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February 07, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-07

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Apartments Ltd.
Faces Rent Strike
Nineteen "discouraged and disgusted" student tenants on Hill
Street have already signed a reni strike petition against Apartments
Limited, because of "poor or non-existent service" on maintenance
and repair jobs.
The petition is being circulated at two largely student-occupied
apartment buildings at 425 and 503 Hill St. So far, it has been signed
by every person to whom it has been distributed.
Paul Oberst, '69 A&D, who i organizing the strike, plans to sub-
mit the petition to Apartments Ltd. offices after it has been circulated
to all tenants in both buildings The petition includes a list of griev-
ances and demands concerr:ing problems like holes in walls and
ceilings, missing furniture, collapsing ceilings, and poor facilities.


Vietnamese U
To Penetrate



Teamsters !
Tperi Near
The Detroit News and Detroit

"The purpose of our threats to
withhold rents is to force nego-
tiation," said Oberst. Struck rents
will be held in escrow by the Uni-
versity's Off-Campus Housing Bu-
reau until Apartments Limited
"agrees to abide to mediation." by,
the bureau Oberst added.
"We're trying to get the busi-
ness to lives up to the commit-'
ments they have made," Oberst
stated. "We demand that Apart-


By The Associated Press Two Japanese diploma ts caught,
SAIGON (IP'--North Vietnamese in the Communist assault on the
infantrymen supported by nine former imperial capital of Hue
medium tanks and flamethrowers were quoted today as saying they
made repeated assaults on the had the impression the populacej
Lang Vei special forces in the was sympathetic to the Viet Cong.
northwest corner of South Vietnam They added that the Commun-
early today and penetrated the ist assault apparently had "in-
barbed wire perimeter. creased the guerrilla's prestige"
The U.S. Command said radio and caused heavy American cas-
contact with the American Green ualties.
Beret troopers inside the camp When the guerrillas entered the
was lost for more than an hour city, the diplomats said, they were
but was re-established and it ap- welcomed by local residents, some
peared the Montagnard militia- of whom offered them tea. f
men in the camp and their Amer- The citizenry showed no fear
ican advisers were still holding of the Viet Cong, the diplomats
out. said, and apparently were famil-
The command said five of the iar with such names as North
enemy's Russian model T34 tanks Vietnamese Defense Minister Vo
were destroyed. It was the first Nguyen Giap, of whom they spoke3
time the enemy has been reported I with affection.E

munist assault "scored marvelous
exploits never seen Jn the war of
resistance against U.S. aggres-
sion." The communique also
claimed the Communists:
-Destroyed more than 1,500
planes and 400 military vehicles.
-Captured or destroyed "mil-
lions of tons" of bombs, ammuni-
tion and other weapons.
-Attacked or caused revolts in
43 towns and cities, and succeed-
ed in getting South Vietnamese
troops in 169 posts to defect to
the Communists.
-Attacked and "rose up" in 37
provincial capitals and towns and
six major cities. The cities were
listed as Saigon, Hue, Da Nang,
Nha Trang, Quy Nhon and Dalat.
-Attacked 30 airfields, includ-
ing 11 -major air bases, and "de-
molished" six radio stations in six
major cities. The cities were not
U.S. air power also was called in

Free Press reached tentative con- ments Ltd. hear and respond to
tract agreements yesterday morn- our grievances."

ing with the striking Teamsters
union, but News managing edi-'
tor Jack O'Brien said the resump-
tion of publication will probably
have to wait until negotiations
have been concluded with the 13
other craft unions.
The results of a vote on the;
proposed Teamster contract are
expected within the next few
Formal negotiations with the 13
unions have been progressing
during the strike and will con-1
tinue following the Teamsters';
vote on the proposed contract.
"Procedural discussions" were3
held yesterday with the council'
representing the 13 unions.
The old contracts with most of
the 13 unions expired during the
0 strike period.
330 Per Week
The ' new pact offered the1
Teamsters gives them a $30 per
week increase in wages and fringe
benefits spread over a three-year}
period. The Teamsters had been
demanding a $35 increase, but the
newspapers had offered only a
$27 boost which was rejected.
Jack Olson, managing editor of
the Free Press explained that'
chances for publication to resume
in the near future depended on
ratification of the proposed con-1
tract by the Teamsters. The con-
tract could then be used to set
a pattern for bargaining with the
other unions.
Wages and Benefits
Olson indicated that the main
unsettled issues with these unions
for the most part concerned wages
and fringe benefits. Several non-I
economic issues have already been
Olson labeled the chances ofI
any "good-faith a g r e e m e n t"
whereby the workers would -re-,
turn without a signed contract as
"speculative," but still possible.
Such interim agreements have oc-
curred in the past.
Norman Park, president of the
Detroit Council of Newspaper
Unions, blamed the attitudes of
the publishers for the length of.
the strike, which entered its 83rd
* day this morning.
Park asserted that neither the
News nor the Free Press were
worried about losing a lot of
money because, he said, they
have other sources of income.
He referred to the WWJ radio
and television stations' associa-
tion with the News and the op-
eration of the Free Press as part
of the Knight newspaper chain.

According to Oberst, many
complaints filed in August have
still not been answered. "It seems
that the landlord doesn't have
the ability to get things done,"
he commented. The two adjacent
buildings on Hill Street hold
about 80 per cent students, plus
three families. At this point, one
of the families has agreed to par-
ticipate in the strike.
Oberst said that the demand
list submitted to Apartments Ltd.
would provide for "a negotiable
sum"-a portion of the rent with-
held monthly by the striking
group, to insure prompt service
on future problems. Immediate
plans now, however, are to with-
hold all rental payments.
Paul Milgrom, '70, Coordinat.
ing Vice-President of Student
Government Council, made a sur-
vey of living conditions in the!
buildings before the decision to
strike was made. "All the people
we- talked to about the strike
(about one-half of the tenants)
were in favor of it."
Milgrom includes the projected
strike as a part of Student Hous-
ing Association's (SHA) current

-Associated Press
RETURNING FROM HILL 861. wounded Marines struggle toward the main base and medical
help at Khe Sanh. The Marines were brought bacil to the base yesterday after being injured
during a thret and a half hour assault by North Vietnamese troops. The assault was part of a
massive North Vietnamese offensive which has resulted in the bloodiest fighting of the war.
'.U' Buil1ding Continues
Despite Lack of Capital

Although the 1
tutional challeng
124 has stopped
capital outlay
Legislature, $88.
of building proje
in progress at t
Projects range
completed new
Building to the
Observatory, for
shovel of dirt has
A total of 18 pr(
gress at the pres
Director of Bus

campaign to force the "eight- James F. Brinker
month" lease and reduce rents. two additioal pro
"It's all in the same direction ofCenter for Clinic
the eight-month lease," he said.
and an addition1

STILLER Public Health, will begin in t'te
University consti- spring.
;e to Public Act Projects currently underway in-
the flow of new cude:
from the state -Administrative Offices Build-
8 million worth ing. Begun in June, 1966, its eon-
cts are currently struction was delayed several
he Universityly months by labor disputes. Current
estimates call for completion of
from trhe nearly the building by June. The $2.9 nil-
AdminstrationIon project is being partially fi-
Peach Mountain nanced by a $2 million ten-year
which the first bank loan and a $900,000 tempo-
just been turned. rary investment fund, both to be
ojects are in pro- repaid from student fees.
ent time, explains Strike Delays
mess Operations -Bursley Hall. Also delayed by
'hoff. Bidding for strikes last year, construction of
jects, the Upjohn the University's newest dormitory
al Pharmacology complex should be finished by the
end of February. The $8.1 milion
to the School 1f project is being financed chiefly
by a bond issue, to be repaid out of
net income of the residence hall
: ::. system.
--Center for Continuation Med-
ical Education. The latest branch
-:of the Medical School was begun
in March, 1967, and should reach
completion by the end of 1968.
Gift monies, chiefly from the
Towsley and Dow Foundations,
will pay for the building.
-Central Campus Graduate Li-
brary. Improvements on the old
General Library, begun last Sep-
tember, should be completed by
August, 1969. The project is fi-
nanced by undesignated gift funds
from the $55 Million drive. sup-
plemented by federal funds.
Children's Hospital
--C. S. Mott Children'= Hospital.
Under construction over a year to
date, the hospital, most of the
funds for which were a gift of
C. S. Mott Foundation, should be
finished in December. Other funds
were provided by the federal gov-
ernment. B
I -Dental Building. The first ;

of last winter, was begun in Febru-
ary, 1966. The building is being
financed by a state appropria-
tion; two federal grants, one
under the Educational Facili-
ties Program and the other for re-
search; foundation gift money;
and individual dental alumni gifts.
-Highway Safety Re earch In-
stitute. Begun last April under the
sponsorship of the Big Thn ee auto
companies, the institute should be
completed by October, 196'. Op-
erating funds are being provided
by the Automobile Manufactuiers
-Medical Science Building, Unit
2. Construction began in Janu-
ary, 1966, and should be complet-
ed in April, 1959. The project is
financed by state appropriations,
federal funds, and some gift
-Peach Mountain Obstrvatory.
This new optical observatory will
complement other astronomical
facilities on Peach Mountain, in
Dexter Township, replacing the
old observatory near the hospital.
The observatory is being financed
by a National Science Foundation
grant and University funds.

using tanks in the Vietnam war.
Another Attack
South Vietnamese military
headquarters had reported earlier
that the camp four miles west of
the Laotian border and about 20
miles south of the demilitarized
zone had been overrun.
A government spokesman said a
reconnaissance plane flying over
the camp at dawn saw North Viet-j
namese troops moving inside . it.
He added that the pilot reported
making radio contact with mem-
bers of the camp's garrison who
said they had withdrawn from the
U.S. Marine artillery at the Khe
Sanh combat base three miles to
the east fired tons of ammunition
almost on top of the camp after
the Special Forces troops called
for "close in support," the U.S.
command said.
Marines and Air Force
Marine and Air Force fighter
bombers also joined the fray with
bombs, cannon and machine guns.
The Viet Cong's military com-
mand claims the current Com-
munist offensive in six days up
to Sunday "wiped out" more than
10,000 U.S. and 40,000 allied
The claims were reported to-
day by Hanoi's Vietnam News
Agency which said they were
made in a "second special com-
munique" issued yesterday by the
command. Like the first commun,
ique issued Sunday, no mention
was made of Communist casual-
U.S. officials in Saigon said
Communist dead totaled 22,748 to
midnight Tuesday. They list 614
American and 1.130 South Viet-
namese killed since Jan. 30.

The Viet Con
fensive caused
age to militar
South Vietnam
South Vietnam
integrate." Th
mean troop des
The Viet Co

aese troops to "dis- near the Lang Vei battle early to-
is was believed to day. B52 bombers hit enemy con-
sertions or retreats. centrations northwest of Khe
ong said the Coin- Sanh.

ng claimed their of-1
widespread dam-
xy installations in
and forced 200,000

Student Counselors
GIve Course Advice
By BRIAN FORD The steering committee had
About 15 volunteer upperclass- drawn up plans for student coun-
men in the Honors Program are seling last fall and had present-
giving academic counseling to ed them to Prof. Otto G. Graf,
students in the literary college, director of the Honors Council.
Thensm thedviseay tudete.n Primarily the committee's pro-
They may advise any student in posal was "a synthesis of com-
the college, but can only signpais"Lemn sad Th
elections cards for those in the' plaints," Liepman said. "The
HonsPrdsra thm.committee feels that the system
Honors Program. will save time for regular coun-
"Student counselors show an selors because they will not spend
interest that is often lacking in time with students who prefer
the faculty counselors, who don't advice from upperclassmen."
have enough time or recent ex- In addition, students with rou-
perience with courses to do an tine schedules and no programs
effective job," said Mike Liep- will be able to save the time usu-
man. '68, chairman of the Honors ally spent waiting in line to see
Steering Committee.-counselors.
Sporadic Response The future of this counseling
Response to the program. which system is uncertain. Past attempts
began on Monday is described as were not successful because the
sporadic." students often failed to keep their
Liepman pointed out that this appointments. This problem has
system differs from the idea of a not arisen yet this year.
Course Evaluation Booklet, which . Future Plans
would tell which teachers are The committee hopes that the
good and which should be avoid- honors plan will be adopted for
ed. The counselors give this ad- the entire literary college, Liep-
vice, but he added they also clar-. man noted. Future student de-
ify "the implications of introduc- mands will determine the num-
tory and pre-requisite courses." ber of counselors the committee
will provide.
'1011Liepman said the systemdoes
v o lu tio not call for students to replace
faculty concentration counselors
with less knowledgeable students.
Many of the student advisors are
looking for ideas which could be
molded into future College Honors
seminars, as well as aiming to
"I'm a generalist," Fuller said at guide students.
another juncture, explaining the Office Hours
broad range of his activities. "And Presently, the volunteers have
I've never had any trouble dealing office hours in room 5005 Angell
with, specialists beckuse all ou Hall. Counselors' phone numbers
have to know with them is the are also available for students
general rule they use and the few who cannot come for advice dur-
relevant exceptions." ing the office hours, which are
He added, "At a conference I l posted outside 1210 Angell Hall.
attended , recently two independ- The counselors will continue
ently done scientific papers both holding office hours for about six
investigated why animals become weeks to advise students register-
extinct. Both stated that the ani- ing for the spring-summer term
mals became extinct because they or those pre-classifying for next
had become over-specialized." fall.

Fuller Proposes 'Re'
To End Battle for R

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-It was not the
typical after-dinner speech. R.!
Buckminster Fuller's two and a
half hour impromptu session Sun-j
day at the United States Student;
Press Association (USSPA) Con-

In one of the autobiographical,
interludes scattered throughout
the talk Fuller said, "In 1927 I1
began to discover that man should;
do so much more with so muchA
less that he could have enougn to1
go around. I made some calcula-
tions which confirmed this and!

vention was really not a speech at launched inao a life-time plan to
all, but rather "an attempt to take turn attention to man's potential.



phase of
. .-. addition
~ Mq i

construction on the new inventory." "Under present conditions ofe
to the Dental School Fuller-architect, structural en- design and use of materials we
completed by February, gineer, cosmic thinker and self- have only enough resources to pro-I
project, also delayed by styled generalist- - stressed the vide for 44 per cent of humanity.
nites and the bad weather need to gather together "our most A"A l, f ,-jfsttina D-

1969. The

Construction of Administration Building

labo. dis-
labor dispi

Negro Recruiting Unstruc

Last of a Three-Part Series
The University currently has
no effective mechanical struc-
ture for recruitment of Ne-
groes, reports Dr. Albert
Wheeler of the Medical School.
He calls his post as chair-
man of the University Steer-
ing Committee on Academic
Opportunity, the "center of
confusion," and explains that
the committee is essentially
only an advisory board with
no money or manpower.
Charles M. Allmand. assist -

Ralph Gibson, acting head
of the Steering Committee, says
"The problem is getting indi-
vidual deans to commit them-
selves and then organizing im-
In response to a Defense De-
partment report on inadequa-
cies in University equal em-
ployment practices, the Steer-
ing Committee, in conjunction
with Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allen F. Smith,
last August released a list of
13 recommendations aimed at
remedying these inadequacies.

* When Negro professional
groups exist, they should be
contacted for help in locating
qualified Negro candidates for
faculty positions;
" Post doctoral fellowships
and instructorships be offered
to help minority group mem-
bers qualify for faculty posi-
* Each unit give preference
to minority group applicants.
where other qualifications are
equal or where growth poten-
tial is likely:
* Each unit develop con-
tacts with secondary schools

each dep
versity d
of intend
to imprc
has enco
overt opp
a questio
must be
the enti
He ad(
city tend
in recruit
tions wh

- responsible' human beings and see sign Revolution which will change
how we can best employ our re- 'these ways of using materials is
sources for the maximum good of for the great nations to scare
humanity." themselves to death and use their
Fuller began his complicated'g" he continued.
r e d rambling=address-which=e g contin
t tto go in all directions at once, only Fuller indicated a complete lack t
tu r ud , to coalesce at the most unexpected I of faith in the ability of politicians°
moments-by admitting, "The to solve's man's problems because
'artment of the Uni- more I explore the universe, the "they don't know anything about
evelop a "written plan more I find how little man knows." these things.
led affirmative action "Yet man can do fairly well if "Politicians are chosen on the
ove its employment he makes reference to patterns," basis of the old Malthusian idea
in the fiscal year said Fuller who also teaches at that there isn't enough to go
the University of Southern Illi- around and each politician says
r said the committee nois. "I have a large set of patterns I'm the man who will make sure
)untered "no serious and I'm constantly taking inven- you'll get your share," he con-
position, but there is tory and continually change the tinued. "Furthermore, politicians
n of attitude which relationships." are frightened away from acting
changed throughout Harking back to Thomas Mal- by the fear of being thrown out of
re structure of the thus' dismal predictions in 1810 office."
y." on man's ability to outdistance his Fuller indicated that war is
ded that the Univer- food supply, Fuller viewed subse- continual "as long as there isn't
ed to employ people quent history from the perspective enough to go around. The only dif-
ing and training posi- of "deciding who's going to get ference between official and un-
to "wouldn't muddy these inadequate resources." official wars is that in official



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