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February 18, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-18

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:43 a t t4p

Variably cloudy, chance
of snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



51 Tenants

End of Grad Deferments Petition for,
Rent Strike
To Cause Little Change Residents Charge
A ~d L i .L IIIt d







Gen. Lewis B. Hershey's decision
Friday to end deferments for all
graduate students except those inj
divinity and medical studies, while
meeting almost unanimous disap-
proval from University commun-
ity members, will probably not
have a great short-range effect on
the graduate school.
Assistant Dean Byron Groes-
beok, who is in charge of admis-
sions, pointed out that only one-
sixth of the graduate student
body is eligible for the draft, "far
less than in many of the eastern
schools, like Harvard, where stu-
dents are all male."
However the school is faced
with one problem-whether to try

to fill the enrollment gap cre- sent "no change in policy. We
ated by male graduate students were hoping it would change, and
who are called up. This becomes it should be changed, but now it
a major question in view of the will require legislative action."
effect two years hence - when University President Robben W.
drafted students begin returning. Fleming said he was "frankly sur-
"If enough students are taken now prised at Gen. Hershey's decision."
to fill the gaps, there may be He said there was great hope it
over-crowding when they return," would be ruled otherwise. He re-
Groesbeck said. ferred specifically to recent com-
Most Likely Decision mittee reports from Congress
"The most likely decision will which would have maintained the
be to admit students for masters deferments.

Wiartments S ter
With Poor Service


work, which will only take two
years, but not to change our
policy for Ph.D. work, which would
take longer.'
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith pointed outI
that this decision would repre-

'Unfortunate Decision'
Fleming added, "It is an un-
fortunate decision. There really
can't be an equitable system to
conduct the draft, but this new
system really ignores the educa-
tional needs of the country."
G e o r g e Sabadash. executive
vice-president of Graduate Assem-
bly, warned of two possible ef-
fects of Hershey's decision. He
said undergraduate students may
lose many teaching fellows, and
graduate school enrollment may
suffer a general "chilling effect'
where many male students won't
even bother to apply.
Groesbeck disagreed with Saba-
dash's view somewhat. He said
that with only one-sixth of the:
graduates being eligible for the
draft, it "shouldn't be too diffi-
cult" to make up the loss of
teaching fellows with women and
men who are not eligible or who
have completed their military
Source of Anxiety
He noted that they had no
figures as of yet to determine
whether a disproportionate num-I
ber of teaching fellows were elig-
ible for the draft. "In any event."
he added, "it is a source of anxiety
for the faculty."
Groesbeck agreed that Her-
shey's decision would have a
"chilling effect" on enrollment.:
"Graduate students will just
have to get used to carrying a 1-A
in their pocket," hecsaid.
President Fleming pointed out
that Hershey acted on the advice
of the National Security Council1
(NSC) in announcing his deci-I
sion. "I wonder whether he really
had the blessings of the White
House," Fleming said. "This m'ay
not be the final word."
Sound Reasons
Groesbeck said, "There must be
sound reasons for what the NSC
did. It seems to me they wouldn'tI
have done something so harsh to
the graduate schools unless the"
international situation was very

Fifty-one tenants of five apart-
ment buildings managed by
Apartments Limited have signed a
petition agreeing to participate in
a rent strike. The strike is in pro-
test of insufficient maintenance in4
the buildings, which are located
on Brown Street.
The tenants plan to deposit
their rent with the Off-Campus
Housing Bureau on Monday. They
will ask that it be held there until
Apartments Limited responds to
their complaints and does some-
thing to correct the maintenance
The signatures were gathered by}
Mark Goldstein, '69, one of the.
tenants of the five buildings in-
volved. Goldstein contacted over
70 of the 90 tenants in the build-
ing to gather signatures.>
'Little Complaints'
"The problems here are not
major," Goldstein commented. "No
walls are collapsing. But almost,
everyone has little complaints
which add up. Lack of garbageI
pick-up, lack of snow removal,
falling plaster, leaks, problems
with heat and hot water and many
other little things have been both-
ering people.
"The general maintenance is
terrible," he continued. "Com-
plaints are not taken care of for
months. There is a definite lack of
communication between the ten-
ants and Apartments Limited.
They are just not responsible land- IN A VIET
lords." minute barra
Goldstein said he hoped re- ever one rou
sponse to the rent strike would be defends a re
similar to that which followed a d
recent strike at onie of Apartments attempting t
Limited's building's on Hill Street. - -
Many of the complaints of the
tenants in the Hill Street unit VANDE
were taken care of shortly after
the rent strike began on Feb. 6.
Not All Students
"The tenants here are not all
students," Goldstein pointed out.
"And almost everyone is dissatis-
fied. A good number of us are in- C a l
dignant about the conditions here
and almost no one is considering
renting from Apartments Limited Michigan S
again." Treasurer and
Mark' Schreiber, '69, chairman Business and
of the Student Rental Union said, May is taking
"This is just the first of many ac- batical leave
tions which are going to be taken and reports i
to obtain better housing." Schrei- News indicate
ber is assisting Goldstein in organ- final.
izing the rent strike. Although the
"We are sick and tired of land- sabbatical is
lords charging exorbitant rents business man
and failing consistantly to keep universities,"1
their units in good repair," he White (D-.Bay
continued. "The people involved in leave "the beg
this strike are determined to get out foiMay.
a fair shake in the Ann Arbor "I don't th?
apai'tment market." working for
General Lack September," 'W
"The fact that the tenants in- ing done to pi
volved in this strike are not just the university,
students points up the general lack Trustee C.

SAIGON )--Cominunist shells hit Saigon and 30 other Soutl.
Vietnamese cities and towns yesterday in coordinated second wave
attacks that had been widely predicted to follow the Chinese lunar
new yearoffensive.
Dozens of isolated allied military outposts were among the targets.
Saigon's big Tan Son Nhut air base, one of the world's busiest,
was pounded for 15 minutes by 100 rounds of rockets and mortars.
Slight damage to one runway was quickly repaired. An Air Force
chapel was destroyed by a direct hit and six rounds hit part of the
U.S. Command's "Pentagon East" headquarters.
Gen.-William C. Westmoreland, chief of U.S. forces in Vietnam,
was at the headquarters when the attack broke, but his building was
{ not hit. Casualty reports listed one U.S. air man killed and (0
wounded at the base.
Enemy infantrymen also mount-."
Km ed ground attacks to follow up
rocket and mortar barrages but N . V ietnam
they were said to be much less
severe than those 19 days ago
against 35 population centers.
Phan Thiet, a coastal city 90
miles east of Saigon, appeared to D e
be the hardest hit by the new at- -e a t
tacks. Viet Cong assault troops
were reported to have swarmed By The Associated Press
into the city and freed 500 convicts North Vietnam has told UN Sec-
from the municipal jail. retary General U Thant it is will-
*The U.S. Command, 'shuffling ing to make military de-escalation
througih hundreds .of reports on an item on the agenda of any
actions from Hue to the tip of the opening peace talks with the Unit-
Mekong Delta, listed American ed States, diplomatic sources said
casualties as two dead, 137 wound- last night.
ed. North Vietnamese represent-
The bristling northern border atives informed Thant of that po-
zone, where U.S. Marines are sition on his recent trip abroad,
awaiting an expected North Viet- the informants said. Presumably
namese offensive, was skipped in Thant will discuss it with Presi-
-Associated Press yesterday's attacks, according to dent Johnson when he sees him in
Lt Tan Son Nhut airbase, a 15-. first reports. Washington Wednesday.
ortars caused light damage. How- In the northern city of Hue, the North Vietnam has said publicly
nand headquarters. A U.S. Marine only place the enemy has held-31 that there will be talks when the
Hue, which Viet Cong forces are out in force since the Jan. 30 United States "unconditionally"
offensive, allied troops drew - stops bombing and other acts of
noose tighter around Communist war against it
held parts of the old Citadel. war Unst it
The United States has said it
I (;nS: The Communist returned to the would stop the bombing if talks
ES N5: offensive in a previously recap- would follow promptly and North
tured section of Hue, mounting Vietnam would riot increase in-
o a mortar and rocket attack near filtration into South Vietnam.
b a tica l !an old royal burying ground and North Vietnam's newly reported
sinking a U.S. Navy landing craft willingness to discuss de-escalation
in the Perfume River. is its closest known approach to
Guerrilla mortarmen pumped 15 agreeing not to increase the in-
h a se ' ut' rounds into municipal police head- filtration.
quarters in the heart of Saigon, North Vietnamese who talked
killing seven policemen and in- with Thant during his trip stuck
flict of interest controversy last juring 20, a spokesman said. to their formal stand that cessa-
November, resigned Feb. 5. uig20
Vandenberg declined to com- I The U.S. ambassador, 74-year- tion of bombing must be uncon-
ment on the reason for his de- old Ellsworth Bunker, was spirited ditional.
parture. tfrom his home in downtown Sai- In a related political develop-
Vandunburg, biother-in-law of gon to a secret protected area ment, . Soviet Premier Alexei N.
MSU President John Hannah, ha shortly after the first shells hit Kosygin recently told a Commu-
been u ndsder investigation by, Tan Son Nhut. The same precau- nist party meeting it is "untrue"
Kelley's office since Jan. 26. tions had been taken when guer- that North Vietnam is not ready
A ruling is expected soon on rillas briefly seized the embassy for peace talks with the United
Vandenburg's activities.1 grounds Jan. 31. States. m
Pro bes Into Orangeburg Deaths
Question Early Police Reports

..Daily-Thomas a. Copi
R. J. Gainsley, the University's Chief of Security Services (left),
and Fire Marshall Richard Williams sift the ashes for a clue to
the origin of a fire which broke out last night in the offices
of the University Activities Center in the Union. Batallion Chief
Emerson Ehnis, whose men quickly brought the blaze ulider con-
trol, maintains that the fire was "definitely set . .. it didn't start
itself." Williams said that there would be further investigation.
The fire damaged a wall, the ceiling and a tier of mailboxes.

age of rockets and mo
id hit the U.S. Comm
captured section ofl
o regain.
yS Sal
leud 'P
t a t e University'sj
Vice-President for
Finance Philip J.
a five month sab-
from that school,;
n the MSU State
his leave may be
e purpose of May's
given as "studying
agement at other
MfSU trustee Clair
yCity). called the
;inning of a phase-
iink May will be
the univeisity in
Vhite said. "It is be-
uotect Hannah and
he continued.
Allen Harlan (D-

Cuts in Federal Building Funds
To Slow New 'U' Construction

. Cutbacks in federal higher edu-
cation construction funds will
slow University expansion, ac-
cording to John McKevitt, as-
sistant to Vice-President and
Chief Financial Officer Wilbur
K. Pierpont.
An $82 million reduction in con-j
struction grants for colleges call-
ed for in President Johnson's 1969!
recommnded budget 'will hurt
most major educational institu-
tions. The cutback follows similar

fund slashes made
late last year.

by Congress

"The University will not be
able to move ahead at the antici-
pated pace of building," McKevitt
said. "The time period needed to
build will be prolonged. The cut-
back will not affect projects'
which are currently underway.
These have already been funded
and commitments will be met.
New grants will be affected sev-
erely, however."
The federal budget provides
$225.6 million for higher educa-
tion construction grants. The
amount of money available for
construction loans was maintain-
ed, at $150 million.
War Costs
Johnson blamed the rising costs
of the Vietnam war as the cause
of the -cuts. In his budget mes-
sage he commented, "We cannot
do everything that we wish to do.
And so we must choose carefully
among the competing demands
for our resources."
The cutbacks will be hard to

replace. "Federgil support is not
easy to supplant from other
sources," McKevitt said. "In the
past ten years the Univesrity has"
been aided by extensive federal
funds. In the period from 1956
to 1957 the Univesrity received
$27 million from the federal gov-
Cause Program Cut
University President Robben
W. Fleming has commented in
the past that the federal govern-
ment will have to be a major
source of funds in the future if
the University is to maintain its
present level of excellence. If,
however the present trend of cut-
backs continues, University pro-
grams will have to be cut severly.
McKevitt said the University has
no major grants pending at the
present time which. could be af-
fected by the proposed cuts. Fu-
ture plans will, however, have to
be considered very carefully be-
fore they are submitted, he claim-

of adequate apartment housing in Southfield), agreectsaying, "Phil
the Ann Arbor community," he May made a.- mistake. It would be
added. "This shoddy housing is a regrettable if he comes back to
matter of concern for all of Ann the university.
Arbor." "His usefulness. to the univer-
Picketing of Apartments Limited sity has come to an end," Harlan
offices continued today as students added.
once again moved inside the Cam- Harlan and White have sought
pus Village Arcade at Church May's resignation for outsidei
Street and South University to activities since April and led the
march in front of the firms' office. attack on May for a possible con-
Fifteen students kept a steady flict of interest between the vice-
line moving in front of the office president's business and univer-
for several hours. There were no sity dealings.
disruptive incidents during the State Attorney General Frank
picketing. The student4 were not Kelley launched an investigation
asked to leave the building as they into May's extracurricular busi-
had been on Friday. The picketing ness activities last Nov 9. The in-
was a continuation of the boycott vestigation came the day after
which was organized by the Stu- The Daily published a lengthy
dent Rental Union and the Stu- story about May's business activi-
an t Hrning Association in pro- ties in East Lansing real estate.

Extend SGC
Petition Date
Petitioning for Student Govern-,
ment Council candidacy has been
extended until Monday, Feb. 26.
Campaigning will start Wednes-
day, Feb. 21, and run through
the actual election dates, March
12 and 13.
The extension was made to per-
mit a greater number of can-
didates to run for the upcoming
SGC Constitutional Convention,
according to SGC Elections Dir-
ector Ken Kelley, '71.
The extension will also allow
a greater time fol students to
run for seats on the Board in
Control of Student Publications
and the Board in Control of
IntercollegiateAthletics, as well
as for the'student presidency of
the Literary and engineering col-
l egs

On Thursday, Feb. 8, three black
students were shot to death when
police opened fire on an assem-
blage of students near the en-
trance to South College here.
Thirty-seven other students were
Most of the early press coverage
of the event was a restatement of
the police view of what had hap-
pened. It was reported, therefore,
that the three died in an exchange
of gunfire with the police, that
sniper fire from the students
started the exchange, that "black
power militants" had incited a
student riot, that students had
stolen ROTC target rifles for use
in the battle and that the presence
of 600 Guardsmen and several
hundred policemen had averted
further violence.
Next day, the first public dis-
pute about what happened Thurs-
day night began. NBC correspond-
ent Sidney Lazard who was on the
scene that night, said in a morn-
ing broadcast that the other news-
m.ten on the scene agreed the police
gunfire wasn't pirovoked by sniper
fire from the students. State of-
ficials, including South Carolina
Gov. Robert E. McNair, emphatic-
ally denied Lazard's conclusion.
In his evening broadcast Lazard
omitted any reference to the ques-
tion of who fired first, because, he
explained later, the situation that
night was too confused fornhim
to be sure what had happened,
and because he didn't think the is-
_ __n dt b e u ssh.

there however-Lazard and Dozier
Mobley, an Associated Press photo-
grapher-say that the trooper, who
was hit in the face by a piece of


wood thrown by one of the stu-
dents, had been put in an am-
bulance before the police barrage
began, so that the other police
had plenty of time to find out he
wasn't scot.
Police officials, explaining why
the troopers used shotguns loaded
with the heavey shot used by deer-
hunters, as well as carbine rifles,
told the press the wind was blow-
ing away from the students so
that they couldn't use tear-gas.

Lazard says he can't remember
any wind. "We were out there a
long time," he says, "and we would
have been a lot colder if there had
been a wind." Two faculty mem-
bers of South Carolina State Col-
lege who were on campus Thurs-
day, also can recall no wind.
Gov. McNair indicated last week
that one of the reasons the police
had to resort to gunfire was that
ROTC target rifles had been stolen
by students. This week, the gov-
ernor's representative in Orange-
burg, Henry Lake, admitted thai
the rifles had been stolen after
the police barrage.

e anouil g scit~l11 j
test of the firm's refusal to accept
the University's "eight month"

Vincent I. Vandenburg, con-
struction superintendent for MSU
who was also involved in a con-

CNP Split Over Black Candidacy

Special To The Daily
DETROIT--The split manifest in the
Chicago New Politics convention was evi-
denced again last night in Detroit at the
Michigan State New Politics Convention.
The controversy centered around the issue
of suunort for black candidates.

Democratic candidates might be expedient,
the long range goals of New Politics should
nevertheless point toward a radicalization of
the American political process including the
destruction of the Democratic party.
The position taken by the State Conven-
tion is directly opposed to that taken by
4-n T.,~i " .Oiianin a t ,ii + C

Referring to the passage of this report
Art McFall said "I think you've blown New
Politics apart with the adoption of this
The convention did reach unanimous
agreement in the foreign policy committee.
The foreign policy position paper deplored
the higher prices, higher taxes and the wide-

",;, $: . .

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