Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 25, 1968 Page Ten ~HE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 25, 1968 AIR LIFTS PLANNED: Army Stocks Riot Control Gear; National Police Force Proposed Picketing Continues While Teamsters Reject Newspaper's Latest Proposal. L WASHINGTON (P) - The Army is stockpiling riot control equipment in strategically located depots across the country, of- ficials said recently, and is ready to airlift it to any city if civil disorders break out next summer. Details of the military estab- lishment's riot duty preparations were disclosed after sources re- ported the President's Commis- sion on Civil Disorders is dissat- isfied with the National Guard's performance in quelling last sum- mer's violence, and is considering recommending creation of a spec- ially trained federal riot control force. A commission source said the National Guard's effectiveness is limited by lack of proper training and by "the fact most of the Guard is lily white." Special Force He said discussion .of a special force has centered on whether it would amount to a national po- lice force;or whether it would be a regular Army unit. Army and National Guard of- ficials said their planning has been extensive as well as diverse, ranging from obtaining maps of subway, sewer, water and electri- The Week To Come MONDAY, FEB.26 4 p.m.-Harvey Perloff, director of Resources for the Future, Inc., will speak on "A Philosophy for Regional Planning Education," in Aud. B, Angell Hall. 8:30 p.m. - The U-M Profes- sional Theatre Program will pre- sent "The Impossible Years" in Hill Aud. TUESDAY, FEB. 27 12:30 p.m.-Students of the U-M School of Music wind instrument department will perform in public recital in the school's North Cam- pus Recital Hall. 8:30 p.m. - The U-M Profes- sional Theatre Program will pre- sent "The Impossible Years" in Hill Aud. THURSDAY, FEB. 29 8 p.m.-Prof. George J. Stigler of the University of Chicago will give the George M. Humphrey Program in )Law and Economic Policy Lecture, "The Law and Economics of Public Policy," in Rack am Amphitheatre. 8:30 p.m.-The University Mu- sical Society will present the Munich Chamber Orchestra, con- ducted by Hans Stadlmair, in Rackham Aud. cal systems in potential trouble spots to preparing menus for mobilized national guardsmen; the; North Carolina guard, for ex- ample, will have fish with tartar sauce for dinner on the third day if called out. Strategy sessions have involved; thousands of individuals, from the Pentagon's top brass to po- licemen on the beat. Planning 'Adequate' "I personnaly feel - assured the planning is adequate," said Maj. Gen. Francis Greenlief, deputy chief of the National Guard Bur-' eau. Greenlief and the Guard chief, Maj. Gen. Winston P. Wil- son will tour 40 states this spring, reviewing state ar d local prepar- ations. From interviews with Pentagon, National Guard and other offic- ials, these major points emerged: -The Army is stockpiling spec- ial equipment in a half dozen or so depots, but officials refused to givee theyexact number or say where they are. "That's classified," one officer said. Greenlief said "the Army has developed a plan for providing very, very rapidly any additional communications equipment re- quired by the states." Healso mentioned search lights and riot control agents, such as tear gas. Another source said M79 grenade launchers were among the stockpiled equipment. "Preplanning" There also has been "preplan- ning for air delivery" of the equip- ment Greenlief said. Local Na- tional Guard commanders know, he said, that "all they have to do is pick up the phone" to request special equipment. -Training has been broadened. Several hundred Army, National Guard. and police officials are taking week long special courses in riot control at Ft. Gordon, Ga., home of the Army's military po- lice. In addition, the Army has sup- plied Guard units with detailed riot training plans. These include lessons learned last summer in De- troit, Newark and other cities. Before summer, Army inspectors will personally review units "in critical areas"-those where the potential violence is greatest. -The Army established at the Pentagon last December a 13 member Special Civil Disturbance Board. The National Guard Bureau beefed up one of its sections and renamed it "The Special Office for Military Support to Civil Author- ity." This office has 227 full time staffers scattered throughout the nation.; Besides maps and menus, de- tailed tactical planning includes selection of routes into urban slums, assembly points and build- ings where troops can be housed. One National Guard officer said he doubted the Guard would ob- ject strenuously to formation of a special riot contol force, as is being considered by the presidential panel, because riot duty, "is a very unpleasant job that nobody likes." Greenlief said local guard units will do "everything possible to pre- clude having to ask" for federal help in controlling riots. "Sentiment in every state is that they recognize it as a state problem and they intend and cer- tainly hope to solve it themselves," he said. DETROIT (M)--As Detroit en- ters its 102nd day today without a daily newspaper, striking Team- sters continue to picket in front of the Detroit News and Free Press buildings. Teamsters reaffirmed their re- jection of the latest contract of- fer of the News by a 143 to 53 vote Friday. The evening News was closed down by the Teamsters strike Nov. 16, and the morning Free Press shut down in sympathy with the News Nov. 17. Accept Offer Although Local 372 of the Teamsters represents truck driv- ers from both papers, members at the Free Press voted Feb. 15 in favor of their newspaper's con- tract offer. The offer, which is al- most identical to the one rejected by Teamsters at the News, would raise wages and fringe benefits $30 weekly over the next three years. The Detroit Newspaper Publish- ers Association issued a statement criticizing the Teamsters mem- Since the strike, contracts with bers for refusing again an offer 13 of 14 craft unions at both the which the publishers said "would News and Free Press have ex- mean that most Detroit newspa- pired. The Machinists Union is per employes would be paid higher the only one with an unexpired wages than those in most of the contract, but members of all the major cities across the country." unions are picketing both news- TP cta atm~nt afthatTn-papers with "Locked Out" signs. THE URBAN FORUM II A Philosophy for Regional Planning Education A public lecture by HARVEY PERLOFF, Director, Program of Regional Studies, Resources for the Future, Inc. Monday, February 26, 1968-4:00 P.M. Auditorium B, Angell Hall stt Saelem aso saw naL n- ternational Teamster officials have endorsed the latest contract proposal while "a wilful minority" has blocked settlement of the strike. Less than half of the 600 driv- ers at the News voted Friday. No new negotiations have been scheduled at the News. Local 372 says its drivers are ready to re- turn to the Free Press whenever summoned. Bargain Separately The newspapers bargain sepa- rately with the Teamsters, but jointly with the 14 craft unions through the Detroit Newspaper Publishers Association, The Michigan AFL-CIO in a- recent newsletter said "the afro- gant attitude of the publishers" is the reason an early solution to the dispute has not been found. Like to know more about student-owied housing on eamnpus? Come to the CO-OP OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEB. 25 Petitions f or staff Petitions oni the 1969 Micli aiiensiai 4 A 10 CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS will have a representative on campus March 6, 1968 Proposed salary-Sept. '68: $7000 up plus paid Christmas and Spring vacations. For information about certification, procedures and teaching opportunities, arrange for appointment at: UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT OFFICE 12 the yearbook office 3:00-3:30 Meeting at Pickerill House 923 S. Forest 3:30-4:30 Visit any of the 11 houses 120 M a ard Street Positions available: Arts Editor and Associate Organization Editor and Associate Academics Editor and Associate Sports Editor and Associate Campus Life Editor and Associate Assistant Sales Manager Contracts Manager Publicity Director Supplement Manager M~en and Wlomen, Gr'ad and Unega Room and Board $310 per trimester Board Only $210 per trimester I,.4' Joan Baez Staughton Lynd Julian Bond* Bayard Rustin Daniel Berrigan, S. J. Abraham Joshua Heschel Mitchell Goodman Jack Newfield A. J. Muste and many others speak out in this book -- the first major documented report on the American peace movement. based on conversations with more than 40 key persons in this country on opposition to this war, nonviolence, and resistance. "This collection of opinions, intellectually im- pressive, articulate, and, many times, agonized, should be seized upon in colleges."-PuLIsHERs' WEEKLY. Some Passionate Views on War & Nonviolence By JAMES FINN $2.45, paperbound, now at your bookstore A VINTAGE BOOK Published by ALFRED " A 9 KNOPF and RANDOM HOUSE Apply now for summer or fall INTER-COOPERATIVE COUNCIL 2546 S.A.B. 668-6872 Senior Section Editor ;f' . i:< :::. :?'ti' '{}}}:ti ( -l . . i ' y Y V' yt\ i i " .: : ::: ' '::; 4 4 OVER 21? Register to Vote New Politics Party will provide RIDES, to and from City Hall Leaving the Fishbowl 9 A.M., 2 P.M. February 26, 27, 28 4 thick 'n thin Miss J's idea of hi for her swingin' action pants. Dr 6 ~by Modern Juniors natural cotto A. Buttoned-up t B. Edged wit brow a 4, ~ x 'a ,~ B .u -y'S'4t c "', j knits. .. t toppers skirts and eamed up in breezy n. S-M-L. urtleneck. h navy or in stripes. 9.00 Our guess: the press. Because it was colorful and convenient. But also because folks like it that way. It's so much easier to choose up sides; To dismiss everything a man says (if he's on the other side) Rather than go to all the trouble of weighing The parts of his speech. 4 i , I i ". . I t. If