Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 25, 1968 PageEigt TE MCHIGN DILYSunay, ebrary25,196 Icers' Hopes Buried by Nodaks 5-2 Loss Keeps Michigan in Fifth Special To The Daily GR'AND FORKS-North Dako- ta exploded for three final-period goals last night to bury Michigan 5-2, and complete a sweep of the two-game series. The double defeat completely shatteredg anyiWolverine hopes for a high finish in the WCHA standings. Michigan has now lost four in a row and has a 9-7 league record. Mike Furlongr was the biggest thorn in the Wolverine side with goals in each of the first two pe- riods to lift the Nodaks to a 2-0 edge. Doug Glendinning brought Mich- igan within one early in the third frame with a tally assisted by Don Deeks But for the second straight night, Nodak winger Bob Tuff hit for the winning goal, as he beat goalie Jim Keough at 6:52 of the final period to make the score 3-1. Less than. two nminutes later. Wolverine defenseman Phil Gross fed fellow blueliner Lars Hansen for a goal which again cut the Nodak lead. to one, 3-2. The next nine minutes were scoreless until Rodney Christen- sen beat Keough with an insur- ance tally at 17:47. Then, with only 15 seconds left in the con- test, Dave Hudson wrapped every- thing up with goal number five. The victory moved North Dako- ta's season record to 11-4-1 in the WCHA, and solidified their hold on third place. Keough wound up with 24 saves in the Wolverine nets, while No- FIRST PERIOD SCORING: ND -Furlong (Ogden), 16:20. PENAL- TIES: ND-Furlong (hi-sticking), 14:11; M-Domm (Hi-sticking), 14:- SECOND PERIOD SCORING: ND -Furlong (Bamburak), 1:37. PEN- ALTIES: ND-Dobson (tripping), 10:42; ND-Furlong (hooking), 12:- 58; M-Binnie (hi-sticking), 18:34; ND- Johnston (hi-sticking), 18:34. THIRD PERIOD SCORING: M - Glendinning (Deeks), 2:14; ND- Tuff (Mathews), 6:52; M-Hansen (Gross), 8:40; ND - Christensen (Munro, Dobson), 19:45. PENAL- TIES: ND-Johnston (slashing), 13:- 43. dak goalie Mike, Curran had 19. In a game relatively free of pen- alties, only four Wolverines and five Nodaks were whistled to the penalty box. None of the goals came on power plays, although marker while both teams were Furlong scored his first-period short-handed. Gym nasts By ANDY BARBAS Both the Wolverines and the Fighting their way out of the Illini scored their season highs in corner they put themselves in at , yesterday's clash. Michigan did it the beginning of the season, the with cortisone and substitutes. gymnasts came one step closer The cortisone was used on DaveI yesterday -to overtaking power- Jacobs. who injured his feet last ful Iowa. week against Indiana and was The showdown in the battle : receiving treatment for them be- for the Big Ten crown and a tween events. Though in pain, he, NCAA tournament berth occurs was able to score 9.15 in the floor next Saturday in East Lansing, exercise and win the trampoline where Michigan and Iowa are with a 9.5. rated as favorites in the Big Ten , No Rodney Meet. Substitutes had to be used for Iowa backed Michigan into a' junior Fred Rodney, who hurt his corner at the beginning of the shoulder in practice, and still isn't season by dealing the WolverinesIcertain of competing in the Big a 189.95-186.85 defeat. This meant Ten meet next week. that the gymnasts couldn't lose Despite these handicaps,rthe another meet and still remain in3 gymnasts still put onan impres- contention for the Big Ten title. sive showing. Their 27.45 in thej Yesterday, Michigan kept itself floor exercise was their best score 1,rab I All-arounder. Sid Jensen, who is erratic on the side horse, wished he could have erased the 7.9 he finished with. The rings were a bright spot as Rich Kenney upped his high score for the season to 9.25. Charlie Froeming added a 9.15, and Jen- sen an 8.75. The tramp team overcame their recent slips, and produced an excellent 27.95 behind the efforts of Wayne Miller with a 9.25, Huntzicker with a 9.2, and Ja- cobs. The vaulting team gained a 27.30 score without the efforts of one of their best performers - Rodney. Jensen excelled with a 9.4. The parallel bar team put forth an excellent 27.3 with a 9.2 by Ron Rapper and a 9.15 by Jensen. Mike Sasich led the high bar competitors, getting a 9.25. His dismount, a double flyaway, proved quite a crowdpleaser. Jen- sen followed with a 9.1 and Ray Timm, substituting for Rodney, totalled 8.5. In other meets, Iowa finished )ouble Win I in the race by dropping Illinois and Wisconsin in a triple meet gaining a second-place finish be- hind Iowa before the Big TenF tournament. The scores were Michigan 189.4, Illinois 187.8, and Wisconsin 165.15. this year. Huntzicker drew a 9.3 to lead allccompetitors. Jensen followed Jacobs with a solid 9.0., Illinois only got 26.65., Next came the event which! could lose the Big Ten title for the Wolverines, the side horse. Jim Deboo, who has been improv-, ing with every meet, compiled a Keough (M) 5 Curran (ND) 10 MICHIGAN 0 North Dakota 1 6 8-19 9 5-24 1) 2-2 1 3-5 DOUG GLENDINNING _ - I H A INTER GYM STANDINGS 9.2 score to lead all the opposi- with a 7-0 Big Ten record by W L tion. downing Michigan State 188.75- Iowa 7 0 Mike Carpenter, who clutches 187.25. Ohio State overcame Indi- MICHIGAN 6 1 every time he recognizes someone ana 175.75-165.75. Michigan State 5 2 in the audience, must have rec- Illinois 4 3 ognized someone because he could eFLOOR EXERCISE- I Hu;ni. er (M), 9.3; 2. Butsts (I), 9.2; 3. Wisconsin 3 4 only muster an 8.3. Coach Newt Jacobs (M). 9.15; 4. Tie, Jensen Minnesota 2 5 Loken groaned, "If he could only (M) and Shaw (I), 9.0. Ohio State 1 6 stay on that thing for thirty sec- SIDE HORSE-1. Deboo (M), 9.2; Indiana U9 7 ands, . 2. tie, Coats (1) and Russo (W), ' -~ ---9.15; 4. Raymond (I), 9.1; 5. Mier- m__in mm mnmmmmm1n zwa (1), 8.95.. ========= r=========r= =5RINGS-I. tie, Kenney (M) and I Kaplan (I), 9.25; 3. Froeming (M), SA9.15; 4. tie, Sepke (I) and Kann TRAMOLINE-1. Jacobs M), 9.5; V 2. Miller (M), 9.25; 3. Huntzieker THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR I (M), 9.2; 4. Rollo (I), 9.1; 5. Chap- I pie (1), 9.0. off off I' VAULTING-1. Jensen (M), 9.4; Sj..2. Shaw (I), 9.35; 3. tie, Huntzicker (M) and Bradley (W), 9.0; 5. tie, j Miller (M) and McCarthy (I), 8.9. j ON A MEDIUM OR LARGE ONE ITEM 9 PARALLEL BARS--1. Rollo (I), I 9.25; Rapper (M), 9.2; 3. Jensen (O MORE) PIZZA (M), 9.15; 4. Bradley (w), 9.1; 5. (OR ORE PIZ A URichards (M), 8.95. COUPON Is Good Only Monday thru Wednesday, HIGH BAR--. Sasich (M), 9.25; Feb. 26-28 ; (M), 9.1; 4. Goodman (w), 9.0; 5. ssmrrrssrrrsssssrrrrr rssrsssr rrr srsrv Raymond (I), 8.9. HOU I' SEAS~lAnnounces CAMPUS WIDE OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Februazry 25, 1968 ABLY 1 (I iII 'i i !i ; , '' I4 I;, ii! -taily--Jay Cassidy OUCH! DAVE JACOBS PUT OUT an excellent 9.5 performance on the trampoline even though he was jumping on painful feet which were injured last week. His efforts helped the gymnasts to their twin victory over Illinois and Wisconsin. BIG TEN .NEXT: Matmen Maul Minnesota Your opportunity to see the convenient features available throughout the Residence Halls System before re-applying for next fall. Take note of the following halls and houses offering special programs: Barbour-2-5 p.m. Bursley-2-4 p.m. Couzens-2-5 p.m. East Quad Hinsdale-3-5:30 p.m., Hayden-3-5 p.m. Anderson-All afternoon Jordan-2-5 p.m. Markley Butler-3-8 p.m. Oxford Cheever-All afternoon Noble-All afternoon South Quad-2-5 p.m. Stockwell-1-5 p.m. 420 Maynard Street Circulation 1-4 p m., 764-0558 Circulation Complaints 9-11 a.m., 764-0558 Classified 12:30-2:30 p.m., 764-0557 Display 1-3 p.m., 764-0554 i Special To The Daily. MINNEAPOLIS-The Michigan wrestling team, seeking to bounce back after a heartbreaking loss to Michigan State, yesterday took out all their frustrations on Min- nesota and Mankato State ,beat- ing them 27-6 and 25-5, respect- ively. In the double-dual meet held at Minnesota, the Wolverines held the upper hand consistently against both schools, as most of the weight divisions were won by pins or lopsided decisions. Both wins were gratifying, but the one that really mattered to the Michigan grapplers was the conference victory over the Go- phers. Coach Cliff Keen was pleased with the performance of his men and surprised at the aggressiveness they showed. MICHIGAN-MINNESOTA 123 ibs-Rubin (M) dec. Nichols, 9-3. 130 lbs-Hudson (M) dec. Stauch, 6-1. 137 lbs.-Henson. (M) forfeit 145 ibs.-McCaslin (M) dec. Swor- sky, 6-1 152Ilbs-Stehman (M) pinned At- kins, 5:21. 160 lbs-Maas (Minn.) dec. Han- son, 9-3 167 lbs.-Cornell (M) dec. Gordon, 7-0 177 lbs.-Curran (Minn.) dec. Wentz, 5-0. Hwt.-Porter (M) pinned Enderle,I 1: 15 Explaining the difference in the meet scores this week and last, he said, "You must understand that this is a big change in the strength of the opposition. Michigan State was and is a very good team." Bearing this out are the scores that MSU posteduagainst Minne- sota, 28-3, and Mankato State, 20- 9, in the other half of the double- dual contest. Conference Clash Looking ahead to the Big Ten Tournament that will be held next weekend at Iowa City, Coach Keen predicted, "That should be an in- teresting thing. There are four strong teams I can name: MSU, Iowa, Northwestern, and Michi- gan. There are also strong boys on the Ohio State, Wisconsin, and Indiana teams. MICHIGAN-MANKATO STATE 123 lbs.-Rubin (M) dec. Berning, 6-2 130 lbs.-Hudson (M) dec. Evans, 5-2 137 lbs.-Henson (M) dec. Richter, 6-4 145 lbs.-McCaslin (M) drew Cum- mings, -1-1 152 lbs.-Stehman (M) pinned At- kins, 5:21 160 lbs.-Hanson (M) dec. Soulek, 10-2 167 lbs.-Cornell dec. Amundsen, 8-2 177 lbs.-Ryland (MS) dec Wentz, 6-0 Hwt.-Porter (M) dec. Carlson, I8-1 _____________ I .i -- _ ---__ __ I. CHEMISTS-B.S. M.S.& Ph.D. Career opportunities for basic and applied chemical research and development in diversified fields. ORGANIC-' Structure, synthesis, derivatives; basic and applied research. PHYSICAL- Polymer structure; solution and solid state properties. 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