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February 17, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-17

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Lilt Y

:4Ia itil

Chance of snow

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom











i .-,

Regents To Hear
Recruiting Views'
Discussion Set for March Meeting '
Oi Open Forum for Interviewers
The Regents will hold public discussions at their next
meeting to decide whether campus recruiters should be re-
quired or requested to participate in public foaims.
The decision yesterday followed a vigorous debate in
which Regent Alvin Bentley suggested that public forums
might "turn into sessions of expert badgering.",
"I don't seehow the student body will benefit in any way
from this," Bentley added.
University President Robben W. Fleming called the forum
discussions a "constructive proposal." According to an inform-
ed source, Fleming is "pushing hard for their adoption."
Fleming said the Regents disagreed in two areas con-

Clash With
N.Y. Police

*cerning campus recruiting:
Whether public forums should
be made compulsory and if
different schools and colleges
should be allowed to formulate
different policies.
"I don't think we should allow
the literary school to dictate to]
the engineering school," Regent
Frederick Matthaei said.

NEW YORK (1)-Police swing- Regent Otis Smith said the open
ing nightsticky fought off repeat- forums would be a "pre-censor-
ed charges outside the new Mad- ship" of campus recruiters and
ison Square Garden last night expressed concern that they might
as angry demonstrators support- amount to suppression of free
ed a Negro boycott of a New York speech.
Athletic Club amateur track meet., Discuss Driving
The police-taunted by shouts In other action at their regular
of "racist" and "Uncle Tom"- monthly meeting the Regents dis-
kept tight control of the estimat- cussed the legality of University
ed 500 demonstrators. restrictions on student driving and
After several scuffles, the po- decided to postpone action on
lice scattered the civil rights pro- their revision until the city of
testers, whose number dwindled Ann Arbor submits a statement on
to about 70 later in the evening. , the matter. The Regents had re-
The boycott was in protest of quested opinions from several
alleged discriminatory member- I campus and community groups on
ship practices by the NYAC, which , the student driving issue, includ-
has been accused of allowing only. ing the city of Ann Arbor.
"token'" Jewish membersliip and Vice-President for Student Af-
of excluding Negroes. The club,I fairs Richard L. Cutler expressed
refuses to reply to the criticism. concern that the responses from
Pickets, including som carry- campus and community groups
ing placards against the Vietnam concentrated on a small spectrum
war, and police alike were knocked of the problem.
to the ground on occasion. The Regents voted to hold a


--Daily-Michael Feldberg
PICKETING BEGAN AGAIN at Apartments Limited office at, Church and S. University yesterday as students continued to press for
acceptance of the University eight-month lease. Demonstrations are scheduled to continue today.
New Protest at Apartments Ltd.;
Sudent icketsEnter Buidn

Decisions Left
To Local Boards
'Older First' Draft Rule Maintaied;
Ministry Studeitts Also Deferred
WASHINGTON (R) -- The Johnson administration refused
yesterday to allow draft deferments for graduate study in any
fields but those prescribed by law -- medicine and the minis-
At the same time, the administration eliminated some
support for occupational deferments by suspending the of-
ficial list of essential activities and critical occupations used
as a guideline by draft boards.
The directive applies to incoming and first year graduate
students - including the estimated 400,000 male students re-
ceiving their bachelor's degrees this year.
From now on, each local board decides on its own, in each
individual case, what constitutes an essential or critical
activity and what doesn't.
Acting on the advice of the Na-
:ional Security Council, Lt. Gen. 1i 1
Uewis B. Hershey, national direc-
tor of the Selective Service Sys-
:em, issued the decisions in a
Law schools and similar pro-Os
fessional postgraduate studies are
not included in the category of gram s
those justifying draft deferment+
inder yesterday's decision. Only By LESLIE WAYNE
medical, dental and veterinaryy E
Studies, specifically named in the The Ann Arbor Draft Resistance
Selective Service Act of 1967, are Project began three anti-war and
in line for deferment. anti-draft educational programs
Also rejected were pleas that this week in an attempt to dis-
the present system of calling the suade persons from complying
oldest eligible draft registrants with the draft.
first be changed to take some of The first "outreach" project of
the pressure off incoming gradu- the group consists of locating all
ate students. those considered delinquent or
"The sequence of selection in classified 1-A by the Ann Arbor
filling calls will remain unchang- draft board and counseling them
ed," Hershey said. Students al-onatrtietomlaysr-
ready in or beyond their second ie aidrnie Baumhiery Grd
yea ofgrauat stdy ay eepice, said Arnie Bauchnzer, Grad,
year of graduate study may keep spokesman for the group.
their deferments. nmThe second project will attempt
On occupational deferments,
Hershey said "the lists of essen- to acquaint students with the
tial activities and critical occu- group's activities and stimulate
pations are suspended, leaving discussion on the war itself.
each local board with discretion "We're not naive enough to be-
to grant. in individual cases, oc- lieve that we can drain away suf-
cupational deferments of essen- ficient manpower to end the draft,
tial community need." but we do wish to inspire a ques-
A representative of the U.S. tioning process about the nature
Office of Education said more of the system and the war it-
than 150,000 prospective graduate self," Bauchner said.
school students probably would be
;rafted, and that figure might be Local residents and University
oo low. faculty are the targets for the
The Office of Education said no third project. Bauchner's group
exact figures are available on the plans to work with adult peace
current number of first year groups and solicit support for re-
;raduate students, but it probably sistance activities.
is around 100,000. The group will use information
Educators reacted to the direc- tables, leaflet and letter distriau-
'ive by saying that many univer- tion and speaker programs to pub-
sity graduate schools could be licize its projeci Presentatiois
,rippled or wrecked. will be given at dormitories and
"The limitations of this ruling teach-ins.

By ROB BEATTIE terday for over an hour were re-
Picketing of Apartments Limit-' quested to leave and later threat-
ed began again yesterday as three ened with expulsion from the
students moved inside the Campus building, but no action was taken
Village Arcade at Church and S. ' to remove them.
University and marched directly Milgrom, Robert Neff, '69, SGC
in front of the firm's office, treasurer, and Pat Taylor, '70,
Picketing will continue today, said 'h' t
Paul Milgrom, '70, Student Gov- picketed in the name of the Stu-
ernment Council coordinating vice dent Housing Association and the
president. Student Rental Union to protest
The students who picketed yes- Apartments Limited's refusal to
-i/I - - t [1 -- ---i--t 7 V l " -"M-M

Also knocked to the ground was publics discussion of the issue at 01tjlV E NK i tics
a coffin bearing the inscrip~ion their next meeting on March 15.
"Orangeburg Massacre"- refer- The Regents asked Cutler to
ence to the killing of three 'Negro distribute the reports of each of
youths during a demonstration the groups to the others, before t M ed C on ve 'sion
last week at Orangeburg, S C. the open discussion.
A' number of Negro athletes Fleming said he could see no By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN 'delude "bringing the building up
withdrew in advance from the legal bar to University restrict- "What do you do with a code." Although local fire depar
games, on grounds they were be- ions on student use of vehicles as morgue?" asks Kenneth Beau- ment officials respe'ct -the auto
ing exploited by a club that bans long as such restrictions were not dry, senior engineer in the office omy of the University and do n1
blacks from membership. "discriminatory." flt a 'Tli a inspect its buidiifinLyR Bu dr nciit

accept the University's eight-
month lease.
When the pickets entered the
building they were asked to leave
by a man who identified himself
as one of the owners of the build-
ing. Milgrom refused, insisting the
arcade was an "open, public pas-
'One Recourse'
The owner, who refused to
identify himself further, told the
pickets, "You realize that I have
only one recourse." He later added,
"They are going to be removed."
The owner then entered the of-
fice of Apartments Limited where
he discussed the picketing with
representatives of the firm. The
owner made no further attempts
to force the students to leave.
Shortly before the pickets left,
two men who identified them-
selves as representatives of the city
prosecutor's office arrived and dis-
-ussed the situation.
They declined comment on their
presence or the legality of the
picketing. They did say they had
not offered any legal advice on the
SHA-SRU plans further picketing
of Apartments Limited next week.
Mike Koeneke, '69 Bus. Ad., chair-
man of SHA, was uncertain

whether the picketing will be in-
side the building or not.
"We moved inside today be-
cause of the cold weather," Koen-
eke said. "The picketing was dis-
continued earlier in the week be-
cause it was too cold to walk out-
side for long periods of time."
Mark Schreiber, '69, chairman
of SRU, commented that the ac-
tion was taken to emphasize the
determination of the students
in their drive to gain acceptance
of the University . eight-month
Representatives of Apartments
Limited and the owner of. the
building, who said he had no con-
nection with the firm declined
further comment on the picketing
or action which might be taken
stop it.
Ask Stronger Stand'
Schreiber also said that he had
been meeting with members of
the Off-Campus Housing Bureau
in an attempt to have the Uni-
versity take a stronger stand on


Florida Teachers Walk Outi

of rant Extension. "i iie awakxe
nights thinking about it."
Beaudry is responsible for draw-
ing plans for renovation of the

----------- --i43 year-old East Medical Build-
'ing, which will soon be used for
SrLow ropriations undergraduate classes and lab-
oratories. And financial problems
concern him most.
MIAMI, Fla. P)-A statewide moment the state legislature ad- "You tell me how much money

111 L4i ututg , y au ya
when renovation work is done, it
,is general policy to make sure
current safety standards are,#met.
What if inadequacy of funds
does not allow all the necessary
changes to be made in East Medi-
cal? "It'll be useful, but for what
I don't know," says Beaudry.

acceptance of the eight-month !nd other policies is that they
lease. may lead very shortly to a short-
Schreiber has been trying to ge of trained people in diverse
arrange a forum between stu- fields, especially teaching," said
dents, housing officials. and land-|Dean Colin S. Pittendrigh of the
lords to discuss student housing ' Princeton University graduate
problems in Ann Arbor: school.

Many of the group's efforts will
center around National Resistance
Day Apiril 3. Proposed activities
for the day include turning in
draft cards and support demon-

walkout of Florida's public school journed without passing school
system was launched yesterday financing to meet the associa-
when the Florida Education As- tion's demands.
sociation put into effect 35,000 1 School officials across the state:
teacher resignations, according to had worked desperately yesterday
the head of the association's to head off the walkout while
largest affiliate, working to find means to l-eep
Teachers in counties through- the state's 1,800 schools open for
out the state reported they had 1.5 million pupils.
been told by FEA officials that There are 60,000 public school
the walkout began at 5 p.m., the teachers in the state and beyond
the 35,000 there was no indica-
tion how many might stay off
e i r WTio ;their jobs.
The announcement came from
, Janet Dean, president of Dade
Awards Listed I County Miami Classroom Teach-
At ers Association.
Twenty-seven University sen-i Gov. Claude Kirk interrupters a

I have and I can tell you what we
are going to do," he says. Beau-
dry is worried about the "consu-l-
erable gap" between the funds he
needs to make the building suit-
able for its new role and the mon-
ey he expects will be available.
When plans for a second medi-
cal science building solidified a
few years ago, the University be-
gan asking the- state legislature
for $600,000 for the renovation
of East Medical.
Between 1964 and 1967, $500,000
was appropriated.
"The last $100,000 was not ap-
propriated this year only because
there was no immediate cash
need," says John McKevitt, as-


rU' Struggles

for Adrequate



iors have been named Woodrow
Wilson designates.
The University's number of des-
ignates is second only to Prince-
ton University's 32. Cornell Uni-
versity also had 27.
Graduate schools received the
names of the designates with the
recommendation that they receive
financial support.
This year's 1,124 designates
wer ehosen by regional commit-

planned six-day speaking tour.in sistant to Vice-President and Chief
the west to return to Florida. His Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pier-

The University is worried about its
Here it is over 150 years old and still
not financially secure.-
Every year, the University must petition
the state Legislature to allocate the major
portion of its operating budget. The Uni-
versity never knows for sure whether the
Legislators will come through with the
needed funds for improvement or instead
demand belt-tightening.
This year, some administrators are
preparing to tighten their belts if Gov.
George Romney's recommended budget
is not hiked by the Legislature.
Romney recommended a $64.7 million
budget, which is $11.1 million below the
University's $75.8 million request.
"I could easily compile a list of ab-

and do not come close to meeting the
goals the governor said they .would
Said Smith, "the message and the
arithmetic just don't jive."
According to University calculations,
the governor recommended no money to
hire new faculty or supporting staff or
to purchase instructional and research
No consideration was given to improve-
ment of student, library or plant services,
and Flint College was given no funds for
Most importantly, the governor allowed
for only a 6.3 per cent raise in faculty
salaries. The University requested anl
needs at least a nine per cent hike to.keep
its salaries in stride with its competitors.
"We lost ground last year and the six

list salaries for full professors in the "A"
or "AA" category.
Although the University tries to adhere
as closely as possible to the state's spend-
ing recommendations, it is clear to Smith
that "salary is the absolute first priority,"
on the University's list of necessary im-
"Salary and wage programs are not
going to be the low man on the totem
pole this year as they were last," Smith
Lowest on the totem pole with regards
to salary is the literary college. "The col-
lege's average salary for all ranks com-
pares unfavorably with respect to such
ranks in most other units of the Univer-
sity," said Dean Willian Haber of the
literary college.
"The propsed salary increases are vir-
tualy inadequate and there is no provision

Flint College will also be hard-hit by a
lack of funds for expansion. Assistant
Dean for Academic Affairs Robert H.
Glenn explained that the college needs
more staff because it has been expanding
for the last three years from a college
for upperclassmen to a four-year college.
"The freshmen are coming in faster than
we can handle them," Glenn said.
"The colleges faces a two-fold problem.
We don't have enough staff to keep
classes small, and we are unable to in-
clude important new programs in our
curriculum," Glenn added.
Glenn said enrollment in some classes
originally conceived as seminars has
risen to 80-90 students, "forcing them out
of sheer necessity to become lecture
TheUniversity library system would
also like to better serve the needs of the

private jet was scheduled to ar-
rive at Tallahassee early today.
The association, a professiona I
group which represents virtually,
all of the public school teachers,
scheduled a news conference for
2 p.m. today.
Unofficially, assor'Ltion sources"
said the group planned t-) an -
nounce at the news 'cmferenc3 its

With the cost of construction
rising steadily, the proposed funds
may no longer be adequate. Beau-
dry will not disclose the figure he
is requesting, but says it is' more
than $600.000 One source indi-
cates that it may be $800.000.
Medical S tence II is slated for
rmmnanni n tt r winter.and the

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