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February 16, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-16

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See editorial page


5k ~iguu

Da itii

lma -15
:Mostly cloudy;
windy and turnin~g colder

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


U-D Student
Leaders Call
Off Boyeott
Decision Follows
Talks With Carron;
SG Divided on Action
Student Government leaders at
the University of Detroit called
off a student boycott of classes
scheduled for today despite sup-
wport from two 'deans and a de-,
partment chairman.
a meeting yesterday morning with. ....
the school's president, Rev. Mal-
colm Carron.
The students' decision followed
The announcement of the strike
cancellation was made to over 400
students participating in a teach
in at the student union. Paul Sak,
'68, SG president, resigned after
making the announcement be-
cause of "pressures from both
sides, pacifists and extremists."
The resignation takes effect Sat-
Angry Cries
Sak's announcement was greet-
ed by angry cries from students Three hardy lumberj
in the audience, many of whom Bunyan Ball. The For
shouted demands that SG go tomorrow night in the
ahead with its proposed boycott.
Leading faculty members had
spoken to the students just prior FRESH P0I
* to the SG statement, urging stu-
dents to hold a strike to further
their demands.
of the university's radio-television dtu
department, told the students a
boycott "will display unity be-!
hind your demands." Engineering
college Dean Canjar Lawrence
and Architecture Dean Bruno
Leon also expressed sympathy for
the student strike. By STEVE WILDS']
Not Acceded Arthur Ross, the U
Rev. Carron issued a statement newest vice-president,
after emerging from the confer- views on the challeng
ence with SG leaders, saying "It higher education yesterd
should be clear that I have ac- first public appearance
ceded to none of Student Gov- Arbor.
ernment's demands." But Sak and Speaking at a news
SG Vice-President Anthony Con- in the Administration
stantini,}'68, said they were satis- declined to express an
fied that Carron had agreed to on issues dealing specifi
set up a joint student-administra- the University and the
tion-faculty committee to "study The new vice-presi
the problems." state relations and plan
See CLASS, Page 10 j will take office on July
CNP To Hold Firs]
0Michigan Conventi
By DAN SHARE the operations of a poli
Citizens for New Politics will ty. "I don't expect . a
hold its first state-wide conven- program in one day,"
tion in Detroit tomorrow. Ann "but it should be the beg
A Arbor members say they e'xpect a state-wide position."
a "more positive' attitude to key- Four major actions
note the convention. pected:
"We always hear what we're 0 The convention wi
against," says Prof. Stuart Kara- control over the petit
benick of the psychqlogy depart- , paign to place CNP on
ment of Eastern Michigan Uni- ' vember ballot. The driv
versity. "But we plan to offer the necessary 14,000 sig
some positive programs this elec- currently less than hal
tion time." j ed with the March 8 dea
The convention is slated to start than a month away.
at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's Episco- 0 It is also expected
pal Church on Woodward St. in collection and disburs
Detroit. funds and provide that
State-Wide Apparatus grams of the platform
Karabenick indicated that CNP out.
will, for the first time, set up a 1 In the event that
state-wide apparatus to handle on the ballot the conve
have to direct the sett
a nominating conventio
Reents May State Posts
0 Action will be take
n" lthe election of state off
Discuss Policy rently the only candida
Garskoff, a candidate fo

flO n R eir'iu ii' ond Congressional distri
Since the CNP is n
ballot, their convention
University President Robben W, fall under some of the
Fleming is expected to discuss pertaning om politica
policy toward campus recruiting tions. The convention
at today's Regents meeting, but a "open" and run on a
final decision is not likely. one vote basis.
The Student Relations Commit- Karabenick expects
tee recommended earlier this cause of the group's
month that employers' represent- and unity of purpose, thi
atives be requested to face a pub- tion should produce som
lic forum. results. He doesn't expec
This proposal has been support- like last year's nationa
ed by Graduate Assembly and the, tion which split over Ni
Student and Faculty Committees resentation and black
to the Bureau of Appointments,. Committee reports w
although Engineering Council livered to the. plenary
voted opposition to it this week. 4 p.m. and continue unt
The Regents are expected to major area reports are
postpone announcement of a new A "perspective" prep
athletic director. The recent con- the convention lashes o
troversy over alleged violations of two-party system and t
Big Ten rules was one of, the rea- tween the current ill
sons for this decision, an informed country and the causes
source said. are inherent in America
Also on the agenda is a pro- h Noting the role the t
nosed by-law revision permitting have played in local a

Washtenaw MSU's May
[ y I AW A



viv ~i~etaU
Leaves Post Six-Month Sabbatical;

Cites Objection
To Reorganizing
Poverty Program
The director of the local branch
of the Office of Economic Oppor-
tunity resigned Wednesday night
due mainly to the recent reorgan-
ization of the poverty program.
Alfred W. Pryor, director of the
Washtenaw County Citizens Coin_
mittee for Economic Opportunity
(CEO) explained last night that
the primary cause of his resigna-
tion was Congress' recent "Green
Amendment." This amendment
would designate the state, coun-
ty, or city as the primary organ-
izer of the local community ac-
tion program.
"This will destroy the original
concept of community, citizen ac-
tion," Pryor said. "The emphasiss
now is on public officials." he con-j
tinued. "The amendment turns
the program back into the hands
of the government."


Ruling Near
Says Leave,


-Daily--Jim Forsyth
acks braved the cold yesterday to split rails in preparation for the Paul
esters' Club members were selling tickets to the informal event, scheduled for
League Ballroom.




Ann Arboi

9 Debut
Michigan or on specific financial

Other Problems
There are also problems in lo-
cal organization,. Pryor said. "I
inherited a great many problems?
in staff organization. The OEO
should be a training ground
where people work about a year
and then move on," he said.
"Some 'members of the staff have
been there ever since the agency
was formed. People can out-stay
their. time," he said.
Last month Deputy Director
Elisa Meyers resigned.
When questioned about a new

gave his
ges facing
day at his
e in Ann
Bldg., he
y opinion
cally with
ident for
ning, who
1, ,omes

to the University after over two
years as commissioner of the U.S. 1
Labor Department Bureau of La- I
bor Statistics. For almost 20 years
before that, Ross, 52, vas a prc-;
fessor of industrial relations at
the University of California at
He said his current lack of
knowledge about the University,
and the state should not provej
to be a serious disadvantage. "I'
like to think. I. can learn about
as fast as the next person," Ross

William Freehling William Willcox
Freehling To Teach
NvegroHistoy Class
. 1 o so

problems of the University, but director to take Pryor's place.
said he would have to become ac- Wheeler said at the Wednesday

Not Related
State University Vice-President
Philip J. May, currently under in-
vestigation for possible conflict of
interest, has been granted a six-
month sabbatical leave at full
pay, to begin in March 1.
May, MSU's treasurer and vice-
president for business and fi-
nance, was granted the leave
yesterday by the MSU Board of
Trustees "to study business man-
agement of other universities."
Attorney General Frank Kel-
ley launched an investigation into
May's - extra-curricular business
activities last November 9.
The investigation came the day
after , The Daily published a
ness activities in East Lansing
real estate.
May claimed the leave, one of
lengthy story about May's bus-
12 authorized yesterday, has
"nothing to do with" the impend-
ing attorney general's opinion,
Deputy Atty. Gen. Leon Cohan
said yesterday the major opinion
,is about two-thirds finished and
it will be completed during the
time May is on leavc
May said this is his first sab-
batical after 21 years with MSU
even though faculty are eligible
for six-month sabbaticals at full
pay every six years.
May said he had "just been so
busy" that he had not asked for
a leave before. "I think now is a
good time," noting that "things
will ease off now." He said the
MSU construction program is
slowing and the Legislature
"probably will get to appropria-
tions earlier this year than be-
May said that while he hasn't
"made any set schedule" for his
sabbatical he wants to "look at
what we're doing and where we're
going to go. I want to see what's
been done at other universities-
sit down and talk with people
Kelley's investigation came aft-
er Daily reporter Mark Kevin
wrote on May's real estate Jertl-
ings in the Lansing area. Accord-

quainted with the specifics of the
situation before he could com-
Ross lived briefly in Ann Arbor
in 1950 when he was working as
a labor mediator for General Mo-
tors and the United Auto Work-
ers. He said he met a number of
University faculty members and
administrators at that time.
He has known fellow labor me-
diator University President Rob-
ben W. Fleming since the Korean
War when both served with the
government Price Stabilization
"One of the very attractive fea-
tures of my job," Ross said, "is
the opportunity to work with
President Fleming."

board meeting, "We must ac
but not precipitously. We ha
talk about where CEO is
and about its assets and s
comings before we can find
other director."
Directive Expected
The precise meaning of
Green Amendment has no'
been established. The Co
Board of Supervisors is expe
a directive concerning the am
ment next month. The boar
have until September to a
the bill.
CEO members plan to
with public officials conce
the local ramifications of
An additional part of
amendment would require

t fast
ve to
I an-
t yet
d will

The history department will of-
fer a course in United States Ne-
gro history next year, department
chairman William B. Willcox said
The course, which will, be offer-
ed for the first time in the winter
term, 1969, will be taught by Prof.
William Freehling.

spend more time on the period
Sfrom 1830 to 1876 now that Negro
history is to be offered separately.
The question of whether Negro
history should be taught separate-
ly or not was debated in an ex-
change of letters to The Daily over
the past two months.
Preserve Role
Richard X, a member of the
Af American Liberation move-

View Advantage
"I think there is scme advan-
tage in a fresh point of view,"
he added.j
Ross said he was drawn to the
University by the challenges fac-E
Omg higher education in a rapidly
L changing society. "I thinic she
problems of governing a univer-
sity are just about as challenging
itical par- as any job you can find any-
complete where," he remarked.
he said, The major problems facing
ginning of universities, Ross sai1, are the
maintenance of academic excel-
are ex- lence in a large system and mic-
diating the impact of social tur-
ill assume moil on institutions of higher
tion cam- education.
n the No- He added that it was import-
ve to gain ant to handle this impact in such
natures is a way "as to protect people's rightI
f complet- of expression and to permit max-
adline less imum freedom of expression
while protecting the institution."
to direct Ross told reporters that he hasI
ement of been doing "a good deal of think-j
the pro- ing" about academic planning
be carried and the structure' of universities.
"We need to find an answer to'
CNP gets the problem of the relative roles
ntion will of students, faculty, the Regents
ing up of ' and the administration. We have,
on. to decide what the balance of
authority should be."
en toward, He declined to give his views
ices. Cur- of a branch-college system in I
te is Bert
r the sec-
ot on the
will not
state laws
co ven- To Exj
iwill be
one man-
that be- Do small-time discounts by
small size nessmen to athletes merit a fror
he conven- pose? Is The Daily just washin
ne positive versity's dirty linen in public?
!ct it to be
31 conven- Who cares whether athletes ge
legro rep- anyway?
power. "The students want to know w
ill be de- on. They have that right," rel
session at Wolfe, '69. She was one of sever;
til all four contacted yesterday in an effor
in. student reaction to a recent I
pared for which prompted the Big Ten in
out at the "I don't feel athletes should r
he tie be- counts when the rest of the stu
s in this have the opportunity," Miss Woll
they feel ! John Dewey, Big Ten assistar
n society sioner conducting the probe, told
fairs, the "The discounts would be in v
ffair, the .nf.rvnP rule if thev were gi

ct on "We haven't decided whether to metcntned"hetuerleo
call; the course 'History of. the bment contendedAherica must be
meet American Negro' or 'History of " A the
,rn g Rce elaion inAmerica,'" preserved." and argued for the
rng Race Relations in A ico"coursein order to aid therblack
the Freehling said, "but it will cover people's search for identity arld
these subjects over the entire span acknowledgement as a proud,
the of American history-from 1607 to vibrant people."
the 1968.,,11br t eopl Vamu


membership be one-third local
public officials, one-third busi-
ness, labor, civic, and charitable
representatives and one-third
poor persons or their representa-
tives. According to Pryor. this
would not change the existing
Budget Request
At the meeting Wednesday.
Pryor said that a budget re quest.
of $99,501 has been submitted to
the OEO for this summer's Head-
Start program. Funds for the pro-
gram, which would aid 300 chil-
dren in eight centers throughout
the city, are expected within the
next two weeks, he said.
The WRAND Day Care Center
has had its license restored and
will receive $10,000 from the Yp-
silanti Community Chest Fund,
Wheeler reported.
He urged the formation of a
committee from the CEO board to
help supervise some of the activi-.
ties of the center.

A graduate level course, Studies
in .Negro History, has been in the
curriculum for some years but has
not been taught since 1964-65.

in rplyWlllcox salaLem
tory department was perfectly
willing to offer such a course, but
that no professor had expressed
an interest in teaching it.

Arthur Ross

pose or Not ToE

Two Questions ing to that article 'rmd subsequent
next year either. said Freehling, "It seemed when the matter was work, by Detroit Frec Press re-
but "we hope in the future to offer first brought to my attention that porters Gene Goltz and Roger
both courses every year on a reg- rtwo questions werer involved-of- Lane:
uarbasis" erfering the course and having a May secured a $165,000 loan
ular barevo Negro on the staff to teach it," See MSU's, Page 10
Freehling said he has previously Willcox said..
included eight or nine lectures on Freehling pointed out tat he ,
post-Reconstruction Negro his- has offered a reading course in '
tory in another one of his courses, Negro history for years, but no
American Civil War and Recon- student had asked to take it until '
struction. At least half of the new this year. "Only two students are
course will concentrate on the enrolled in it even now," he added. eelare For
years after 1876, he added. He said the growing self-asser-
"I will perhaps be spending more iion of Negroes in thefUnited
might," Freehlin said, "because States today has led to an increas-
migh," reehingsaid "bcaus edinterest in Negro history.
osthat is what enaeenresesive"There was never any demand
most extensively." for the graduate course in the sub- By STUART GANNES
War addecnstuctih orse ject," he explained, "and I'm not Mike Koeneke, '69, and Mark
War and Reconstruction course aware of any now. Of course there Schreiber, '69, both members of
will still be offered, but that heis a tremendous demand for an Student Government Council, will
undergraduate course." run for SGC president in the up-
Some Negro History coming March elections.
Freehling explained that, while Campaigning for the March 12-
he included some Negro history in 13 elections will begin this Wed-
his Civil War and Reconstruction nesday.
course, "until I taught the course nonnced their candidacies last
flI ~ Pat Ann Arbor High School I was onigteolow thecnrdegulasC
.. dubious about focusing a whol meetingfollowing the regular SGC
course on it. But I find it is work- Schreiber indicated then that
ybe The Daily has to be a little ing out much better than I ever{another SGC member, Andrew
to make its point. Somebody thought it would." Quinn, '69, will probably ru
He intends to assign readings byQun,'9 wilpoayrn
say it." for vice-president on a ticket with
members concur. "It's a good such authors as Richard Wright, him. Mike Neff, '69, current SGC
James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Le- treasurer, will be the vice-presi-
se material, assuming the stories,' Roi Jones and Malcolm X as well
te," says Prof. John Stevens of as strictly historical works. dential candidate on Koenekes
3lis deprtmnt. If tudets ticket.
lism department. "If students Freehling said Johns Hopkins Both presidential candidates have
hese violations so blatantly, it's University has initiated a similar been active in the student housing
.cation no one else is looking." course this semester, and Berkeley movement.
illing to agree that the athletic 'will probably offer one next fall. Schreiber is currently president
tion here is as honorable as any. of the Student Rental Union (S-
essures are tremendous to keep . o RU) while Koeneke is the chair-
g to see whether corners are University of Chicago man of the Student Housing As-
ng t se whthercorersaresociation (SHA). In recent weeks
points out Prof. Bradford Per- To Leave IDA SHA-SRU has led a boycott of
e history department. "I think Apartments Limited in support of
.at the student newspaper would A report by a faculty com- tentsite ins-ot of
mittee at the University of the University's eight-month lease.
mie to look." Chicago recommended t h a t Apartments Limited is a lare
adents took verbally violent ex- President Edward Levi with- housing management association
the entire idea of putting the draw the university from its which has refused to accept the
ir"04ifnfa fnr 1eight-month lease.

local busi-
nt-page ex-
g the Uni-
t discounts
hat's going
plied Doris
al students
t to assess
Daily story
eceive dis-
dents don't
fe added.
nt commis-
The Daily,
iolation of
ven tn the

other students echoed this refrain, regret-
ting the poor impression of the University
created by the publicity.
"The Daily is being very moralistic about
the whole thing. It seems to be going on
everywhere and certainly doesn't deserve
the consideration being given to it," adds
Ken Montgomery, '71.
Many more students questioned the ra-
tionale behind Big Ten Rule Seven, Sec-
tion Two, which prohibits aid to athletes
over and beyond their athletic scholarships
given simply because they are athletes.
"Merchants should have the right to give
discounts to anyone they want. I don't feel
the rule should be interpreted that closely,
especially when it's obvious it isn't being
followed very closely," notes Jim Murphy,
"The Daily has every right to print the

Grad. "Ma'
needed to
job of expo
are accura
the journa
can find t]
a good indi
"I am w
But the pr
from lookii
being cut,"
kins of th
it's good th
take the tir
Some stu
ception to

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