ilA rl Irw1 Irrr .. ..r f7 irPgatwn aila Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS , Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE The University's Lever To Move Ann Arbor Landlords IF STUDENT EFFORTS to improve the deplorable situation of Ann Arbor stu- dent housing are to succeed, the Univer- sity must place its power squarely behind the drive. The University is at least partially re- sponsible for the existing injustices. By allowing the private landlords to supply a majority of student apartments, the University has opened the door to exces- sive rents and burdensome twelve-month teases. To correct these conditions, students have banded together in rental associa- tions, signed pledges to "wait" before leasing apartments for neat fall, partici- pated in sporadic rent, strikes, and even picketed one landlord's office. For the most part, however, the conditions re- main. So far, the University has restricted it- self to moral support. The University lease now makes it possible for students to rent for eight months instead of twelve; the problem is getting landlords to use the University lease. The Off-Campus Housing Bureau has "very strongly recommended" the new lease to landlords, but it has gone no farther. YET THERE IS much the University could do. To begin, it should declare its support for the efforts of Student Housing Association-Student Rental Un- ion to obtain an eight-month lease. It should work with the city to improve the enforcement of the Ann Arbor hous- ing code and establish a planning com- mission to study future apartment needs. It should bring students and landlords together to discuss the apartment situa- tion. When students requested these meetings the landlords ignored the re- quests; the University should be able to obtain cooperation. Taken as a whole, these measures would notify landlords that the University is disturbed about the apartment situation and willing to consider action. Implicit in all of them should be the clear under- standing that if the landlords do not co- operate, the University will reconsider the option it unfortunately forsook sev- eral years ago. By entering the apartment market in competition with private landlords on a large scale, the University could force lower rents and convenient leasing terms on the Ann Arbor market. Arleady the University rents such low-cost units as Oxford Housing and Northwood Apart- ments. Building more would alter the market drastically in favor of the stu- dent. WITH THAT THREAT in reserve for leverage, University attempts to ameliorate the student apartment mess could be very successful. It isn't too late for the University to act. --ROB BEATTIE , IhGAItt:A, VV20? 4 ly< All Il 9 l, ~tJ4 z4' t "TT4IATS OUR~ NEXT >EF-OLIATION PROJE CT" Letters to the Editor Student Registration: 'If you can answer ...' Registration Now PO ADVANCE THEIR own interests and serve as a bloc for needed social change, eligible students must vote in local elec- tions. To do that, they must register. In tie past year, City Council has shown consideration for student interests in formulating a housing ordinance which would specifically require land- lords to be responsible for the condition of apartments at the time of leasing. If students show their strength in vot- ing registration drives, council candidates in wards with a large concentration of students may be persuaded to support programs equally beneficial to students in the areas of motor vehicle regulations, parking, city planning and city services. Students can persuade the city to re- Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). The Daily is a memner of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage- paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER P 4POPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKE.'"? Managing Editor institute inexpensive shuttle-bus service from the campus area to downtown stores. They can push for re-zoning of certain areas of the city to provide for more parking facilities near campus. They can support a realistic low-cost housing program for the city's poor. From today until next Tuesday, Student Government Council will provide bus service to City Hall for actual registra- tion and counseling to instruct students on how best to qualify for residency re- quirements. Students now make up nearly 30 per cent of the Ann Arbor population. It is imperative that they realize they are not a peripheral part of the community. As residents, they are vitally affected by the actions of city government. IT IS TIME FOR Ann Arbor students to take an active part in shaping the community in which they must spend several years of their lives. All it is neces- sary fpr them to do is learn their rights, and then exercise them. Students can be an effective force for change in Ann Arbor. The first step is registration. -JILL CRABTREE To the Editor: WITH STUDENT housing at the forefront of campus interest these -days, the election for Ann Arbor City Councilmen on April 1 presents an opportunity for stu- dents to participate in several decisions om importance not only to themselves, but to the com- munity. We, the Democratic candidates for City Council in the 1st and 3rd Wards, are pledged to a strict pro- gram of City inspection of rental housing and to passage of a ten- ants' rights ordinance. Under the tenants' rights ordinance, land- lords could not evict tenants for making code violation complaints, and landlords would have to fix up apartments or rental houses be- fore they could collect the rent. A crucial period in the election campaign starts today, when regis- tration of voters opens, and lasts for ten days through March 1. If you are not registered, you cannot vote. Registration is at the City Clerk's office in the City Hall downtown. Remember, you are entitled to register if you can honestly answer yes to the following questions: *Are you a citizen of the U.S. who will be at least 21 years old on April 1? * Have you made your home in Michigan since October 1, 1967 and in Ann Arbor for at least 30 days before next April 1? 0 Do you support yourself, either through your earnings or your wife's earnings, past or pres- ent? Earnings as a teaching fel- low, part-time work, summer work, scholarships, and loans all count as self-support. * If you became ill, would you be treated for your sickness in Ann Arbor? " Do you usually take your vacations either in Ann Arbor or at some "neutral place," not your parents' home? '0 Do you expect to stay in Ann Arbor for some indefinite period, and will you be likely not to live at your parents' home after you graduate? The City Clerk's office will be open for registration from 8:00 to 5:00 this week, Tuesday through Saturday; from 8:00 to 5:00 next Monday; and from 8:00 to 8:00 Tuesday, February 27 to Friday, March 1. r a, -Prof. Richard D. Remington School of Public Health -Prof. Max Shain School of Public Health McCarthy Milks The Milksop Liberals By WALTER SHAPIRO Special To The Daily WESTPORT, Conn. - Senator Eugene McCarthy made a fund- raising foray into the heart of affluent suburbia Saturday night and while he left with about $30,000, the visit could only be described as a failure. For here in Westport, McCarthy was talking to his own people, those once idealistic and now weary political amateurs who still yearn "madly for Adlai." And the tragedy of McCarthy's appearance was that the Minnesota Senator failed to inspire even them. It wasn't that McCarthy failed as a drawing-card. His speech at the plush local high school was described - probably accurately - as the "largest political gathering in the history of Fairfield County." The audience was the predictable admixture which constitutes the intellectual elite of a town which is a sort of subdued, suburban version of Provincetown. In a way, it's a commuters' version of the Greenwich Village which used to be. Yet perhaps a better way to describe the gathering, is that it was politically sagacious enough to recognize that yesterday's Negroes are today's "blacks." But the audience wasn't radical enough to use the new term comfortably. And one had the sneaking suspicion that a good many of them had "colored" maids and cleaning women at home. Since this was amateur politics, the introductions were made by an actress and an academician. Anne Jackson, who starred with her husband Eli Wallach a season or two back in "Luv," and Robert Dahl, the Yale political scientist, set the tone for the evening. They were literate, erudite, gracious, well meaning, and said nothing new. Unfortunately McCarthy did nothing tojdispel this stultifying sense of deja vu. ::::: "::...;:' It wasn't that it was one of McCarthy's worst speeches. After seeing a few examples of that tv :,. genre, one had to admit that for ° him it was a pretty good speech. . He had some well phrased lines, was amusing with a few ostensibly spontaneous lines, and didn't throw away all Hof his key mo- ments. But In an address filled with quotable lines, McCarthy's low- key manner failed to press them home sufficiently enough to be remembered. It was the kind of speech which only would affect Sen. Eugene McCarthy the already committed. And even here, one wished that McCarthy looked even one quarter as dynamic as his campaign posters. The problem is that to be an effective political speaker, you either have to be dynamic, forceful, and perhaps a little vulgar, or you have to say something new. And McCarthy seems constitutionally unable to do either. Before the speech, McCarthy held a very brief press conference in a classroom just off the auditorium. When asked - as he will be continually - about his wilted-lettuce campaign style, McCarthy replied, "I intend to go on campaigning pretty much as I have been doing. I think it's the right way to campaign in the context of the issues." As much as he denies it, McCarthy is a one-issue candidate and that issue is Vietnam. The problem is that the thinking politician is at least two years behind the ideas of his audience. And conse- quently an address in 1968 which hits at our involvement inVietnam is unlikely to provide any §tartlingly new political insights. Furthermore, beneath the rhetoric, McCarthy's Vietnam position is worthy of George Romney at his incoherent best. Trying to induce negotiations through de-escalation and if negotiations prove un- attainable, pulling out of Vietnam "was the logical conclusion of what we've been saying," he said. "But I think it's quite possible to get a negotiated coalition government. And anyway, anything else is a long way off." McCarthy is either implying a case for unilateral withdrawal with- out having the courage to admit it. Or he is so convinced that Lyndon Johnson is the only obstacle to peace talks in Vietnam that he fails to notice the logical absurdity of his position. If McCarthy is indeed blinded by his desire for negotiations, his dilemma illustrates the problems which will face the "Negotiation Now" people if Hanoi is as intransigent as the Administration claims they are. In the final analysis, McCarthy's failure to inspire his captive Westport audience is deeply significant because his campaign has nowhere else to go. As his Ann Arbor visit will attest, McCarthy on the campus sets little adrenalin flowing. McCarthy belongs among the tired and well-meaning liberals of an earlier, more. hopeful, era. He is not offering a prescription for change, but a return to the past. Despite its erudite quality, there is something wholly anachronistic about the whole performance. Like all mini-heretics, McCarthy repeats incessantly that he hasn't changed, the Democratic -Party has changed. He's right, but somehow, that isn't enough. For the failures of the Johnson Administration /are not totally divorced from the happy days of Stevenson and Jack Kennedy. Rather, in some respects, they are their idealistic pragmatism carried to excess. It's a gross reprint of an old painting. And that's why it is so fitting that old ADA-er Hubert Horatio Humphrey is Vice- President. Only occasionally does McCarthy provide a vision of the America that could be, rather the Democratic Party that was. ie said very poignantly Saturday night, "Instead of ghettoes, we can have neigh- borhoods and communities." And one believed. But only for a minute. For then there was a memory of the impossible gulf between the "black community'l and the "colored" maids. And that awful realization that all Eugene McCarthy had is a well-intentioned dream. Meanwhile in Detroit this weekend, the state New Politics Con- vention pledged itself to work to destroy the Democratic Party. Judging from what the McCarthy candidacy represents, the Demo- crats are doing a pretty good job themselves. t . -- IW -47 / 0 * Biafra Rebutted: 'Tyrants' To the Editor: THE AGGRESSIVE little "Bia- fra" regime represents any- thingrbut the oppressed minority's last-ditch stand for self-preserva- tion that Azinna Nwafor's pole- mics (Daily, Feb. 16) would have us imagine. Nigeria's eight million Ibo tribes- men have indeed been "predom- inant in the life of the country"- militarily, economically, politically, and socially lording it over the entire 57-million population 'of Ni- geria since independence. This ap- parently wasn't enough for them, for in January, 1966 "with military precision" (to again quote Nwa- for), the Ibos deposed their pop- ular, freely-elected Prime Minister Balewa, and ruled with clenched iron fist for five months, until they were in turn overthrown. The Ibos then promptly took up their marbles and ran home-seceding, and in the process "liberating" $700,000 in royalties belonging to Nigeria. The chauvinistic "Biafra" ty- rants may, like Ian Smith's su- premist Rhodesian regime, survive for years, or even decades--both can be largely self-sufficient, and both get aid from colonialist Por- tugal (Time, Feb. 9). But the settlement offered them by the Nigerian government (Federal Ni- geria, Nov. 1967), based on am- nesty and progress, is generous and more-than-fair-like the kind of moderateReconstruction we un- fortunately spurned after our own Civil War. Nwafor--a Biafran- and others who have axes to grind, may pretend every Western gov- ernm'ent is somehow out to get them; but we who hope for a free, progressive, peaceful West Africa, with strong, forward-looking Ni- geria as its cornerstone, will con- tinue to await the birth of respon- sibility and co-operativeness among the Ibos of Nigeria's Eastern Re- gion. -Morris Saks, '69 I :Marketing Academic Research By CATHY McAFFEE First of a Two-Part Series EDITOR'S NOTE: When the In- stitute for Defense Analyses meets today and tomorrow, stu'dents around the country will be dem- onstrating in protest. These ex- cerpts are the first of a two-part series on IDA by Cathy McAffee, a graduate student in history of science at Princeton, reprinted from Viet Reports. In order to give academic scientists the opportunity to work on these "challenges of our time," 12 major universities have com- bined to form the Institute for Defense Analyses. As IDA officials explain, the Institute serves as "a means by which individuals from universities can come to grips with major problems of national se- curity," and "by which the gov- ernment can reach deeper and more accurately into a great store of scientific knowledge and tech- nical skill." As the major research institution of the Defense Depart- ment, IDA has contributed to the development of major weapons used in Vietnam. IDA is set up as a non-profit corporation, a defense "think tank." It is an arrangement that wnrks mot well for everyone in- receive "the direct opportunity to absorb . . the wisdom that de- rives empirically from intimate contact with real and present problems," not to mention lucra- tive leaves of absence and con- sulting fees for professors. The importance of IDA for the uni- versities has nothing to do with education; IDA membership is a means for marketing the products of the academic research in- dustry. IDA was formed in 1955 to pro- cure civilian scientists for the W e a p o n s Systems Evaluation Group of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Defense Department wanted sophisticated, computerized, "ob- jective" studies of defense strategy. IDA was finally formed as a membership corporation includ.- ing MIT, Cal Tech, Case Institute of Technology, Stanford, and Tulane, and was provided with a $500,000 grant from the Ford Foundation. Administrators from each of the universities (many of whom are connected with com- panies in the defense business), a number of bankers and aerospace industralists, and a few career government servants were enlisted as trustees. Since then, the cor- has been applying its knowledge of military "command and con- trol" and resource management to studies of police methods, the poverty program, and the draft. Most of IDA s work is highly classified, and all of it is done at the Institute's Arlington, Va., headquarters, or at the Commun- ications Research Center on the Princeton campus. Although most of IDA's scientific and adminis- trative employes come from indus- trial laboratories, and a few from government agencies, almost all have taught in universities at one time. Many are recruited directly from the campus, and there is a growing trend to hire recent PhDs. Some academics work at IDA during their leaves of ab- sence, and about 25 are added to the summer staff. The average length of stay of an employe at IDA is only about two years. Academic scientists are finding it increasingly difficult to pursue their careers without contributing to this kind of work. Not only do they depend on government con- tracts for support. but often they must become involved in defense projects merely to gain access to the information and equipment lationship of the schools to IDA and the accompanying rhetoric merely serves as a cover for work that would go on whether the corporation existed or not. For in fact, the ostensible goals and the public image of the universities are largely irrelevant to what has become their most important func- tion-and the function that links them to IDA - namely, the de- velopment and transmission of the scientific knowledge and the tech- nical and managerial skills neces- sary for the administration of a stable society. The modern uni- versity is, quite literally, a knowl- edge factory, in which the educa- tion of students is just one pro- duct line, and a secondary one at that. As a market where the knowl- edge industry and the defense business exchange their products, IDA serves much the same func- tion for the aerospace and elec- tronics industries as it does for the universities. The non-profit corporation, whose growth in the past 15 years has paralleled that of the defense industry, has be- come one of the most important means by which that industry pro- motes its own interests defense department official who awards the contract may be asso- ciated with the same corporation, if they are not one and the same individual. In the 11 years since its found- ing IDA has increasingly exerted its independence from the gen- erals it was originally intended to serve, and, in recent years, from the Defense Department as well. There has been a continuing strug- gle over IDA between civilian de- fense officials and the military leadership, the generals wanting to use IDA to back up their pro- jects; the civilians needing it as a check on the generals. This ten- sion reached a peak in 1963 when Richard M. Bissell Jr. phased out of the CIA for his handling of the Bay of Pigs invasion, took over the IDA presidency. He began to push for an expansion of the IDA staff and for the right of IDA to bypass the generals and report directly to the Secretary of De- fense. The generals, who let it be known they would rather IDA did not exist, accused "Bissell and the whiz kids" of trying to take over the policy-making role of the Joint Chiefs. The dispute ended in a compromise. In the following