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January 09, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-09

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See Editorial Page


5k i!JZU


Windy, chance of
freezing rain

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



4LSA Faculty Rejects





Military Recruiting BanEF.



By LUCY KENNEDY til positive assurances are re-
The literary college faculty de- ceived from the appropriate
feated yesterday a resolution re- "agency of the government that
questing suspension of military the exercise by students and fac-
recruiting at the University. ulty of their constitutional rights
The resolution requested sus- of free speech and assembly with-
pension of recruiting until Gen. in the University will play no role
Lewis Hershey changes his pres- whatever in determining their
,nt policy of re-classifying alleg- draft status."
ed draft law violators. Literary college Dean William
The resolution asked that mil- Haber explained that faculty
itary recruiting be suspended un- members spoke o u t strongly
Propose Remodeling
SEast Quad for RC
By PAT O'DONOHUE confines of East Quad. He men-
Plans to keep the Residential 1tioned the possibility of utilizing
college in East Quadrangle gained the courtyards for construction.
support yesterday when a meeting The architectural meeting was a
with architects indicated that the result of the college's decision to
dormitory could be remodeled to remain in the East Quad area
provide the facilities necessary rather than move to North Cam-
for the college. pus as originally planned. The
Residential College Dean James plans now call for the college to
Roberston said that Robert Swan- eventually take over all of East

against Hershey's threat to re-
classify war protesters and that
no faculty member spoke in favor
of the present policy.
However, Haber said, they saw
no relation between Hershey's
policy and military recruiting on
Prof. Alvin Goldman of the
philosphy department, who with
seven other faculty members pro-
posed the resolution at the Decem-
ber faculty meeting said it failed
beca use, "We've had many war,
oriented resolutions recently in
the literary college. Many faculty
members are not happy about
spending so much time on the
Vietnam war."
Model: Columbia
Goldman's resolution was
modeled on resolutions passed;
this fall at Columbia and Georgej
Washington Universities.
Columbia, Goldman explain-
ed, had more recent difficulties in
relation to military recruting.
Goldman added that the two is-
sues involved in the resolution-
condemnation of Hershey and'
suspension of military recruiting

Jj Vl

etor Post
EllittNelson, Lunid
Leading Contenders
Fleminiiig To Decide After Regents
IRestruciture Athletic Departnieu t
Sports Editor
A presidential advisory commission is expected to sub-
mit shortly to President Robben Fleming a list of candidates
to succeed Herbert 0. (Fritz) Crisler as University director
of athletics
According to Prof. Douglas A. Hayes, chairman of the
committee, the list will consist of those candidates who are
considered acceptable from among eight who have been
interviewed for the position. Each has indicated he would
accept the position if offere. to him.
The eight include Dr Robert Bronzan, director of ath-
letics at San Jose State College; Don Canham, '41, Michigan
track coach; Chalmers O.
(Bump) Elliott, '48, Michigan
football coach; Forest Eva-
shevski, '40, director of ath-
letics at the University of
Iowa; Bert Katzenmeyer, Uni-
versity assistant director of
athletics and golf coach; Don
Lund, '45, director of player
personnel for the Detroit
Tigers; David Nelson, '42, di- Automobile industry leaders have
rector of athletics at the Uni- reacted cooly to an article publish-
ed in The Daily Sunday outlining

THREE OFT-MENTIONED candidates for University athletic director are Don Lund, director of
player personnel for the Detroit Tigers, Dave Nelson, atmetic director at the University of Delaware,
and University football coach Chalmers "Bump" Eliott.

'son, the same architect who work-
ed on the original plans for the
North Campus site, "came up with
a proposal which will provide fa-
cilities in East Quad in a highly
imaginative and resourceful way."
The tentative plans call for re-
~odeling and "some additional
building," according to Robertson.
All the classrooms, library, faculty
office space, lounges and living
accommodations including "some
suites, apartments, ,singles and
doubles" would be located within
the East Quad, according to the
Aproposed plans.
Robertson said additional build-
ing would be required within the
- Ad Misuse
Of Na-me,

Quad. at the University - will probably ' ICH IGAN G AINS.
Robertson explained at that not be reconsidered seperately. IC4 HI ANI GINS"
time that "the delay occasioned by Classified Research
financial difficulties and the ex-,
perience of living closer to main t Other business conducted aten
campus led the faculty to recon- yesterday's meeting included with- I* i[,
sid th lct hich ld drawal of a resolution that would
give the Residential College the have called upon the Board of
best chance of succeeding." Regents to reject futurecontracts R f -
Robertson said yesterday that i
financing is still a problem. "Wef Prof. Robert Angell of the
aedg wetr we colm nert a sociology department, who spon- DETROIT - University Presi- ed
asked whether we could convert 'a rdthprossadhwih dent Robben Fleming yesterday ver,
University dorm into both an sored the proposal, said he with- detRbeIlmngysedy e
academic adr c ollegit e n - drew the resolution because the asserted that "drawing artificial Uni
academic and collegiate environ- Ilsiidrsah eotfo h lines'' against out-of-state stu-' uni
ment. The answer is yes. Now we classified reseach report from the lie"aantot-fsaesu{n
have to find out how much it will Assembly Research Policies Com- dent enrollment would be "as dis- ten
cost and where we can get the mittee is expected this month. astrous in education as they aut
money." A substitute resolution proposed would be to any industrial enter-
neyResidential Collee ws la fall by Prof. E. Lowell Kelly prise denied the privilege of inter- "A
Th eieta olge a state commerce." sale
scheduled to move from temporary of the psychology department was
also withdrawn. The Kelley resol- Speaking to a noon luncheon of Mi(
quarters in East Quad to a per- ution would have polled the fac- the Detroit Economic Club, Flem- spe
iAnn s t$e on North Campus by ,ulty on several questions regard- ing claimed that a reduction of H
ugust, . ing classified research. the number of non-Michigan stu- stu'
The decision to remain in East dents would result in a need for a sta-
Quardrangle was made after sev- Nonacademic Disipline larger state appropriation. "Out- re:
eral months of discussion between The faculty also postponed vote of-staters pay a substantially F
Robertson, Dean William Haber of on a statement of policy for non- higher fee," he said. "If you re- witl
the Literary College, Vice-Presi- academic discipline because the place the out-of-staters with in- ben
dent and Chief Financial Officer report from the President's Com- state students at lower fees, a sta

ef ends EconoTics
State Enrollment

beyond 25 per cent of a uni-
sity's total enrollment. The
iversity and other major state
versities have filed suit con-
ding the Legislature lacks
hority to set such limits.
Rational Analysis
Nny rational analysis will show,"
d Fleming. "that the State of
chigan gains more than it
nds on out-of-state students."
He added that costs for all
dents, regardless of residence
tus. should "be held within
sonable limits."
Fleming illustrated his points
h examples of the economic
efit to the state from out-of-
te student enrollment.
lthough the Medical School
erves in-state enrollment to 85
cent of the total, at least half
the doctors trained there will
imately practice in other states.
the other hand, half of the
-of-state students with mas-
s degrees from the Social Work
pool in the past 20 years have
eed to work in Michigan, Flem-

versity physical plant and the re-
cent $55 Million Program was
subsidized largely by private don-
ors. corporations and foundations
-- many of them from out-of-
National Asset
"We believe our University is
a national asset as well as a
state asset." Fleming said. The
University last year received
slightly more funds from federal
sources than from the state. Some
of these, he said, could be termed
"universal aid categories." But the
University received a larger pro-
portion of the federal money be-
cause it "has a great national
reputation, is able to recruit dis-
tinguished professors and re-
searchers from all over the world
and attracts first-rate graduate
Concerning high tuition rates
for all. categories of students, he

. t


of Delaware; and
Strack, '46, Michigan

basketball coach.
Until Hayes released the names
of candidates who have been in-
terviewed, speculation .ad re-
volved primarily around Nelson,
Elliott, Evashevski, and Lund.
See related story Page 7
Nelson, who is secretary and
editor of the NCAA Rules Com-
mittee, and Elliott, have appar-
ently emerged as the leading can-
didates; but Bronzan, president of
NCAA Athletic Directors, has also
attracted wide support.


a mutual aid pact the Big Three
carmakers designed to provide fi-
nancial support in case of a strike
against one of them by the United
Auto Workers.
The Daily article, which gave
details of the plan by which the
two non-struck firms would pay
the struck firm for part of its lost
production, included a summary of
a document prepared by General
Motors called "Proposal for Mu-
tual. Aid in Event of Strike.
Newly elected GM Board Chair-
man James M. Roche would not
confirm or deny the authenticity
of the document and plan and re-
fused to say whether GM had con-
sidered such a part.
I Don't Know'
"I don't know where this came
from and I don't know what it is,"
Roche said of the proposal, in an
interview with the Associated

The Senate Advisory Committee Wilbur K. Pierpoint and Vice- mission on Student Decision Mak-
n 'University Affairs cautioned President for Academic Affairs Al- ing is expected this month.
yesterday against indiscriminate Ian F. Smith. Student Government Council
use of the name of the University "The idea is being explored; we President Bruce Kahn, '68, spoke;
of Michigan faculty, especially in have to scrutinize it very careful- to the faculty on discipline pol-
advertising. ly," Robertson said. icies.
SACUA's resolution stated:
"SACUA believes that published
advertisements or announcements 1v
ni versity of Michigan faculty' Z
are serious misrepresentations un-
less they originate from duly con-
stituted faculty government. SA- isitation Po icies Pr
CUA therefore recommends that
both individual faculty members
and faculty groups avoid adver- By JIM NEUBACHER of the plan until he can bring it
tising or announcements that in- President Robben W. Fleming before the Board of Regents at
1advertantly suggest that they said yesterday he is studying the their Jan. 19 meeting.
speak for the University of Michi- implications of a decision made by However, John Feldkamp, Di-
gan faculty." the Board of Governors last month rector of University Housing, dis-
The statement was drafted by to allow students, through their counted the accuracy of these ru-
SACUA after a faculty member house councils, to decide visiting mors, saying that he has received
pointed out a recent advertise- hours for members of the opposite no communication from anyone
ment saying "McCarthy for Pres- sex. that will prevent the policy from
ident Committee-Faculty Open Fleming declined to comment going into effect as planned.
*Meeting." It was found that the on the board's decision, but said Feldkamp said "The Board of
ad had no regular faculty support. that he would do so in a few days, Governors' decision is history un-
Prof. Frank Kennedy of the law after he has had more chance to less it is reversed by the appro-
school, chairman of SACUA, said review unidentified related ma- priate authorities."
the statement was not intended terials from the Office of Student The decision was made by un-
to focus on a specific advertise- Affairs. animous vote of the Board of
ment but rather to serve as gen- Fleming's consideration of the Governors at their meeting Dec.
eral policy for all faculty groups. plan, which has not yet gone into 14. Feldkamp claimed that unless
Ce and other SACUA members effect, has led to rumors now the Regents act on the board's!
nioted that the statement is not circulating among residence hall decisions, no further approval is
legislation and cannot be enforced staff members that he has offi- needed for it to go into effect.
as such. cially delayed the implementation Feldkamp added that proce-

deficit is the result."
Fleming was apparently allud-
ing to a clause in this year's edu-
cation appropriation calling for
a $600 reduction in subsidy for
each out-of-state student enroll-
ew Dorm____


said there is a "t
to far outstripp
As a result, he
tuition trends are
national levels.

rend for tuition iThe Hayes Committee met last
price advances," night with Fleming to discussf
said, University the candidates and will reportedlyF
now in line with present its selections to him with-
in the next few' days. Fleming has

Absolutely Modal - recauested that the committee not
Also, some state residents go to 1 rank the candidates in any specific "
Sced u res other states for their college edu- dy tht h ll r estrc- Voters Re ect
cation. "Michigan is abolutely day that he will restrict his choice e
dures to implement the new policy o d a 1,' Fleming explained. to the names presented to him.RT
set out by the board were under Twenty-four states have a larger r Fleming further indicated that Issue
way, and that only these routine in-migration than we do and 26 '........he would not make his final deci- Ann Arbor voters yesterday de-
procedural decisions stand in the have a. smaller in-migration." i.n conrbrnvng Cser y t-e ay de-
:;W s pon concerning Crislei s successor feated nearly two-to-one a pro-
way of putting the new policy Nor is there any basis for think- until after the Regents have acted posed $15.5 million school bond
into practice. ing an in-state graduate will re- upon recommended changes in the issue designed to finance a
The "routine" procedures that main in Michigan or a nonresi athletic structure of the Univer- four - year building program.
Feldkamp must carry out before dent will not reihain, he argued sity. The Hayes Committee had The final vote was 6233 against
the new policy becomes a reality Fleming cited a recent study previously submitted recommen- the proposal, 3388 in favor,
consists of drafting and mailing a showing that of 500 graduates dations for the reorganization of School Board President Hazen
letter to staff members and house originally from other states, 124 the Athletic Department which are J. Schumacher, Jr., termed the
councils in the dorms. remained Michigan after gradu- ' f,!being reviewed by Fleming at this results "very disappointing" and
Feldkamp met with the Board ation. Taxes paid by the 20 who time. indicated the board would have
yesterday at noon to discuss the entered the professions would in "It would be impossible for me to decide what to do next. A
form and content of the letter. He a few years cover the subsidy for to make a decision concerning a new proposal could not be put
said that according to tentative the entire class of out-of-staters new athletic director until the or- before the voters until June,
guidelines worked out, the letter he claimed. ganization of the Athletic Depart- he said,
will convey the official decision Fleming cited sources of funds ment is determined,"- Fleming said.
of the board and express the other than the State Legislatu>e "A major factor in my choice
wiselrdrawup.tholy u Sidzng t-of-gsate ofdn
board's concern that the resultant will be what type of duties the newhatever it is, it is a
policies of the house councils be holsae athletic director will have to fulfill tial document and somebody stole
wisely drawn up. hsdy Non -state and what type of role he will be it, he added.
Feldkamp explained that this students. Non-state tax sources ROFleming up, Asked whether GM ever drew
"concern' is for a policy that have supplied nearly half the Urn- R bbEnl gSee 'COMMISSION,' Page 8 up any plans similar to that cited
balances both the academic and by The Daily, Roche said, "I think
social sides of dormitory life prop-" Suggests 1ythat is not a matter for public in-
erly, keeps in mind the rights Co u .1te o d L o d xford'Iormation.
and feelings of the minority in' Asked if he were denying the
the house, and exhibits good company had considered any such
taste. Feldkamp said zalso that Psuad1 as cHplans,Roche replied. "I am not
the letter will emphasize to the { denying or confirming anything.


nouse counculs te i mportance of
notifying all the members of the
house of any new policies draft-
As soon as this letter is in the
hands of the housing staff and
the house councils. the new policy
will be officially in effect, Feld-I
kamp said. He refused to disclose;
how soon he would send out the
letter. but he said that "there is
no real reason why the house
councils cannot meet and draft
their own policies now."
When these policies are written,
Feldkamp said. they are to be

Alice Lloyd Hall and Oxford
Housing should be co-educational
next fall to relieve a shortage in
men's housing, according to the.
report of a committee set up by
John Feldkamp. Director 'of Uni-
versity Housing.
In addition, South Quad should
be publicized and sold as an up-
perclass residence next fall.'
Mosher Hall should become a
men's dorm in 1969.
The Committee to Identify Ad-

campus housing permission for
sophomore women not be con-
sidered for next year.
South Quad's unofficial policy
of publicizing and selling as a
r e s i d e n c e for upperclassmen:
should be made official. Any;
vacancies should be filled by up-
perclassmen. Last year such va-
cancies were filled by freshmen.
The men's Honors House in
South Quad should be switched
from Frederick to Kelsey House,
with Frederick House to become
the graduate house.

dominantly Negro. Feldkamp men-t
tioned opposition to this plan by
the Student Advisory Committee!
on Housing (SAC).
However, Panhellenic Presidenti
Virginia Mochel, '68, said she had
conferred with and found SAC
favorable toward a "group policy"
of housing applications, whereby
a group of students applying for;
a housing unit would receive pri-1
ority over the same number of
individual applicants. Regarding!
the two sororities, Mochel said,t
"The decision at this point, as far

a lot of angles."
The mutual assistance pact,
drawn up by GM's Cost Analysis
Section July 5. was apparently
never put into effect during a
UAW strike against Ford Motor
Co. this fall. Had the plan been
used, GM and Chrysler Corp.
would have reimbursed Ford at
$500 per car for 40 per cent of
Ford's lost production. The plan
would have been financed by extra
production of cars by the non-
struck companies on Saturday


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