PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY & 1968 PAGE EIGHT TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY ~IIUItM)AY, FEBRUARY 8, 1968 . ~ ~ . ~ V. 1 ':4:; rr, rr,"v{rP"; r;";rm v."s;eorr,{.,:::.;::::. : ":: :":::.r;:"i:: ;f';Ivrl;;r:;:;. ...'"'.Yfr Vltr.+..1;:t{ti :a."i*::":{v:":"?;:v:":";.:.": r..{:vv: ::.".":, SECRET CONTACTS: CIA Seeks 'Help' From 'U' Faculty I a .. DAILY C ' .tt.......:n..t''.V...W. .. ..... .. ...... n.... .. (Continued from Page 1) Tannebaum outlined the fol- lowing dangers involved in CIA- ISR contacts: -"They, may lead to loss of faith in ISR personnel by foreign social scientists. -CIA contacts place ISR per- sonnel in a difficult and conflict- ing position. They may even feel inhibited about talking to our own colleagues about experiences abroad and about foreign person- alities if they know that their. colleagues may be queried by agents of the CIA. -ISR travelers may be plac- ing themselves and perhaps their fo r e i g n colleagues in some jeopardy when they are abroad in certain countries if the security police there have reason to be- lieve they are collaborating with the CIA." Tannebaum has suggested that a policy statement by the insti- tute ought to preclude "doing research for the CIA and provid- ing the CIA with information about our experiences abroad and our knowledge of foreign or do- mestic personalities." However, he does not "see how the ISR can avoid providing the CIA with information about in- stitute personnel past or present who may be seeking employment in the CIA." A detailed policy statement will be formulated by the ISR shortly, informed sources indicate. The CIA also shows interest in various foreign area study pro- grams of the University. In the spring of 1966 it invited a num- ber of leaders of these programs to lunch at the Rubaiyat res- taurant in downtown Ann Arbor. Most tdeclined the invitation, but four went along. Several were genuinely interested, but one pro- fessor "went along becatuse I was really curious about what these people wanted." "When your government asks you to talk to them about some- thing important, you feel obligat- ed to at least attend," the pro- fessor explained. "They made it seem like a casual, even common occurrence. Something that hap- pens every day." Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the economics department says he was at the meeting but denies working for the CIA at any time. "I have been very, very careful about this matter," he said. However, Eckstein acknowl- edges that he has had "academic discussions" with individuals in his field that he knew formerly in the academic community who "are presently working for the CIA." "Individuals should not be pen- alized ^if they want to work for the CIA," Eckstein said. This meeting was apparently not a simple isolated effort. Ac- cording to one professor who at- tended the CIA luncheon, the group of agents were a "roving committee that went from uni- versity to university setting up similar contacts." But what could this group of prominent University professors offer the vast CIA intelligence network? And why was this gov- ernment agency concerned with the University? After all, the CIA was created for exclusively for- eign intelligence work. The answers to these questions were clear soon after the luncheon meeting began. "Broad hints" were thrown out concerning CIA interest in the University, explains the professor. , The agents carefully, hinted that they wanted to place certain of their personnel in a sort of special graduate program with each of the professors. "They expressed particular in- terest in China-Soviet studies, African studies, and the middle east," the professor explained. "But if that was all they were after, they could have found out what they wanted to know through our catalogues. They cer- tainly must be able to read." Clearly, the agents had more on their mind than reading course syllabi. They hinted that "if we were willing to cooperate, they would send their 'students' here. In return it was understood CIA money would be provided to help these professors in their work." The professor explained that at the luncheon each participant was paired up with a CIA repre- sentative: "They were very con- servative politically and made it clear they wanted people with the right political ideas as they saw them," the professor ex- plained. "I think I made it pretty clear to them how I felt." The two professors who admit to attending the meeting were not contacted again by the CIA in a follow-up to the luncheon. It is not known if the same is true of the other two faculty members who attended: Their names are a well-kept secret. TOMORROW: The CIA and the Students r 1 t P f The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan iaily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices iaay be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; D~ay Calendar items appear once only, Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. C sports, arts and crafts, nature, canoe- ing,amaintenance and kitchen help. LiL E T t4Camp Nelielu, drc Mich. Coed. 10-5,"W- terfront director, arts & crafts, ath- letics, music, drama, and nurse. Southwestern Company, Nashville, ^Tenn. - Fellows for experience and ment of Classical Studies - Fri., Feb. exper, in stat, or res. methods, Interviewing every Friday from 2-5 9, Prof. John L. Caskey, Department of Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, at S.P.S. Classics, University of Cincinnati, on Del., Covington, Va., Brunswick, Ga., "Troy and Problems in Trojan Archa- Raleigh, N.C., Louisiana, Mo., Lake ENGINEERING DIVISION eology," 4:10 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall. Charles, La., and Glens Falls, N.Y. - Make interview appointments at room Woodrow Wilson Scholarship Recip- Programmer/analyst, accountants, pro- 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- lents - Pick up checks at 1014 Rack- cess and project engineers, Chemical wise specified. ham. engineers,rtechnical Service Supv., FebA 15: SG C rPlant Project engr., Asst, Area Supv-, Allen Bradley - Summer Empl. on S GC Indust. Mgmt. Spec., Steam Power En- 15th - Perm. EmpI. on 16th ginere, Instrument Eng., Construction Collins rom. mlon1t The approval of the following stu- ngr., chemist, design engr., dev. engr., .Dow Chemica Co, dent sponsored events becomes effec- Doegrs . .ialn. tive after the publication of this no- sched. engr., tech. sales reps., lupv. Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp, fe. Allerpubici tfornthesetevents indust. engr, training supervisor, M W. KelloggCo. mtic the. l ulcity heaproalphysicist., elect. engr., most require 1Motorola, Inc. must be withheld until the approval BS level degrees and little or no exper. New York State Dept. of hApproval request forms for student Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- Transportation sponsored events are available in merce, Toronto, Canada -- Psycholo- Radio Corporation of America sposoed vetsare avilale ingist, combine psychometric and clin- Standard Oil of Calif. - Rt esB00 ing46 of the Student ical skills in evaluation and follow-up & Chevron Research Co. Campus Crusade for Christ - Col- counseling of young officers and exec- Union Carbide Corp. - CamLus Crusae.f2, 9hrst:-pCm.,utives. Graduate work in psychology Chemicals & Plastics Div. Markley Lounge in context of liberal arts, education, or Union Electric Co. South Quad Council - Dance - guidance, PhD. and certification or Uniroyal, Inc. - Detroit, Mich. Feb. 3, 1968, 9-12 p.m., Smitty's. certifiable. U.S. Dept of the Navy-Representing: South Quadrangle Quadrants - Val- Naval Air Systems Command entine Dinner-Dance - Feb. 16, 1968, Summer Placement Service, Naval Ordnance Systems Command 7-11:30 p.m., South Quad Dining Room 212 S.A.B., Lower Level. Naval Facilities Engrg. Command Interviews: U.S. Naval Weapons Center - n .J 7 - Feb. 9: China Lake, Calif. GOOD TIIINGS COME IN SMIALL P ACKAGES w THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Day Calendar Physical Chemistry Seminar - Mr. Wai-Keeli, "Magnetic Interactions in Complexions," 1200 Chem. Bldg., 4:00 p.m. Botany Seminar: Dr. Burton Barnes,, Forestry Department; University of Michigan will speak on "Hybridization and Introgression in the Aspens and Birches" Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968, 4:15 p.m. 1040 Nat. Resources. Cinema Guild -- Mark Donskoy's Gorky Trilogy, Part 2: My Apprentice- ship: Architecture Aud., 7:00 and 9:051 v 1112 South Universtv Phone 683-5533 Ii trI(;e rentt Camp Clarkston, Mich. Coed, 1-5 U.S. Office of Education GENERAL DIVISION Current Position Openings received by General Division by mail and' phone. Call 764-7460 for further inf or- mation. p1_University of Wisconsin Medical Cen- Departments of Chemical Engineer- ter, Madison, Wis. - Biologist-onocol- ing and Biostatistics - Prof. Brice ogy. Med. Tech. - Med. Bacteriologist Carnahan, Departments of Chemical -food res. inst. Sr. Biochemist - ped- Engineering and Biostatistics, "An In- iatrics. Chemist-VA Hosp. Med. Tech. troduction to Digital Computers and -VA Hosp. Biochemist-Enzyme Inst. the MAD Language," Nat. Sci. Aud., Biologist - Genetics. Electron Micro- 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. scope - Biophysics. Biochemist - VA l___ Remal,.Labs. Most req. BS degrees and Department of Speech University little or no exper. Players Production - August Strind- Philips Laboratories, Briarcliff Manor, berg's "The Ghost' Sonata": Lydia N.Y. - Semiconductor Research Sci- Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:00 p.m. entists, PhD/MS in physics, chem., metallurgy, material sci, with exper. Chemistry Colloquium - Dr. M. E. in silicon device or integrated circuit Peover of N.P.L. Teddington, England, fabrication.dPhysicist or EE for photo- "Intermediates in the Electroreduction cathodes. Sci. staff member in electron and Oxidation of Aromatic Hydrocar- optical syst. Semiconductor engineer, bons," 1300 Chem. Bldg., 8:00 p.m. TV Syst. eng-r. Mechan. engr. Physicists G I . for general engineering. General Lv+I(lI.e B. F. Goodrich, Akron and Brecks- ville, Ohio. - Physical Sci. and math Illustrated Lecture: Sponsored by the majors w/EDP exper. Systems Analysis Ann Arbor Society, Archaeological In- engineers. Auditors, internal and fld., stitute of American and the Depart- Sales Trainees. Medical technicians. ........-s . Engineers, IE, ChE, ME, Aero E, Metals. IE. Text. E. and Chem majors, with and r'\rr~A lI'7 'r~~&I without exper. JORGA N IZAT IO N Altschuler, Melvoin and Glasser, Chi- II 7' ~cago, Ill. - Public acctg. firm seeksi (Nr 1 acctg. majors at BA and MBA levels, I .N I . other degrees considered with strong M,::,:; ;is :?:::.:' a::i';:? .acctg. background. IaState of Michigan - Clinical psy- USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- chologists, several levels. MA plus 2 NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially yrs. MA plus 3 yrs. and PhD. recognized and registered student orga- State of Wisconsin - Mental Retard- nizations only. Forms are available in ation Program Specialists, MA in spec. room 1011 sAB. ed., psych., nursing, rehabilitation, or " * * soc. wk. plus 4 yrs. exper. Library As- UM Physical Therapy Club, February sociate, pref. courses in libr, sci., de- meeting, senior demonstration night gree req. plus 1 yr. library exper. Press and election of officers, Feb. 8, 7:30 relations officer, div. of motor vehicles, p.m., University Hospital, 3rd floor ;degree with major in journ., adv. or conference room. rl. areas plus 4 yrs. exper. in public * * * information, and media exper. Re- Graduate Student Outing Club, search and Publications analyst, nat. - meeting for new members, Feb. 10, resources dept., major in Engl., Journ., 2:00 pin.; Rackham, Huron St. En- or biol. sci., plus 1 yr. in publication trance. or conservation. Disability claims ad- * * * judicator, degree in ed. med. sci., guid- Southern Asia Club: Bag lunch ance, personnel, social services, 2 yrs. Thursday noon in Room 1 of Lane Hall. work in related area. Research analyst, Prof. J. K. Crump of the Dept. of Far higher education, BBA/MBA, BA or MA Eastern Studies will speak on "Masks degrees in econ. soc, sci. with stat and Makeup in the Chinese Theatre." and research methods courses, and MARK'S OPEN DA ILY 9 A.M.-1 2 P.M. 605 E. WILLIAMS A NEW COFFEE HOUSE PRESENTS PETER GRIFFITH FRIDAY. SATURDAY-FEB. 9, 10 THE STEL MAJO STRING QUARTET I' L //illeI SABBATH SERVICE Friday at 7:15 P.M. ONEG SHABBAT PROGRAM The Peace and Resistance Movement A Personal Reaction to the Moral Crisis of Our Time FI LM: f THE TIME OF THE LOCUST A Recent Revealing Collection by American and Japonese Cameramen in Vietnam Discussion led by LEONARD SCALIA President of the Student Peace Union Campus and Statewide lecturer and a participant in Monday's Clergymen's Conference in Washington, D.C. 1429 Hill St. All Welcome SUNDAY, FEB. 11 PERFORMANCES AT 8:30-9:45-1 1:00 P.M. --lowainssss nu .ss rrlrornr.. a, 3 3 1 I Thursday, February 8, explore an engineering career on earth's last frontier. Talk with Newport News On-Campus Career Con- sultant about engineering openings at world's largest shipbuilding company-where your future is as big as today's brand new ocean. Our half-a-billion-dollar backlog of orders means high start- ing salary, career security, with your way up wide open. It also means scope for all your abilities. We're involved with nuclear ship propulsion and refueling, nuclear aircraft carrier and submarine building, marine automation. We've recently completed a vast oceanographic ore survey. We're a major builder of giant water power and heavy industrial equipment. We're starting to apply our nautical nuclear know-how to the fast expanding field of nuclear electric power generation. We're completing competitive systems designs for the Navy's $1 billion plus LHA fleet concept. Interested in an advanced degree or research? We're next door to Virginia Associated Research Center with one of the world's largest synchrocyclotrons, offering advanced study in high energy physics. We're close to Old Dominion College and University of Virginia Extension Division, where you can get credits for a master's degree, or take courses in Microwave Theory, Solid State Electronics, Nuclear En- gineering and other advanced subjects. Ask about scholar- ships, tuition grants, study and research leaves to imple- ment these opportunities. Ask, too, about the pleasant living and lower living costs, here in the heart of Virginia's historic seaside vacation land, with superb beaches, golf, fishing, boating, hunting. IMMEDIATE ENGINEERING CAREER OPENINGS f >' f* ' 4 + -° ........... C ml A > ,; / 7 skirts Sa cti ,Al y ,1{ ...~ wA J 4 ' DS A Ma 4'! I r 1 1' ISS J KNOWS THE ENT'S ON ACTION IN PANTSHIFTS. .. d-.down shapes with split .. .the great sun-season fives for whizzing through own, cycling the country. i-tailored madras buttons own. Sizes 5-to 15. 12.00 B. Cotton knit ringed in - navy/red. S-M-L. 10.00 C. Fortrel® /cotton plaid; blue, yellow or green. I r >,,. , .. ,.. Sizes 5 to 13. 10.00 Mechanical Engineers Electrical Engineers Marine Engineers Industrial Engineers Naval Architects Nuclear Engineers Civil Engineers Metallurgical Engineers i I