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February 06, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-06

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Sir igazi

:4E itii

Partly Cloudy,
Cooler tomorrow~

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom.

0 VOL. LXXVIII, No. 109





LSA Faculty Plans
Session Next Week
To Consider Policies
The literary college faculty will
meet in special session next Mon-
day to consider a resolution op-
posing University involvement in
secret research.
The resolution, if passed, would
ask the University Senate to "re-
quest the Board of Regents to
establish a policy prohibiting the
acceptance of contracts which
specify that results be secret ex-
cept those which justifiably pro-
tect individual privacy."
In other action at the regular
monthly meeting yesterday, the
faculty voted to amend its rules
to permit senior teaching fellows
in the literary college to take part
in college faculty meetings but
without voting rights.
Included are about 90 teaching'
fellows who have completed allr
work toward a doctoral degree
except the dissertation.
The faculty also called for a
"thorough rethinking" of enroll-
ment schedules for 1969-70. The
executive committee of the college
and Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith announced
last Saturday that new enrollmentr
this fall will be 180 less than last
fall. The faculty set no specific



-Associated Press

Fighting Continues Along Northern Border


So uth Vietnamese


Club Sports
Student sports will have a louder
voice in the newly-reorganized
athletic department. University
President Robben W. Fleming an-
nounced yesterday.
Physical education was given
representation on a par with in-
tercollegiate athletics in the other
major change in the athletic
structure decided by tpe Regents
after nearly a year of 'discussions.
For the first time, an advisory
committee will devote itself strictly
to the much-maligned area of in-
tramurals and club sports. Fleming
said the ever-present need fox
money would be the first issue
the committee will consider.
"Because the athletic depart-
ment can no longer provide for
intramurals and clubs. we will
have to find different avenues,"
Fleming noted.
Three students will be elected to
the advisory committee, which
will have eight or nine members
including the directors of intra-
murals for both men and women.
Physical education will also
have a larger role in the new
' athletic structure. When present
Athletic Director H. 0. (Fritz)
Crisler's successor is appointed.
he will have control over both
physical education and athletics.
Two associate directors will also

Claim Re-Capture of Hue


SAIGON (R)-Intensified fight- Vietnamese army's 1st Infantry over the area was visible from the figure for admissions for a year
ing across South Vietnam entered Division, has been reduced to a city's center. Both the flames and from August.
a second week yesterday with two-mile square pile of ruins after flares dropped from U.S. aircraft Next Monday's special meeting
South Vietnamese troops claiming allied ground attacks and shelling glowed over the scene. will take up the resolution on
the recapture of all but one wall of from sea and air. U.S tellisecret research sponsored by Pro-
the Citadel in Hue, the ancient The Viet Cong signaled their the Viet Cong although apparently fessors Robert C. Angell of the
imperial capital. strength in Saigon by easily over losing heavily in casualties over sociology department, Theodore
alaster he avl ncsartes vrIM. Newcomb of the Residential
Troops pushing foot by foot running a police substation after the past week, still .mhsstrong Cewadk of the
through Hue reported meeting nightfall yesterday and the main enoh to l chs aen srn College, Edward Walker of the
heavy resistance from Viet Cong precinct headquarters for the dis- offensive acrossthe nation and i ed Sussa chairman of
forces holed up near the Citadel's trict an hour later. Ninety min- Saigon..thesbotanycdepartment
southeast wall. The Viet Cong flag utes after the first Viet Cong at- No fresh fighting was reported O
had still been flying from the tack the precinct headquarters was Kh Sah, along the norte Outcome Reported
Citadel's ramparts Sunday. in flames and police had abandon- Kne whee U Mre ae me will be reportedptoithe
U.S. Marines were reported yes- ed it. braced for a possible invasion by University Senaterforconsidera-
terday in control of 12 city blocks The flames could be seen from North Vietnamese divisions massed tion at their Feb. 19 meeting.
of Hue, 40 per cent of their goal. the center of Saigon, where a 7 in the area. Other rule changes passed yes-
At that point, the Viet Cong still p.m. to daylight curfew kept the ThetUer.rCommandngnsounssddtyes-y
held two thirds of the city 400 streets clear except for military The U.S. Command announced teMday
miles northeast of Saigon. forces.21,330 enemy were killed up Made it possible for the fac
mile notheat o Saion.;fores.to midnight Sunday, seven days' ulty to invite a visitor to attend
The thick-walled, moated Cita- The Viet Cong apparently re- after the Viet Cong launched a metin ito adrssthro n
del, once the seat of kings and re- mained in the vicinity of the pre- c tryde offeng atcks pmeetings or address the group
cently headquarters of the South cinct after the attack. Air activity on 35 South Vietnamese cities. tion. Previously only the dean had
Positions Hit authority to invite visitors.
U.S. B52 bombers hit enemy " Permitted the calling of spe-
o P r o teste'rs "H t t positions along the northern fron- cial faculty meetings by means of
tier with three more raids Sunday faculty resolution. In the past only
and yesterday. North Vietnamese the dean and executive committee
camps around the Marine combat could call special meetings.
U.S. Secret ID ealmngs base at Khe Sanh, in South Viet- * Raised the number of facul-
nam's northwest corner, were hit ty members needed to request
SEOUL, Korea (A) - An anti- ment policy" and "We oppose Pan- twice in an effort to blunt a lon special meeting for a specific pur
Am~riean fiemntra,,in thfirst! 1 ithrnm- expected drive by four or fiv! pose from 25 to 100.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
ROMNEY-FOR-PRESIDENT College Coordinator Jim Davidson (left) evaluated Romney's
chances of winning the 1968 GOP presidential nomination in an interview with The Daily at the
Washington Romney-for-President headquarters (right).
Ro-mney u'GhI"ances Down

But Followers Look


Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON -- Most pro-
fessional followers of Republican,
politics these days feel Michigan
Gov. George Romney has at best
a fighting chance of winning the
1968 GOP presidential nomina-
At least one small group of
pros, however, violently disagrees
with this consensus. Under the
direction of former GOP Nation-
al Chairman Leonard A. Hall,
staff members of the national
Romney-for-President Committee
refuse, at least publicly, to even
consider the possibility that any-
one but George Romney could
become the party's standards


The first public test of Rom-
ney's appeal as a national candi-
date is rapidly approaching in the
form of the March 12 New Hamp-
shire primary. Early public opin-
ion polls in the state showed
Romney trailing former Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon as
badly as 3-1.
Leading Candidates
Romney and Nixon are the
leading candidates in a primary
field which includes Florida Gov.'
Claude Kirk and perennial can-
didate Harold Stassen.
According to committee staff
member Lawrence B. Lindemer,
former Wayne County Republican
chairman, a poll taken Jan. 31
showed Romney gaining on Nixon
as a result of the governor's per-
sonal campaign in the Granite
.State. In his letter to campaign}
leaders, however. Lindemer did
not say how large Romney's gain
Paul Leydens. assistantdto Hall.
believes that Romney does not
have to win in New Hampshire
for him to capture the nomina-
tion. Leydens said he didn't
think "it would be a final blow"
if the governor were to lose the
first primary. A 55-45 split in
favor of Nixon would be consid-
ered acceptable, he said.
Won't Happen
Asked what would happen if
Romney were to lose both in New

Leyaes rscunearumrsLuube nmd n o hysical educa
New York Gov. Nelson Rockefel- tion and one for athletics.
ler is using Romney as a stalking Rejected by the Regents was the
horse for his own presidential unanimous recommendation by a
ambitions. "He's come out and presidential advisory commission,
supported us," Leydens said of chaired by Prof. Douglas Hayes
Rockefeller. "He has filed a dis- of the business administration
claimer to keep his name off the school, that a ,separate school of
ballot in the Oregon primary and physical education be' established,
has tried to stop a write-in cam- Under the adopted plan, physical
paign in his behalf in New Hamp- education will remain with the
shire." education school.
Romney-for-President College Crisler's successor, as head of
Coordinator Jim Davidson said the department, will prepare the
that while Romney's reputed re- curricula for physical education.
ligiosity does not especially ap- But all physical education majors
peal to students or younger vot- will still have to satisfy education
ers, he has virtues which offset school requirements.
this disadvantage.
Personal Campaigner
Both Leydens and Davidson
agreed that Romney is most ef-
fective as a personal campaigner,
but neither would say just how
the gap between the governor's
personal effectiveness and the ne-
cessity of reaching millions of
voters in a national campaign ;:" }"
could be bridged. "There's noth-
ing quite like a national cam- f
paign," Leydens said. "We may
learn something from New Hamp-
Leydens said the committee has
been working with an advertising
agency on the campaign but
would not disclose the name of
the agency. McCann-Ericson aid-
ed in Romney's two successful
gubernatorial campaigns.
Romney-for-President staffers

T n,,,~ l ia-, ,crnnn, fA ,',nna'c that.

mericn emonsaon, ne rs
in five years, broke out Tuesday
in front of the U.S. Embassy. Stu-
dents denounced what they called
U.S. "secret dealing" with North
Korea for release of the USS
Pueblo and its crew.
About 50 students from Chun-
gang University staged a 20-min-
ute demonstration, carrying , pla-
cards that read, "We oppose U.S.
secret talks with North Korean
puppets," and "Down with North
Korean Premier Kim Il sung."
They shouted such slogans as,
"U.S. immediately stop appease-
Deletes Par
Of' Interview,
The U.S. Department of State
has moved to censor part of an
interview with Secretary of State
Dean Rusk.
Citing agreed upon pre-condit-
j ions, the State Department acted
" for "reasons of national security."
This was the stated motive of the:

4 11U1U1 seut,}Lu b W 1 L il "
munist puppets." Communist divisions in the sector.
In other developments in Korea, The B52s hit areas six to eight
it was reported by informed South miles from Khe Sanh and bombed'
Korean sources Tuesday that the enemy troop clusters near Cam Lo.
body of a crewman of the U.S. in- 30 miles east of Khe Sanh and 10
telligence ship Pueblo has been re- miles below the demilitarized zone.
turned to U.S. authorities and There was no word of fresh
flown to the carrier Enterprise.- fighting at Khe Sanh on Monday.
The Enterprise is maneuvering Three Actions
in the Sea of Japan. The U.S. Command reported
In Washington, the State De- three significant actions in the
partment said there was no truth northeast corner of the country
to the report. which U.S. Marines claimed te
A spokesman said, "We deny it have killed 189 of the enemy, while
flatly - absolutely no truth in losing 12 American dead and 63
it." wounded.
The Korean sources said the In the largest of these actions,
return of the body was arranged near the Marine base at Dongj
at Panmunjom. The White House Ha and 11 miles south of the de-
and the Pentagon said previously militarized zone, elements of the
they received reports one crewman 1st Marine Regiment reported
died after the Pueblo was seized killing 135 Communists since Fri-
by North Korean gunboats Jan. day. Marine losses were placed at
A manifesto signed by the nne killed and 32 wounded.
demonstrating students urged the Marine commanders described
United States to take "retaliatory the North Vietnamese asault o-
military actions against North Hill 861A near Khe Sanh ear'
Korea immediately and to expedite Monday as just a probing attack
implementation of the 'brown Marines expressed confidence the
memorandum.' " odds are in their favor if the
U.S. Commitments North Vietnamese launch the ma-
This referred to a memoran- jor offensive U.S. commanders be-
dum by former U.S. Ambassador lieve is coming.

Cost of Late Re4stration
Brings New Fee Proposal

It costs the University more than
$18,000 annually to process the
6,000 students who register late'
each year.
To alleviate this situation the
University is considering charging
a fee of between $10 and $25 to
the students, mostly grads, who
register after the official registra-

Gingold said the advisory com-
mittee will suggest to G-raduate
Assembly that a late registration
fee of $15 be charged after two
weeks into the semester. After four
weeks, the fee would be raised to
$25. There would be no fine for
the first two weeks.
"Grads can get into classes late
because classes are small and the

pre-arranged agreement on cen- Winthrop G. Brown containing
sorship made before the inter- U.S. commitments for moderniza-
view took place last Friday in tion of the Korean armed forces
Rusir's Washington office. and other economic benefits for
The interview was conducted South Korea in return for Korea's
coincident with the meeting of military commitment in Vietnam..
the United States Student Press The students also urged the
Association's College Editors' Con- United States to amend the U.S.
ference. Arranged by Gordon Yale Korea defense pact to halt re-
of the University of Colorado's newed Communist i n v a s i o n!
Colorado Daily, the meeting with threats and to avoid carrying on
Rusk was also attended by Dennis talks with North Korea in a "hu-
Wilen of the University of Pen- miliating posture."
nsylvania's Daily Pennsylvanian South Korea has been critical of
Walter Grant of the Collegiate the U.S. North Korea secret talks
Press Service and Daniel Okrent at Panmunjom on grounds that
of The Michigan Daily. the United States was paying too
Although State Department ed- much attention to the Pueblo case

tion period. professor is happy to get one more Hampshire and in the second pri-
The proposed charging of a late s t u d e n t," Gingold continued. mary of the season in Wisconsin,
registration fee made by the Oper- "Large undergraduate courses have Leydens replied bluntly, "I don't
ating Committee on University limited enrollments." think that will happen."
Fees, will go to University vice- --_
president thismot after hay- ~J T~--N~~u'
ng beenreviewed by collegedeans. I NVFN-ACADEMIC PERSONNEL:
The fee will probably be con-
sidered at the Regents' meeting /
in March. Rgtmen FT rn
Don Beach, director of registra-
tin, suggested the late registra-
tion fee in a report submitted
last May. "Placing a fee or fine By JILL CRABTREE testing clerk have been added
for not following noracal pro- Second of a Three-Part Series to the Personnel Office staff.
cedure is an accepted method of The administrative intern
securing financial reimbursement," The 1965 Defense Depart- program is the "first such pro-
Beach said. ment report which recom- gram in the country," accord-
Not Arbitrary mended ways to alleviate un- ing to Clyde W. Briggs, man-
"A fee for additional or except- equal employment practices at ager of training and counseling
ional service," Beach continued, the University brought person- in the Personnel Office.
"is neither arbitrary nor inhuman. nel officials here under attack Briggs said under the pro-
This winter, we have so far late- from various sources.gram students "will work half
registered 2,400 students-as many The University Personnel m n si ra
students as in a small college." Te Uiest esne time in University administra-
sentsasdthre inasmanincreased Office responded with a three- tive offices and be enrolled in
Beach said there is "anineased point program to train and re- course work half time.
or lost. Also employees are taken cruit Negro non-academic The first seven interns be-
from their regular work." gan their six-month program
Ernest Zimmermann, assistant O An "administrative in- in January. Briggs plans to
to the vice-president for academic tern" program in the Univer- bring another group of 10 stu-
affairs and a member of the oper- sity's housing, business, pur- dents to Ann Arbor later this
ating committee said, "All the Big chasing, graduate school, in- year.
Ten schools, with the exception of formation service, and regis- To select the s tud e n t s,
Iowa, have a late registration trar's offices; Briggs circulated applications

See ROMNEY'S, Page 2

waits Negro Staff

DETROIT W)P) - The strik-
ing Teamsters Union and pub-
lishers of the Detroit . Free
Press and the Detroit News
reached agreement on a new
contract last night.
Teamsters officials and the
publishers agreed to a $30 a
week increase in wages and
fringe benefits over three
A spokesman for the Detroit
News said the publishers hope

Briggs sees three purposes in
the administrative intern pro-
gram. "First," he said, "it will
provide these young people
with experience which will en-
hance their employment pros-
pects. Secohd, we expect that
some of these interns, when
they graduate, will accept full-
time positions with the Uni-
versity. Some may want to
continue in graduate school
"Third, we are trying to de-
velop 'ripple-power' with this
program. For a variety of rea-
sons minority groups-Negroes
in particular-have been du-
bious about the expressions of
interest by business, industry
and educational institutions in
intca,,.+4n rthei,'r n ALr~vn3ft

H. 0. Crisler

workers for better paying jobs
than they currently hold.
The Personnel Office is pres-
ently compiling a list of Uni-
versity service maintenanc(
personnel who "seem to havf
potential -- that is, they are
on the edge of our clerical em-
ployment tests," Briggs said.
These people wild be trained at
the Medical Center in the
MIND program and then dis-
nersed through all University
The physiology department
of the Medical School will ac-
cept 15 Negroes who have fin-
ished two -to four years in sci-
ence for summer research fel-
lowships. They will work as
laboratory and project assist-
ants at normal pay rates for

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