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February 13, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-13

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,4r mrigalt ailly
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Letters to the Editor


Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWs PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Supporting Our Boys
By Keeping Them Home

York Times heralded the birth of a
nev organization with the potential to
change both the nature and impact of
the anti-draft activity generated by the
war in Vietnam.
Spawned by the indictments last
month of five men on charges of con-
spiring to promote draft resistance, the
C;vil Liberties Legal Defense Fund will
attempt to transcend the narrow grounds
of merely supporting the five defendants
in the Spock trial.
Rather, the Cambridge-based organi-
za tion intends to take on the far more
ambitious task of raising "money for
legal defense of conscientious resisters
and their supporters."
THE FORMATION of such a draft
oriented legal defense group is ex-
ceedingly welcome on two distinct planes.
On one hand it adds another voice to the
outcry against the denial of freedom 'of
speech represented by the Spock indict-
ments-focusing on advocacy rather than
overt actions.
But the unique role which can be play-
ed by the new group centers on their
conception of draft resistance cases on
a political as well as a civil libertarian
A special ad hoc legal defense group is
nccessary for draft resistance cases be-
cause the traditional libertarian defense
organization, the American Civil Liber-
ties Union (ACLU), is not structurally
NO Comment
T.HE FIRST MEETING of the College
Sexual Freedom League came off
with a loud fizzle last night as only 15
males showed up for the planning session.
"I was quite encouraged by the num-
ber of phone calls that I received about
the League," said the founder, a Win-
throp House sophomore, "but I guess too
many people were merely curious. I'm
very disappointed with Radcliffe's re-
sponse to this idea."
Since no girls appeared, he decided to
cancel the meeting. "That's just not the
type of sexual freedom I had in mind,"
was his explanation.
February 10, 1968

geared to take on such a politically ac-
tivist role.
It must be remebered that the ACLU
is neither a draft resistance nor an anti-
A ar group. They are now-as they have
always been--exclusively a civil liberties
Hampered by a small budget, the
ACLU is concerned furthermore with
preceder-t-setting cases rather than un-
dertaking to represent large numbers of
defendants on relatively similar charges.
The new organization recognizes the
significance of the draft in a free society,
since it is one of the few ways the
coercive powers of the government can
profoundly alter and even eradicate hu-
man lives with little chance of individual
Furthermore, a legal challenge to the
existing draft system can bring to the
fore many contradictions inherent in'
'the growing confrontation between mili-
tary necessity and the maintenance of
individual freedom.
Despite a growing hesitancy on the part
of the judiciary not to impinge on the
military options of the executive, the
court system still provides the best me-
chanism for safeguarding the rights of
the individual.
THE ORGANIZERS of this new civil
liberties group, intend to utilize ag-
gressive jurisprudence in addition mere-
ly to passively reacting to government
indictments. In this way they intend to
challenge the government in a series of
draft related "show cause why" suits.
Consequently the effort at forming a
group 6 ttuned to the legal problems and
political questions generated by this war
4 epresents one of the most far-reaching
and constructive actions taken by anti-
war groups to date.
An extensive legal challenge to the
draft system through the courts like the
one envisioned will require the kind of
large scale financing reserved previously
for political campaigns and marches on
the Pentagon.
But unlike such traditional --- and
wholly unsuccessful-attempts at protest,
the massive legal challenge which the
Civil Liberties Legal Defense Fund could
generate has the potential of transform-
ing both our foreign policy and domestic

Th emilitarized Krean border, across which two tigers eye each other
warily, with 50,000 American troops there to guard ...
Two Tiers: Arms and the Me'n

Editor's Note: This is the first of
a three-part series by David
Housez, a reporter for LE MONDE
DIPLOMATIQUE who has recently
returned from both North and
South Korea. It is translated by
Ellie Dorsey and Raymond Mungo
of Liberation News Service.
PARIS-More than 20 members
of the American eight Army,
attached to the UN forces in South
Korea, were killed in the demil-
itarized zone (DMZ) between the
two Koreas in 1967. At the same
time, more than 800 encounters
between soldiers of South and
North heightened the tension at
the 38th parallel, Arthur Goldberg
recounted at the UN.
On Nov. 16, 1967, the North
Korean navy confirmed these
words by carrying off 12 South
Korean fishing boats and 74 crew
Smembers at the maritime demar-
cation line, increasing tenfold the
number of frontier incidents from
1966 to 1967.
The tension is growing on the
Korean peninsula with the con-
frontation of two ideologies, two
economies, and especially two
armies imposed on a single people.
The Republic of North Korea,
whose president is Kim Il Sung,
has an army of 450,000 men at its
command: the air force makes up
30,000 of them and uses more
than a thousand Soviet-made
planes including MIG 17's and
bombers. The navy is 100 ships
strong, and 400,000 infantry com-
plete the military potential of the
North. In case of a conflict, the
Chinese liberation armies, based
on the other side of the Yalou
River (the common frontier of
China and North Korea) can be
delivered to Seoul in several
FACING the Tiger of the North,
the Tiger of the South has not
neglected the reconstruction of
its army since the 1953 armistice,
also violating the signed accords.
Today more than 650,000 soldiers
are in active service, which per-
mits this country of 28 million
civilian inhabitants and a surface
area less than one-fifth that of
France to pride itself on the label
of the fourth largest armed force
of the "free world."
Under the Taegueuk, the em-
blem of South Korea and symbol
of Eastern dualism, are grouped
25,000 "Marines," 15,000 aviators,
20,000 sailors, and 560,000 infan-
try. Equipped with HAWK mis-
siles, and atomic cannons pro-
gressively modernized by the
Americans, the First Army is sup-

posed to assure the security of
the "hot" points of the region.
This crack army, with 330,000
soldiers, protects two-thirds of
the DMZ and the mountains of
the East coast provinces: Gang-
weon Do and Gyeongsang Bug Do.
The -0 divisions of the Second
Army are associated with the First
in the rest of the country for de-
fense against "infiltration" by
"Communist agents of the North,"
principally in the provinces of the
South: Jeolla Nam Do and Jeolla
Bug' Do. The navy and air force
control surveillance of the fishing
zones near the maritime demarca-
tion line in the East and Yellow
Seas, and two thousand islands
off the West coast, another
chosen site of North Korean in-
To this army are joined two
American divisions which main-
tain 45,000 men, the fleets of the
Pacific, and especially the U.S.
air forces based in Korea or in
Japan, at Okinawa and at Fu-
kuoka - all of which represents
nearly four-fifths of a million
soldiers to guard the security of
South Korea.
A CONFUCIAN story relates the
eternal conflict that set the tiger
of the North against the tiger of
the south, with the latter hoping
for help from the "fairy of the
mountains.". The South Korean
soldiers no longer believe in this
"fairy" and at the Seoul military
academy or at First Army head-
quarters in Wanju, they are
taught instead to imitate the Is-
raelis in the June six-day war.
With their training well-known
as physically exacting in tradi-
tional combat, the Taekwandu has
inspired all the armies of the
world by its perfection of self-de-
fense methods. The South Korean
"Rangers" specialists in isolated
combat, use a formation unique in
Asia-escalade methods, free call-
up, valley crossings on cables-.
all well-adapted to geographic
conditions in the North. Intensive
psychological training aimed at
preparing soldiers for two and a
half years of anti-Communism is
added. The practical work is car-
ried out in liaison with the CIA
and the police on all South Korean
territory by route supervisions,
systematic regional investigations,
and the vigorous search for North
Korean 'infiltrators."
If 90 per cent of the equipment
of the Korean army is assured by
the U.S.A., one cannot accuse the
Koreans of ingratitude toward the
"Meegou"; their conscience takes

them to Vietnam to learn there
the handling of the latest "gad-
gets" of the Pentagon.
SINCE THE dispatch of the
2,000 "doves" with the Dove Unit
of general Cho Mun Kwan in
April, 1965, Vietnam has received
the "Blue Dragons" and the 'Tiger
At the request of Nguyen Cao
Ky and of Johnson, President Park
agreed in February, 1966, to sup-
plement participation of Korean
army in Vietnam to 20,000 men,
while assuring his country that
this number 'would hot be sur-
passed. Since then, the manpower
has increased to 47,000, to which
are added 17,000 Korean non-com-
batants, labor used by the Amer-
icans, who prefer it to that of the
South Vietnamese.
Gen. Chae Myung Sin, comman-
der-in-chief of the Korean troops
in Vietnam, controls 7,000 square
kilometers and "protects" 1,200,000
South Vietnamese. Thus his men,
like the GI's, benefit from the sub-
structure of American combat. In
all, one-twelfth of. South Vietnam
is in the hands of the Koreans,
divided between the "Blue Dragon
Marines," the "Tiger Division,"
and the "White Horse Division."
The "doves" were grafted onto
U.S. forces in April, 1965. If it is
true that the soldiers of the Coun-
try of the Calm Morning have
since performed exploits for which
generals from Saigon to Seoul
envy them, a Colonel Pah at the
Ministery of National Defense in
Seoul gave me this reasons:
"The Koreans get better results
than the other combattants of
the 'Free World' because they are
commanded directly by Korean of-
ficers, in areas that are reserved
for them alone.
Not all the Korean officers em-
ploy euphemisms, and one of
them, when questioned about the
astonishing diminuation in the
number of prisoners captured by
his man inoperations, answered
me, irritated by the detail: "We
kill them first " There is nothing
surprising in the fact that the
pacification headed' by the Ko-
reans is going at a cracking pace;
the NFL does not wish to improve
their lack of discrimination.
At the special training center
of the First Army in Wanju, a
Colonel Yoon explained to me the
military hopes: "By using 12-
month rotations, if the war con-
tinues, all the officers and under-
officers will profit from this com-
bat experience. In a year, we will
have nothing more to fear from
the North Korean Communists."

Sports Money
To the Editor:
iT'S ABOUT time someone blew
the lid on big ten football. Con-
gratulations to The Daily for
taking on the job. Why a few pri-
vileged individuals should be given
such concessions by the university
and local merchants certainly re-
quires an explanation. I suspect
the locker rooms and training
facilities for big ten athletes are
equally plush compared with what
the IM building has to offer the
general campus population.
One wonders just what incentive
the local merchants have for sup-
porting our team in such a man-
ner. Perhaps the 25 cent service
charge levied by the theatres is
their break-even rate but this is
known only to people like man-
ager Hoag who will deny every-
thing if pressed. Apparently the
team does not get enough money
from the tuition bite and exhor-
bitant ticket prices but must rely
on indirect student financing
through the local merchants.
I believe I enjoy the Saturday
football games as much as any-
body but in recent years have felt
that the sports program was be-
coming geared to a passive audi-
ence of affluent people. I hope the
sports program was becoming
geared to a passive audience of
affluent people. I hope the sports
money will now be more equally
distributed and perhaps the IM
building can afford new showers.
-J. T. Tielking, Grad.
On Research
To the Editor:
MAY I take this opportunity to
state why I oppose the con-
tinuation of classified research at
the University?
As an anthropologist, I view
with alarm the growing loss of
opportunities for field work in
various parts of the world, if an-
thropologist associated with U.S.
institutions come to be identified
in the host countries as accessories
to war-oriented work. The loss of
such opportunities is tragic, since
it impairs our ability to gain a
further understanding of human
institutions, at a time when we
could benefit by more rather than
less knowledge.
As a member of the University
faculty I fear the continuation of
classified research, because it pro-
vides an all too easy answer to
problems of financial support. I do
not believe that he who pays the
piper always calls the tune,
As a citizen, I oppose the in-
vasion of universities by the De-
partment of Defense, because the
erosion of previously autonomous
institutions and their inclusion in
a highly centralized structure
damages some of the most impor-
tant checks and balances of our
society: the genesis and propa-
gation of alternative types of in-
formation and interpretation.
Power is inimical to data and theo-
ry that is not congruent with its
exercise. This is hardly the point
in history where the United States
can afford a reduction in its abil-
ity to generate new modes of
thought and action.
-Eric R. Wolf
Prof. of Anthropology
Library Fines
To the Editor:
WISH TO make a formal and
public complaint against the
Undergraduate Library for a situ-
ation I believe is totally injustified
and unwarranted.
On Jan. 23, 1968, I received a
notification stating that a book
charged by me was found on the
shelf not properly discharged,
though I was not aware of what
an "improper discharge" was. As
this was supposedly the second oc-
currence, a fine of $7.50 had been

assessed against me.
Apparently, upon the first oc-
currence, a warning notice is sent,
according to University policy. It
was pointed out to me that a

warning was sent in June, 1967,
for an improper discharge which
occurred in April. 1967, but I never
received it because I was out of
the country at the time.
Nevertheless, my concern is this:
Why should a fine be assessed
against me when I was completely
unaware that a warning notice
was sent to me nearly one year
ago? To penalize a student in this
manner is unfair and wholly un-
reasonable. Does this mean that if
a student received a warning five
years ago (assuming he is now a
graduate student), he is expected
to pay a fee for a "second" oc-
currence this year? I had been
under the impression that records
are kept by academic year, that
whatever notices, letters, fee as-
sessments, payments sent by the
University pertain only the par-
ticular academic year in question.
Therefore, it is my belief that I
should not be obligated to pay the
fine, that I should have received
a warning notice rather than a fee
assessment since this was the first
occurrence of this academic year
and the first time that I was
aware of such a policy. I am hope-
ful that some action can be taken
to remedy the situation.
-Evy Eugene, Grad.
To the Editor:
TF NEIL SHISTER didn't miss
the point of "The Fantasticks,"
he did a good job of keeping it a
secret in his review of the show
(Feb. 6). It is not, in the first
place, a play about people, even a
generalized kind of people such as
are in a play like "Our Town." It
is rather a play of ideas and at-
titudes, of naivete and disillusion-
Mr. Shister seems to see the play
as always on the verge of slipping
into unwarranted sentimentality.
"It is reality which serves up the
hurts and keeps the play from dis-
solving into saccharine," he says,
and again, "It is the second act
which saves the play, which makes
it more than simply nice . ."
Saying that such and such saves
the play (novel, film) from going
too far in some specified direction
is a reviewer's cliche which is not
applicable here. The second act
does not save the play, it is the
play or at least half of it, and
without it there would be no play.
It does not modify the initial
statement of the play as Mr. Shis-
ter suggests but is the second half
of that statement. The first act
is meant to be just as sugary as it
is. Reality intrudes in the second
act to completely reverse the pic-
ture, to tell us that we don't, after
all, live in a story-book world
where romance arrives on cue.
These are two opposing sides of
the fable which are harmonized at
the end with the moral that al-
though we may look back lovingly
to the time when we were inno-
cent, romantic, and utterly op-
timistic for ultimately this is what
our lives are' built on, we cannot
live blinded by the romance and,
optomism with which we began.
Mr. Shister begins his review by
saying, "It (The Fantasticks) is
sugar and spice and everything
nice, and comes across just true
enough so that you don't resent
it , . ." Aside from his patronizing
attitude which I ' have already
commented on, I wish to point out
that the scene in which Louisa
looks through the glasses and sees
various atrocities as being beauti-
ful is hardly sugar and spice.
Though not very subtle, it is at
least chilling if not ugly. This is
a play about the conflict between
romance and reality. It is nether
dominated or saved by either one.
-Kathe Geist, '70
Due to technical dificUldes be-

yond our control, the answers to
The Daily Crossword Puzzle sched-
uled to run on the editorial page
ofutoday's Daily could not be
printed. Full answers and names
of winners are now slotted to run
sometime this weelt.




The Daily is a memner of the Associated Press and
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Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
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Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKF', Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN...........Associate Managing Editor
STEPH~EN FIRSHEIN...... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW......Associate Managing Editor
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director

JOHN LOTTIER........Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP ...... .....Personnel Director
NEIL SHISTER ................... Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLA ........ Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS......... ..Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS......................Photo Editor
ROBERT SHEFFIELD.................,Lab Chief
NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Neal Bruss,
Wallace Immen, Lucy Kennedy. David Knoke, Mark
Levin,rPatricia O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve
DAY EDITORS: Marcy Abramson, Rob Beattie, Jill
Crabtree, Aviva Kempner, Carolyn Miegel, Walter
Shapiro, Lee Weitzenkorn.
Grix, Jim Heck, Richard Herstein, Helen Johnson,
Lynne Kilhn, Ron Landsman, Urban Lehner, David
Mann, Ann Munster, Steve Nissen, Dan Share,
Jenny Stiller, Michael Thoryn, Richard Winter, Greg
Sports Staff
CLARK NORTON Sports Editor
BOB McFARLAND..........Executive Sports Editor
GRAYLE HOWLEr'.........Associate Sports Editor
RICK STERN ................ Associate Sports Editor



Nhat Hanh:


Burdens of Peacemaking


"THE PRESENCE of the Na-
tional Liberation Front in the
cities must be considered by
Americans as a message that ter-
rorism is not the essence of the
Front. If you exit solely by ter-
rorism, you cannot last for even
a few months."
Rain lashes the windows of the
tiny Union room where Thich
Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk and
poet, expresses his conviction
about the Viet Cong insurrection
in hushed but forceful tones.
He leans forward in the light of
a desk lamp to listen intently to
a bulletin from the transistor
radio. Ten thousand miles away
guerrillas and government troops
battle around An Quang pagoda
in Saigon. Nhat Hanh is worried
for the safety of his friends and
fellow monk Thich Tri Quang, the

ernment elements, such as the
Buddhists and increasingly the
Catholics want to be forced into
alliance with the Front.
Nhat Hanh is a virtual exile.
The Saigon regime will revoke his
passport if he returns home and
he may be assassinated in reprisal
for his peace activities. His one
hope is that Washington will
abandon its pursuit of a military
solution to the war.
"Washington knows how to
stop the war if it wants to," he
is convinced. "Even if they would
just stop supporting the govern-
ment, then we would be able to
bring down the government in
just a few days."
In its place, he believes, nation-
alist elements and religious groups
would form a government that
would be legitimate and independ-
ent enough from the Americans
tor. a fnr. nn ann r. n hnmnhinar

leaders, Saigon and Washington
have caused them to see the Front
is closer to their position than
the Americans."
Nhat Hanh left South Vietnam
in 1966 to take his plan for a'
neutralist solution to the war on
a world speaking engagement. He
met United Nations Secretary-
General U Thant and Pope Paul.
Shortly thereafter the Vatican
sent delegates to Saigon and
Hanoi to probe peace possibilities.
While in Paris, Nhat Hanh
wrote "Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea
of Fire," which outlines his pro-
posals for a "third way" out of
the war between military destruc-
tion and Communist takeover. The
book was banned in South Viet-
nam where since over 100,000
copies have been smuggled in;
Hanoi radio blasted the author as
a "tool of the Pentagon."
Nhat Hanh believes the attempt

because they think of us as a new
popular movement that threatens
their existence."
National reconstruction will be
the first aim of the nationalist
government if the war is ended.
"South Vietnam will have to adapt
to some form of socialism. But
we think it is best to stand on a
neutral ground, independent from
both sides," he gestures.
The NLF, he says, wants to
d a l a y reunification with the
North until the economy has been
rebuilt. "Hanoi will have to wait.
Without the cooperation of the
population-and both Front and
non-Front don't want unification
now-the war will go on," he adds.
NHAT HANH'S lonely pilgrim-
mage of peace takes him on long
gurelling lecture circuits to spread
his message to small groups of
sympathetic li s t e n e r s. He is






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