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February 11, 1968 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-11

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Back Out of
UAC Parley
(Continued from Page 1)
she thought landlords had de-
clined the opportunity, Mrs. Kra-
ker said, "It would be rather un-
comfortable for them. Any land-
lord would expect to be asked em-
barrassing questions."
She added, "If they have al-
ready made up their minds (to
reject the eight-month lease)
they wouldn't want to discuss it."
Although Mc~reath said he had
received a commitment from a
representative of the City At-
torney's office, Ann Arbor City
Attorney Peter Forsythe said that
no one had agreed to attend.
"It would be fine if anyone were;
able to accept," added Forsythe,
"but it was a question of schedu-
UAC originally planned the
mieeting for today, but then re-
scheduled it for Wednesday after
several people could not make the,
Sunday meeting.
The forum planned to deal with
all aspects of off-campus hous-
frig: the different kinds of leases,
land-lord tenant relationships, and3
"things to look for in renting an
"The book on apartments pub-,
lished by the Off-Campus Hous-
ing Bureau doesn't give enough
Information," said McCreath. "But
no one wanted to talk. The land-
lords made it fall through."

please make appts. before 4:00 day pre- Soc., for EDP, Mgmt. Trng., Kktg. Res., Thursday, Feb. 22
ceding interview. Personnel, Purchasing, Sales (Inside Bloomfield Hills, Mich. - Elem. -
Monday, Feb. 19, 1968 & Territ), Statistics, Programmed K-6, Vocal, Inst. P.E., Art, Sec. - Eng.,
MerrilLynch, Pierce, Fenner and Learning. Math, Chem., Phys., Biol., Earth, Nat.,
Smith, Inc., N.Y.C. - M & F BA/MA Shell, Houston, Texas - M & F BA Hist., Fr., Span., Fr., Lat., Ger., Inst.
................................Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, and Math for MA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Math. for Vocal F.E., IA, Art, H.E, Bus., Couns.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an School of Music Degree Recital-Susan Securities Sales and Securities Re- EDP, Personnel, $urchasing, Statistics, Lib., Soc. W., Psych., M.H., Deaf... B
official publication of the Univer- Hegberg, Organ: Hill And., 8:30 p.m. search. rransportation, Flinance and Admin- Kalamazoo, Mich. - Elem. - K-6,
sity of Michigan for which The Wisconsin State Bureau of Personnel, istration. Art., P.E., P.E., Inst., Vocal, Guid (MA)
Michigan Daily assumes no editor Madison, Wis. - M & F BA/MA Arch., Read., Lib., Sp. Ed. - M.H., O.H., Blind,
lal responsibility. Notices should be G enera Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ, Libr. Sd., EDUCATION DIVISION, Deaf., Tch/Couns.. Sch. Soc. W., Phys
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to nMath, Poll. Set., Psych., Chem (Anal., BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS H.. Sec. - All fields. S
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- .. Chamber Music Ushers are still need- and Gen.), Forestry, Conservation, Wild- The following schools will be in- Rochester, N.Y. - All fields.
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding sd for the Chamber Music Festival life Mgmt. for EDP, Mgmt. Trng., Per- terviewing at the Bureau during the Madison, iWsc. - Elem. - K-6, J.H.-
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday which will be held in Rackham Lecture sonnel, Publ. Admin., Pubi. Relations, week of Feb. 19: Eng., Biol., Gen. Set., H.E., Math, H.S. - I
for Saturday and Sunday. General Hall on Feb. 16, 17, and 18thW Writing (Gen. & Tech.) Social Re- Monday, Feb. 19 Bus., Che.L.,eEng., Fr., Ger., Span., H
Notices may be published a maxi- Persons who are interested in usher-I search.( Madison Hlgts, Mich. (Lamphere Schs.) E., I.A., Math, Phys., S.S., Art., Lib.,
mum of two times on request; Day ing for these concerts will please call Federated Publications, Inc., (The - All Fields - Also E.M.R., and Em. Mus., Sp. Ed.
Calendar items appear once only, Mr. Warner at 668-8597. State Journal), Lansing, Mich. - BA Dist. Friday, Feb. 23
Student organization notices are not Econ., Esgl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ, for Covina, Cailf. - Elem. - K-6, Inter- Inkster, Mich. (Cherry Hill S.D.) -
accepted for publication. For more Adv., Sales, Writing (Gen.). med. - Eng., H.E., I.A., Span/Fr., G. Elem. - K-6, Art, Vocal, Instr., P.E.,
information calu764-92. Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1968 P.E., Math, Gen. Sci., H.S. - Eng., Lib., J.H. - Soc., Sci/Math, LA/S.S., G.
R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company, E,.E., I.A., Ger., Span/Fr., Russ, Math, P.E., H.S. - Art, Bus., Dr., Math, Gen.
GENERAL DIVISION Chicago, Ill. - M & F BA Econ., Gen. Gen. Sci., Phys., Phys. Sci., M.H., EM.R. Sci., Biol., Chem., Eng., Sp., Journ.,
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Lib. Arts, Math, Psych., Phys., Chem., San Diego, Calif. - Elem. - K-6, M. Ger, Read., Sp. Corr., Type A, Diag..
ANNOUNCEMENT - University of (Gen.). for EDP, Mgmt. Trng., Pro- R., Sec. - Eng., Math, G.P.E., M.R., Midland, Mich. - Elem. - K-6, Lib.,
Massachusetts interviewing Feb. 15 duction, Purchasing, Sales, (Inside & NO BPE ORS.S Voc., Art, P.E., Sp. Corr., Type A, J.
(p.m. only) for MA and PhD programs. Territ). No editorial or writing posit- Semi Valley, Calif., Elem., K-6, Sp. Ed. Set., Psych/Soc., Math, Phys. Sci.
ions. J.H. - Art/CR, Boys Couns., Dr/Eng., I H. - Eng/S.S., Eng., Math, Sci., S.S.
Aluminum Company of America, Pit- Martime Administration, Wash. D.C. Draft., Eng., Eng/S.S., Inst. Mus., Fr., G.PE., Art., H.S. Eng., Hist., Econ., Pol
School of Music - Sigma Alpha Iota tsburgh, Pa. - M. BA/MA Math, Econ., - M & F BA/MA Econ., Journ., Math Math, G.P.E., B.P.E., Rem. Read., Span., Earth Sci., Bus., Ed., I.A., Fr., an.,
Musicale: School of Music Recial Hall, Gen. Lib. Arts for Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. for transportation. Lib., Math, Vocal, G.P.E., Chem, Phy/ G.P.E., B.P.E
2:30 p.m. Res., Personnel, Production, Sales, (Ins. Foote, Cone r/ Belding, Chicago, Ill. Math, Psyc Royal Oak, Mich - Elem. - K-6, Art,
& Territ), Finance & Administration. - M. BA/MA Econ., Engl., Fine Arts, Skokie, Ill. (Niles Twp. H.S.) - H.S.- P.E., Mus., Lib., Sp. Ed., Soc. W.,
Cinema Guild - Andrey Wajda's Ashes Pan American World Airways, see Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., Psych., Speech, Eng., Math, Sci., S.S., For Lang., I.A., T.H. - Unif. Stud.,G.P.E., Gen. Sci.,
and Diamonds: Architepture Aud., 7:00 Wed listing Soc. for Advertising, Art & Design, Art, Bus, G.P.E., B.P.E., Dr Ed, Lib., Math, I.A.. Span., Sp. Ed. (MH), I.A.,
and 9:05 p.m. Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. Res., Merchandis- Nurse, Guid., Soc. Work, EMH, Read. I.. - I.A., Eng., Span., Fr., Biol.
1 eM & F. BA/MA Econ., Gen. Lib. - rts ing, Writing (General Copy). Tuesday, Feb. 20 Chem., Phys., eGor'g., Math., Hist/
School of Music Degree Recital -Georg., Math, Psych., Soc. for.DP Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma, Battle Creek, Mich. - Elem.-K-6, Art, S.S., Eng., For. Lang., Diag., Sp. Corr.
Burton Beerman, Clarinet: School of Cartography, Mgmt. Trng, Mktg. Res, Washington - M. Morning only. BA/ Mus., P.E., Camp, Sec. - Art, B.P.E., Home B., Deaf., Type A, Type B, Phys.
Music Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m. Stat R.MA Gen. Lib. Arts, Psych., Speech, Soc. Bus., Eng., Gen. Sci., Couns., G.P.E., Ther.
and Wood Tech, for Mgmt. and Sales H.E., I.A., Span., Deaf, M.R., Sp. Ed., Bellevue, Wash. - Fields not listed.
Friday, Feb. 23, 1968 (Ins. & Territ). Inst., Lib., Math, Vocal, S.S., Phys/ For further information and to make
National Center for Health Statistics, Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., Detroit, Math. appointments contact Mrs. Shear 3200
Wash. D.C. - M & F. BA/MA Econ., Mich. - M & F. Afternoon only. BA/MA Warren, Mich. (Fitzgerald Schs.) - S.A.B. 764-7459.
Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math., Poli. Set., Econ., for Mgmt. Trng., and Ktg. Res. Elem. - K-6, Lib., Mus., Sp. Ed., J.H. -
Zoology Seminar - Dr. Judson Sher- Psych., Publ. Health, and Soc. for Marshall Field and Company, Chicago, Livonia, Mich. - All Fields
idan, Department of Neurobiology, Har- Statistics, College work must include ill. - M & F. BA Econ., Etgl. Gen. Eng., Arith., Sci., Read., H.S. - Bus., Make EinterviewN appointments at
yard Medical School, will speak on: 15 semester hrs, of stat or a comb. Lib. Arts, Speech, Soc.. for Mgmt. Trng. S.S., Aut, I.A. P.E./Dir. Ed., Sch. Soc. Room 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless

EADED CURTAINS............$5.00
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Made in Spain of Toledo Steel 10% off
TH- MEDINA-Where folks take their coffee breaks



"Electrophysiology of Specialized Jun-
tions in the Chick Embryo" on Mon-
day, Feb. 12, 1968, at 2:10 p.m., Botany
Seminar Room, 1139,Nat. Sci. Bldg.
City Planning Program, Department
of Architecture, Institute of Public Ad-
ministration, School of Natural Re-
sources, Law School, Department of
Environmental Health Lecture - Ur-
ban Forum II - Alan Altshuler, As-
sociate Professor of Political Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Af Math and Stat. FSEE eligibility re-
quired. Limited number of digital com-
puter programmers.
Cuyahoga County Welfare Depart-
ment. Cleveland, Ohio - M & F BA
Anthro., Gen. Lib. Arts, Psych., Soc.,
and Social Work for Social Work.
IBM World Trade Corporation, N.Y.C.
- M & F. BA/MA Econ., Math, Physics,
Speech and Gen. Chem. for EDP., For-
eifgn Trade and Inside and territ
Sales. Only citizens of the following
countries wishing to return home for
career assignments are requested to
interview. Austrailia, Austria, Belgium,
Bahamas, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Iran, Italy, Jamica, Japan,
Near Eastern Countries, Netherlands,
Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland,
Trinidad, TurkeW, United Kingdom,
and Venezulea.
Placement Interviews at Genral Div-

and Merchandising.
Wednesday, Febr. 21, 1968
American Oil Company, Chicago, Ill.
& Detroit, Mich. - M & F. Specify
whether you wish to interview the De-
troit offices for marketing only or the
Corporate Headquarters for nationwide
positions in areas listed below. BA/MA
Econ., Math, Chem., (Gen.).forsEDP,
Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. Res. Personnel,
Publ. Relations, Purchasing, Transpor-
tation, and Sales.
Montgomery Ward, Ann Arbor, Mich.
- M & F. BA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts,
sor Mgmt. Trng., Merchandising, Per-
sonnel, Purchasing, Sales (inside).
Pan American World Airways, Jamica,
N.Y. - W. Any major, any degree for
stewardess opsition only.
Thursday, Feb. 22, 1968
Detroit Edison Company, Detroit,E
Mich. - M & F. BA/MA Econ., Educ.,


The School of Music will pre-
sent a degree recital for Miss
Susan Hegberg, organist, Mon-
day, Feb. 12 in Hill Auditorium at
8:30 p.m.
Mr. Alan A. Altshuler, associate
professor of political science at
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, will speak on "The Efec-
tiveness of the City Planner in the
Political System," on Feb. 12 at
.4:00 p.m. The free, open lecture
will be given in Aud. B, Angell
Mr. Altshuler received his B.A.
degree from Cornell University and
his Ph.D. degree in political
science from the University of
Chicago in 1961. He was an as-
sistant professor of government
at Cornell prior to his present po-
sition at M.I.T. His first book,
"The City Planning Process: A
Political Analysis," published in
1965, examined the political and
administrative obstacles to effec-
tive city planning.I
University Forum, Feb. 11, i0 a.m.,
Friends' Center, 1416 Hill. "Life After
the University: It's gotta be better vs
It's gonna be more of the Same." ;
Young Americans for Freedom (Con-
servative Union) will sponsor a talk!
by Pham Khac Rau, Ex-SouthViet-I
namese Ambassador to the U.S. at 7:30
p.m. in room 3-D of the Union. Pub-
lic welcome.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Feb. 11, 9:45 & 11:15 a.m.,
Worship Services with Pastor Scheips
speaking on "Raising and .Razing,"
11:15 a.m., Bible Class study of 1o-i
mans, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship supper, 6:45
p.m. Gamma Delta program-Christian
Ethics in Modern Society.'
Lutheran Student Chapel-Hill at
Forest Ave., Feb. 11, 6:00 p.m.-Supper
Feb. 11, 6:00 p.m.-Supper, 7:00 p.m.-
Program-"Chicago Urban Workshop.

"Effectiveness of the Planner in the
Political System": Aud. B, Angell Hall,
4:00 p.m.
Special Botany Seminar: Mr. Gordon
E. McBride, University of California will
speak on "Ultrastructural Studies in
the Green Algae," Tues., Feb. 13, 1968
at 4:00 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci.

Work. otherwise specified.
Huntington Beach, Calif. (Ocean View Febrapary 19, 1968
School) - Elem. - Elem. - K-6, 7th & Digital Equipment Corp.
8th Grd. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.
San Diego, Calif. - See Mon.. Feb. 19 W. R. Grace & Con. -Dewey and
for fields. Almy Chemical Div.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 Am hmclDv
Port Huron, Mich. Elem. K-5.J.H -Ingersoll Milling Machine Co.
Coups., Sci., LI.A., Mus., Art, Eng/ S The Marquardt Corp.
Span., Math, H.S. - MathSci., H.E., Moore Business Forms, Inc. Ca
SAn,., MAt. '. - m . H New York Centarl System Railroad
LA., Vod., Art., Lang., Comm. New York First National City Bank
Walled Lake, Mich - Elem. - K-6, P. Rapistan Inc.
E., Vocal, Inst., Sec. - I.A., Math, Vo- Sanders Associates, Inc.
cal, Eng., Couns., H.E., Lib., Instr., Gen. TRW Inc. - Michigan Div.
Bus., Typ., Art, Diag., Sp. Ther., VT, State of Wis. - Dept of Natural Re-L
Type A, Type B. sources
Lompos, Calif. - Elem. - K-6, Sp. Ed. Zenith Radio Corp.
Sp. Ther., Read., J.H., - Eng., Span., U.S. Gov't. Sat., Fe
Fr., Ger., Read., G.P.E., Math, Sci., NASA - Lewis Research Center
H.E., H.S. - Bus., Eng., Fr., Span., Ger., Maritime Administration
G.P.E.. I.A., Math, Sci., H.S. Army Materiel Command
Seattle, Wash. - All fields, Sp. Ed., Naval Air Test Center

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