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February 24, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-24

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Gymnasts, Thi
Host Badgers, Illinois Today;
Conference Crown at Stake

nclads in Final Trials

It's bounce or else for the Mich-
igan gymnasts.
The Wolverines must win to-!
day's triangular meet against a
consistent Illinois team as well
as Wisconsin in order to have a
shot at the Big Ten crown.
This afternoon's home meet willj
end regular conference competi-'
tion for the gymnasts. The meet,,
starting at 2:00 p.m., will be held
in the intramural building.
The Illini and Wisconsin are
currently tied for fourth place
in the Big Ten, trailing Michigan
by only one point. Wisconsin,
which has already lost to MSU
and Iowa has been averaging only,
172 points and is not expected to
cause much commotion.
The Illini's top score is 186.6,
although they have been a con-
sistent team averaging just under
186 points.
Michigan, on the other hand,
has been more erratic, nearing
189 against State, but averaging
While the Wolverines are bat-
tling Illinois today, Iowa invades
Michigan State in another decid-
ing meet. If State wins there will
be a three-way tie for first place
and the winner will be decided
in the Big Ten Championships
next weekend.
However, if Iowa wins, the Wol-
verines will be forced to capture
the Big Ten to salvage a tie for
Michigan coach Newt Loken
hopes to have a "hot line" be-
tween State and the I.M. build-
ing to follow the progress of the
State-Iowa contest.
Before the Wolverines can
dream of the Big Ten title, how-
Gym Rookies
Grab Honors

ever, they have to get by Illinois
and Wisconsin.
Illinoiscoach Charley Pond
brings with him a well disciplined
squad strong in five of the seven
Leading the Illini is caprain
Hal Shaw, who is averaging bet-
ter than 9.4 in his favorite event,
the long horse. Among 'Shaw's
awards are two Big Ten vaulting
titles; he should repeat this year.
Shaw, not satisfied with con-
ventional vaulting stunts created
his own, now nicknamed the
O'Shaw, where he leaps to the
end of the horse and then som-
ersaults. In addition to his top
performances in vaulting Shaw is
a very good performer in floor
exercise and on the trampoline.
Next in line is senior Coos;ie
Rollo. Besides being second in the
long horse, Rollo is an excellent
performer on the parallel bars
and trampoline, averaging near 91
in both. Last year he placed third
in the Big Ten trampoline compe-
Slightly ahead of Rollo on the
tramp is junior Steve Chapple
who last year placed sixth in Big
Ten competition.
Leading Illinois' still rings squad
is junior Mark Kaplan. This sea-
son Kaplan has averaged well over
9 in the event and has an excel-
lent shot at the Big Ten title.
Illinois' weakest events are the
parallel and high bars where they
lack depth and have been scoring
only 26 and 25 points, respect-
Although Wisconsin probably
won't figure strongly in the meet,
they will bring with them an out-
standing side horse star in sopho-
more John Russo. Russo has car-
ried a 9.75 average, which is prob-
ably the best by anyone in any
event this year.
Russo hails from Cuyahoga
Falls, Ohio, where he was a team-
mate of Michigan side horse man
Mike Carpenter. Russo should
capture the Big Ten crown and
will have a good chance in the
Another solid performer is soph-
omore Don Dunfield, who helps
out on the long horse as well as
on the trampoline.
The Michigan gymnasts, who
have shown flashes of brilliance
mixed with mediocrity finally
seemed to have settled down:
"The team has been a bit slow,
but they have finally jelled into
a strong unit, full of confidence


and able to hit well against both
Illinois and Wisconsin," com-
mented Loken.
All is not well, however, with
the Wolverines-. Junior Fred Rod-
ney injured himself in practice
this week and will probably not
be able to compete. Rodney's
services will be missed as he is
one of Michigan's best vaulters,
as well as a solid performer on
the high bar. Rodney is also
backup man in several events.
If Rodney does not make it Ray
Timm will fill in on the high bar.
On the bright side, the Michi-
gan tramp team of Captain Wayne
Miller, George Huntizicker, and
Dave Jacobs are back in top form
and should score around 28
However, floor exercise champ
Jacobs has a minor foot injury
and will not perform in that event.
The Michigan sidehorse team
almost found itself last week. Jim
Deboo, Mike Carpenter, and Sid
Jenson combined for a near-26
point total. A good showing from
the squad today will be essential.
The meet will probably be the
most interesting of the year for
spectators. e
The trampoline exhibition fea-
tures six of the top men in the,
conference, and should not bel

Cindermen To
Meet Indianl(
The Michigan trackmen have
been consistent all year, but be-
ginning next Friday in Columbus
they viill have to be just a little
bit better. In their last warmup
before next weekend's Big Ten
Indoor Championships the cin-
dermen will venture down to
Bloomington, Indiana to take on
the 'fast -improving Hoosiers.
Indiana is not a strong ally
around squad, but their strengths %
will give Michigan a chance to
improve in several events, where
the Wolverines must score well to
upset the defending champions,
Wisconsin, in the upcoming Big
Ten meet.
Hurdler Bob White last twice
last weekend to Wisconsin's Mike j
Butler in the low and high hur-
dles. Both were photo finishes
Wolverines Nelson Graham and
Larry Midlam have scored con- PAUL ARMSTRONG
sistently all year, but they will
need superb performances to beat jumped 6'8" consistently, but is
White. still waiting for the expected com-
Indiana co-captain Mark Gib- petition to come from teammates
bens covered the mile in 4:11.3 Rick Hunt and Clarence Martin.
which is three seconds better than Warren Bechard is the finest
any Michigan performance this triple jumper in Michigan his-
year, but* if Tom Kearney, from tory, and this fine sophomore is
the two mile relay squad, has re- being pushed by upperclassman
covered from his leg injury he Carl Flowers.
could challenge Gibbens in this Ira Russell appeared to be a
event. - sure point getter for Michigan
Paul Armstrong in the 880, when the season opened but has
Ron Shortt, in the polevault, and not yet bettered 22'6" after his
Jim Dolan in the two mile run jump of 23'9" in the opening week
should score easy victories. Arm- of the season. .
strong, the finest sophomore on The Michigan cindermen are
this young squad, has turned in rated slight underdogs to Wiscon-
a fine time of 1:53.2, and his only sin in next week's Big Ten cham-
competition may come from team- pionships, but they will try to get
mate Ron Kutschinski who is just the ball rolling this afternoon
recovering from a knee injury. against Indiana in the last warm-
Shortt has managed 15'6" in the up of the indoor season.
pole vault and will be trying to
become the first Wolverine to
clear the magical 16' barrier. Do-Pit er fThrwfl
Ian has turned in tw o consecutive su ni e mrseLtm es andhp
sub nine minute times and ap-
pears to be the most consistent '68 Holdouts
Michigan performer.
The high jump and the triple By The Associated Press
jump are two more of Michigan's
fortes. Gary Knickerbocker has Pitchers seem to be the main
hn1UdUUtU fhi i t1± ac rinAfroin-


Subscribe to The MichigQn DQily

The Michigan freshman gym-
nasts captured two first's and fin-
ished 1-2 in the all-around in the
Big Ten freshman meet last night
at Michigan State.
Tim Wright placed first on the
trampoline. Ed Howard took first
on the high bar with 8.65 and was
followed by John Cotsirilos and
Rick McCurdy.
On the side horse Bob Wagner
was second with an 8.85 followed
by Ed Howard, Rick McCurdy and
Mike Gluck. In the all-around
Rick McCurdy was first with 48.7
points with Ed Howard second.
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Frosh in Big Ten Swim;
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is a senior college. It offers the third and fourth years of the undergraduate
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who have completed the equivalent of the freshman and sophomore years
elsewhere. We offer two programs-Humanities and Social Science. Half
the work in each program is done in DIVISIONAL COURSES which span
the traditional departmental boundaries in order to study the basic con-
cepts, methods and principles of the larger discipline. In addition to the
Divisional Sequence of courses each student works in a specialized area
and engages in a tutorial leading to independent study. The program cul-
minates in an lutcr-Divisional-Senior Seminar, which examines the rela-
tionships between the disciplines of Social Science, the Humanities and the
Natural Sciences.


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The juniors in the Social Sciences take
three Divisional (year long) courses.
In the first course the emphasis is on
a systematic analysis of a large (mac-
ro) soial order -in. this.. case the
American culture. Readings include:
Paul Goodman, Drawing the Line;
Luckman and Berger, Social Mobility
and Personal Identity; C. Wright
Mills, selections; Parsons, The Link
Betwien Character and Society; Car-
michael, What We Want; de Tocque-
ville, Democracy in America; San-
tayana, Character and Opinion in the
United States; selections from Freud
and Skinner; economic analysis by
Knight, Samuelson and Marx; and
political analysis in the terms of
Hume, Aristotle and Dewey. The sec-
ond course is in micro-analysis, i.e.,
an examination of subcultures seen
in relation to the larger community.
We read Glazer and Moynihan, Be-
yond the Melting Pot; Malinowski,
Kroeber, T. S. Eliot (Notes Toward
the Definition of Culture), Weber
(The Protestant Ethic), Erik Erikson,
Malcolm X, and more readings and
field work on such subcultures as the
hippies, the poor and the black na-
tionalists. The third course is con-
cerned with comparative analysis-
specifically a comparison of US-
USSR, largely in terms of the social,
political and economic dimensions in
the process of industrialization which
have taken place, east and west. The
readings include case study material
as well as complex conceptual anal-
yses: Henderson, Ashton, Bendix,
Nef, Moore, Schumpter, and more.
Al Divisional Classes for all students'
are small. The major concern of the
classroom is to analyze the readings.
Teaching is by diseussion-a syste-
matic approach to each text.

The juniors in the Humanities also take three year long
courses. Working with materials from all of the arts and
philosophy these courses engage the student in various
modes of critical, and interpretive. analysis in order to
maximize the possibilities for significant discoveries in
confronting the vast range of works created by man's
intellect and imagination.
Here, as an example, are excerpts from last year's com-
prehensive examination. "The following texts all concern
themselves to a greater or lesser extent with the question
of human history, and the correlative question, the possi-
bilities for progress. Choose three of the following texts
and compare and contrast their treatment of these ques-
tions. Communijt Manifesto; Reason and Experience
(Dewey); Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn);
Genesis; Antigone; Caesar and Cleopatra; The Sound and
the Fury.".. ."2. One factor which would seem to distin-
guish indisputably the modern temperament from the past
is the drastically shifting conception of the heroic-not
only in terms of what the heroic indeed is, but also in terms
of what possibilities for heroism still exist. Discuss this
quotation drawing evidence from Job; Phadre; The Strang-
er; Hippolytus; Marat/Sade; The Balcony; Billiards at
Half Past Nine.. ."3. Using one of the following films,
8 , Wild Strawberries, Last Year at Marienbad, The
Knack, Ulysses, discuss in what sense the material (i.e.,
cinematic technique) affects the value judgments you make
of character, incident, and theme."..."4. How do partic-
ular words or images control aesthetic responses in the
following poems: Leda and the Swan, The Loresong of
J. Alfred Prufrock, A Coney Island of the Mind.".. ."5.
Compare the role of coincidence in King Lear and Tom
Jones, indicating to what extent the nature of that role is
determined by the tragic structure of the one and the comic
structure of the other."..."6. In reading both philosophy
and arguments, language has been one of the most recur-
rent topics: Aristotle on diction in the Poetics, Plato on the
living word, Augustine on the Word that was in the be-
ginning, Unamuno on the birth of language in relation to
the tragic sense, Wordsworth and Coleridge on the rela-
tion of language to the minds of men, Freud on verbal
slips, and Heidegger, Carnap, Wittgenstein and Chomsky
on philosophic issues bound up with language. Using at
least four of the above, write a brief essay on language
by indicating some key insight of each of the four and
discussing the scope of the problem (or values) language
presents us with."

p"""" "

For the second time in their
two-meet season, the Michigan
freshmen swimmers will go into
action "blind" to the strengths
of the opposition.
i This past January, the Wolver-
ine frosh had almost no infor-
mation before they took on the
MSU freshmen in Matt Mann
Pool. They didn't need it though,
as they walloped the little Spar-
tans, 79-53.
Today, at the Big Ten fresh-
man meet in East Lansing, the
Wolverines won't have to worry
about the Spartans. But Indiana
is another problem. All the Mich-
igan coaches have is a better line
on their own swimmers, thanks
to the first meet.
Coming on Strong
In January, Wolverine coach
Gust Stager found out that his
top diver, Dick Rydze, who took
Minimum salary $6100. Open-
ings: K-6, Ment. Rt., Ed. Hand.
Reading Spec. - So. Calif. by
Disneyland & Pacific-Young, dy-
namic, growing
on campus Friday, March 1
Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Results

both springboard events, could al-
most help the varsity this year.
Rydze racked up 267.30 points on
the one-meter board and 288.05 at
three meters.
Stager also saw Greg Zahn, his
best short - distance freestyler,
come through at 200 and 100
The only real threat the Spar-
tans have, Van Rockefeler, was
"exposed" when he took the 200-
yard butterfly and 200 individual
In the 200-yard breaststroke,
Stager found out that next year
he won't have a repetition of this
season's Achilles' heel, as Bill Ma-
honey's 2:17.96 was far better than
any member of the varsity has
done this year.

noaouus cns year as spring brain-
ing gets under way in the major
Relief pitcher Phil Regan is the
principle houldout. Regan says he
won't report to the Los Angeles
Dodgers at spring training until
his salary dispute is settled.
He told the L.A. Herald-Examine,
"I don't like tomiss spring train-
ing, but the club has sent me four
or five contracts and I have sent
them all back."
Regan received $36,000 last year
after posting a 9-1 record in relief
the season before. He said the
Dodgers wanted to cut his pay
$5,000 following his 6-9 last sea-
"I just don't feel I pitched as
badly as I have been cut."
Left-hander Al Downing also
remains a holdout and Ralph
Houk, manager of the New York
Yankees, is concerned about his
absentee pitcher.
"He needs the work," there's no
question about that," said Houk.
"I like a pitcher to work 20 to 25
innings before going into the sea-
son. I wish he'd get down here,
get the contract signed, and start
"He's missing work he should
have," said Houk after the Yan-
kees beat an afternoon downpour
with a morning workout. "I don't
like a pitcher to push himself try-
ing to get in shape too fast."
Pittsburgh 110, Minnesota 102
Denver 108, New Orleans 102
Philadelphia 138, Detroit 117
St. Louis 118, Baltimore 110
College Basketball
Princeton 84, Harvard 72
Penn 60, Dartmouth 55
Columbia 73, Brown 45
Yale 83, Cornell 76



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