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February 23, 1968 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-23

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Sports Staff Quintet



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" ... It's time
for a change!"
-Thomas E. Dewey,
campaign speech,
San Francisco
Sept. 21, 1944

In the recorded history of mankind there are numerous in-
stances of seemingly impregnable empires brought to a sudden end.
Scholars are fond of discovering exact causes for these declines, often
citing economic collapse, internal dissension, and ill-equipped lead-
ership as prime suspects.
But the real and inevitable leveler is nothing other than time. Bill Reed, Big Ten Commissioner
Time, the ceaseless clicking of an infinite clock, and former Daily Sports Editor,
Tic Tocl. said yesterday he will launch a1
Not even the most hallowed institutions are safe from Time as personal investigation into alleged
was proven last night by the appointment of the new Daily senior illegal athletic benefits at Michi-
sports editors. It had seemed to some that the old staff of Clark gan and Michigan State.
I Reed has just returned from
Norton as sports editor, Bob McFarland as executive sports editor, ee a and the Wrnte
and Grayle Howlett and Rick Stern as associate sports editors would Grenoble, France, and the Winter
Olympic games.
in all probability last forever. It had seemed that they were the John Dewey, assistant confer-
Grand Canyon of The Daily. They had always been here and they ence commissioner, finished his
always would be. probe here Monday and is present-
It was not to be. ly at East Lansing. He began an
Time's Almighty February Mallet crept up behind the foursome
and smashed them down into dust. Their reign, glorious and gracious
as it was, is forever ended.
But out of the dust rises a new crop of editors, as they always SALI Sw eeps
have and always will. The new crop is young, eager, anxious to make
good, and, for the most part, unscarred in battle.
Lion Escapes IM Finals At
They are led by the pride of Bay City, Michigan, David Weir.
When asked for comment last night on his appointment to sportsH
editor, Weir could manage only a simple "There can be no doubt OpentH ouse
that this is thrill. It causes a smile to light upon my countenance.
I shall long remember this moment." By DIANA ROMANCHUK
Next is Howard Kohn, new executive sports editor. Kohn, a While the Intramural Building
recluse by his own admission until he established his campus identity opened its doors for the 1968
as a journalist, said last night, "Sha la la la la let's live for today." Open House last night; Sigma Al-
Appointed to the associate editor posts were Bill Levis, Bob Lees, pha Epsilon came away with the
and Doug Heller. Levis is an avowed member of the Establishment. biggest share of honors.
When asked for comment he spoke mostly of "new, more efficient ' The open house, which tradi-
flies" and "removal of radical elements from the staff." tionally wraps up the winter
Lees' claim to fame is his West Virginia ancestry and his rapid wspt aheasto accommovdatethre
rise in the DeMolay. cnn r dAR'

immediate investigation after an
independent Daily search revealed

Managers of Tice's Men's Shop
and The Brown Jug told The

. 1

five local businessmen had been Daily they gave discounts when
giving discounts and free merchan- athletes presented their 'M' Club
dise to Michigan's varsity athletes. membership cards. CM' Club is
Two coaches and several athletes the campus organization of var-
admitted knowing about the dis- sity letter winners.) The former
counts. manager of The Michigan Phar-
Dewey indicated the discounts macy admitted also giving dis-
would be illegal "if given to the counts during a nine-year period
exclusion of the general student from 1958-67.
body." Managers at the Michigan and
The Daily also disclosed that State Theaters explained they dis-
Michigan State's athletes had ac- tributed passes worth a free trip
cess to free long distance tele-
phone privileges, free theater tick-
ets and grill passes. service charge) to student man-
Reed expressed concern over the agers who passed them out to
extent and possible ulterior use football and basketball players.
of the benefits. "We want to find At issue is Rule Seven, Section
out if there were systematic forms Two of the Big Ten code. which
of financial assistance to athletes prohibits athletes from receiving
that may be possible violations. financial aid over and beyond
And we want to know if any of their athletic tenders. The rule
the alleged violations were used went into effect in 1957 when the
as part of any recruiting induce- Big Ten decided to issue athletic
ment," he said. scholarships.



Launch Investigation0

Dave Weir

Parade Tomorrow!
Heller, a former trombone player from New City, New York,
laughed in his inimitable manner at his appointment last night
and chortled "I knew it all the time."
This fivesome represents what has been called by some the "new
wave" in journalism. Their combined style is one showing the wide-
spread influence of baroque, romantic, and Dada writing. Heavy on
the Dada.
It promises to be an exciting year under the grip of these tal-
ented young editors. They will no doubt garner their fair share of
muck-raking, grid picks, and controversy in the coming year. They
will take over completely and gradually erase the memory and
influence of Norton and His Friends.
But next February the Mallet will descend once more. Dust
to Dust.

Howard Kohn

Notre Dame Wins;
Now NIT Bound
NEW YORK (A) - Notre Dame
was named to the National Invi-
tation Tournament last night aft-
er its 70-67 victory over New York
Three other teams have been
named to the tournament which
opens in Madison Square Garden
March 14. Fordham, Army and!
Oklahoma City. This will be Notre
Dame's first appearance in the
tournament. The team has a 16-8
College Basketball
Duke 50, Wake Forest 41
Miami, O. 55, Xaxier 52
Manhattan 72, ona.
Syracuse 80, Colgate 72
Notre Dame 70, NYU 67
Massacnusetts 76, Rhode Island 68
Houston 130, Texas Arlington 75
Holy Cross 86, Connecticut 85
j Bradley 85, Tulsa 67
Baltimore 112, Cincinnati 99
St. Louis 151, Detroit 128
Boston 3, Detroit 2
'hil'adelp'a 7, Minnesota 3
minnesota 1r8, Anaheim 112

ias sin nD o spor s, ana zJ ran
off with everything marked
' Greek.
I Huber House of South Quad
cleaned up in both basketball di-
visions, but North Campus' Bart-
lett-Douglas easily won 'he swim-
Cedar Bend Wins
On the basketball courts, CedarI
Bend was the first champion of
the night as they downed Campus
Corners 49-46 in the Independent
Next, Huber took over and in
concurrent matches captured both
-esidential hall division titles. Bill
Harris and Gerry Dutcher paced
the "A" team to a 67-42 swamp-
ing of Winchell hitting for 26 and
24 points respectively.
Meanwhile, the "B" was dump-
ing Allen-Rumsey 63-58, Robert
White topping the scoring with 22
Beta Theta Pi gave Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon a rough time in the
Fraternity "A" division, building
up a 10-point half time lead. SAE
pulled out the victory, though,
38-36, as Tom Curtis and Bob
Miller combined for 20 points in
the second half.
SAE Triumphs Agaiin
Al Erskine accounted for 21
points in the SAE 42-35 tromping
of Sigma Phi Epsilon for the "B"
Over in the pool, SAE rewrote
two records on their way to a first
in the fraternity swimming finals.
The medlay relay team cut one
second off the old mark, posting
a 1:49.7 and Craig Dever hit :23.9
in the 50 yard freestyle.
Bartlett-Douglas placed in ev-
ery event to walk away with the
quaddie championship.
Winchell and Taylor houses,
who tied for second, put their
names in the record book at least.
The former's 200 yard freestyle
relay set a new mark of 1:42.2
and the latter accounted for the
fastest times in the 100 and 200
yard freestyles - :53.0 and 2:07.2

. .. Doug Heller
.Death of. a
Column Head
See that column headline up there? (That's the box that says
"The Vandals and the Brokenheads"). It's ugly, isn't it? And you
don't know what it means. Well, nobody else does either.
Today, hopefully, is the last time anybody will see it.
It was chosen by this past year junior staff members as a com-
mon headline to last one year. A few guys thought it was "cool" and
the greatest in-joke of all time. And nobody could cynically react
to the humor involved, because they wouldn't get it.
The thing about college students is that they're more cynical
than anybody else and they don't give a damn about much more
than themselves and their superiority complexes. That's the prob-
lem about trying to publicize anything.
The suspicion is that people would treat a normal plug about the
upcoming Big Ten Swimming Championship like they react to an
advertisement on television-ie., the quaddies try to outshout each
other with mock shreaks and Bronx cheers, and the seniors go out
and get another beer.
So all you're gonna get is pictures of four divers, all of whom
will be in Ann Arbor over spring break, competing in the Big
Tens. They could be the best in the world.
Nobody can say now whether these will even be the top four divers
at the- meet. After all, Ohio State has Chuck Knorr and Wisconsin
has Julian Krug. The reason these four in particular are shown is that
three go to Indiana and Fred Brown goes to Michigan. They represent
the chances of their respective teams to win the meet. The feeling here
is that Indiana has a 75 per cent chance, Michigan has a 25 per cent
chance, and nobody else has any.
In a day or two, the times and cost of the three-day meet will
be announced.
Talk about cynics.


Doug Heller

Bob Lees

Bill Levis

THE NEW DAILY SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS take the defen sive with a 1-1-3 alignment. Forced into this position of
promise by some recent highly offensive maneuvers are center an d sports editor Dave Weir, praying for a rebound, forward
executive sports editor Howard Kohn, wary of an opposition break away, and three foul (ing) guards, associate sports editors
Heller, Bob Lees and Bill Levis.


.En joy
Join The
. .En1;y

Daily Staff



1/3 -- OFF
Quilted Ski Jackets


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