~~~~~~~~~.'........-t*.. 014t t itgau Daily Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE VIEW FROM HERE The Daily Crossword Puzzle Answers BY ROBERT KLIVANS _. _. _. _... __._..__.. ,t,- M - s .. Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 ..... -" ".,,:* 'i 'r ai.-- - a''a:," : Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN A FacultyStudent CIA Investigation NO COMMITTEE composed solely of faculty members should undertake an investigation of CIA activity on campus. President Robben W. Fleming sent a letter Monday to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) asking their opinion on whether an in- vestigation should be . conducted. He also asked what form a possible inquiry should take. Fleming's immediate recognition of the seriousness of the issue is to be com-. mended. However, even if SACUA rec- ommends an inquiry, serious problems would remain regarding the structure of the investigation. At present most faculty meetings are closed to students, and it seems likely that SACUA would choose to conduct an investigation of the CIA-University nexus in the same way. SINCE FACULTY members have an in- stitutional interest in protecting their colleagues . from unfavorable publicity, such closed meetings would leave serious doubts in many minds about the com- pleteness of the investigation. The seemingly obvious solution would be to hold a public inquiry. Unfortunate- ly, such an investigation would also be ineffective. Faculty members probably would refuse to discuss such a delicate subject publicly. The resulting evasive- ness of those asked to testify would ser- iously limit the effectiveness of the in- vestigation. Considering the possible, alternatives, student representation on the investigat- ing committee would provide the most effective means to insure a fair, impar- tial, and credible inquiry. While they are concerned members of the University community, students are relatively free from the organizational pressures which might be felt by faculty members. STUDENT PARTICIPATION on the in- vestigating committee is especially necessary since contacts between the CIA and the University have not been re- stricted to faculty members. For at least one student has been approached by CIA agents. A substantial student minority would add balance to an investigating commit- tee. As full voting members they could both represent the concerns of the stu- dent body and dispell any doubts about'. the validity of the committee's report. -STEVE NISSEN AFTER A TENSE and anxious week, The Daily Crossword Puzzle winners have finally been chosen. There were 41 entries from over a hundred people, most all filled with snide remarks about mistakes in the puzzle. But then nobody's perfect-except perhaps the people who submitted the six correct entries in the contest. (Not even one of them could correctly answer the whole puzzle and note all the mistakes I made!) In any case, before announcing the winners, it is interesting to find the most common errors. All the generally incorrect squares were in isolated unconnected boxes, where only knowledge of University trivia and not cross- checking could help. Thus, the most-missed answer was 10 Down ("SGC's Business Objective") which is incorporation (ine), as a good SOC-watcher would know. Second most commonly missed was 4 Down, the American Asso- ciation of University Professors (abbreviated AAUP), which draft- ed recent statements on academic freedom and campus protests. Other common mistakes included misspelling 44 Across, Catholepis- temiad, stumbling over the name of a leading University expert on Japan (25 Down), Prof. Robert Ward, who is director of the Cen- ter for Japanese Studies; and Clark Kerr's distinguishing phy- sical characteristic (93 Down), "bald." The correct puzzle answerers were: Thomas R. Copi. Rod Chu (and his roommates at Bursley). Maura Bluestone, Thomas Koep- sell, and Jerry Kolins. Stan Koper (who submitted two puzzles w i t h Catholepistemiad spelled differently in each). Barbara Clack. Wystan and Angelyn Stevens. BEFORE TURNING to the Grand Prizewinner, it is interest- ing to note some of the response from the -puzzle fans. All were quick to jump upon my more ob- vious mistakes: 77 Down was omit- ted where Athlete was written in; 50 Across was defined as "Hebrew for day" when it should have been L To the Editor: IF BIG TEN conference rules state that a merchant may not, of his own free will, allow special privileges to whom ever he pleases or dictate other such absurd reg- ulations, then the rules surely need revision; especially if these rules are unenforcable and commonly disregarded within the Big Ten conference. I've just said in one sentence, without incriminating anyone, in- censing the public, without ir- reparably damaging or jeopard- izing anyone's career, what Clark Norton and Howard Kohn seem to be pointing out. But the timing and tactics of their so-called "ex- pose," as well as the very fact that they think they've uncovered a "secret," quite clearly exemplifies their truly naive and superficial understanding of intercollegiate athletics. "Double standards" and "hypocrisy" cannot be defended. Neither can muckraking, coupled with the total disregard for the real effects that such precocious "Hebrew for good" (Hebrew for day is "Yom"); the picture above the puzzle was identified as being 21 Down when it should have been 20 Down-Inglis House. (Coinci- dentally, 21 Down was the last three letters of Acacia or CIA- which became stunningly appro- priate with the next day's Daily.) MORE SUBTLE mistakes were "Latest regent" of 68 Down (Otis Smith, the proper answer, was appointed last spring, Frederick Matthei Jr. during the summer); 61 Down was South Quad for the first upper class dorm when ac- tually Fletcher Hall was the first upperclass dwelling; and no num- ber for the Down between 17 and 18-which could have been 101 Across's initials. But even those of you who point- ed out the errors slipped up. For instance, Jean Suttin and Judy Silver each submitted puzzles with notes attached, saying "I've over- looked your mistakes, plqase over- look mine." And both had 21 Across as "clop" instead of co-op. The "Sunday New York Times Magazine Crossword Puzzle Group at WUOM" fell victim to The Daily, stumbling over the two most common mistakes of mis- spelling Catholepistemiad and try- ing ind instead of inc for 10 Down. And there was Prof. Edward G. Voss of the Botany Dept. who la- belled the puzzle "one of the most pleasant and entertaining-not to mention original-things I have read in The Daily over the past 18 years." Thanks Professor, and re- member, it's AAUP, not ANUP. ANOTHER ENTRANT deserv- ing mention is Veitch Reinhart, Class of 1942. who completed a near-perfect puzzle with the aid of two other generations - from the Class of 1916 and the Class of 1968. The only thing slipped up on was 11 Down, "UAC"-which after all, wasn't around in 1942. One other bit of praise to the Honors Council secretaries, who had their completed puzzle at The Daily by 9:30 a.m. the first morn- ing. Unfortunately, they stum- bled on 11 Down, which was IFC, not IHC. The Grand Prizewinner was Thomas R. Copi, '69 Ed, who sub- mitted an absolutely perfect copy at 5:30 a.m., the day of publica- tion. "I picked up The Daily as soon as it came off the press," confessed Copi, who admits he hasn't bought a Daily since he came to the University five years ago. COPI BEGAN attacking the puzzle about 3:30 a.m., and with the help of a few volumes of for- gotten lore he was done before sunrise. Which clue did Copi find the hardest? "I think 10 Down- 'SGC's business objective' (in)- was the toughest," says Copi, who is best known for running for SGC President last year and serving on Council for several months last fall. "I never follow SGC activity, and since I had the 'I' and 'N,' Just started going through th alphabet. Needless to say, I found it pretty quickly." COPI ALSO admitted having trouble with 91 Down-"the con- dition of Joy Adamson's pet." He had "Fred" inserted until he re- membered the famous lion was born "free." Copi was most surprised by 15 Down - "bs" --identified as "ad- ministrative pronouncements are tinged with this." "I didn't think you'd have the nerve to print that," he said. Copi considers the puzzle the greatest innovation in The Daily Editorial page sincehsigned edi- torials. (That is the promis~d misquote in the prize interview.) Copi revealed that "Son of Daily, Crossword Puzzle" is rapidly reaching completion, and will splash onto the newspaper's pages in a matter of weeks. "By the way." concluded Copi, "would you please include in the interview that I'm in the School of Education, People think every- one in the Ed School are stupid." "It's 'is stupid,' Tom. "O.K. Is Stupid." n (Jan. 23 and 27 respectively) ap- peared in The Daily concerning "Negro History at the White U." An exchange of letters between Dr. Willcox and Connye Hunt pre- cipitated Richard X's response. Both his article and letter point out glaring errors in the reasoning and "facts" of Dr. Willcox. I have yet to read anything more from Dr. Willcox. At this time, I cannot help but interpret Dr. Willcox's silent re- sponse as an admission of his lack of an answer. Does the unrespon- siveness of the history depart- ment lend credence to the asser- tions of Richard X? Does their silence admit their culpability? The issue of the advisability of a black history course is out in the open and can no longer be whis- pered about in the back corners of Haven Hall. It must be discussed; nay, it must be implemented!! We will be relentless in our efforts. Joan Goodwin, '69 *4 A New Pentagon Play Toy TREAT NEWS from communications ex- perts. Perhaps only a few short months from now Clark Clifford can sit at his Pentagon desk and watch the Vietnam battle scene live. The suggestion made by Page Com- munications Engineers is based upon the No Comment I " ASHINGTON (M--The Army was re- ported yesterday to be trying to collect $70.21 from a veteran of the Vietnam war because he lost his M14 rifle in com- bat1 The source of this report, Rep. Henry C. Schadeberg (R-Wis.) said if the Army succeeds, the Navy should collect $30 million from Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara for the loss of the USS Pueblo and the USS Liberty. The former was seized by North Korea and the la'ter' was a casualty of an Israeli attack. The congressman said the $70.21 claim ,as made against one of his constituents, Ernest J. Wagner, Racine, Wis., who was honorably discharged from the Army after year's service in Vietnam, with the 25th Infantry Combat Regiment. "He offered his life in defense of his country and now he gets a bill for it," Schadeberg said. development of a 65-pound portable transceiver that can send and receive voice, data, radar and video signals. Hooked up with a communications satel- lites and other electroine marvels such a, system can establish 'a direct battle- field-to-Pentagon video hook-up. The implications of such gadgetry go far beyond the obvious idea that the Pentagon, collectivists will deprive battle- field commanders of their masculinity, individuality and decision making pow- ers. Rather such direct action rigging just might provide defense department com- pater programmers and other modern warfare tacticians with the one element that has been lacking from their kill- ratio mentality. And that is that real people - civil- ians, American boys, and the heinous enemy in black pajamas - are dying flesh and blood deaths in Vietnam. Who knows? A revelation like this might just shorten America's Holy War in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, it is more likely that these live video pictures will provide the White House with its greatest enter- tainment feature since the hey-day of lan Fleming. -W.S. ,etters: Athletic In fraction Reactio judgements might have. O.K., let's change the rules if they need changing-but don't damn the whole to alter one of its com- ponent parts. Before the storm clouds clear, any effects that this investigation might have on the conference rules will be but a drop in this icy sea of scandal. And you'll never win a Pulitzer Prize for that. -James D. Wangelin, '69 'Do-Gooders' To the Editor: WELL, I SEE The Daily is 'still staffed, in the main, by selfish, self-promoting "newsmen." Your article on University ath- letes, discounts, etc., shows you will smear even your own great Univcersity if it will help you - get your article spread across the country. The University has long been acknowledged as unusual in th.t we have been able to combine top scholarship with top athletics. One of the reasons for this has been H. D. Crisler who for more years than you have lived has dedicated himself to ethical sports. Self-styled do-gooders like you do not make a fraction of the con- tribution to their University or society as these coaches and ath- letes you have embarrassed. The next time you enter the movie, a play, or an athletic event on your free pass, think about it. -Arthur W. Atwell, '56 Bus. Ad. Commendation To the Editor: COMMEND The Daily on its recent stand on the special, treatment of athletes at this and other Big Ten Universities. First, I should state that I am a strong supporter and fan of Michigan athletics, and that having participated in varsity athletics as an undergraduate, I know and appreciate the oppor- tunities which this special treat- ment affords. Nonetheless, I still have to ask myself why a student with excep- tional talents in athletics should be given more privileges, and more material advantages, in the form of non-need athletic scholarships, free passes, merchandise, and other benefits, than one who ex- cels in artistic, academic, or other fields, or even no field at all. Totally independent of any Big Ten rule, this treatment seems to me unjust to those who might work as hard on a particular non- athletic endeavor an an athlete on an athletic one. Totally independent of any Big Ten rule, this treatment seems to me unjust to those who might work as hard on a particular non- athletic endeavor as an athlete on an athletic one. Cheers to Kohn, Norton, Rapo- port, and The Daily. -Christ D. Wickens, Grad. Black History To the Editor: TW NO WEEKS ago a letter and article written by Richard X V 4 The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rater $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mal ). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year, Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor. Michigan. 4804. Editorial Staff ROGER PAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKX?. Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFEA ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director JOHN LOTTIER........Associate Editorial Lirecto SUSAN SCHNEPP ............... Personnel Directo NEIL SHISTER.. .......Magazine Editc CAROLE KAPLAh,........Associate Magazine Edito ar The Two Tigers: The Poor Get Richer By DAVID HOUSEZ .. ir.....r. .r. ...r rr .. K1 ~$~lorr -; , _. :- m 4=k # i r ; i i ( 3 ! .; r: I & N ar Editor's Note: This is the second r of a three-part series by David Housez, a reporter for LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE who has recently returned from both North and South Korea. It is translated from the French by Ellie Dorsey and Raymond Mungo of Liberation News Service. IF IN SEOUL they "strive" to work within the unreasonable limits imposed by Johnson and Thieu, they also welcome the chance to intensify their military preparedness. General Park, Presi- dent of South Korea, was explicit on this subject when he offered for 1968 a total of 40,000 new combatants from the First reserve and 30,000 civilian workers. After some slave-trade discussion, the U.S. accepted, at the rate deter- mined by Seoul, 17,000 of its 'Free World' soldiers and 13,000 non- combatant workers, which will bring the total of Koreans pres- ence in proportion to population. "1100 Koreans killed by 12 mil- lion VC in two years of Vietnam 'pacification.' " On that score General Park is repaying his debt to the 'Free World,' "which liberated us from Japanese occupation in 1945 and reversed the Communist invasion of 1953." He doesn't hide the fact forts to increase the volume of military contracts with armies of the Free World." On occasion, the South Korean government extorts promises of financial and military aid from the U.S. to make their commit- ment to the Vietnam conflict pay off. The most recent contracts have been for military clothing for South Vietnamese and a "rest and detention" center for GIs in Korea. GENERAL BONE STEEL, who commands the UN forces in Viet- nam, complained officially to Seoul in October about the enorm- ous flow of contraband from Viet- nam, to Korea; Seoul's official i e- ply was that "It's only good ol- diers who are benefiting from this expedition anyway." In the' gov- ernment's eye, apparently, Korean soldiers are inevitably "good" ones. The Korean Treasury in Seoul is getting richer too, but not only with money. Various currency, statues, and sacred and antique items pillaged by the Japanese in 1945 have been replaced with "cul- tural treasures" from the Amer- icans-made of good leather and brnoze. One such treasure was given away to LBJ, with the fol- lowing explanation by the artist: United Nations to abolish that Ar- tificial boundary line have met with complete failure. In a sense, in June of 1950, the North Koreans attempted to reunify the country by warring on the Southern re- gime-which gave the countries of the "Free World" an opportunity to initiate their first anti-Com- munist offensive. It was not a total success, and the Koreans agreed to an armistice on July 27, 1953, which separated both halves, again at the 38th parallel. Despite over two million deaths, there has never been a real end to this war. One side or other continually an- nounced the necessity to revitalize its forces, to gain vengeance for death of the previous war, and then proposed a process of reuni- fication unacceptable to the other. Today Panmunjhom, on the DMZ, has recaptured a 1953 air of tenseness. A UN soldier, an American told me: "The tension's so great that the slightest noise at night alerts all forces." THE IMMINENT reunion be- tween troops of the South and their North Korean and Chinese adversary have eliminated the tourist presence. Americans don't go out for walks - to photograph peaceful Southern villages vith circles all day long, took their roots and buried them in their respective fields." The impasse over reunification seems perfectly acceptable to the U.S., which is eager to keep its little fortress against China-not to mention a warring base against the entire Pacific. The UN remains powerless. And in the absence of any govern - ing force except U.S. military might, the South Koreans have managed to build an agricultural countryside, to change their own population, and to establish a powerful, modern army But all this hasn't happened without seri- ous opposition-form within arid outside-to General Park's ruth- less regime. Tomorrow: An analysis of Park's government ". ' .. - : i ;mss r u i a g A T' P ,h \ /(j( 1/ /j/ {t, c .. ?y 4 S.. _ s 9G a ,a- ' ' Z'A II 4w 'A YkUUiWm V ;:r.n rx.'.