'PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1IAR PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY A*XLJflAVFVRTAV A"I9I2X4,,1ZU0 a 'The Ho le :Pitch Black and No Beds (Continued from Page 1) incorrigible cell. Member Albert Bredernitz of Saline concurs: "If we need two incorrigible cells I think we should have two of them. The county is growing, you know." One incorrigible cell was enough for a SNCC member who wound up in the hole for four hours after refusing to shave his beard. The brother of the man, contacted several days ago, explained he "didn't shave because he had a real bad chin - his hairs were turned in; it was very painful for him to cut off his whiskers." Har- vey was persuaded to let him out for this reason. Harvey explains that "every- body who comes into my jail has to have a haircut, a shower once a day, and must be clean shaven. This is to prevent disease." Har- vey admits, the rule has been applied to those who have not yet been arraigned. Several weeks ago, two young men had their beards forcibly removed and long hair trimmed immediately after they were arrested and before they appeared for arraignment in court. The two groups of draft pro- testers were less fortunate; the first group of seven people was kept in for two days, with one "toilet break" and then transfer- red for five days to the so-called "steel cell," which has metal beds instead of the customary bunks. The reason for this punishment: the inmates had been melting Milky Way bars into hot chocolate by heating the bars in a tin cup over a small pile of burning toilet papers. The second group, which according to Harvey was in jail ers about treatment they have re- about two weeks later, received ceived in jail. similar punishment for the same "I've had no complaints about offense. the treatment of prisoners by our Even the hygiene rules were turnkeys," counters Sheriff Har-E suspended for the protesters. The vey. shower didn't work in the "steel John Gorby, '68L, disagrees. On cell," according to Chester, "and Aug. 16; 1967, he found himself we didn't get to shower for five locked in the hole before he had days. They also kept turning the been arraigned, or was even sure heat in the cell on and off - it what he was being charged with. was either too hot or too cold." Gorby had started no fights with Harvey says he isn't aware who the police; didn't need a haircut; set the fires, because "when you hadn't set a fire in the jail. In fact, talk to them, the prisoner knows Gorby went straight from the nothing and says nothing. We booking desk into the hole be- find that a convict is the hardest cause, he questioned Deputy Leo to talk to; convicts have a little Weist about a clause in biograph- code of ethics amongst them- ical information. selves." Gorby had been arrested in But several inmates confirm the front of his home at the scene fact that one person - an 18-to- of an automobile accident. He 20-year-old who was not a draft says he heard a loud noise, ran protester and has had a long jail outside, and found a policeman record - set both fires and ap- questioning a young man who had peared to be mentally unstable, driven his car into a road bar- Also, according to a witness, ricade. When the policeman officer Broderick, an ex-marine turned away from the driver to who hre Cheters grup ntolook at the skid mark, Gorby says who threw Chester's group into he went up to the car andi told the hole said before the incident hP waiing -r-"n' thenrn - the boy he had a constitutional, ing about the fact I was a law there are certain minimum stand- student." ards of decency with which you When Weist was filling out the handle prisoners. The real ques- biographical information card, he tion is the extent to which any signified the "color" box with a jailer has the right to impose any "W." Gorby asked whether "that additional penalties." was a significant factor in justice Prof. Thomas Mayer, of the around here. I then asked for per- sociology department who spent mission to contact my wife and Christmas vacation in the jail for counsel, but Weist led me into the his part in the draft protest (he hole, and shut the door. Ten min- was not among the group thrown utes later they came back and into the hole) says, "Given that took away my watch." they have a jail, they do need The next ,morning Gorby was some form of isolation. Some permitted to make a phone call times guys get out of control..Butt and was arraigned before Munici- you don't need this incorrigible pal Court Judge Samuel Elden on cell to isolate people -, they can charges of disorderly conduct. He be isolated in regular cells." pleaded innocent. A month later, Harvey believes that outsiders before the trial, the charges were don't understand the problems of1 dropped by the prosecuting at- running a jail. He explains that torney's office, the state statutes permit him to Rehabilitation put a prisoner in solitary confine- Lawrence Berlin questions these ment on bread and water for 10{ uses of the incorrigible cell: "Be- days "if I see fit. I've never done cause a man, is incarcerated it this. But I have and will use theI doesn't mean he's lost all his con- incorrigible cell. We treat all stitutional rights. We are com- prisoners humanely, but we don't mitted to the proposition that coddle any of them," he explains. ..... ...................:........ E. MEET THE EUROPEAN ESTAIILISlIIENT ON A 1968 R1AND Tot In the 18th century it was customary for Oxford and Cambridge students to tour Western Europe accompanied by some distinguished gentleman-scholar. Contacts with the leading literary and political men were to be made which would last the rest of their lives. There must be some American students who would never join a tour guided by a provincial high school teacher (for instance) who would like a chance to be introduced to some of the leading figures in politics, industry and the arts as young adults and fellow-scholars. They will be accompanied by an Old Oxonian, cauthor of several books, professor of international relations and a mcrnber of leading clubs in London and Paris. Social activities with young Europeans (Oxford balls, etc.) will be part of this unregimented tour for intelligent and knowledgeable students. Although block tie will be worn often the whole cost (10 weeks) will be $1295. Write to Dept. 102, A.SP.E., 33 Chalfont Rd., Oxford, England. DINE OUT MISTER FAMILY RESTAURANT r HAMBURGERSTREASURE CES? CHICKENRC * CONEY ISLANDS " JUMBOYS SMILING SPEEDY SERVICE CARRY-OUT SPECIALISTS NO WAITING - PLENTY of PARKING INSIDE SEATING OR EAT IN YOUR CAR OPEN 11 AM DAILY 662-0022 3325 WASHTENAW RD. ANN ARBOR 2 BLKS. W. of ARBORLAND 5'J W~ IA...................righ testers.right to remain silent. Inside The Hole "He kept interfering with my The ordeal inside the incor-j man who> was going to give me rigblecel sdescribednsinformation,"srecalls Washtenaw rigblecel wa decried astCounty Deputy Erwin Henes. "I month in a two-part series on The Daily editorial page. Bill Ayers, told him to get out, but he kept a member of the group, wrote: interfering and I arrested him." "We were in the hole until about Gorby's version differs. "I told 8:00 the next morning. There was the kid about his rights and 80 themanextsmoring.waTere a i Henes told me to 'Get out of there' no room and sleeping was practic- because it was private property. al shuestoste numrhtmes So I went over the side, about 20 needed to use the toilet. The feet from the car and continued response was always the same: to watch the proceedings. 'Do it in your pants,' 'Use the aHenes came up to m, and floor,' etc." Chester corroborates asked to see my indentification. I this story, adding that "the ven- dI tilation was terrible. There were arrest, Then he told me I was only a few holes above the door drunk, and I told him I had aj onl a ew ole aovethedoo ibeer with my wife over dinner, frame and a few inches of room nd thattis didn'toefdcnne, tnder tedooryn tgu a toktreshsaiconstitutional rights of the driver. tryng torulp'a little fresh air Then he frisked me, put me in the underthedoor.back seat of the car and dr me Sheriff Harvey contends prison-baksth ofithescariandHe ne ers in the incorrigible cell are not to the police station He never forgotten. "We don't just throw mentioned the intoxication again,; a man in there and forget him," and gave me no balloon test or he says. "If a man in the cell has blood tests." to use the bathroom he only has Henes says he charged Goiby to pound on the door and a turn- with obstructing an officer in theFLAIR PRICES FROM $125 TO $1500 key is available to unlock him, performance of his duty. The escort him to a wash room and maximum penalty for this of- then put him back in the cell. fense is 2 years and a $1,000 fine. Chester says "everyone in the "I could have charged him with only the original can have jail is subjected to be a general drunk and disorderly conduct too, the name Orange Blossom pattern of harassment. They wake but I was a nice guy about it," you up at 5 in the morning, and says Henes. they bang the keys in the door. The maximum penalty f o r From breakfast to dinner, you drunk and disorderly is 90 days aren't allowed to lie down on your and $100 fine.f) bunk, but there's nothing else Henes continues: "I think this :f t (t (n I crr e it 1t Iti uti 't r to do." Albert Wheeler, state guy is just trying to come along - chairman of the NAACP, and with this incorrigible cell bus- ON SO. UNIVERSITY O ' Lawrence Berlin, head of the local iness." Gorby agrees: "Once insideO American Civil Liberties Union the jail I was led to a waiting room 11 I 3 SOUTH U. 208 S. MA IN ST. say they have received numerous where I heard deputy Henes and " ! complaints D from released pri 0n- another officer, Dpty Weist talk-, 9Je VIRWNJ/JN RESTAURANT ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF AU JUS Whipped Potatoes, Tossed Garden Salad, Fresh Vegetable, and Roll and Butter . . . ...... $1.95 Open 7 Days a Week 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Open: Mon., Wed. and Thurs. 4 P.M-2 A.M. Open: Fri., Sot , Sun. Noon to 3 A.M. (Closed Tues.) DeLONG'S PIT BARBECUE 314 Detroit St. Phone 665-2266 CARRY OUT ONLY Bar-B-Q Beef Dinner 2 Fried Chicken Fried Shrimp FREE DELIVERY ....... . $1.95 ..... . .. $1.55 .. $1.60 All Dinners include French Fries and Slow THE BEST STEAK HOUSE _ - 270 South State Filet $1.39 Sirloin $1.33 -Axel Kappes SHERIFF DOUGLAS HARVEY poses outside the pitch black Washtenaw county jail incorrigible cell. The room, measuring six by seven feet, is used for prisoners who break jail regulations, and contains no toilet, bed, lights or drainpipe on the floor. Over the Christmas vacation, the cell had standing room only. --------- - U' p... L "\r Winter Weekend's I*_ UNION-LEAGUE presents in Fishbowll 4 = 6 p.m. with the ST. LOUIS ION TODAY*'-TG itorium, 7:30 and 10900 p.m. TON ITE Appearing in Concert, Hill Aud c y 9 z$ n f (ern n, 9) s C \; Yu. 1 s d ' < S>M ii'r .: r"y r r.e;5 s) y K S)S r v ( of Z .. q 9v) r %pp 1y1Akp rYll v a v'n 2 c L v N 3 N '9Dv \ v n o < T 3 a L c r , 0 < ( d S o ' r 2 0 ( ilx- 'h y. aya Y n v t S ( ( : f yt III y fova < a Y ! n y (9 k ?A +: Y Y 0 \n( Sy (' Y ..i is Y ''C':v 5 fl hV v,.e, 3:>' < , Y ' v v o o 5 y o 8 v and v II- - - ,.m - , . o a R - - i I 1111