r f THAT WAS THE YEAR THAT WAS See editorial page 0c 1,4 Lwt Dait6F BITTER hligh--1 Low-(-) 10 Gusty winds; occasional light snow OL. LXXVIII, No. 82 arkey Pleads Guilty in Movie Obscenity Case Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 SIXTEEN PAGES Boa rd Grants Determine Students Visitation Power Hours To By JILL CRABTREE Attorney William F. Delhey has The Cinema Guild "Flaming not publicly said he will intro- Creatures" trial effectively ended duce a motion to drop charges Dec. 12 when Mary Barkey, against the other defendants. Cinema Guild chairman at the time of the film's showing, plead- ed guilty to a reduced charge and admitted that the film was "ob- scene." She will be sentenced Monday. Charges against the other three' defendants in the case are ex- pected to be dropped at the time of sentencing. The defendants are Hubert' Cohen of the English department, who was faculty advisor to the group; Ellen Frank, '68; and Elliot Barden, members of the guild board at the time of the showing. Washtenaw County Prosecuting+ Auto Bureau Acts Against SGC Rules By URBAN LEHNER The Student Vehicle Bureau on Dec. 6 informed an estimated 50 students who allegedly had motor vehicles on campus that they had to register their vehicles at the normal $3 rate and pay a $5 late penalty fee by Dec. 19. 'The students, all eligible under University traffic rules to keep and operate a vehicle, were warn- ed by SVB head William Perigo, that their credits would be with- held and they would be unable to register for the winter semester unless they paid the fees. Thomas Brown of the SVB ad- mitted that the move was in re- action to the Nov. 9 decision of Student Traffic Court to enforce traffic rules passed that night by Student Government Council,' rather than the University's. SGC's legislation allows any stu- dent to drive and keep vehicles without registering them with the University. Ineligible Students Brown said the University has done nothing yet about those stu- dents ineligible under the Regents bylaws to keep vehicles. "The Regents have indicated that they consider their rules toI be in effect," Brown observed. "It's up to us to enforce them."; At their November meeting the Regents stated SGC had "exceed- ed its authority" in revamping University rules. The University Regulations pre- scribe a $25 fine for failure to register vehicles. In the past, cases of failure to register have come before Student Traffic Court, which handles all cases of alleged traffic violations. Now, the SVB is treating the cases as "late registration"-an administrative problem-and not! as a violation. However he said, yesterday that he had had "several conversa- tions" with defense attorney Dean Robb before Miss Barkey's plea was entered, and that as a result he "would suspect the charges will be dropped." Robb and de- fense attorney William Goodman declined to comment. Miss Barkey told Judge William F. Ager, Jr. that she had seen the film before its public showing in the Architecture Auditorium. She said she "didx't think the film was obscene then," but later had the opportunity to discuss the definition of obscenity under Michigan law with her family and with the others involved in the case. She also studied previous court cases and the prosecuting attor- ney's courtroom arguments. Asked specifically by the judge if she thought the film was obscene, Miss Barkey replied, "Yes." The charge to which Miss Barkey pleaded guilty is a mis- demeanor: being disorderly in a public place by showing an ob- scene motion picture. The charge carries a possible penalty of up to 90 days in jail and/or a $100 fine. The defendants were originally charged with a high misdemean- or: showing or offering to show' an obscene motion picture. This carries a possible penalty of up3 to one year in jail and a $500 fine. Miss Barkey declined to com- ment on the reason for her plea} and the implications of the dis- missal. However two of the de- fendants expressed regret that the case would not be pursued. It would have been valuable as a test case. Even if we had been convicted here, a reversal in a higher court would have been, useful to us as a precedent for future similar incidents," Miss Frank said. The trial began Dec. 11' with a request from the defense attor- neys that Ager prohibit Delhey i Kahn, '68. "But at least they are learning." The decision goes into im- mediate effect under the powers granted to the Board of Gover- nors by The Regents.x Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard C. Cutler said he 'generally favors the landmark de- cision, while director of Univer- County Jail Over Holiday By JOhN GRAY and AVIVA KEMPNER Eleven draft protesters. includ- Cuer, Km Agree; Houses Now Deeide By KEN KELLEY The University residence halls Board of Governors de- cided unanimously Dec. 14 to give students the right to make their own visitation policy for members of the opposite sex through their house councils. "We were just waiting for someone to make the request," explained Board member Prof. Marie Hartwig of the physical education department, after the 6-0 decision. "The students were truthful and sincere in their request, and we were anxious to cooperate." "It's more important that the ultimate authority come from students without having to have that authority dele- gated by the administration," said S t u d e n t Government " C oun c il President Bruce 1Potester s in --Daily-Andy Sacks NOW, HOW DO I DROP AND ADD? After two trips through the registration line at Waterman Gym, (once the "new way," and once the "old way"), Clark Norton, '68, all but gave up hope on his current class schedule yesterday. Wh en he was photographed Norton said he had spent the last two hours filling out forms, and even with the help of his devoted secretary, Nancy Altman, '69, he still could not find four classes that didn't all meet at the same time. In spite of Norton's troubles, and those of thousands of students like him, officials claim the registration proceedure has finally been perfected, and ran quite smoothly. (See story below). PROSPECT OF PENNY-PINCHING : Oicials Fear Budget Cuts sity housing and Board chairman P 1O , John A. Feldkamp said "I really ing one professor served between can'a".hrgg 15 and 20 days over Christmas va- "In fact, the regulations give cto nteWstnwCut me the authority to review the Jail on a 1066 conviction for decision. but I'd have to answer criminal trespass. A twelfth be- to the Board if I did not approve gan his jail term two days ago. the decision," continued Feld- The protesters were convicted kamp. in 1966 of trespassing at the Ann "The Regents have the power Arbor draft board as a result of to review the decision, and I the October 7, 1965 sit-in there. certainly think it's an item of In addition to Professor Thomas enough interest for Cutler to bring Mayer, who was the only one to the matter before them," he add- serve 20 days, four students and ed. seven former students surrender- By MARK LEVIN Gov. George Romney's budget message doesn't go to the state deficiences resulting from last year's low appropriations may not be remedied. Budget officials have i. from referring to a New York Legislature until Jan. 15, but asked all state universities to re- case involving the conviction of University officials are pessimis- strict their budgetary requests to three persons who had previewed tic about prospects for next year's a level which allows only a "con- "Flaming Creatures" and ar- appropriations. tinuation of current levels of ser- ranged for its showing in a New "From all indications it looks vice to an expanded population." York City commercial theatre. like a tight year for higher edu- Law enforcement,, urban re- Ager instructed both sides to re- cation in Michigan," explains Uni- development, social services and frain from mentioning the case versity Executive Vice-President primary and secondary education without checkig with him first. Marvin L. Niehuss. are considered priority items, ac- Aithout curyofn1 wmenandthre Guidelines sent out from the cording to the guidelines. A jurysof 11women and threestate budget office would indicate The University is requesting a men was selected after Ager questioned prospective jurors at length to determine if they would" be too offended by "scenes ofInstructors' Late Marking homosexual activity, nudity of males and females and exposure" of private parts of the human Slows Academic Counseling, body" to independently decide a record $75.8 million in state funds for its 1968-69 operating budget. The Legislature appro- priated only $59.2 million for the University last year, $3 million below what the University con- sidered a minimum funding level. Tuition hikes provided the addit- ional revenue necessary to main- tain the existing level of Univer- sity services and programs. Of the $16.1 million boost re- quested for 1968-69, $6.1 million would be used to raise staff sal- aries and fringe benefits 9 per cent. As a result of Lansing bud- get cuts, faculty salaries this year were only increased an average of 3 per cent. The new budget request also in- cludes $2.5 million earmarked for new staff. The University hopes to reduce the faculty-student ratio which rose slightly for the 1967-: 68 academic year. Incomes Slip Expected revenues from the new state income tax have been higher than originally anticipated. How- ever, sales tax income has slipped and last year's budget surplus amounted to only $11 million. "Higher education is not men- tioned as a priority item on any- body's list," reports Niehuss. "These other areas of concern are pretty important this year and cannot be denied. It is very dif- ficult for institutions of higheri education to build a deficiency case, even though deficiencies may exist."+ In an effort to finish work on the budget before the end of the+ fiscal year, a team of University, officials, including new Univer- sity President Robben W. Flem- ing, made an unusually early pre-1 sentation before the Senate Ap- propriations Committee Dec. 21. In past years, the Legislature has not completed the budget by the July 1 deadline, forcing the Uni- versity and other state agencies. to draw on reserve funds. Early Hearings "We're very happy about the early budget hearings. It may relieve some of the deadline pres- sure. We found the conimitte more attentive this year than in many years," Niehuss says. "But that is not to draw any conclusions about what their action will be." The presentation dealt only with general operating funds. Nie- huss said that the-University will make a presentation regarding construction funds later this year. State funds for new University construction have been tied up See 'U', Page 2 Cutler declined to make a def- inite comment on whether he would take the issue to the Jan- uary regents meeting, saying only that "I will have an important announcement Monday or Tues- day of next week about it." The Board is comprised of four faculty members and the presi- dent and vice-president of Inter- House Assembly, with Feldkamp chairing meetings. In its Octo-, ber meeting the Board flatly re- jected a proposal from IHA Pres- ident Steve Brown, '69, to give IHA the power to decide visitation policy for students. The 4-2 vote was drawn on straight faculty --student lines, with only the two student mem- Ibers voting for it. In the November meeting, Brown introduced a motion to give each housing unit the power to make their own policy, but final action was tabled for the December meet- ing. "For the month in between I visited dorms day and night talk- ing to students," said Board mem- ber Prof. Frank X. Braun of the German department. "I looked like a damn spy, but I came away convinced that our students are realistic and mature enough to handle this." "It's remarkable that each one of the Board members arrived at the same decision indepen- See 'BOARD,' Page 2 ed themselves to County author- ities. During their jail term six of the protesters and another inmate were confined to an 'incorrigible' cell for about 40 hours with a four hour break because of an incident in their cell. Another spent 24 hours in solitary con- finement. An invesitgation was requested by Rev. Erwin Gaede who visited the seven in the cell. County Pros- ecutor Frank Delhey said that the investigation found "no mis- conduct on the running of the jail or violation of jail rules." Two of participants, Eric Ches- ter, grad, and Bill Ayers, '68, both claim that they were "constantly harassed." Chester, said the in- corrigible cell consisted of "little light, sitting room, ventiliation, and no toliet facilities." All of the original protesters had a joint appeal of their con- victions awaiting review by the U. S. Supreme Court. The Mich- igan Supreme Court refused to hear their appeal last summer. Ernest Goodman, counsel for the protesters, said that the fact that the 12 served their sentences will have no bearing on the ap- peal now pending. "All of them communicated to me their faith in the principle of the appeal. The chances of having an appeal heard by the Supreme See 'DRAFT,' Page 9 the guilt or innocence of the in- dividual defendants. Jurors never saw the film, how- ever, because the trial had only Due Process been under way a short time Brown denied charges by stu- when it was adjourned and attor- dent leaders that the SVB's actionwHe nw orngdon to- constituted a violation of due neys began conferring on the pos- process. "This is a late fine, just sibility of entering Miss Barkey's like the one you'd get for paying plea. your dormitory fees or your tui- The prosecutor in his opening tion late," he maintained. "You statement called "Flaming Crea- wouldn't go through a judiciary tures" "filth, a dirty movie." He over those, would you?" said that Barden, Miss Barkey However, STC Chairman Ken and Miss Frank had gone to the Mogill, '68, charged that the SVB police station with Lt. Eugene letter system "denies the student Staudenmaier after he confiscatedj an impartial hearing" and "carries the film, where they told himI with it an assumption of guilt." that they were responsible for the See 'AUTO,' Page 2 See 'BARKEY,' Page 2 By ROB BEATTIE The Disciplinary Board fell be- Slow reporting of last semester's hind in processing students whose grades by instructors has caused academic status required review a major lag in the compiling of to determine whether they were students' transcripts. eligible to re-enroll. Thomas Clark of the Registrar's In the past the board has re- Office told The Daily recently viewed grades of the majority of that instructors were 50 to 60 per students with ar average of less cent behind last year's rate in than "C" before the first day of reporting grades before Christ- classes. It prefers to have this mas. The office has fallen several done as soon as possible so that days behind in the processing and students who will not be permit- printing of grades. ted to re-enroll will be notified The effects of the lag are felt before they register and begin most by the counseling system classes. and the Administrative Board Because this w u be possible which deals with academic disci- this year, Shaw Urges al students pline, said James Shaw, Assistant who feel that they ma,, be af- TAKES OVER OFFICIALLY: Dean of the literary college. 'New Way' Speeds Registration By MIKE THORYN Students could do it the 'Easy Way" or the "Hard Way" but in any case it went faster-registra- tion this winter was a success. The one basic change in theI registration process at Waterman! Gymnasium separated students in- to lines for those who advance; classified and those who did not. The greatest student unrest oc- cured at 8:00 a.m. and betweenr noon and 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday.' LS&A students massed at the Natural Resources Building at 8:00 a.m. to pick up materials and Director of Advance Classifi-+ sults of his work. "We've done our part to improve registration," he said. "Now students should do theirs." "Before this registration we were on shaky ground. We can now start pushing for a late regis- tration fee," Beach said. Late registration, with the pos- sibility of lines, is in the base- ment of Waterman beginning at 8:30 a.m. today. Monday it will shift to the third floor lobby of the Administration Building. Inside Waterman things went smoothly. Undergraduates without changes went through the gym in half as crowded as in the fall. It took the average grad about a half hour to sign up for courses. Beach worked for 10 weeks on plans for registration. He will con- tinue work on streamlining the process. "My next step is decen- tralizing registration," Beach said. "We will continue to use com- puters to help in the process but I don't see the possibility for do- ing registration by computer and by mail in the near future," said Ernest Zimmerman, Assistant to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. "Mail registration de- mands cash," he said. "We have to know who is here. If we have fected by disciplinary action to contact the board. Shaw points out that the lag is only a matter of a few days, but that it "creates a very serious problem." According to Clark, only five to ten sections remain with unreported grades and 11 transcripts should be processed Ly Monday. Students who have not already received their grades should have them within a few days, Clark adds. Those students who need them immediately for use with applications should be able to ob- tain them through the Registrar's office. Shaw feels that instructors may not realize the nature of prob- lems which arise from the slow reporting of grades. He points out, however, that a huge influx of By NEAL BRUSS Although University president Robben W. Fleming had no specific proposals in his first days in of- fice, he said he will emphasize construction programs, under- graduate education and the re- lefinition of the student's role. Fleming said he will have no coimnent until some future Regents meetings on what staff changes, if an.-, he will fake in the Uni- versi t administration. He rec- ommen led periodic study of the plans fo. the Ann Arbor, Dear- born and Flint campuses and for the Unie ity's extension cen- ters. He told newsmen Wednesday, Fleming Stresses Undergrads, Building eral, and private, funds is essen- tial." he said. "The demands for higher ed- ucation are very great," he stress- sed, "and our obligation is to com- vince people how great the de- mands are." The success of the $55 Million fund drive, Fleming said, has shown that private donors are willing to provide the funds "which make the difference be- tween a University which is mere- ly adequate and one which is truly great." But Fleming said that although emphasis was placed on private gifts to the Residential College, the project did not attract money. W I# 3