PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1968 PAGE EIGUT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. FERRTIARV 91 1QI~IR r ase arks a;e r.:i aria ..I. a. + ALPAir{.7.CZAV L 401, iAVQ SETBACK FOR BILL'S BACKERS: Civil Rights Clol Falls Seven Vot WASHINGTON (A) - The Sen- ; ate refused by seven votes yester-a day to invoke a time limit on de-1 bate so that a civil rights bill could be brought to a vote. Backers of the measure called the outcome "a significant vic- tory," however, and said they are within shooting distance of their goal. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana moved for a test vote Wednesday on an open housing section, and announced he will try again next Monday to bring the basic bill to a showdown. In yesterday's test, supporters of the bill were able to muster only 55 votes, or 7 short of the two thirds majority needed to in- voke cloture. The setback for civil rights forces came in the face of an ap- peal by President Johnson for j f 1 i i a N. Vietnam Ready To Talk, Thant Say R}"<"::..rr-. cept for binding) and 3 copies of the Afternoon only. All degree levels in surance (Home office and Claims), A LFIabstract to the Dissertation Secretary organic Chemistry. Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, Production, of the Graduate School by Mon., March Thurs., March 7: Statistics and Accounting., 11. The report of :17e doctoral commit- Bureau of the Budget, Wash. D.C.- Service Bureau Corportalon. Rocky BULLETIN tce on the final oral examination must Men -and women. All day. MA and PhD River, Ohio. Men and women. After- be filed with the Dissertation Secretary degrees only in Econ., Law, Nat'l. Re- noon only. BA Econ., Educ., Gen. Lib. sisfs 9 s %gi% 9ss 9off the Graduate uchocl (Room 2004 sources, and Pall. Sci. o gt rgAtadMt o D.MmTn [iir e B ill WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Rackham) together with twc copies Operations Research, and Program An- Production, Sales, inside and terri of the dissertation - ready in all re- alysts. Fri., March 8: spects for publicw-ion, not later than Procter & Gamble, International Di- Travelers Insurance Conipany, Detroit, D r Mon., April 8, visions, Cincinnati, Ohio - Men. All Mich. - Men and women. All day. BA! day. BA/MA /PhD in Gen. Chem., Econ. MA Gen. Lib. Arts, and Math for EDP. ~s S hr t jBurau ofIndMon.,l Aprtion Sem-Gen. Lib. Arts, Math, Engr., Stat., and Insurance (Home Office), Mm.Ti. Sh O Placent Bu. A. fr dvetisng ra -"Cmrnunication Skills for AdBfrAdetiig, Production, Bureau of the Budget, Washington,! Managers: Letter and Report Writing GENERAL DIVISION Statistics, Marketing, Operations Re- D.C. - Men and women. All day. MA Workshop": Conference Room, Michi- PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: search, Engrg., Bus., and Acctg. Only and PhD degrees only in Econ., Law, passage of the bill and a telegram gan Union, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Interview appointments for the fol- citizens of the following countries: Natl. Resources' and Poli. Sci, forI from Gov. George Romney urging Departments of Botany, Human Gen- lo companies may be made upBelgium, France, Germany, Italy, Mex- Mgmt. Trng., Operations research and toom4:00.dayoprecedingyvisit.gico, Venezuela, Peru, Central America, Program Analysts. all, Republican senators to vote etics, and Zoology Seminar - Dr. An- Mon., March 4: Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya, Iran, National Labor Relations Board, for cloture. drew Bajer, Department of Biology, No interviews scheduled in General Greece Conental Western Europe, Wash. D.C. - Men and women. After- Un v rit f Or g n " h o os m ivso .Arab Countries, noon only. BA/M A Econ., Law, Poll. . The legislation, which has held Movement and Fine Structure of the Tues., March 5: .J. C. Penney Co., Inc., Ann Arbor, Sci, for Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, Pub- the Senate in listless debate since Spindle": Aud. C, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Burlington Lines, Chicago, Ill.-Men Mich. - Men and women. Morning lic Administration, Labor Relations, Congress reconvened Jan. 15, is Afternoon only. BA/MA Econ., Engl., only. BA Econ., and Gen. Lib. Arts, Industrial Relations. designed to protect Negroes and Center for Russian and East Euro- Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math, Philo., Poli. for Mgmt. Trng. and Merchandising H. J. Heinz Company, Oak Park. civil rights workers against racial oan Studies and Department of Econ- S., Psych., Speech, and Soc. for EDP, Royal-Globe Insurance Companies, Mich. - Men. Afternoon only. Any de-j cvilence. wrer gantrail omics Lecture - Dr. Jerzy Karcz, Asso- Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. Res., Purchasing, Detroit, Mich. - Men and -women, All gree for inside and territorial sales. violence. ciate Professor of Economics, Univer- Sales (inside and territorial), and day. BA Econ., EngI., Gen. Lib..Arts, Foote, Cone and Beliding, Chicago, The housing amendment that sity of California, Santa Barbara, "Ag- transportation. Math., Poll. Sci., Psych., Soc. for In- Ill. - Men and women for summer and will be voted on today would out- riculture in the Soviet Model of De-I Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment"~: Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:10 velopment, Wash. D.C. - Men and wo- law any discrimination in the sale p.m. men. All day. BA/MA Arch., Econ., or rental of housing. Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., Journ., Law, Sen. Walter F Mondal (D- Department of Speech student Lab- Administration and transportation. oratory Theatre Program - Jean Ra- Math, Poli. Sci., and Soc. for Public I Minn.), co-sponsor of the amend- cine's "Phedre" and Pierre Beaumar- A. B. Dick Company, Chicago, Ill. - ment, said yesterday's vote "es- chais' "The Barber of Seville:" Arena Men. All day. BA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, tablished beyond any doubt that Theater, Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m. Soc. and Marketing, for Mgmt. Trng. and marketing trainees. sooner or later, and probably University Lecturer in Journalism - Marine Midland Trust Company of sooner, a sweeping fair housing Richard L. Tobin, Communications Western New York, Buffalo - Men. law will be adopted by the United Editor and Managing Editor, Saturday Morning only BA/MA Econ., Educ., States Senate." Review, will discuss "Mass Communi- Engl., Fine Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., cation: Pattern for Progress," Wed., Hist., Libr. Sci., Math, Philo., Poll. Sci., Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.), Feb. 21, Aud. D, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Psych., and Soc. for Banking. floor manager for the civil rights ) . Wed., March 6: bill, called the initial test "a sig- y eneral q The Rand Corporation, Santa Mon- nificant victory." Students registered under the New alifMath for EDPwomen. All day. Headon ofis epYork Regents' College Teaching Fel- U.S, Air Force, Ann Arbor, Michigan He and one of his Republican lowships may pick up their checks at -Men and women. All day. Any de- venlap oenWs. Ald. AMnyadgitrt supporters, Sen. Jacob K. Javits 1014 Rackham Bldg. gree, any major for all varied positions of New York, told newsmen they - for officers. rt ma Nmoi kteoungwsmendth-ySummer Jobs in Washington, D.C.: Dept. of Housing and Urban De- may modify the housing amend- All freshmen, sophomores, and jun- Development, Wash. D.C. - Men and ment in a bid .for more votes. iors interested in working in Washing- women. All day. BA/MA Arch., Econ., As t tads Jvit sid i rp-ton this 'summer who have taken the Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., Journ., Law, As it stands, avits said, it rep- Civil Service Summer Placement exam Math, Poll. Sc, and Soc. for Public i n te r-a r ts m ag resents "the maximum housing should attend an important informa- Administration and transportation. package." Hart estimated it tional meeting Thurs., Feb. 22 at 5:00 Desoto, Inc., Des Plains, Ill. - Men. would cover 97 per cent of all p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Is hosn.UGLI. The reason for the meeting is O SALE housing. to explain a new system being used by many federal agencies for this summer- FUN W ORK NGe Regents' Meeting: Fri., March 15.W e . F.E DIA Communications for consideration a IN EUROPE Thurs, Feb. 22 his meeting must be in the Presiden 's Shandsano later than Thurs., Feb. 29. ./I s __ Doctoral Candidates who expect to full time. All day. BA in Psych and Soc. only for Consumer Research, quantitative and analytical orientation required. ENGINEERING DIVISION Make interview appointments at fRoom 128 H, West Engrg. .Bldg. unless otherwise specified. March 4: Battelle Memorial Institute - Pacific Northwest ( Columbus Lraboratories Connecticut State Highway Dept. Continental Aviation & Engineeri.'w Continental Motors Corp. iLear Siegler, Inc. Schlumberger Well Services 8urface Combustion Div. - Miidland-Ross Corp. United Technology Center - Div. of United Air Craft Corp. Warnecke Electron Tubes, Inc. - Div. of Hallicrafters Westinghouse Electric Corp. West-Virginia State Road Comm. U.S. Gov't. Air Force Recruiting - Officers Training School Bureau of Reclaimation 1EOF iz ine G and FISHBOWL 4 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P) - U,N. Secretary General U Thant was reported ready yesterday to tell President Johnson the North Vietnamese are willing to discuss anything the Americans want if the United States will stop bomb- ing their country. Diplomatic sources said Thant got that word from North Viet- namese he saw on his recent trip abroad and he would pass it along Dispute Rises Over Aid Bill (Continued from Page 1) Traxler explains that the state is now paying a basic sum of $294.56' per child in aid to public schools. The total "per-child" the state pays is well above the $100 per child Traxler proposes the state pay for children in non-public schools. It is estimated that under Trax- ler's plan the state would pay $21 million in aid to parents of the more than 300,000 school children presently enrolled in non-public schools.I However, if a mass exodus from private and parochial schools to public schools was to occur, prod- ded by a "lack of .support," it would cost the state at least twice that much, according to.officials in Lansing. In addition, the State Board of Education recommended last week that the per-child fig- ure be raised to $325. Nord argues this sort of rea- soning is "ridiculous. Even if Traxler is one-hundred per cent right in his facts, and I'm sure he's reasonably accurate, all he's doing is using the argument that the end justifies the means." Traxler, however, is "very hope- ful" that this bill will be success- ful. He believes that the opposi- tion is for the most part made up of people who fear harmful con- sequences if church and state try to participate in the same en- deavor. In any event, it seems certain that the issue will end up in the courts, and eventually in the United States Supreme Court, if not from Michigan, from one of the many other states that are faced with the same issue. "No matter which side wins the decision in the lower courts," said CAPE's Nord, "the other side is bound to appeal, and it will even- tually be up to the Supreme Court to decide." to Johnson when the two meet in Washington today. They said Thant was told spe- cifically that the North Vietnam- ese would start the talks prompt- ly, once U.S. military actions against North Vietnam ended, and that general military de-escala- tion in South Vietnam could beE one item on the agenda. But they also said the North Vietnamese still insisted the ces- sation of bombing be uncondi- tional and turned down the U.S. demand that they not take ad- vantage of any such cessation by stepping up infiltration into South Vietnam. Diplomats generally did not be-! lieve Thant would persuade John- son to stop the bombing. Some' thought Thant himself did not expect to do so. * lrlu.ulll ,lu. l receive degrees in April 1968 should turn in 3 unbound copies of their dis- sertations (complete in every way ex- Complete Picture ............. . ................... ....::. .?:.. They figured he had asked to .. see Johnson mainly because he ORGANIZATION had already seen the .leaders of SAIGON (A')-The Saigon gov- four other key countries in the ernment has accelerated its partial NOT I CES last two weeks and wanted to get omobilization scheme in the face:.::::,:;::: the President's views so that he of intensified Communist attacks, would have a complete picture of and hopes to bring 65,000 more USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- the thinking on Vietnam. men under arms by the middle of NreMnseid avd registered to offI Since Feb. 8, Thant has talked the year. organizations only. Forms are available with Prime Ministers Indira This seems doubtful unless the in room 1011 SAB. Gandhi of India, Alexei N. Kosy- government can lower the deser- Baha'i Student Grou informal dis- gin of the Soviet Union and Har- tion rate and decrease its casual- cussion, "Renewal of Civilization," old Wilson of Britain, and Presi- ties this year. Fri., Feb. 23, 8:00 p.m., 520 N. Ashley. dent Charles de Gaulle of France, The government has had diffi- All welcome. Call 662-3548 if you need in their capitals. culty to keep its armed forces up transportation. * Thant also saw two North Viet- to 770,000 men counting all para- UM College Republicans. mock Re- namese representatives - Nguyen military and police forces. publican presidential nominations, Feb. Hoa, consul general in New Delhi, The mobilization plan, decreed 21, 7:30 p.m. UGLI Multipurpose room. Feb. 8, and Mai Van Bo, delegate by President Nguyen Van Thieu Doc onh will be moderator of a de- lastOctoer ad pshedahea ofbate amongovnin the campaign managers for general in Paris, last Wednesday. last October and pushed ahead of the Mock Convention: Bob Edgeworth, Comprehensive Statement schedule after the Communists be- Gene Farber, Neil Gabler, Bob Gors- Informed sources said that on gan their offensive three weeks ling, Lee Hess. Also Mock Presidential Infomed ourcs sad tht onelections, Feb. 22, 9:00-4:15, several the basis of all his talks, he would ago, will attempt to increase the polling places on campus. Voting open issue a "comprehensive major po- military force to 835,000 men. to every student with I.D. Five Repub- pi~calstaemnt"on ietam Basically, the plan lowers the licans will run against three Democrats piical statement on Vietnam aftin 15 separate races. Ballot counting, Friday or Saturday.d age from 20 to 18, recalls 7:30 in student wing of SAB (second They said he would not consult some reservists, limits deferments floor). any of the government leaders in and halts discharges. * daftig t gThe recall of reservists is lim- University Lutheran Chapel, 15111 draftg it. ge Washtenaw, Feb. 21, 10:00 p.m., Mid- On the eve of their meeting, ited to men of 18-33 years o aweek Devotion with Pastor Kapfer in Johnson and Thant were in open with less than five years' service, charge. Js ntndrT h terNorth In addition, the draft can call * * disagreement over whether North men up to 45 who have special UM Rifle Club, shooting instruction: Vietnam really wants to negotiate equipment supplied, every Wed., 7-9 for an end to the war in Vietnam. egskills. p.m., ROTC Range. Regular army deserters who* Hanoi Not Ready were captured and put into labor UM Scottish Country Dance Society At a news conference in Wash- battalions are being pardoned meeting every Wed., 8-10:30 p.m., Wo- ington Friday, Johnson said he and returned to active duty. men's Athletic Bldg. Beginners wel- ingtn Frdaycome. Instructions given. did not think Hanoi was "any Deferments for business or pro- * * more ready to negotiate today fessional reasons are canceled, Southern Asia Club: Bag lunch on than it was a year ago, two years and they are restricted in the Thurs. at noon in Room 1 of Lane thre yeas ao." e ad- oHall. Prof. A. Becker will speak on "All ago, or three years ago." He add- cases of education and religion. The World Is A State: Burmese The- ed he did not think it had been Students cannot study abroad atre as An Image of Society." ready to negotiate "at any time unless they obtain scholarships in **atin American Student Asociation. during that period." a field of study beneficial to the !"LatinAmerican Fiesta," Feb. 22, 8 Talking with reporters Satur- natign. p.m., Newman Center. day, Thant said he was "more ------ -. - - - -- convinced than ever" that if the -- ----- ~~_~~~--~~------- ~~--~~-~m bombing stopped, there would be ENGIN E E IRS talks in two or three weeks. .{ .r 't t4k t Jobs Abroad Guaranteed BRUSSELS: The Int'l Student Information Service, non-profit, today announced that 1,000 GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD are available to young people 17 to 40, Year- Round and Summer. The new 34 page JOBS ABROAD maga- zine is packed with on-the-spot- photos, stories and information about your JOB ABROAD. Applications are enclosed. LANGUAGE -CULTURE -FUN - PAY-TRAVEL. For your copy send $1.00 AIRMAIL to: ISIS, 133 Rue H6tel des Monnaies, Brussels 6, Belgium. PETITIONING forEXTENDED I forSGC Elections Until Monday/, Feb. 26 CAMPAIGNING STARTS TOMORROW 5 Council Seats; President & V.P. 3 Publications Board; 3 Athletic Board 51 Con-Con Seats Presidency of Lit., Engin., & Ed. Schools Inquire at SGC office, SASl I E I i ; ti "I i 3,I Grumman announces an Engineering Masters Fellowship Program 0 PHILADELPHIA SINCE 1775 DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NAVAL AlRCHIIT1ECTS Consider the Challenge with the Coast Guard's Civilian Engineering Team Looking for a career start that's challenging AND meaningful? Then investigate the opportunities and benefits available to1 YOU as a member of the Coast Guard's Professional Engineer- 1ing Teaml Use your talents in the design, development, con- struction and maintenance of shore facilities, ships, and small boats to carry out the Coast Guard missions of service to E humanity and national defense. Positions areopen at Head- I 1 quarters in Washington and at district offices throughout the United States. ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SATURDAY, MARCH 6 1 See your Campus Placement Office1 to schedule your interview1 Civilian Personnel Division U. S. COAST GUARD - 1300 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20591 t An Equal Opportunity Employer1 -- ---------------------------- Extending man's reach is the challenge at Grumman. The creation of advanced aircraft and space vehicles requires creative design of a high order of magnitude if man is to truly extend his reach in the domains previously denied him. These vehicles, whether for defending the national interest or for exploring extraterrestrial space, must be so designed as to enable man to survive, function and fulfill his mission in every environment. Then "the bring-back" ability which only he possesses remains intact. At Grum- man, all design requirements are delineated with this in.- eradicable fact in mind. The creativity necessary to attain these requirements lies in the hands of the engineer who is constantly striving to extend his technological reach. To assist him, Grumman has created an Engineering Masters Fellowship Pro- gram. Fellowship applications are now being accepted for the aca- demic year beginning in Autumn, 1968.. THE PROGRAM The Fellowship Program consists of two basic types of awards. The first is available directly to 1968 gradu- ating engineers with Bachelors De- grees in all engineering areas related to aerospace. (Ten Fellowships of this type are currently available). The second is open to engineers who have. been with our company for a mini- mum of one year. The Fellowship will be granted for a year and will be re- newable for an additional year upon satisfactory completion of the 12- month work/study plan. An op- tional feature of this program permits six months rota- tional work assignments in order to broaden Fellow's technical base and allow for evaluation of re- lated technical fields. the full-time semester hours (approximately nine credit, so as to complete his Masters Degree within a two-year period. Fellows must pursue scholastic programs directly applicable to the needs of the Corporation. Local resi- dency and attendance at a local university are required. Candidates for the Program must have at least a 3.0/4.0 grade point average (or the equivalent) for their undergraduate work. SALARY AND BENEFITS The total value of the Fellowships ranges from $10,750 to $13,000 per year. The Fellow will be paid for the number of hours worked per week, based upon an equi- table starting salary prevailing at the time the Fellowship commences. The Fellow's per- formance will be evaluated dur- ing the two-year period and he will be eligible for raise con- siderations in the same manner as every other employee. He will also be entitled to full normal employee benefits. A stipend of $1,000 for the Fellow plus $500 for each dependent (spouse and children) will be paid each year, plus full tuition, books and fees. APPLICATION Application forms for the Grumman Engineering Masters Fellowship Pro- gram for the academic year beginning in Autumn 1968 should be requested immediately. Com- pleted forms must reach our offices by March 15, 1968. Clip and mail the coupon below now. The Largest Engineering Organization in the U.S. / Will Conduct On-Campus Interviews For: CIVIL ENGINEERING POSITIONS And Related Fields INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD ON March 6 For Appointment Apply To: COLLEGE PLACEMENT OFFICE 10 Today Today Today REQUIREMENTS Each Fellow will be required to work a minimum of 24 hours per week at Grumman during the regular school year and 40 hours per week during the summer. Each Fellow will also be expected to carry a workload of one-half Mr. Thomas E. Fessenden, Director of .. Engineering Services and Administration -: "-"" " GRUMMAN Aircraft -Engineering Corporation : uirrii111"Illm"ll