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February 09, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-09

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See Editorial Page



Sto0w flurries throughout
the day.

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedoin


VOL. LXXVIII, No. 112,





Sports Editor
In the fiercely co
world of intercollegiate
major universities ofte
great lengths to keep t
ers happy.
But to give all schools
competitive opportunity,
Ten has enacted stiff ri
prohibit financial aid to
athletes above and bey
normal scholarships.
In 1957 the Big Ten es
a ban on special outsi
tendered athletes. Partt
seven, Section two of th
Code says that athletes
ceive special aid beyo
scholarship simply be

ON their athletic achievements (the sto
text of the rule appears on Page giv
HN 8).wi
impetitive Is the rule working? Cl
athletics, An independent Daily investi- wi
n go to gation shows some evidence that F
heir play_ it is not. re
One local restaurant, a men's of
shop, and two theaters admit'giv- pa
an equal iig discounts and free merchan- en
,the Big dise to varsity athletes at the pl
ules that University. In addition, one for- th
and their mer pharmacy owner admits giv-
ing discounts, free meals and M
part-time jobs to athletes in a 3.0
stablished nine-year period from 1958-1967. w
de aid to Francis Tice of Tice's Men's ga
two, Rule Shop admitted he had been giv- on
e Big Ten ing "10 per cent discounts to
can't re- players since before World War St
nd their II when Al Wistert and some of . in
cause of the other boys worked in the m


ore." He added that he would
ve discounts to any athlete
th an 'M' Club card. (The 'M'
ub is made up of varsity letter
nners from all sports.)
Pat Paron of The Brown Jug
staurant says "I have a policy.
giving 10. per cent discounts to
ayers and have on occasion giv-
free meals to the basketbal:
ayers when the coach has sent
em over."
G. H. Hoag, manager of the
ichigan Theater, admits giving
000 free theater passes annually,
orth $1.50 each, to players after
ames. The athletes have to pay
ly a $.25 service charge.
John Smith, manager of the
Mate Theater, confirms this, add-
g that last fall student football
anager Steve Kenney, '68,

picked tickets up before the games
and distributed them after the
games, He said that "Hoag set up
the policy a long time ago with
Bump Elliott."
* Roy Snyder, former owner-
manager of the Michigan Phar-
macy. said he had "given dis-
counts to players, especially to
married ones,
All five businessmen said that
Michigan's coaches know and ap-
prove of the discount practice.
Coaches mentioned were head
football coach Bump Elliott, as-
sistant football coach Tony Ma-
son, former assistant coach Bob
Hollway and head basketball
coach Dave Strack.
John D. Dewey, Big Ten Assist-
ant Commissioner ahd Examiner,
told The Daily that he would


consider th'e discount practice a
violation of conference rules. "If
they (discounts) are given only to
athletes to the exclusion of other
students, then they are illegal."
Athletic Director H. O. (Fritzl
Crisler expressed surprise when
asked about the discounts yester-
day, adding "I will conduct an im-
mediate investigation and clamp
down on anything uncoveeed."
However, Crisler later admitted
to The Daily that he had distrib-
uted a memorandum on Wednes-
day advising all coaches that The
Daily was conducting an investi-
gation into the discouwt.s.
When asked about the discount
policy, Strack said, "I didn't re-
alize they were such a common
practice, but I knew of course
that they weren't an uncommon

practice. I've never thought about
their legality, and I am frankly
surprised that they are considered
illegal aid."
Hollway categorically denied
that anything illegal was going
Elliott and Mason could not be
reached for comment.
Crisler said he knew Hoag had
been giving tickets away, but had
understood they were limited to
certain Friday nights and had
not received widespread distribu-
tion. He indicated the practice
had been well established even
before he came to Michigan 30
years ago as head football coach.
Hoag said he did not want to
jeopardize the standing of Mich-
igan in the conference. "If I'm
quoted, I would go to court and


deny the whole thing " he said.
A number of athletes inter-
viewed by The Daily admitted
they had taken advantage of the
tickets (referred to as 'Victory
Passes'). the discounts and the
free merchandise.
Football player Paul Johnson,
'68, said the "entire football team
that makes training table starts
the season off by going to Tice's
for $10 worth of free clothing,
usually a pair of slacks."
Other past and present Michli-
gan athletes who admitted to The
Daily that they had received both
discounts and free gifts from lo-
(cal merchants included Dave
Raimey. '63, Bob Mielke, '67. Jhm
Berline, '68, and Dennis Morgan,
'68. all football players.
Copyright, 1968, The Micigan Daily


S.C. College Riot
Leaves Two Dead
50 Wounded in Outbreak of Gunfire
After Students Set Blaze on Lawn




students were killed and an esti-
mated 50 other persons were
wounded last night in a majorI
outbreak of gunfire on the cam-1
pus of South Carolina StateCol-
lege, a predominantly Negro;
Police said Cleveland Sellers, a
field coordinator for the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Commit-1
tee (SNCC), was among those_
wounded. Sllers, 24, was hit un-
der the left arm.-
At least one law enforcement1
officer was wounded.
Orangeburg police said the!
shooting erupted after students
set fire to grass on the campus.1
The fire occurred on a grassy
slope that borders the campus
alongside U.S. Route 601.s
CLII Backs l
Own Efforts
In CG Case
The Faculty Civil Liberties
Board (CLB) yesterday defended
their efforts in helping to bring
about reduced charges in the Cine-
ma Guild case.
A statement issued by the board
said "in light of the vigor with
which the prosecutor pursued this
case . . our efforts were not.with-
:ut significance."
a Wednesday, the Washtenaw
County Circuit Court fined former
Cinema, Guild Board Chairman
Mary Barkey, '69, a total of $235
on a charge of disturbing the'
Miss Barkey, who pleaded guilty
to the charge, had originally been
# charged with a high misdemeanor
for showing the allegedly obscene
film "Flaming Creatures" last
The Civil Liberties Board aided
the case by submitting two friend
of the court briefs in behalf of
Cinema Guild.
The Board's major contention
centered around the legality of the
seizure of the film rather than its
merits or shortcomings.
See CIVIL, Page 6

Associated Press Staff Photog-
rapher Dozier Mobley, who wit-
nessed the gunfire, said a group
of 50 to 75 Negroes standing on
the campus at the crest of the
slope opened fire as city firemen
and police moved in to put out-
the blaze.
Mobley said- police and Nation-i
al Guardsmen stationed across
the highway charged up the em-
See Related Story, Page 3.

bankment after the firing
One of their number was
he climbed the slope.

hit as

Several students fell as the of-
ficers opened fir-, Mobley said.
It was the fourth straight night
of violence in Orangeburg, trig-
gered Monday night when the
operator of a bowling establish-
ment refused to admit Negroes.-
Prior to Thursday night's inci-
dent, 13 persons had been injured,
and rioting had damaged several
stores in the downtown area.
The bowling establishment,
closed by police the orevious three
nights, reopened Thursday night
withbNational Guardsmen stand-
ing by to prevent trouble at or
near the shopping center in
which it is located.
Student leaders, who had sub-
mitted a list of seven grievances
to the Orangeburg City Council,
staged a "prayer in" during the
early evening, and later held a
meeting in a ball park near the
Davey Nelson, University of
Delaware athletic director, last
night withdrew his name from
the list of eight candidates be-
ing considered for Michigan's
next athletic director, Presi-
dent Robben W. Fleming said
last night.
Nelson, who played footbill
under present Athletic Direc-
tor H. O. (Fritz) Crisler during
the 1940's, indicated he was
content to remain at his Dela-
ware post. He had been con-
sidered one of the leading can-

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
Members of Interfraternity Council last night elected an executive committee for 1968-69. From left,
the new officers are: Dan Hopp, Sigma Nu, Executive Vice-President; Larry Goldberg, Phi Epsilon
Pi, Administrative Vice-President; Rob Rorke, Chi Psi, Fiesident Mark Harris, Alpha Epsilon Pi,
Internal Vice-President; and Jeff Buchanan, Chi Phi, Executive Secretary.
Adiissions 'umbers ame'
Causes Headaches for LSA

In an unanimous vote, SGC
passed a resolution last night de-
manding that the University con-
duct a full investigation into the
extent and nature of the activi-
ties of the Central Intelligence
Agency on campus.
The resolution asks that the in-
vestigation be carried out by a
joint committee of faculty and
s:adents and that the committee
F.'Moit its findings to the com-
niunity no later than March 15.'
SGC also endorsed a resoluzton
on eassified research written by
R,,mdy Jacob, Jeff Schneider,
Gras., and SGC President Bruce
Kahn, '68. The resolution was
written as a Voice-SDS position
paper in response to the Elder-
field Report on Classified Re-
search and was printed in yes-
terday's Daily. The voting and
non-voting members of the coun-
cil unanimously approved the rec-
ommendations of the article.
-The immediate cessation of
all classified research at the Uni-
versity, including the Thailand
counter-insurgency project.
-Complete disclosure of all
University research contracts,
their purposes and results.
-Termination of University
membership in the Institute for
Defense Analyses.
Similar resolutions have already
been passed by Voice-SDS and
Graduate Assembly.

In other action last nig
appropriated $100 for t
miah Stabler, M.D., Le
Fund Stabler, an internv
known heart specialist, v
poenaed to appear bef
House Committee on Un
can Activities (HUAC) in
Stabler responded by filin
challenging the constitu
of HUAC itself.
To support Dr. Stabl
Ernest Harburg of the ps
department has organize
gal aid fund (whose goal:
igan is to raise over $1

ht, SOC defray the expenses of a long
he JPre- court battle.
gal Ald Also discussed last night was
rationally the continuing student boycott of
was sub- Apartments Limited, Inc. SOC
ore the member Mike K o e n e k e, '69,
n-Ameri- claimed the pressure of a "rent
Chicago. strike" would enable students to
ig a suit have their complaints attended to.
tionality SGC Coordinating Vice Presi-
dent Paul Milgrom, '70, added that
er, Prof. if one building of Apartments
3yhology Limited could be successfully boy-
y the le- cotted, then the manager of that
particular building might drop
in Mich- ' out of the organization, causing a
0,O00) to collapse of Apartments Limited.

Clyde Vroman plays the "num-
bers game" and that's why the
literarycollege has to cut back
admissions next fall.
Vroman is the director of the
University Admissions Office and
the "numbers game" he plays is
figuring out how many high
school seniors are going to apply
to the University, how many will
accept admission offers, and how
many will actually come to the
The literary college - currently
operating under the Leveque
plan for college growth - which
calls for over one-third increase in
enrollment in five years- admit-
ted slightly more than the Le-
veque quotas for the last three
years. The plan is named for Prof.
William Leveque, chairman of the
mathematics department; who de-
vised the schedule four years ago.
While not serious in any one year,
the cumulative affect of over ad-
mission has pushed the college
near the crisis point.

"The trouble really started with
this year's freshman class," Vro-
man explained. The admissions
office expected a downswing in
the constantly increasing number
of admissions. The slump didn't
"We thought we were in good
shape," Vroman said, "but when
we got the registrar's enrollment
report in November, we found out
we had gone 180 over the quota."
Shortly after this discovery the ad-
missions committee of the literary
college faculty decided that ad-
missions for next year would have
to be 180 under next year's Leve-
que quota to maintain a reason-
able over-all size.
Vroman explained that when
his office heard the decision they
scaled down their admissions pro-
cedure to keep the new enroll-
ments lower. Nonetheless, with
the fast pace of applications this
year, it still appears as though
they will be very close, if not over,
the 2970 fall freshmen quota.
When the executive committee

of the literary college met with
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith and Vroman
last Saturday, they agreed to re-
duce total new enrollments next
fall by 180. The office, however,
was given a free hand to make
the cuts wherever they could --
such as in transfers or re-admits,

City Council Backs
9-Si~te Housing Plan

City Council tentatively en-
dorsed last night the Housing
Commission's revised public hous-
ing plan calling for construction
of 139 low-rent apartments onI
nine sites throughout the city.
Under the new proposal, which

Council will present at a special:
public hearing -Tuesday, a private
contractor will build the low cost'
units on nine different locations
and sell them to the city. These
will be supplemented by 58 ex-
isting apartments which will be!
rehabilitated by the city. The
Housing Commission will rent the
apartments to low income fam-

IDA To Hold Secret
Meeting on Structure
The executive committee of the Institute for Defense
Analyses (IDA) will hold a secret meeting in New York Feb.
20-21 to discus the future course of the organization, The
Daily learned yesterday.
The crucial session may determine the future of Univer-
sity participation in the controversial organization, which has
prompted protests and demonstrations at several schools.
The University is ene of the 12 schools which comprise
IDA, a group which describes as "a non-profit corporation to
provide the Department of
Defense with studies in na- I
tional security.";uommutsts
IDA was organized in 1956 in
response to the rapid growth of '' P s
Defense Department-sponsored re-
search. The University is a char-1
ter member. Under its terms of
incorporation, IDA is governed by; A t I he S an h
a board of trustees. The board is
made up of administrators from
the 12 member schools, business- SAIGON {') -North Vietnam-
men and career civil servants. ese troops, in possible prelude to
a long awaited northwest of fen-
University President Robben W. sive, slashed through barbed
Fleming said he "will attend the wire defenses near Khe Sanh
meeting if possible." He said he yesterday and wrested half a
has "some reservations about re- scarred hilltop from U.S. Marines
maining in IDA." President Emer-sbfri ndv bc
it Harlan Hatcher was on the before being driven back.
itu Harlanat chmmean thes Elsewhere, the Communist of-
IDA executive committee until his fensive against the cities ap-
retirement January 1, but Flem- peared to be in Its last stages aft-
ing has not yet joined the board. er posting a,-week of record cas-
The conference will reportedly ualties. Street fighting persisted,
discuss the role of member schools ! however, in Saigon, Hue, Dalat
that comprise IDA. Last October a and Cao Lanh.
number of students were arrested, The U.S. Command said pn-
during a demonstration protest- other day in the current Red cam-
ing Princeton University's mem- paign had brought 2,000 more
bership in IDA and the presence enemy dead. It claimed that the
of IDA researchers on the Prince- Communist death toll had reached
ton campus. The institute has also 26,621 in 10 days since the coun-
come under fire at other member trywide fighting began. Other
schools, including the University. sources claim these figures are
greatly inflated.
Associated Press correspondent
Propose Sales John T. Wheeler i'eported from
Khe Sanh that the North Viet-
Tax Increase namese pummeled the dug-in Ma-
rineswith mortar and rocket fire
LANSING-State Senate major- in paving the way for the uphill
ity leader Emil Lockwood plans to attack. One enemy solier was
introduce a resolution in both the captured.
House and Senate next week which The hill is one of three Marine
would automatically raise the state controlled high points along a
sales tax to six per cent if the new ridge that overlooks the combat
innme tax is defeated in a oublic base from the northwest. With


"U'-Too Affair: CIA Keeps Tabs on Students

SS 0
:0~~ lo

Last of Two Parts
When Congress set up the Central Intelligence Agency it spe-
cifically stated that the organization would have no "internal security
But that doesn't hinder the agency from keeping its finger on the
campus pulse. CIA agents regularly visit the campus to find out what
today's young people are thinking. Sometimes they even talk with
campus leaders.
One such visit came on an evening last fall when two neatly
dressed, niddle-aged CIĀ° agents stopped by to visit a member of the
University's Joint Judiciary Council.
The agents uolitely introduced themselves as "business associates"

The father suggested that the- CIA was particularly interested in
the organization of JCC as an instrument to block enforcement, of
University regulations, particularly the individuals behind that effort.
The student (whose narme is withheld upon personal request)
carefully explained that the meetings of JJC, Student Government
!council, and SDS were all ope'a and that anyone interested in what
the students were doing could attend their meetings.
When the CIA contact was made, the agents began their dis-
cussion with polite social tatk. Later they explained their purpose,
and one of the agents left.
The remaining agent pointed out that it was the "patriotic duty
of citizens" to help the government when requested.
Finally, the agent pulled out his CIA credentials. When this
didn't' promrt any more cooperation, he changed his tone.

The Housing Commission of-
fered the plan to Council in the
wake of -opposition to an earlier
proposal, which would have dis-
tributed 142 new units over only
seven ,sites.
Opponents charged this pre-
vious plan, which included three
sites of 39 units each, unneces-
sarily crowded low-income fam-
ilies and risked the formation of
"new ghettos."
The current proposal would al-
low no more than 24 units on any
one site.
"The Housing Commission's
newest proposal is more what
we've been shooting for," said
Councilman Brian Connelly. "It'
approaches the dispersal concept
we've wanted all along."
Housing Commissioner William


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