IU' IN IDA: LOSS OF FREEDOM See editorial page C, 4c - Sit 43Uflt ~i~ait33 BITER High-13 Low-O Clearing and colder towards afternoon. Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1968 SEVEN CENTS State 4 id to Private Education Bill Stirs D EIGHT PAGES s By JIM NEUBACHER The perennial issue of church- state relations is coming to a head again in the state Legislature as Rep. Thomas Brown (R-Lans- ing) and Rep. Robert Traxler (D- Bay City) prepare to introduce a bill this week that would provide state aid to students in non-pub- lic elementary and secondary schools. The bill is expected to call for grants of $100 each for children in non-public secondary schools and $50 each for children in non- public elementary schools. The grants would take the form of di- rect subsidy to parents. For children in inner-city non- public schools, the bill would pro- vide larger grants of $150 and $75 per child. House and Senate leaders al- ready have received thousands of letters in recent weeks from parents urging them to support the controversial measure. Opponents of state aid to pri- vate education are also hard at work. The most notable of these is Citizens to Aid Public Education (CAPE), a state-wide g r o u p headed by Mrs. Harriet Phillips of Detroit. CAPE believes legislation of this sort is "definitely uncon- stitutional." An auxiliary services bill and a bill providing tuition grants to stu- dents in private colleges and uni- versities have been passed. The latter, Senate Bill 780, may be contested in court by CAPE.' "Our plans are not definite," Mrs. Phillips said. "We are cer- tain that bill 780 is unconstitu- tional, but we want to make sure that, if we have to go to court, the ruling handed down will be broad enough to set an unquestionable precedent in this area." The question of resources plays a major role in CAPE's delibera- tions whether or not to take on a court fight against SB 780. "We are not strong enough or big enough to do the job of fight- ing every piece of legislation that arises," Mrs. Phillips said. "To carry on a campaign like that takes tremendous amounts of talent, devotion and money. We have the devotion and we certainly have some extremely talented people, but we don't have the money." Her group was formed two years ago and got underway in the fall of 1966. "We have people from the Mich- igan Education Association, Par- ent - Teacher Associations and other groups across the state who have always been interested in en- suring the future of public educa- tion," Mrs. Phillips said. On the other side of the issue stands Citizens for Educational Freedom (CEF), headed by Dr. John Vandenburg, dean of Calvin College in Grand Rapids. CEF played a major part in organizing both the 48 legislators who will co-sign Traxler's proposed meas- ure and the mass mailing cam- paign that produced an estimated 60,000 pieces of mail in the last two and one-half weeks. CEF has over 15.000 members. "mostly parents of non-public school children," Vandenburg said. "We'ra non-sectarian and non- partisan," he explained, "and we're especially very non-profit- able." Organized in Missouri in 1959, CEF did not become active in Michigan until 1962. CEF stands ready to take on CAPE in a court fight on the question of state aid to private schools. If CAPE does decide to carry the battle to the courts, the Amer- ican Civil Liberties Union plans to join them as a Friend of the Court. Ernest Mazey, director of ACLU's Michigan branch, believes that SB780 is "patently unconsti- tutional". Mazey sees the proposed legis- lation as "a case of the legisla- ture trying to do indirectly what it can't do directly, support church institutions. By giving the money to the parents of the children, the legislators are attempting to get around the basic factor of the situation - that this sort of aid is unconstitutional." His opinion is supported by Dr. Melvin Nord, an attorney and CAPE member who has analyzed SB780 carefully. There isn't the slightest doubt in my mind that it is unconstitutional," he said. However, CEF discounts the ar- gument of unconstitutionality. often to the frustration of groups like CAPE. "It is -our purpose to promote freedom of choice in education by giving the people an alternative to public school," Vandenburg said. "We agree with the right of the state to set standards of com- pulsory education. But it is not right to require that these stand- ards be met only in state schools." CAPE bases its constitutional arguments on the First Amend- ment to the federal constitution, made applicable to the states by the 14th Amendment. The First Amendment prohibits the states from passing any law "respecting an establishment of religion." However, CEF claims that laws discriminating against parochial schools violate the "free exercise" clause of the same amendment. "Education is education." Van- denburg said. "but an individual's decision to add religious educa- tion to his formal academic edu- cation at his own will should not be discouraged if his academic education meets the standards of the state." Another major argument of the bill's supporters is economic. See DISPUTE, Page 8 A Elected Assembly Begins Ruling RC Faculty, Students, Administrators j To Experiment in Governing College By BRIAN FORD An experiment in student involvement began yesterday as the new Residential College Representative Assembly held its first meeting. The 17-member assembly, which will govern the college, consists of eight students, four faculty members, four admin- istrators and two resident fellows. "This is not just another committee formation, but a new opportunity for relationships, a pattern for decision- making in the future," said Dean James H. Robertson of the college. The representative government was set up through the new residential college constitution passed earlier this term - ------ ------------- --and approved by administra-1 tors. Elections were held last Kina's Aide week. Grads To Present Plans for Strike Group Asks Support for Teach-In; GA To Receive Proposals Tonight By LEE HORNSTEIN Gradute Assembly will vote tonight on a proposal to support a teach-in and strike to protest the present draft policy and the war in Vietnam. An ad hoc committee of graduate students met yesterday night to examine alternative policies of resisting the draft. They will bring their proposal before GA tonight. GA members at the meeting included Edward Bloomberg, GA administrative vice-president; Marsha Daigle, treasurer, and former president Roy Ashmall. Ruth Baumann, '68, executive vice-president of Student Government Council, also attended. The teach-in is scheduled for March 19. The proposed strike of both graduate and----.___ To Explain Poverty Plan The assembly aims at involving more students in decision-making, said Mark Maddox, '71. a newly- elected member. He predicted little. change in the college's policies. The assembly yesterday formed a committee to research and for- AN AD HOC COMMITTEE of graduate students met yesterday to discuss alternatives to the draft in pr and strike. Their proposals will be presented at a Graduate Assembly meetingto'night. WRITE THEIR OWN TICKETS: . . Industry Lures Engineerig G With Deerments Travel, Top "eparacion tr a p , teaundergraduate students would be held March 20. Yale Chaplain William Sloane Coffin is scheduled to attend the- teach-in. Coffin is currently under federal indictment for advocating r esistance to the draft, in violation n ateof the Selective Service law. The teach-in was organized by the Rev. Bartlett - Beavin of the Wesleyan Foundation, Guild House, S al r ieSGC and the Inter-Faith Council for Peace along with other groups. _ .._ ._ T~ nr hnnnnmi~tn r rraafd -Daily-Bernie Baker +saain fna niandr tpnh-in Brown Quits As Director Of City HRC Dr. Martin Luther King's plan mulate a policy on decision- to bring thousands of the poor to making and the use of referenda A Washington in April and have on important issues. them stay until "some definite In addition to Maddox, the stu- and positive action is taken," will dent assembly members are How- be explained by a national cam- ard Heideman, Joel Greene, Mark By DAVID MANN It costs from $1,000 to $5,000j pus organizer in Ann Arbor today and tomorrow. Stoney Cooks, a staff member of King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference, will meet privately with interested Ann Ar- bor civil rights groups tonight at 8 p.m. and tomorrow noon at St. Andrew's Church on Division be-I tween Huron and Ann. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. he will meet social work students at Prof. John Ehrlich's residence. Cooks will meet students at 8 p.m. in 1035 Angell Hall. Cooks' visit is primarily intend- ed to explain the tactics and goals' of the Washington campaign. King has called the campaign a "critical test for non-violence." The organizers hope to bring 3000 poor people to pitch tents in Washington until federal action is taken on their demands for im-. proved housing and jobs. Turnamian, Pat Ryan, Eileen Les- to recruit an engineering grad- ser, Tova Clein and Cathleen uate. Dody. All are freshmen. A shortage of engineers has Four members of the college placed the graduating senior in a faculty belong to the assembly.: commanding position, explained They are Prof. Charles Mauer of Prof. John G. Young, head of the the German department, Prof. engineering placementservice and Sheridan Blau of the English de- assistant to the dean of the partment, Prof. Donald Brown of engineering college. the psychology department, and "It'satight job market, and Prof. Robert Greenberg of the the qualified student can just; chemistry department. about write his own ticket," said TWO resident fellows, Robert Donald L. Vangilder, head re- Olson, Grad, and Allin Seward,t cruiter for Michigan Bell Tele- '69L, also are voting members of phone Co. 'thLe asly. nA qualified student often does the assembly. write his own ticket, round trip The four administrators are El- and all expenses paid anywhere lis Wunsch, director of student in the country. A spokesman for affairs for the college; Robert the Ford Motor Co. college re- Rau, assistant to the director of cruiting program said invitations the Residential College;, and Paul' for plant visits are left to the Wagner, administrative associate discretion of the interviewer. This to the Residential College. is true for almost all interviewing Robertson is chairman of the companies. assembly but has no vote. One graduating senior in elec- FLEMINGS ENTERTAIN C trical engineering with a 3.1 The average University engineer- recruiting is preferential: a Uni- TectU ocomittee1uggestea grade point average received round ing graduate with a bachelor's de- versity student with a C average various ways to protest the draft. trip airline ticekts for a visit to gree is offered about $9,400 to received a rented car and plush Al Klovdel, grad, a GA member, a Texas plant from a company start. The better the grade point, accomodations, while students suggested that the group bus stu- which had only looked at his in- the higher the offer. The offer from Massachusetts and Califor- dents to Windsor, Ontario, to ex- terview form. often includes grad school on nia Institutes of Technology were amine the possibility of Canadian After initial contact has been company time with extra pay. forced to use cabs and stayed in citizenship. made by the campus interview, E University graduates receive motels. "The other guys resented Resistance Day the company often follows pros- higher starting salaries than eng-; it, but I sort of enjoyed it," the" Others suggested participation pects with "a real hard sell pro- fineers from other schools. Even student said. in the student resistance planned gram," as one student described for April and National Resistance it. ecritig ma inlud mal, rs st Supp rte Li l p Day. April 3. The March teach-in phone calls, plant visits with will concentrate on these and other evenings on the town, even pres- alternatives. suring telegrams. " The group emphasized the need "I average a piece of recruiting for continued resistance to the mail a day," said onesenior. draft after the new policy an- Many companies offer an oc- nounced last week becomes effec- cupational draft deferment. "Even NEW YORK OP-An organiza- and Conservative candidates trail- tive July 1. The new system elim- if they put you in sales, they'll tell tion Democrat defeated an anti- ed far behind. inates graduate deferments except your draft board you're working Johnson party maverick yesterday Dubin, running as an independ- for medical students and leaves on defense contracts," a student in a four-man contest for Congress; ent, had said he would not fight classification to local draft boards. explained. that revolved around attitudes on in Vietnam if he were draft age. Not 'Elitists' Interviewers for technical firms the Vietnam war. The final, unofficial count in allI have told students that they have The winner in the Brooklyn race 358 election districts showed Podell Although the original purpose of been about 85 per cent success- was Bertram A. Podell, who ran 35,913. Dubin 27,664, Republican the ad hoc committee was aimed ful in obtaining deferments for about 4 to 3 over reform Dem- Gerald L. Held 4,909 and Conser- at resisting the draft, the group their employes. ocrat Melvin Dubin. Republican vative Michael V. Ajello 4,200. feared that a protest only against - - Podell's victory made the polit- the elimination of graduate defer- ical lineup in Congress 247 Dem- ments would brand them as "elit-I aAMPUS Jocrats, 187 Republicans and one ists." By MICHAEL ROBERTS Robert L. Brown, director of the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission since October 16, re- signed from that post Monday. The resignation becomes effec- tive April 1. No successor has been named. Brown said he was leaving be- cause the HRC moved much too slow on programs he felt needed prompt attention. Noting the short time he served as director, Brown commented, "I was fed up just that fast." During the regular HRC meet- ing last night, Mrs. Albert H. Wheeler, representing the Nation- al Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People and the Congress on Racial Equality, sub- mitted a statement on the ap- pointment of Negroes. Mrs. Wheeler said, "Our or- ganization voted to request the resignation of the current director because of his inability or unwill- ingness to discuss race relations with civil rights organizations, while he met with the representa- tives of a group such as the John Birch Society." Critical of HRC Mrs. Wheeler criticized the -f +1,n "annta t %Inrlr With f Voice Plays 'Robben Het vacancy. "Most of the peupl i wo i.w±in HRC in general. "People are ap- g Podell, 42, the choice of the would not support a strike only pointed to the Planning Commis- // Brooklyn regular organization in against deferments," said Miss sion because they know something atd a t 1irs t.lea__ F i po .the six to one Democratic 13th Baumann._ about planning," she said, "but District, campaigned as a supporter-_ _ _ the type of people appointed to of the President, but said he favor- " the HRC have no experience with By DANIEL OKRENT jibes aimed at Fleming and the ed a softer approach to the war. 'pollee1 a el ;human relations. We believe your Mrs. Robben Flemings student- University's participation in clas- Dubin, 44, supports Democratic Commission, in large measure, is tea kies a qie assgod sified research' were all right, but Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Min- For 'Teth ieOSt eva i ofrarfuny sted those that Mrs. Harlan Hatcher didn't seem to hit home with the nesota in his primary campaign bel eael d es con used to serve. But the entertain- administration bigwigs present at against Johnson. A) broad rpreaive odes." the ea.Repulicn Hld. 5 cnsidred w ai iei 11lI~S cerned with racial problems." ment the Flemings provide is a the tea Republican Held, 35, consideredCouncilman H. C. Curry (D- whole lot better, The one exception: outgoing Ex- a Rockefeller Republican, said in ecutive Vice President Marvin L. the campaign that the best hope Ann Arbor police have been or- First Ward) commented on the thed ' r a etite Niehussnoticeably winced when for peace lies in changing the par. dered to watch for the "ten most rift within the Commission itself. ovewhelmmg sof the naf the little moralityt wanted autos" - cars which have "You can't solve the problems of ath Univero oityh president'siytmidweekr a University president's midweek, play told how Fleming came to his y in power. . anywhere from 26 to 59 unpaid the city when you can't even take afternoon get-together as neces- realm in Michigan, "how in battle Ajello a 26 year parking tickets against them. care of your own He told the sarily precluding anything unique valorous he slew three vice-presi- his first bid for public office, said A new list of the ten most HRC that it was "time to wake or valoroudents e she favored stepping up the war in wanted will be issued periodically. up, time to do something about As pertly dressed freshman girls But for the fifteen-minute inter- Vietnam. The present group, including four Ann Arbor." would pass through the reception Dubin narrowly missed gaining tied for eighth place, consists of New Program wud truhlude, however, the afternoon was. Ir'' oiainfo h rw ~ ~' lines munching tasty little tidbits all very normal. Acting with the theDemocratic nomination for the the following autos: Brown proposed he nmti ing from the Hatcher kitchen, the ex- ey.h seat in the last primary, when he: An Austin Healey Sprite, li- of a Street Worker Program such ! !~aplomb of a truly professional ad-I president and his lady would mere- ;mis or nther Feing ado was edged out by the incumbent, cense BB6246, 59 tickets worth as Lansing used last summer. In ly pose plastic smiles on their lipsmrg Rep. Abraham J. Multer. Multer $200; a Chevrolet, license Penn- this program., young adults are I an oter o-hm , any of the vice-presidents there ; and offer ho-hum pleasantries. ma any ttem sice n since was elected to a judgeship, sylvania C4880, 53 tickets; anoth- hired to work among the people Brwdeny all sto chucked creating the vacancy filled by this er Chevrolet, license Ontario, of areas still "victimized by ra- Butyesterday, a few hours be- show. They all stood and chuckled 'oAAA A7 +- cia discrimination" in an attempt t. .... .,