil Aud.

that it represents 75 per cent. of.
t-he cost of education at the irn-
Zollar pointed out that if the
University were to increase its
fees for out-of-state students, the
amount gained would make up
$3.2 million of the $3.4 million cut
by the committee.
If the University were to raise
tuition for its 9,191 out-of-state
students to the level suggested by
the committee, tle proposed in-
crease would amount to $348 per
year - from the current $1300 to"
However, Zollar said "We can't
tell them what to do down there,
we can only recommend."
University officials have expres-
sed strong feelings against rais-
ing tuition for out-of-state stu-
dents for the second year in a
Included in the University ap-
propriation was $150,000 for addit-
ional faculty for the dental

Tuition Boost Depletes
NDEA Loan Resources


students whose need developed be-

Students who were hard-hit by cause of the tuition increase were
last semester's tuition increase forced to apply for State of Mich-
found it increasingly difficult to igan guaranteed loans, explained
obtain a low-cost long-term loan Streiff.
through the University's Office of However, Streiff said the Uni-
Financial Aids. versity has requested more funds
Associate Director of Financial from NDEA next year, and if the
Aids Karl D. Streiff explained that request is granted, he expects 'it
the primary source of loans, fed- will more than cover the increased
eral funds available through the demand.
National Defense Education Act Part of the reason for the short-
(NDEA), was expended last No- age of NDEA funds was an in-
vember. These funds "usually last crease in funds for Educational
until spring," he said. Opportunity Grants (EOG) from
Students who recognized their the federal government. These
need last year were covered for grants are given to encourage low
this year by NDEA funds. However, income students to continue their

loan program. These loans are sec-
ured through commercial financial
institutions, and although the stu-
dents "get essentially the same
deal as they do with the NDEA
program, students sometimes en-4
counter some difficulty in obtain-}
ing these loans," Streiff admitted.


the loans cannot be ne-
through financial insti-
students must use the

"least desirable" alternative, bor-
rowing University money. The ma-
jor drawback to using this money
is that the interest payments,
while no higher than with the
other programs, start immediately
upon receiving the loan.

T ei

aehers, Legislators Balk

Student Drivers May Obtain
Group Auto Insurance Rates

Often, Streiff explained, these
grants do not cover the needs of
the student, and when scholar-
ships are not available to supple-
ment the grants, loans are made
available up to an amount equal-
ing the grant.
"In order to match the increased
EOG money, we had to draw more;
heavily on NDEA money," Streiff
When the NDEA funds were de-
pleted, students were forced to
borrow from the state guaranteed

Streiff foresees some relief in the
future from .n expected rt ot useori'al
"The.NDEA may be modified to a
more general concept," he explain- TALLAHASSEE, Fla. UP - A legislators, after an hour long
ed. However, no funds from the 'summit conference on education, huddle, decided not to come but
University's $55M drive were al- 1 scheduled for the sixth night in instead invited the teacher leaders
Located specifically for student Florida's statewide teachers walk- to the state capitol. The FEA chose
loans, out, flopped yesterday night as not to go to the capitol.
Streiff emphasized that short both camps refused to budge from The stalemate caine after 1,700
term loans are still available, al- their quarters to meet. University of Florida students
though applications for these have Florida Education Association demonstrated in behalf of the
increased from 650 last year to officials waited vainly in their teachers, and Gov. Claude Kirks 7
almost a thousand this year. hotel room for the legislators. The refusal to meet with the striking.

Younger drivers, including stu-
dents. may be eligible for reduced+
auto insurance rates as a resultG
of a recent ruling by Michigan!
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley.
Kelleyi'uled recently that Mich-
igan law permits low-cost, group-,
rate car insurance plans with the
employer paying part of the pre-
miums, an arrangement long used
for hospitalization insurance.
The ruling clears the way for
such plans in Michigan, the first
state to take such a step.
Deputy Atty. Gen. Leon Cohan
said such plans would be particu-t
larly beneficial to young drivers,
who currently pay very high pre-
miums. Under group insurance,
premiums would be determied by!
the risk of the entire group, re-
ducing the cost to "high risk" un-
der-25 drivers.
A major problem for students
however, is membership in eli-
gible groups. Conceivably, if the
University were to set up such a!
plan for its employes, part-time
student employes might be eli-
gible for participation.
State Insurance Commissioner
David Dykhouse predicts that
group auto insurance flans will
become popular now that there

of Insurance Agents, said he wasI
confused by the implications ofs
Kelley's opinion.
"There are no eligibility re-
quirements in the ruling. This1
removes customary rating prac-
tice," Butterick .said.

If You Can Hold A Pencil, You Can.. .

Personnel Director
Some people are hard to en-
tertain; some people are easy
to entertain. The Daily enter-
tains everybody.
Once last fall I had my pic-
ture on the front page of The
Daily and it was a picture I've
always wanted -- the back of
my head.
University President Robben
W. Fleming has told mie con-
fidentially (over the phone)
"No comment."
Last fall I won $5 from the
sports staff when the St. Louis
Cardinals. won the World Ser-

been enough to entertain this
small-town girl.
If you seek, however, to drop
bigger names than I can or
maybe even have your whole
face on page one, The Daily
has room for you too.
The Daily has served as a
calling card for staff interviews
with Dean Rusk, Malcolm X
and many others.
If you've never had your
name in print (all Daily staf-
fers get bylines) or if you've
never said anything startling
enough to have a noted profes-
sor call you an "immature
brat," join The Daily and find
out how exciting life can be.
You may be disappointed

Somes24,000 of the state's 55 1do
teachers'and more than a third of
Florida's 1.3 million public school
pupils remained out of their class-
rooms as the strike threatened to
move into its seventh day with no
end in sight.
And although the legislators
were not optimistic the talks would
produce anything toward ending
the walkout, the meeting was the
first between the legislators and
FEA since the strike began.
Students - their number esti-
mated between 700 and 1,000-
marched from the University of
Florida campus to a theater where
teachers were meeting in Gaines-
ville. Another 700 demonstrators
joined them there.
The FEA called for mass teach-
er resignations after the legisla-
ture passed a controversial $254.5
million educational funding bill
in special session earlier this
In Washington, Executive Sec-
rafrv Sam Tamhert of the Na-

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