PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI SDAV. FFRRiTARV it. IMIS PAGE WO TH MICGAN AIL 1 y,a4,o-zxxA, r* 4A.-r .iA,. o, *yti 5 arts Brown By DAVID SPURR You could tell from the begin- ning that Claude Brown was going to raise hell Sunday night. And he did. With a lot of other Negroes as well as with whites. The 28-year-old author of, Manchild in the Promised Land, an autobiography of his childhood; in Harlem, strolled onto the speaking platform in the Union, 30 minutes late, clowned around on the piano a bit and said, "I would apologize for being late, but I've been so messed up since I've' been here. .:."s The mood was set. "I guess I'm supposed to talk about the Negro and art, or something," he laughed. And he did for awhile, anyway. He talked to the packed ballroom audience about the role of the Negro artist in his own society, in America, and how his art takes form. Brown's speech was apoli- tical at first-he was only con- cerned with art. But a lot of peo- ple misunderstood him until later, at a "reception" in the base- ment, when he was able to speak directly about politics and the: Negro cause. Negro Thing "That real Negro artistic thing," as Brown called it, has its source in the old South - soul sisters, holy rollers, tambourines, and blues sung in the backwoods churches. "Those same blues are sung on the streets of Harlem now," he said, "It's all a part of that old soul bag. Like -colored pimps, man, they're artists. A colored pimp's supposed to be able to thrill a girl just walkin' past her." "Let me tell you about this sax player for Duke Ellington. One time at the Newport Jazz FestivalI he got high, man, and he wouldn't stop blowin'. Well, all these chicks' in the audience started throwin' their drawers at him, and they had to carry him off the stage be- fore things started to calm down." "All niggers got ,somethin' in, common-this soul thing, this ar- tistic thing." 'o Brown, art is an integral element in the Negro's society and personality. Opens L As for Western art in general, "Acting is the only place they're really going to let us in," he said. Brown, a law student, expressed sympathy for the "young artists who haven't made it yet." Part of the reason for this, he said, is the "alienation between the young and old. It's always the same old scene. I tried to say this in Man- child." Brown criticized artists with talent who use that talent to pro- mote a ;social cause. "Leroi Jones used to be a good poet, but he became a firebrand. And John Coltrane was really an artist-un- til he started blowin' protest music." "To be an artist you've got to festival 'That Old Soul Bag' I theatre 'The Fantasticks': Love, Humor, Pathos Combine for a Winner be able to stand alone and say your own truths. I have no re- spect for any factions. God, mother, country-I don't give a damn for those things. . . . That's how artists have to look at it." Brown stressed the duty of the artist to express truth. The truth and nothing else, as he did in Manchild. In Manchild, Brown wrote about his growing up in the Harlem of the forties and fifties. The oldest son of migrated south- ern sharecroppers, he was a gang member at nine, shot in the stomach at 13, and pushed pot and cocaine as a teenager. He was in and out of reform school, but something in the late years of his chaotic youth must have happen- ed to make him go to night school while others, like his brother, went to prison. "It's hard for me to address col- lege audiences," he said. "You al- ways feel as though you're going to corrupt somebody with the truth." So, in a largely spontane- ous and disorganized speech, one began to see Brown's theme: truth. "The responsibility of the artist is always to the truth." He spoke of last summer's Black Power con- ference in Newark as a "tragedy." "The people with the best minds were afraid to speak." Brown ridiculed the Negroes who "shout Black Power from the roof tops and think they're doing something about it. You've never seen any black militants," he told the heavily-integrated audience. "The real militants are down on Lennox Avenue in Harlem, and they get stabbed before they're 15." He pointed out that SNCC, CORE, NAACP and SCLC com- pose "less. than one-fifth of the A m e r i c a n Negro population. Stokely Carmichael is just clownin' around." Kid Out There "The real threat is that kid out there on the street. And he's the one who exerts pressure on the artist." About the war in Vietnam: "If it don't mess with me, I won't mess with the war in Vietnam- I've got too many illegitimate kids to support." But Brown did not mean to talk politics. "I'm not an idealist," he said, "I suppose I'm an artist." When the time came for ques- tions, those who had held back their anger now blew up. "You're telling the white people exactly what they want to hear," a girl shouted. "You're cutting down our race!" Black Artist "I'm giving you the position of one black artist," Brown retorted. Others yelled, "What about that thousand grand you're getting?- You're obviously just trying to sell your book." Brown screamed at another stu- dent who had mentioned CORE. "You're trying to tell me Ray Inness or Stokely Carmichael started Black Power -- Bull!!! I've seen it, baby, it started in Har- lem." And then, finally, when the rest- less audience had quieted for a moment, Brown said, "That's the whole thing with Negro art - we just had a good example of Negro art." Later, at a Union basement "re- ception" - which actually turned out to be another speech, the sub- ject was changed. Many people didn't understand, however, and they thought Brown's viewpoint had changed. Deacons for Defense "I don't know what he was doing upstairs," said Henry Austan, cam- pus leader of the Deacons for De- fense, "but down here he was beautiful." What Brown talked about down- stairs was the Negro cause and how it relates to American society and politics. This time nothing was said about art. Brown got a chance to explain what he really meant about Black Power. "Liberalism was a fad among American whites. When Stokely Carmichael said "Black Power," white folks were scared- they started looking under their beds. And it gave the whites a chance to throw off their mask of liberalism." Hot Summer "So we had the long hot sum- mer of '67. Brown said rioting is the most effective form of social protest. "Next summer'll be cool. They won't be throwing bottles. They'll be in your house, planting dynamite. There ain't going to be any country after this summer." Brown was never a civil rights marcher. "I wasn't going to go down there and get kicked in the ass. Civil rights has never been a ten-cent coffee scene at. Wool- worth's. It's been a tradition in this country to kill niggers at whim." He mocked what other Negro sympathizers have called progress. "Integration - From the time the first Negro moves into a neighbor- hood to the time the last white moves out - that's integration." Creative Arts Festival Tuesday, Feb. 6 CLIFTON OLDS Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4 p.m. THE FANTASTICKS Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. JOHN BARTH Trueblood Aud., 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7 ROBERT BECKLEY Rackham Amphitheatre, 8 p.m. JOHN HOUSEMAN Aud. A, Angell Hall, 8 p.m. By NEIL SHISTER "The Fantasticks" is, of course, a winner. It is sugar and spice and every- thing nice, and comes acrossj ust true enough so that you don't resent it once you get accustomed to seeing the, world through the eyes of adolescent lovers. The play has been running eight years in New York, which must constitute some kind of record, and what does one say about a play that has beaten that town for so long? The story glories, I suppose, in its convention, for it is the classic love story which perhaps all men secretly dream about and all wo- men publicly seek at one time or another. Yet there is the presence of reality, lurking just the far side of the wonderous road upon which journeys in quest of adventure are launched, and reality intrudes in- to action of the play sufficiently often to keep things in line. For, just as its famous song "Try to Remember" says at one point, "without a hurt the heart is hol- low." It is reality which serves up the hurts and keeps the play from dissolving into saccharine. The strength and beauty of this play - and it is indeed a beau- tiful play - is in its simplicity and tightness. It is clean and sharply honed and still theatric. The love is punctuated by humor, and the humor by the slightest hint of impending pathos, and these ingredients keep the whole thing paced and moving. The story line itself is a delicate motif. Boy loves and is loved by Girl next door, but their love is bad and weak in the sense that they see each other only in idyllic caricatures and not as flawed people. Father of Boy and father of Girl want boy and girl to marry so that they can have one big garden instead of two little ones, but plot a campaign to get Boy and Girl to think that they are disobeying them in loving. Strategy succeeds. To make the whole af- fair grandly romantic, an abduct- ion of Girl is programmed into the scenario and foiled-as planned- by Boy to the delight of Girl. All is still well in Mudsville as the fathers proudly clasp arms in a florid tableau. But with morning comes the second art, and what was "scenic becomes cynic" as the moon is replaced by the sun and the mun- danity and irritation of day-by- day existence catches up with the star-crossed lovers. It is the sec- :.pd act which saves the play, which makes it more than simply nice and provides the vitality which sends the audience out feel- ing good inside. In this second act the way-up love cools down, Boy and Girl split to tempt fate and seek some- thing better, they lose - not fa- tally, but badly enough to under- stand what living is about - and come back in the end once again to give their love a try. And the Girl, Donna Curtis, do what they fathers are warned not to tear are supposed to do. but seemed down the wall they have built be- to lack any real charisma last tween their yards, warned to pre- night. But igniting Hill Audi- serve their separate selves and torium is a rough business, as was not desperately lurch out in an said earlier. All the cast members, attempt at instant community. it must be emphasized, are quite The acting is quite good quite obviously pros, and as such they often, although Hill Aud. is a carry their roles off with depend- horrible place to perform as inti- ability and precision. mate a play as this. The cavern The orchestra consists of a of an auditorium swallows up the piano, a harp and drums. The players, and while they are pro- pianist, Rod Derefinko, was in- fessional and periodically display deed alive and into his music. real flashes of zest, the whole ef- There is an extremely effective fect of their performance is hin- song number where Girl is alone dered by the obvious distance be- on the stage, lit singly with the tween them and the audience, harp orchestrating her, wondering The fathers, Tom Lacey and if she is ever to find the dreams Art Wallace, are first-rate. They she loves dreaming, and this per- dash off a song-and-dance in the haps is the play's most dramatic second act when they rediscover moment. The rogue who is to what they were once into, and it tempt her joins in her song, and serves to get the play rolling up the piano picks up and for that to its subsequent peak. moment it seems to be the way The Man Who Dies dies with things are. From his perch in exceeding grace and comic flair, the tree the rogue sees "all there stretching his sham death out is to see" and when Girl joins into an extended pantomine less him she sees nothing but her of agony than garbled confusion. house and backyard, and is dis- The Boy, Don Pinson, and the appointed . 100 Heart A ttack Victims Sought for Drug Study P4 w -Daily-Jay Cassidy Claude Brown at the Union New George Sklar Play Hovers Between Melodrama, Liveliness ANN ARBOR (p) -- Some 100 male heart attack victims are be- ing sought by two University doc- tors participating in a study to determine whether drugs can pro- tect against repeated heart sei- zures. Health Service Resets Hours A doctor on call 24 hours a day and an extended clinic service were the new innovations this week at the University Health Service. The extended clinic service, which began on Feb. 1, is being held from 5 p.m. until 12 mid- night. Previously students had to restrict their medical complaints to the hours, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The extended clinic is being held on the first floor of the Health Service building, in what was formerly the Nurses' Clinic. A doctor is on hand at all times for consultation. In addition, a doctor will re- main in the building on call from 12 midnight until 7 a.m., when Health Service regularly opens. The Michigan project is part of a $26 million national program involving 55 medical centers and financed by the National Heart Institute. The plan calls for four drugs to be evaluated on 8,500 patients over five years. "This is the most ambitious field study testing the effective- ness of drugs in coronary heart disease in the history of this country," said Dr. Henry Schoch, associate professor of internal medicine at the University. Schoch is directing the project in Michigan, assisted by co-in- vestigator Dr. Rudolph Reichert Jr., clinical assistant professor of internal medicine at the Univer- sity and a St. Joseph Mercy Hos- pital staff member. Schoch said the program gives men who have suffered: a heart attack a chance to participate in research aimed at reducing mor- tality from the nation's No. 2 killer. "The need for immediate pro- tection for these men is press- ing," Schoch added. To be considered, volunteers must have their doctors' permis- sion, between the ages of 30 and 64. 4 By RICHARD KELLER SIMON George Sklar's new play "And People All Around" (at Meadow- brook Theatre, Oakland Univer- sity, through Feb. 18) is an am- bitious mistake.. If Bertolt Brecht had ever tried to write a classic American soap opera, early in his career, in one of his weaker moments, he might very well have come up with this play. Sklar has chosen a typically Brechtian subject (the life and death of civil rights workers in Mississippi) and used typically Brechtian techniques (songs and chants alternating with the plot line). But where Brecht was able to merge songs and action into one good play, Sklar cannot. Brecht's characters both sing and act, and do so in the same style. Sklar's characters either sing or act Romney's Supporters Conident (Continued from Page 1) said they consider the governor as something of a peace candi- date. "Romney's position is more likely to lead to peace in Vietnam than is Johnson's," Leydens said. "I know he was hurt by -some of his statements on Vietnam," Davidson added, referring to Romney's recent claim that he had been "brainwashed" by U.S. ,military officials during a 1965 visit to South Vietnam. "He is far more peaceful than Johnson," Davidson added. 'But he is not naive and no matter how strongly you feel, you can't come out and say you want im- mediate withdrawal if you expect to win." Leydens said Romney will maintain his position that the solution to the Vietnam conflict lies in guaranteed neutrality for South Vietnam. He would not elaborate on Just how such neu- tralization could be effected. (never both) and do so in radical- ly different styles. "And People All Around" neatly divides itself into two plays - overwritten, un- convincing melodrama-, (the mis- take part) and lively penetrating choral interludes (the ambitious part). If both parts were good, one would not mind so much. Unfor- tunately, when this play is good, it is very very good, but when it is bad, it is more tedious than the senior class offering at any local high school, or junior high. Morality plays are never subtle, and "And People AllnAround" is no exception. The problem is to make the didacticism interesting. The chorus, the most didactic ele- ment, is a joy to experience in its- song, dance, and chant. It never tries to make the audience cry. The plot-line is quite another story. The actual details of the 1964 Philadelphia, Miss, slayings have been altered in minor ways. (To protect the innocent?) For example, one of the- murdered boys is given a Detroit home ad- dress - presumably to give the Detroit audience something , to ponder. The play is constructed around a central character (Don Tindall, a "human" Southerner who wit- nesses the murders) and his love life (First there is Gwen, his Southern fiancee, whose brother, of course, is a "White Redeemer," and then there is Jean, the slight- ly jaded COFO worker from New York City. The romance provides a structure for Sklar, and a means of making the events "real"-however, it remains com- pletely irrelevant to our concerns. The romance is straight out of "Search For Tomorrow" or "Pey- ton Place." After a few lines of "It won't work, Gwen, it won't work," or "You've got something on your mind that you are not telling me," one is ready for the man to appear selling the latest washday miracle. Sklar turns the action into melodrama by selecting out all the human details, leaving only the big confrontations and deci- sions. Each scene is an emotional high spot. The \characters never become human, they remain card- board. (All the civil rights work- ers are impossible to believe.) As if this wasn't enough, most of the big lines end a scene which is fol- lowed by terrific drum fanfares. (Girl calls Mother-in-law in De- troit, and says very slowly, "Your Son is Dead." Blackout. Drums.) The melodrama, instead of making facts come to life, dead- ens facts with a stupid story. The potentialities for a fine and rele- vant plot are in the actual events themselves, not in Sklar's at- tempts to graft "Modern Ro- mances" to something that de-I serves much better. The John Fernald Company does what it can to make "And People All Around" come to life in the theatre. Sklar's cardboard characters remain c a r d b o a r d ("Don't be a damn fool, Don"; "Blind, I was blind!") but it is hardly the fault of the acting or directing. Booker T. Bradshaw wrote the songs for Sklar's play, and ap- peared in three roles (including the inspired, perfectly played Chorus Leader). Without his con- tributions, the evening would have been uniformly dismal. George Guidall, as the Sheriff, also did more than an ordinary acting job. The hero (Joshua Bryant), "heroine one" (Barbara Caruso), and "heroine two" (Lorna Lewis) were content to pick simple stereotyped characterizations, and leave it at that. The hero wras well - meaning - but - contused; "heroine one" was infantile Ten- nessee Williams; and "heroine two" was (accidentally perhaps) sex (those liberated Northerners!) Frank Masi's rotating set was perfect for the Chorus part of the play, but left the melodrama without-the artifacts of humanity it very much needed. Elizabeth Penn's costumes. were very well suited to both styles of the play. And somebody should take GeorgeSklar aside and introduce' him to a few more civil rights workers. Evidently, the ones he has met were walking automatons. TOTAL VIEW: G;uild House Probes 'Third World' Idea ..-r By LESLIE WAYNE What interest does the U.S. have in Bolivian tin production? Is the U.S. suppressing revolu- tionary activity in the emerging African nations? Why are we bombing Laos? These questions and others re- volving around relations between the U.S. and the underdeveloped countries will provide the focus for the Monday Luncheon Series at Guild House. This series, which began last Monday is part of a continuing Guild House program in which various professors initiate a noon, hour discussion on particular as- pects of a semester-long inquiry into a broad topic. "Within the last five years, there has been a great deal of change in the idea of the third, world," says Naunit Kothary, co- director of the Guild House. "We will attempt to examine these new ideas. The speakers belong to this younger age and we will be view- ing it through these new eyes." The discussion topics will not be limited to a political view of the situation but rather will at- tempt to examine many aspects of the topic. "We hope to make it a total view," Kothary continues, "al- though we will probably take a political and economic viewpoint,, we are not going to limit our- selves in subject matter." The scheduled speakers vary from Prof. Henry Bretton of the Political Science Dept. discussing "Political Thought in West and South Africa" to Prof. Vernon Terpstra, of the School of Busi- ness discussing "U.S. Business In- terests in the Third World." Ko- thary, a native of India, will pre- sent "Democracy and Cold War. Impositions in India." The Monday Luncheon Series is an attempt to carry out Guild House's basic intent which Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, director of Guild House says is "to offer a semi-structured programming to understand current campus issues 'and needs." "Weare experimental and ex- ploratory here," Edwards says. "You might say that we're com- plementary and supplementary to the University in that we offer a ready forum 'for current ideas. We try to be adaptable to what- ever is going on." "A lot of concrete results have evolved that are relevant to the Ann Arbor community and the students in general," Edwards points out. He noted that the sit- ins at the Ann Arbor Draft Board resulted from discussions at the Guild House. Last year Guild House compiled and distributed a booklet on "The Students and University Decision - Making" which contains articles by various faculty members and leaders of student power. In addition Guild House sched- ules Friday evening dinners fea- turing speeches or international cultural exchange programs. Between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti WaftlDisnpyb HaP xf1mIonahe TECHNICOLOR * ,w "<'c' Shows wed., Sat., Sun. 1:15; 3:50; 6:30; 9:10 Other Days 6:30-9:10 SOON-"VALLEY OF THE ODLLS" "Maybe you'll have better luck tonight." MUSKET Ckari y MENDELSSOHN THEATRE I 0 I th ti FEB. 14-17 -------imw Colm GVILD- ---- --I I I THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7 BUSTER KEATON selected films of HAROLD LLOYD 4 Program Information. 2-6264 _ _LAST 2 DAYS t Positively Ends Thursday rGoIrFAICHIGAN SHOWS AT 1,35, 7, 9 P.M. -N.Y. TIMES ENDING WEDNESDAY "SPLENDID! INGENIOUS !" -Time Magazine Program Information J 8-641 "A movie you won't want to miss! --Judith Cr/st. theTodayShow 6 CLINTEAST1VOOD "THE GOOD. 7.THE BAD hEUGIY" LEEVANCLEEF 4.:. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, FEB. 8, 9 GORKY TRILOGY PART 2: MY APPRECNTICESHIP SATURDAY and SUNDAY, FEB. 10, 11 ASHES AND 4 "The Tension Is Terrific !" "Keeps You Glued To Your Seat !" "EXCELLENT PERFORMANCES Ti" ,I * I I~i~ -- 'in~'>~i u