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February 20, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-20

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light snowfall.

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



'U, tudents






Studeiits Enter Landlords' Offices
To Deliver Tenant Complaint List

Student Houng BAssociation
SHA) yesterday, confronted of-
[icials of Apartments Limited to
~ir student grievances concerning
the firm's general policy of main,-
tenance. Over 50 students crowd-
ed into the firm's office to pre-
sent lists of complaints to its
SHA Chairman Mike Koeneke,
'69, Bus. Ad., presented the man-
agers petitions containing over
1,000 student signatures pledged
not to sign a 1968 lease with
Apartments Limited.
In addition, Carl Malcom, own-
er of the Brown Street apart-
ToP rotest
IDA Meeting
Voice-SDS last night decided to
hold demonstrations today and to-
morrow against the University's
membership in the .Institute for
Defense Analyses (IDA), a 12-
S university consortium for defense
At University President Robben
W. Fleming's open house today,
Voice members intend to present
a list of demands and to hold a
skit satirizing Fleming's expected
attendance at IDA's executive
committee meeting in New York
Voice plans to hold a noon rally
tomorrow on thie diag. Fleming is
scheduled to fly to Washington
tomorrow morning, where he will
later attend a dinner for the
* Michigan congressional delegation.

ments, met with Mark Goldstein,
'70,rganizer of te renttrik
Brown Street units. Malcom
promised to begin action to al-
leviate complaints of the tenants.
A number of students discussed
complaints with Ken Barnhill.
manager of Apartments Limited,
and requested action be taken to
improve conditions in many units.
Barnhill countered by asking for
specific complaints and offering
to meet with tenants "'n an in-
dividual basis"' to discuss their
Barnhill explained he would
rather not accept the collective
complaints from "unofficial rep-
resentatives.'' He said, "If tenants
have complaints, they slioull call
tin o eey omlin e x-
ceive from a tenant."
ant at 712 OBalnd, (managed b
AYo do n't do anything whnw
Communications Failure
"This seems to be a failure to
communicate," B a r n h i ll com-




Faculty Assembly yesterday adjourned its scheduled meet-
ing less than five minutes after unauthorized student visitors
'refused to leave Rackham Lecture Hall.
The Assembly had planned to hear five-minute position
papers on the Elderfield Committee's. Research Policies Re-
port on classified research from the representatives of eight
student groups, but the meeting was adjourned when more
than the eight invited students who had gathered in the
Auditorium refused to leave.

-Daily-Jim Forsyth
FACULTY MEMBERS LEAVE yesterday's Faculty Assembly meeting after students who had not
been invited to the meeting refused to leave. Pre sentations had been scheduled by student leaders

concerning classified research and the Elderfield proposal. No new meeting is yet scheduled. The report recommends the University continue doing @@
---- - --- -- - - - -- -classified research as long as it does not develop ways to "des-
troy human life" and as long as the University can disclose Rune Evaldsoi
75 PCT. DISSATISFIED: the nature and sponsor of the
After opening the meeting. As- WRL Takes Secret'
(2 ~~ f , 'J)Pt£11I tf3 .Q 3 t~i1'se~mbly Chairman Prof Frank


Koeneke claimed the owners I.. L1 1V 1 51£'A>£ 15 kJ EI.5,/
only took care of their own build- -
ings. "Some of the owners of
Apartments Limited buildings are I 0
not Ann rbor reidents," he said, O S wOi
service. The managers who run
Apartments Limited don't seem to
care." By MARCIA ABRAMSON Vista or similar service as alter- graduate school yesterday re.-
Malco offered to talk with, Three out of four graduate stu- natives to the military. Abolition leased a statement that the school
anyon who had specific com- dents oppose the present draft of all conscription was advocated office "stands ready to help in
plaints. Goldstein mentioned some system according to results of a by 30 per cent. Only eight per any way possible" students desir-
ofth problems at the Brown referendum released yesterday by cent favored compulsory military ing to continue their graduate
Street apartments, but Malcom re- Graduate Assembly. Over 27 per service. studies.
fuedtotak butthm n rotcent of the students polled said One quarter of the graduates Spur' said he was working on

Kenned of te LawSchoo pit

Students have been invited
to attend President and Mrs.
Fleming's first tea and open
house tomorrow at 4 p.m, The
*s tea will be held at their resi-
dence, 815 S. University.
Voice will try to meet F eming in
his office when he returns Thurs-
The IDA executive committee is
scheduled for a regular meeting
tomorrowv at an undisclosed lo-
cation in New York. The elective
body is expected to discuss the
role of the member universities.
The actual agenda is classified,.
but several university presidents
or faculty representatives have
been invited to give their views',
according to IDA executive secre-
t'ary James Cross.
Fleming told The Daily, Feb. 9
he "will attend the meeting if
possible" and he had "some re-
servations about remaining in
IDA." The Unifersity of Chicago
faculty recently recommended to I
its president the schiool withdraw
from IDA. '
Cross said yesterday that as far
as he knew Fleming was coming to
the meeting. Fleming was out of
town and unavailable for com-
The executive meeting will be
followed by the annual trustees
meeting March 11-12 in Washing-
ton. The board of trustees is com-
posed of administrators from
member schools, businessmen and
career civil servans

of the group. After some discus-
sion, he \met with Goldstein in
-Goldstein informed Malcom cf
the rent strike which began yes-
terday The tenants' rent, which
is due today has been placed in
ecrow at ther University Of f-
Promises Action
After a discussion of fomne ijrb-
lems which led to the organiza-
tion of the strike, Malcom prom-
ised to send two student mnanar.-
ers to check on the complamt .
He promised to take immedia te
action to alleviate any problems
which were reported back to him,
"When we see people actualy
responding to the remrplaints."
Goldstein replied. "we will author-
ize the Off-Campus Housing Bu-
reau to release our ;'ent'
"If they will not accept the
complaints when we bring them
in bunches," he added, "we will
organize calling campaigns and
see that every complaint is filed
by a tenant."
-Complaint Forms
Koeneke promised to present
Barnhill with complaint forms to
back up SHA's claim that "Apart-
ments Limited has the worst
complaint record in town." Barn-
hill had labeled this statement
false and challenged Koeneke to
Following the exchange, Barn-
hill broke off the discussion. He
returned to his office and declined
to comment on the situation fur-
ther. "He has nothing else to say,"
commented one of his assistants.
Following the discussion with
Malcom, the students left the of-
f ice. "We got what we expected,"
Koeneke said, "vague answers. We
will wait to see if they actually
take any action."

the Graduate School should not
cooperate with the draft law if
the referendum indicated students
favored a change in policy.
The referendum. taken during
registration, surveyed 5619 grad-
uates, 70 per cent of the school's
enrollment, explained Roy Ash-
mall, grad, former president of
GA and a coordinator of the poll.
Ashmall discounted the pnssi-
bility last week's draft ruling
would have affected the results of
the referendum. "I don't think
Gen. Hershey's pronouncement
throws the poll off that far,"
Ashmall said. "All Hershey did
was formalize what was going to
happen: most people knew about
"If the referendum were taken
again tomorrow, I suspect there
would be more opposition, but the
difference is more likely to devel-
op in the long run, when the ac-
tual drafting of graduates begins."
continued Ashmall.
Ashmall said another poll nmay
be taken in the future. "It's a
question of time, manpower and
amount of interest," he explained.
Forty per cent of the students
favored compulsory national serv-
ice, including the Peace Corps and
The Commission on the Role of
Students in Decision Making is ex-
pected to recommend in its final
report to the Regents the estab-
lishment of a Committee on Com-
munications to deal with campus
controversies. ..
Chairman of the comnmission'
Prof. Ims Claude of the depart-
ment of political science, said the
committee "will serve as a de-
vice for getting issues sensibly dis-
cussed and to open channels of
The proposal is expected to be
formally adopted by the commnis-
sion at its meeting next week.
According to the draft proposal,
the committee would arrange
meetings between University of fi-
cials and "persons expressing
grievances or criticism" when a
campus controversy arises.
The committee would be comn-
posed of two students, two faculty
members and chaired by one ad-
ministrator. F a c u I t y Assembly
would nominate two students sug-
gested by Student Government
Council. SGC would nominate two
faculty members suggested by

thought the school should make
a public statement to implement
the referendum res'11ts. Nearly
one third also favored exerung
political pressure. Some 1801) grad-
uates, or 27 per cent, advocated
"non-cooperation with the draft"
in addition to the nther two
Complete breakdowns of the
referendum will be available
shortly, Ashmall said. Results of
searate votes in the medical and
law schools will also be released.
Dean Stephen Spurn of the

a letter to be sent to local draft
boards for the assistance of grad-
- Spurr also said he had ds-
cussed the situation with Gustav
Ar'lt, executive director of the
Council of Graduate Schools in
the United States.
CBS News yesterday filmed an
interview with Ashmall, Stuart
Katz, current GApresiden, David
Shapiro and Dennis Marks. all
grads, on reaction to the draft

ed out that more than the invited
eight students were present.
"I informed Assembly that the
remaining of those not invited was
a violation of Assembly rules,"
Kennedy said. "I also told them
that we could modify these rules if
someone so moved."
Prof. H. D. Cameron of the clas-.
sics department moved that all
unauthorized visitors be asked to
oe eft except a reporte from the
An Arbo News
Then Pof. Robert J. Niess of
the French department moved that
the metin be adj-ourned, and the
motion ecaried.
Only Assembly Allowed i
'Only members of Assembly, the
University Senate and their guests
are normally allowed to attend
Assembly meetings," Niess explain-
ed later. The prohibition of un-
authorized personnel extends to
members of the press.
Kennedy said a special meeting
of the Senate Advisory Committee
on. University Affairs (SACUA)
will be held tomorrow to discuss
when the next Assembly meeting
should meet. The next regular As-
sembly meeting is scheduled for
March 18.
Also on the agenda 'for yester-
day's Assembly meeting was dis-
cussion of a letter from University
President Robben W. Fleming
asking the faculty if an investiga-
tion of CIA activities on campus'

Weaponry Contracts
By STEVE NISSEN tical Systems Division at Wright
The University's Willow Run Patterson Air Force Base in Day-
Laboratory yesterday received a ton, Ohio, an Air Force spokes-
$1.18 million contract from the man said yesterday,
United States Air Force for "re- The grant is for 30 months be-
search into measurements of elec- ginning Jan. 1. WRL has, already
tromagnetic characgeristics as re- received .$516,000 for the project.
lated to weapons delivery applica- Quinsey said.
tion." Nearly all of the $9.7 million in
In addition, the Reporter, the classified research at the Univer-
University's official listing of re- sity goes to WRL In Ypsilanti. At
search projects, listed another Willow Run, the dominant unit
$700,000 contract with classified in the Institute for Science andi
portions awarded by the Air Force Technology, University scientists
to Leonard Porcello, research en- have pioneered Infrared recon-
gineer at the Institute of Science naissance techniques allowing the
and Technology's radar and op- U.S. military to pinpoint the ene-
tics lab. my at night or through partial
"The project involves several foliage cover.
tasks," said Porcello, "oriented The University is currently In
toward advanced radar technol- the midst of a $1 million classi-
ogy and determining the natural fied counterinsurgency project In
limits of radar performance." Thailand involving infrared re-
The Pentagon would only iden-: mote sensing techniques..
tify the $1.18 million project as The University has also begun
contract number F 33615-68-C- operations of a $4.3 million infra-
1281. red observatory In Hawaii to track
However, the University's Office intercontinental ballistic missiles
of R e s e a r c h Administration and satellites.
(ORA) said Howard Courtney, a The faculty was scheduled to
research engineer in the Infra- take a position on classified re-
Red Optical Laboratories, is the search at their Assembly meeting
principle investigator, yesterday. Student presence, how-

SEEKS 500: *
Voter Registration1

Rune Evaldson, director of
WRL, explained the contract in-
volves measurement of "target

By JIM FORSYTh Students wishing to register for SIOI eUi,~~ I~,iu in~r~ungu±~v ~i
Stdn Goenmn Cuci' the next general election must on should be conducted. niques. Simply, the project will
votrdegittonrien beganyes April 1 must do so before March 1 SACUA Discussions study the identification of an ob-
vtera reiado prje chaians the City Clerk's office does not This will be discussed at the ject by the characteristic infra-
Davd Damn70 hroes arman accet ne eistrations 30 days ISACUA meeting Wednesday," red radiation It emits, explained
a50 stdents will boe regstered precee dingan election. Kennedy said. ORA assistant director William E.
toot in Atdnts Arbor betweiere o IGC, Young Democrats, College Scheduled to speak at yesterday's Quinsey.
and nxt Tueay Awhrbeen div Republicans and Citizens for New Assembly meeting were represent- Quinsey denied the contract in-
ends nxTudywhntediePolitics will provide rides from atives of Student Government. volved weapons systems. "The
enGs. Yon eort n o-campus to city hall. Damm says Council, Graduate Assembly, En- contract is a "continuation of a
egC, Repulicansatse ald students wishing to take advantage gineering Council, The Daily, three or four year project" study-
soe 600pUiversityastuents whol of the transportation should meet Voice, Conservative Union, Young ing infrared signatures, he said.
indced duriUnreiystratins ino in the fishbowl at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. Democrats and College Repub- IThe contract is related to a re-
mdicted urig reistatio inor 4p~m licns.search program of the Aeronau-
January they would be eligible to or 4~p~m-l~ca~s
vote in Ann Arbor. According to;
Damm, most of those contacted I
expressed interest in the drive.
A spokesman for the City Clerk's
office is non-committal about the
drive, saying "It's been very quiet
so fan." According to one clerk,
most students who come in "do .
register. whether they're really
qualified oi' not."
The state law determining these
qualifications gener'ally revolves
around the Attorney General's'
interpretations, and the local I
clerks' interpretations of these a
rulings. Damm says the City I
Clerk's office is cooperative in the
mechanics of registration, but in- I
consistent in their interpretations -
of the law.
John Kelley '68. administratiVe ~
vice president of the Student 4 ~
Housing Association, explains stu- * A
dents are affected by the City
Council's policies in many ways,
trom housing standards to traffic *
regulations. Kelley expi'esses the
feejing students should have a say
in these matters.
Both Kelley and Damm explain ,
students contribute to the city's *

postponed. No new meeting has
been scheduled.
An expected 240 research and
library personnel have been
granted membership In University
Senate by the Regents, it was
learned yesterday.
The change, endorsed by the
Senate last month, requires an
amendment to the Regents' By-
Other related amendments in-
* Establishing means whereby
the Senate. may revoke an action
of Faculty Assembly, the 655-
member legislative arm of the
*Vesting in one officer the
secretarial functions of the Senate,
the Assembly and the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA).
The Regents returned to SAC-
UA for "reconsideration" another
proposal giving the Assembly
president chairmanshIp over Sen-
ate meetings. The University
president now presides over the
The research and library per-
sonnel to be admitted to the
2,200-member Senate must be
recommended by their superiors
and screened by a Senate com-
mittee appointed for that pur-

~' -~ 6'"'.. ~ U -

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