.v~vw~v..v~............ 94g lrichgau Baly Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE VIEW FROM HERE The Daily Crossword Puzzle BY ROBERT KLI VANS .....<.*:*.* * ***a : *.. *a: *. .: :.:.at*..... ,*.. . , .:,_. . . : >. . <, ...<...:,,. } - Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 :a. "s::x:" . .:::..: ........:....::. :..:: .: "::.:::::.::;: :.:."":: r::. .. ... s:: ." .:.. .. ........ .v.L .............. . . .... .....................1..,1 ............................, ., .".. t ,'. ..... .. .,..V :..; ... ".1 ::: : 1L.LY.1'. .:'L1.y ...LL L"1 L".^. 1.............,..:...".: .......................Y..........................,....:.'::.......:".:L: .^. .'::L., L...L;::.......11 ...tV: 1tit:::. .9. ':.1. "«1 : :ti1LL "i ..1..: L :L.L:ti""": t,, },5 1, r .............Y..^.s',":J.!. ::t.'.":.."::'. "."..:: J.; ......t .. .L ....1 .1".. , . L " L,.... 1 .. .L.... 'L" "L' ,'. 15i ti13VPh 'J3ti5+.". +. .:....'::aLLL".L".:..:a;r.or.".:. ':-:-:,":".:.+.'4,">ar:';'::L:,"x,..... ."r.., -1: :, :. a:.t".;L:..L' .L. '' " , Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, FEBIUARY 7, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN The Chaos That Is China: The 'Cultural Revolution'-II In yesterday's Daily, Dan Share began his discussion of China, based on observations by a recent campus visitor, Harald Munthe-Kaas, Peking correspondent for the Scandinavian News Agency. In Part I, the Cultural Revolution was discussed and it was noted that party cadres dispatched during this time became assimiliated into the peasant communities. EVEN BEFORE the onset of the cultural revolution, the cadres were ,aligning themselves with the rural population against the central government. As early as 1963 some cadres were reported to have taken concubines-a practice forbidden by the central government, but of long standing tradition in the provincial areas. The most immediate manifestation of the "credibility gap" between the rulers and the ruled is in food distribution. Al- though the harvest this year is reported to be very good, Munthe-Kaas reports that the government is having difficulty collecting its share. While farmers in Szechwan may be eating themselves fat, the people in the North may be having a very hard winter. Without the cooperation of the 550 mil- lion rural citizens of China, no govern- ment can expect to effectively rule. Cer- tainly the Chinese Army of about 250 million can not, in the face of China's urban disturbances, be expected to en- force the government's will on the rural population. Munthe-Kaas says that "In this kind of situation the country has a long way to go." Even if the government can con- trol the cities, the countryside presents an even more difficult obstacle-perhaps an insurmountable one. MUNTHE-KAAS hints at the possibility that the cultural revolution may be the first step in the collapse of the gov- ernment-paralleling the dynastic cycle. An examination of the situation proves this idea to be reasonable. Throughout Chinese history, revolu- tions have often been led b'y a charis- matic figure from the peasantry. Once in power, he institutes sweeping reforms- often unpopular-and with his demise the dynasty collapses. It seems, in retro- spert, that primarily his personality held the government together. Mao led a revolution which launched sweeping, unpopular, and uneffective re- forms (The Great Leap Forward). His personality is certainly a dominant fac- tor, for Mao has been elevated to the status of a folk hero. The cultural revo- lution didn't even center around pro and anti Mao factions, but rather who was the most pro-Mao faction. In addition Mao exhibits many quali- ties of China's great emperors. His poetry rivals the best of the literary poet Li Yu. His rare public appearances and the mys- tique surrounding his life is reminiscent of China's first emperor Liu Pang. Maoism is thus a critical factor in what is happening in China today. Opinions on the state of Mao's health vary from reports of his death to assertions that he is in full control. Munthe-Kaas, how- ever, is "convinced that he is old-74. His brain may be sharp at times; at other times it is very dull." "Hey, Comrades" is all Mao said during the cultural revo- lution. This leads Munthe-Kaas to conclude that the cultural revolution may have been a premature power struggle, an hy- pothesis which fits very well into the Chi- nese historical tradition. WHAT EXISTS then in China today is a set of pragmatic military leaders in charge of a country that has vast urban and rural problems to overcome before it can hope to take its place as a super- power. Many signs point to the fact that a collapse of the present Chinese gov- ernment is a realistic probability. If China would collapse, a power vac- uum will be left which could be filled by the U.S., Japan or the Soviet Union. In any event, Munthe-Kaas fears that such a situation would be disastrous. For a strong unified China is inevitable and DESPITE THE FACT that The Daily prints "All The News That Fits," there still seems to be too many rest- less students falling asleep during meaningful lectures. This of course, upsets those of us who value the fine lec- turers at the University, and the following is intended to keep all students alert and active throughout their classes. Yes, of course, this is the First Michigan Daily Cross- word Puzzle, hatched over the past few weeks by a team of nationally-reknown linguistic experts and me. The theme of this puzzle is the University (or the 'U', as those familiar with it love to call it). This puzzle is meant to challenge your knowledge of the campus' current per- sonalities, places and past trivia. Most answers refer to the University and require a depth of information rarely available to one person. All answers should be sent to The Daily Crossword Puzle, c/o The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. The first winning entry will be interviewed and misquoted by an ace Daily reporter and will receive a still- to-be determined Prize. All later correct answerers will be acknowledged in print. Any one of The Daily members who has snuck a look at my answer sheet, any of my roommates (or their immediate family), and all other acknowledged geniuses are prohibited from competing. The correct answers will be run next Tuesday. ACROSS 1. Joseph Sax, Yale Kamisar and Jerold Israel are professors at this 'U School. 5. "Fighting" women. 7. This one is easy. 12. High card )3. Now located in East Quad. (abb.) 15. University President, 1920-1924. 16. Rackham's Student Government. (abb.) 1'. Lady Regent. 18. 'U' Psychology professor known for pain, hunger experiments. 2C All Greek men belong. 21. Osterweil, or Nakamura. 22. Athletic field below the hill. . 25. Where Robber, Fleming came from. (abb.) 27. Fajan's Rule and Charles' Law are taught in this discipline. 28. Henle's Loop and the Isle of Langerhan are studied Wi this department. 32. Consult then. when drving cost-to-coast. 33. He isRobben Fleming's George Christian. 36. Regent who headed the $55 million fund drive. 37. The ideal college education was once described as Marc Hopkins on one end of this, and a student on the other. 39. 'U' Building designed by architect Eero Saarinen. 40. FIRST NAME OF FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY. 43. The North Campus Building with the funny windows. (abb.) 44. The origiral name for the University. 46. Famous 'U' Figure nicknamed "Hurry Up." 47. Greek ritual 48. Campus Organization based on 1961 Port Huron statement. 50. Hebrew for "day." 51. Built for 1889 Exposition (misspelled). 54. Author of Winnie The Pooh. 56. Famous labor mediator. 59. For undergracuates, he is more common than a professor (abb.) 60. First name of Second University President. 64. Center for Chinese Studies located in this building. 65. "Pass here and collect $200." 66 A University school received wide publicity last year for putting electronic equipment in one of these precious personal possessions., 67. West Quad house. 69. 'U' fraternity gutted by fire during the summer. 7 Initials of 'U' football coach. 72. Two-fifths of cigarette slogan. 73. Computer language used at 'U'. 74. It sponsors Broadway in Ann Arbor. 76. 'U' Presiden. who wrote "The Western Reserve". 78. In Daily's Motto, what will prevail? 79. Initials of Michigan Union's architect (oldest of the two brothers) 81. FRIDAY CAMPUS BACCHANALIA (Abb.) 83. Campus mainly for musicians, engineers, and re- searchers. 84. Entreaty contempt, regret, threatening, triumph, delight, relief. 35. The year 44 Across was founded. 88. SGC President. 89. April 27 is most important to them. 92. History majors receive this upon graduation (Greek). 94. The type of sit-in ruling which touched off last year's student demonstrations here. 8 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. 15 17. Presence or contact in space or time. Quakes deferment. SGC business objective. Don Tucker heads this large campus group. Wasn't built in a day! 'U' depositcry of colonial documents. Administrativc pronouncements are tinged by this His men recently paid a visit on U.S. Saigon em- Harald Munthe-Kaas always been defensive. She is cognizant of both her weakness militarily and eco- no-icaliy and is surrounded on all sides by hostile powers-Japan, the U.S., and the Soviet Union. China uses propagan- dia, but will back it up with force only if any of her territory is threatened. China has been disappointed in her relations with the U.S.-especially the failure to resolve the Taiwan question. However, Russia and not the U.S. is at the core of most of what little foreign policy commitments she has. JUDGING from Munthe-Kaas' observa- tions, it seems apparent that a new social order is evolving. The new social order will, in all probability, not be the same kind envisioned by the initiators of the cultural revolution, for the army pragmatists have taken power and are likely to remain in power for some time. Even when they do give up the reins of power, it will certainly not mark a return of the kind of policy characterized by attempts at the massive communization of the Great Leap Forward. The past eco- nomic failures and the social disruption caused by the leftists' abortive attempt to take power insure that the pragmat- ists will do everything in their power to maintain control. The success of any new system rests with the peasants. If the peasants sup- port the government, then its success is virtually assured. The army has demon- strated it can control the cities, so with the backing of the peasants, one can ex- pect a return to the pre-Great Leap For- ward policies of slowly rebuilding the economy. A new Communist party tailored to these needs will likely be generated. For quite some time to come, China will un- doubtedly be occupied with her inter- nal problems: Gaining support of the peasants, distribution of food, rebuilding of industry, and the task of reintegrating the students into the culture. China's foreign policy will probably not change. If anything it will be de-em- phasized even more than currently. Prop- aganda may even decline slightly, and the work on its nuclear arsenal may also be curtailed. I' addition, less material support for wars of liberation can be expected. China is simply too weak now to get involved in a war with any of the major powers; however, any incursion of her territory would probably draw a Korea-like re- spo'ise. THE CULTURAL revolution is intended to create a new culture. It will not be the Marxists, Leninist, Maoist culture envisioned by China's left wingers. It will be a more pragmatic group con- ::ernea wltn bue reunication ana re- building of China, and all other objec- tives are likely to be subordinate to this. Nonetheless, China will one day re- build herself and will be a power to be reckoned with. The kid gloves treatment she receives in her current state of dis- order testifies to just how powerful she potentially is. It is wise if the Western 4 bassy. 19. Designation given graduate of William Hubbard's 'U' School. 20. University-owned home overlooking Arb where such guests as Konrad Adenauer and C. P. Snow have stayed. 21A. (one square to right of 21) President Fleming recently announced this was due for serious re-struc- turing, 2-. Initials of The Manchurian Candidate. 2 . Author of "The Gold Bug." 25. Famous 'U' expert on Japan. 26. Hasty. 29. Midwifery (abb.) 30. 'U' women's dorm. 31. CAZ7IE REIGNED HERE. 33 University President before Harlan Hatcher. 34. This person might place the following ad "Wanted* An Honest Man." 35. First three letters of time designation. 36. Barbour and Waterman. 36. Racing car model. 39. The first 'U' building lived in by students, razea in 1950 and rebuilt on same spot. 40. Supposed to have near-perfect acoustics. 41. Initials of Poverty Director's wife. 42. What 76 Down is looking for. 44. This man is leaving 21A Down. 45. 'U' President, 1871-1909. 49. Sororities want to move to this Co-op. 52. About one-fourth of male undergrads belong. 53. This is the end. 54. The Philadelphia Orchestra traditionally higi, lights this 'U' festival. 55. President of the University, 1909-1920. 56. How many classified military contracts does the University have? Answers the administration'........ 57. From Rackham to the General Library. 58. An important national education association (abb.) 59. It makes the campus work week worthwhile. 61. FIRST MAINLY UPPERCLASS DORM. 62. The relation of direction of approach and arrival 63. William Lederer's "Nation." 68. Newest Regent. 70 The Roaring Stone Lions or The Diag M'. 75. 'U' Nuclear Reactor project. 76. Its 196, Subpoena of membership lists here caused a furor. 80. Remember the Maine. 32. Twist or contort. 8 The number of 'U' vice-presidents plus the number of 'U' Regents minus four. 86. Driving age. 87 The Daily's "Years of Editorial Freedom" ,plus one. 88. He coaches Hansen, Cornell, and Porter. 90. In, the last few years, this group has produced "Once Upon A Mattress, and "How To Succeed in Busi- ness ... 91. The condition of Joy Adamson's pet. 93. Clark Kerr :s distinguishing physical characteristic. 95 Ellis Rabb's group. 96. The first name of new vice-president for State Relations and Planning. (abb.) 97. They presentec "Pantagleize" and "Exitthe King" this fall. 100. Latest art form. THE BONUS CLUE: Pictured Above is 21 Down. 96 Drugs may be cutting into this nationwide group's membership 98. Dorm bosses (abb.) 99. The University's Henry Fowler. 101 Ann Arbor microfilm magnate. 132. 'U' Physics lab. 103. What the Popt. wants in Vietnam. 104 In this Ceremony for Sphinx they use brick-dust, for Michigauma they use war-paint. DOWN 1. Linger. 2. Campus fraternity that folded, over the summer and reorganized this winter. 3. You and I 4. National academic group that has come out with recent proclamations on academic freedom and campus protests. , 5. 'U' student radio station. 6. His record this year is 6 wins, 10 losses, 7 Only University President ever to serve twice, in two year spans ten years apart. 4I *1 1lo s