BLACK JOB RECRUITING NEEDED CLOSE TO HOME See Editorial Page Y 131k itgan Eai COOL High-30 Low-20 Partly cloudy. Possibility of snow flurries Seveity-Seven Years of Editorial Freedomt VOA LXXVIII, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, X68 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES I '-Too Affair: The CIA Comes to Campus By STEVE NISSEN First of a Two-Part Series Some time ago a "transient scientist" from a country which "does not main- tain normal diplomatic relations with the United States" came to see Stanley Seashore, Assistant Director of the In- stitute for Social Research. The visitor was clearly of interest to the United States government. For shortly before the visit the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency dropped by to see Seashore and asked him to find out whether the scientist "was doing any- thing that might arouse interest." In addition they asked Seashore to evalu- ate the visitor's capabilities and attempt to determine in what areas he was do- ing research. Did Seashore oblige? "Citizens have an obligation to be of help to government agencies if they are asked," he explains. When the CIA agents came back to find out about the "transient scientist". Seashore talked with them. But because he "didn't really have any- thing useful to tell them," there was no significant interchange of information. Although Seashore declines to tell who his visitor was, when he came, or what he was doing, he does concede that he has been contacted for various forms of information by the CIA three times in the past five years. He is not alone. A Daily investigation shows that: i Th'ere have been at least six con- tacts between CIA agents and four ISR personnel in recent years,- several result- ing in "some interchange of informa- tion." * CIA activity in the ISR is becoming a significant problem, and the institute's executive committee is considering plac- ing restrictions on contacts between ISR} personnel and the CIA. " Four University professors met with six CIA agents during 1966 to discuss the possibility of using University faculty members and facilities to train CIA agents. CIA activity in the ISR has been well documented by The Daily's investigation. One high ISR official has admitted that several contacts were productive for the CIA but says that the significance of in- formation provided was minimal. "Many of the -contacts were never consummated," that is they involved personnel who rebuffed the CIA or re- fused to meet with a CIA agent, explains Prof. Arnold Tannebaum of the psychol- ogy department, who is a program di- rector in the ISR's Survey Research Center. "I have not made a careful study of CIA contacts in the ISR, but I know of six such contacts. I assume there have been more." Tannebaum said. All these contacts were initiated di- rectly by agents of the CIA. The infor- mation requested of ISR personnel falls into four main categories, according to Tannebaum: -Obtaining information from re- searchers concerning their observations abroad. --Obtaining information about foreign visitors to the ISR. -Eliciting cooperation to observe and report in the future about a particular foreign visitor. --Obtaining information about former ISR employes. But what specific kind of information can ISR personnel provide the CIA? An example cited by an ISR official in- volved the junta in Greece which over- threw Prime Minister George Papandreou last year. The military take-over was al- legedly aided by the CIA, he explained. Papandreou is a former economics pro- fessor at the University of California and many academic personnel in the United States knew him. Their knowledge would be invaluable to the CIA in planning a coup, he explained. "These contacts are potentially harm- ful to the ISR," Tannebaum explains. "I think that we should carefully think through a policy designed to minimize if vnot eliminate these contacts," he said. The policy ought not to be anti-CIA. he explained, but "it ought to recognize the danger to the institute of becoming an instrument of the CIA." "This danger is likely to increase as our international contacts grow and as our international activities become more organized and salient," he explained. See CIA, Page 8 'GUILD' CASE CONCLUDED: Court Fines Barkey $235, Drops Charges Against Others By RON LANDSMAN judge also gave Miss Barkey and DAVID MANN "statutory $10 fine or 10 days in Former Cinema Guild Board jail." Chairman Mary Barkey, '69, was The Faculty Civil Liberties fined a total of $235 yesterday in Board is expected to issue a state- Washtenaw County Circuit Court ment today on the Cinema 'Guild on a charge of disturbing the case. peace. The statement is expected to Miss Barkey, who pleaded guilty point out that the difference be- he charge, had originally been tween what the prosecutor sought charged with a high misdemeanor -four convictions on high mis- for showing the allegedly obscene demeanor charges, possibly with film "Flaming Creatures" last one-year jail sentences--compared January. to what he got-a $100 fine on a Charges against the other three minor misdemeanor-indicates the defendents in the original ob- vigor of the defense. scenity case-Ellen Frank, '68, El- Prof. Jerold Israel of the Law liot Barden, and Hugh Cohen of School and chairman of the board the engineering English depart- declined to release the statementI ment-were dropped at the re- last night because not all membersE quest of C. H. Cast, Washtenaw had approved it yet. County chief assistant prosecutor. One professor said the statement The $235 charges included $125 was "not very sensational. -It's Mary Barkey in court costs and a $104 fine. The I what you expect from official, - - - -committees like that."' North U.S. Vietnamese Capture special Forces Camp Lang Vei Post Falls Casualty Toll Heavy SAIGON I, - - The Lang Vei special forces camp fell after an 18 hour seige by North V etnamese troops and Soviet-built tanks, a senior Unitcd States officer said this morning. He said some U.S. Green Beret advisers were swept to safety in a daring helicopter rescre. South Vietnampsr "eadquarters reported 316 defenders of the outpost were killed, wounded or missing. It said 12 Americans were among 76 defenders who had escaped to the U.S. Marine combat b:se at Khe Sanh, three miles east. The U.S. officer soid 20 American advisers were at the camp, astride tne invasion route from Laos in South Viet- nam's north-west corner, before it was abandoned at 6:40 p.m. yesterday. Saigon time. Other defenders were South Vietnamese soldiers and civil- - Student Group Plans New Rental Strikes 4 By DAVID SPURR A group of Apartments Limit- ed tenants and representatives from student organizations made plans for continued rent strikes against the firm last night. Mark Schreiber, '69, chairman ofthe Student Rental Union said the group is forming small rental unions in each of the buildings owned by Apartments Ltd. Rep- Navy Denes 'U' To Aid Bomb Hunt By SHARON KORMAN w Naval officials yesterday denied a report that the University's Wil- low Run Labs were equipping a four-engine Lockheed Constella- tion to aid in the search for four U.S. hydrogen bombs lost in Greenland. According to the Associated #Press, the University is outfitting the plane with special sensing equipment to facilitate the search for the missing bombs. University officials refused to confirm the AP story. George Zissis, director of Willow Run-Infrared Physics Lab, said a Constellation was undergoing modifications at Willow Run but suggested that the Navy be con- tacted for information on the airplane's mission. James Sweeney, public affairs officer of the Naval Oceanagraph- ic Office, said the plane is to be used to study ice flows coming from the Antarctic. Willow Run currently has a research team working in the Antarctic. Sweeney said the plane's mis- sion was unclassified. Charles Olson, research asso- ciate in the Infrared Physics Lab said of the plane, "I do not know where it came from nor am I at liberty to indicate what its pre- sumed mission will be. "It is my impression that the resentatives from the group, which include "interested" students as well as Apartments Ltd. tenants, will canvass the firm's buildings this week to organize strikes. The group will circulate peti- tions among tenahts asking that rentsbe withheld in escrow by the University's 0 f f - C a m p u s Housing Bureau if service com- plaints are not met by a certain date. The plan to strike against Apartments Ltd. was precipitated when students in two Hill Street apartment buildings announced Tuesday that they would with- hold rents from the landlord be- cause of 'poor service" at the re- quest of the Student Housing As- sociation. When representatives f r o m Apartments Ltd. learned of the first planned strike yesterday, The Cinema Guild Board issued a statement last night which said they "affirm that Flaming Crea- tures' is not pornographic. .. . It's' showing most certainly should have continued uninterrupted. We feel the police action damaged the" principle of academic freedom and violated the University commu- nity's civil liberties." Cinema Guild plans to drop its countersuit against Ann Arbor Po- lice Chief Walter Krasny, Lieut. Eugene Staudenmeier and Wash- tenaw County Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Shea. The suit, filed in 'Detroit Federal District Court. asked $15,000 damages and a per- manent injunction against the Ann Arbor police from further seizures of films as in the "Flam- ing Creatures" case. One hundred and two dollars of the total fine will be paid with; what remains of the Cinema Guild Defense Fund. The remainder will be paid by Cinema Guild. The defense fund was organized with the aid of student and fac- ulty groups shortly after the arrestr to help defray legal expenses. ian irregulars. -Associated Press UNITED STATES MARINES, wounded in the battle to regain control of Hue in South Vietnam's northwest corner await helicopter pickup in the southern sector of that city. APPLY FOR NSF FUNDS: TheeStUniverites Plan Computer Network BULLETIN SAIGON P) - North Viet- namese troops launched heavy artillery and ground attacks on the U.S. Marine combat base at Khe Sanh ealy this morning after driving U.S. and South Vietnamese forces from the nearby Lang Vei Special Forces camp. GA Opposes Classified' U' Research By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN In a report which will be sub- mitted to the Faculty Assembly. Graduate Assembly last night called for an end to all classified r.n~nrh nt thA Tniversvfty The outpost was not designe to withstand heavy attack but to serve as a watchdog against anI expected large-scale offensive! from the North for which the al- lies are preparing in South Viet- nam's two northernmost provin- ces. Gen. William C. Westmoreland, chief of U.S. forces in Vietnam.! said last week that the Commun- ist attacks on 35 cities through-# out the South were one phase of Hanoi's latest strategy. He said researen ac LteUnu y. The report is one of several which were recently requested by the Student Relations Committee of Faculty Assembly (SRC) to as- sist the assembly in discussing the question of classified research. At the same time the executive board of the College Republicans urged the University "not to heed the vocal minority which urges an end to University involvement in By DANIEL ZWERDLING University officials have sub- mitted a proposal to the National Science Foundation which, if central storehouse of machine- Network planners have set April teaching programs, educational 1 as the target date for beginning movies, research papers, library operations. During the first 27 materials and other educational months, the computer system will sources. develop in three stages: they approached student leaders Staudenmeier seized the film granted, will pour $1.8 million in of the Hill Street group and said Jan. 18, 1967 after seeing less than NSF funds into a unique computer they could probably take care of one-third of it. A major part of network pooling the information the petitioners' complaints before the defense was based on the resources of three major state uni- next month's rent is due. charge that the method of the versities. Paul Oberst, '69 A&D, however, film's seizure violated first amend- The network, the product of two who is gathering signatures at the ment rights of free speech. years' planning by the Center for two Hill Street buildings, said his In court yesterday defense at- Research on Learning and Teach- group would definitely withhold torney Dean Robb of Detroit asked ing, the University of Detroit and. rents unless all the grievances the court not to impose a jail sen- Wayne State Universities, will were satisfied. Most of the com- tence on Miss Barkey and that eventually give each institutionI plaints concern lack of repairs fines and court costs be suspended. instant access via computer to a A joint proposal submitted Mon- day by the three universities out- lines an initial 27 month program, calling for a total $3.6 million in federal, state and private funds. Under the proposal $1.8 million would come from tle NSF; $600,-' 000 from the legislature (over a three-year period); $900,000 from sources not yet determined; and $300,000 from the participating universities. i and poor maintenance in the buildings at 425 and 503 Hill St.' The group that met last night to plan new strikes included rep- resentatives from Inter-Housing; Assembly, Graduate Assembly, and Inter-Fraternity Council. Paul Milgrom, '70, coordinating, vice-president of Student Govern- ment Council, said SGC will launch a drive next week to fi- nance the housing campaign. Schreiber said, "A rent strikeI is a manifestation of high rents, poor management, and burden- some 12-month leases." He added. that "if landlords can't keep up their luxury slums, they're not entitled to their rent until they repair the place." In a meeting with Student. Housing representatives yester-I day. University President Robben; W. Fleming promised to meet South Car l1ia Students Riot; 200 National Guardsmen Called f0 ORANGEBURG, S.C. (AP)-State bricks as lie attempted to leave South Carolina State College. troopers armed with rifles cor- the campus area. He escaped in- The meeting came in the wake: doned off the campus of South jury but his car was damaged. of a riot Tuesday night involving Carolina State College last night Between 200 and 300 young Ne- about 500 students that left four during a third night of violence groes gathered on a hill over- officers and half a dozen students involving Negro students. looking U.S. Route 601 which runs injured. Cars were overturned and Law enforcement officers direct- in front of the campus. Rocks windows broken in the demonstra- ed traffic away from the area and were thrown at cars until police tion that began when thenbowling barred newsmen from entering arrived. alley refused for the second night the campus. Pie .vto admit Negroes. A National Guard unit of 200 frP alic a reported several small Mayor E. O. Pendarvis and fires and false alarms. A liquor men, placed on the alert Tuesday store near the campus area was other city officials met with stu- night after Negro students clashed virtually destroyed, but officers de- dent leaders during the morning. with police in the downtown area, clined to speculate on the origin Pendarvis told them, "I am not a were brought out to guard a shop- ofth, 7 czar," but that he would do all, -A system using already exist- the next phase would be at the classified research." ing computers at the University, northern frontier and would in- SRC requested that the reports Detroit and Wayne; volve the enemy's largest troop comment on the report of the -An expanded system which in- commitment ever. Faculty Assembly Committee on eludes new computers allowing Elsewhere, fighting persisted in Research Poliicies (F A C R P) graphic presentation of data, such Saigon and the old capital of which recommended no substan- as movies; Hue and the U.S. Command an- tive changes in present University -An increase in the number of nounced that 24,662 of the enemy policy on classified research. Stu- terminals. Current plans call for had been killed in the last nine dent Government Council, Voice- bringing the Lafayette Clinic in; days of fighting, conmpared to, SDS, the Engineering Council and Detroit. Lansing Community Col- 2,043 allied dead, including 703 the Conservative Union are also lege and Eastern Michigan Uni- Americans. expected to submit statements. versity into the network. The overrunning of Lang Vei:- cst e ommun-appeared to leave eight Americans Speaking on the resolution on "But intercollegiate communi-;unaccounted for, but it was classified research GA President cation won't begin until after the thought possible that if they sur- Stuart Katz called the FACRP first full year of operations," ac- vived they were making their way report "the University's answer cording to Allen Smith. vice-presi- toward Khe Sanh using preplan- to the Warren Commission." dent for academic affairs. Each ned escape procedures. The GA report calls for the re- institution will initially concen- The defenders had been driven view of proposed research proj- trate on training programs for back into bunkers by 800 enemy ects "by the academic commun- network personnel. troops, rockets, flame throwers ity as a whole." The FACRP re- The idea of a statewide com- and, for the first reported time, port called for the formation of puter network first developed in nine Russian-made tanks. a review committee and suggested 1964 from a report by a special Military spokesmen in Saigon that some of its members "hold Governor's Blue Ribbon Commit- said five of the nine tanks were or seek security clearance." tee, which recommended a con- destroyed, but pot before one had Katz said that the members struction of a widespread educa- slashed through the camp to the who hold clearance "could only tionas pyooind stehm. The Uni- allied command bunker, where a their interprain" ofhe versity expanded the idea with recoilless rifle knocked it ,out. givethiineptaon fte Wayne and Detroit, and in 1965 "We felt we could hang on to project. "We are against this kind was promised $200,000 from the it," the U.S. officer said of the ofcreebecasi. State on the condition that an outpost. "We put a tremendous in secrecy," he said. equal amount come from outside amount of air strikes around it." The GA report cites the sugges- sources.when the repeated air strikes tion of the FACRP that research If NSF grants even a fraction of and artillery from Khe Sanh whose specific purpose is "to de- the ,+m 7 1 a 11Prnk Rmillionh e - -+ n t h rhp stroy human life or to incapaci- lWnav was ovrntartedtheri' hur-viir