THE MICHIG~AN DIAILYV AM VTo W ' AL~kxh rivit rj& For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764- 5 7 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOR RENT APPLICATIONS 1 FOR RENT LINES 2, 3 4 5 6 7 81 9 10 1 day .65 .85 1.05 1.20 1.40 1.55 1.70 1.85 2.00 2 day 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.30 2 60 2.90 3 20 3.50 3.80 3.80 7.30 10.40 13.35 16.25 3 day 1 80 2.40 2.90 3.35 3.80 4.25 4.70 5.10 5.50 5 50 10.60 15.20 19.65 24.15 4 doy 2.30 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.9 5.55 6.15 6.70 7.15 7.15 13.75 19.60 25.75 31.85 5 dov 2.80. 3.75 4.55 5.30 6.05 6 80 7.50 8.20 8.75 23.95 31.50 39.35 6 da 3.25 4.35 5.30 6.20 7.10 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.25 10,25 19.55 28.20 37.15 46.55 add. .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 1.2C 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1335 Geddes Fall Occupancy PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD INCHES 1 2.00 2 3.75 3 5.35 4 685 5 8.25 FOR 1968-1969 are being accepted The Colony of Ann Arbor 736 PACKARD For upper classmen, grads, married and professionals. Furnished one bedroom bi-levels. Large l or 2 man efficiencies. Free parking, laundry and storage facilities, air-conditioning. 8-MO. LEASE NO 3-8866. C10 4TH MAN NEEDED for large apt. $60. Near I.M. Bldg. 769-2008. Cli MODERN APARTMENTS, INC. Now taking applications for Fall 1968 FURNISHED 3-4 MAN, NEW APTS. For appt. and info. call NO 8-6906 C71 Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that are of 1 1/, 2/, 31, etc. inch size will overage of the lower and higher inch rate. Modern 2 bdrm., furnished apts. with wall-to-wail carpeting, spacious kit- chens,-laundry, parking, and storage facilities, air-cond. Excellent hospital and campus location. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. j 662-7787 C20 BI-LEVEL APTS. FOR FALL I SPARK LANE 511 EAST HOOVER 3 or 4-man, furnished, garbage dispos- als, dishwashers, free parking, laun- dry machines on premises. Call 665- 9627 or see mgr. in apt. 15 after 5 p.m. , C61 SUBLET SERVICE WHY LOSE MONEY THIS SUMMER? WE RENT YOUR APT. FOR YOUI 12 UNIVERSITY+ 761 -3688-665-4480 The Michigan Daily makes k every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through We ask, therefore. that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept . 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p m and 2:30 p in We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention Thank vou MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Stringed instruments and accessories! (guitars, sitars, dulcimers, etc.). Re- PERSONAL Why is A.CP' 769-1146 FC E WANTED - Ticket for UAC Charter Flight No. 3. Urgent that I obtain. Please contact 764-1908 between 6-7 p.m. daily if you can comply. FD JOAN (PART II) A girl who trades on all that purity; merely wants to trade my indepen- dence for her security. -Drew FF JOAN (PART III): The only affirmative she will file refers to marching down the aisle. No glorious, gleaming, glittering, Christine goddess. No Sir! -Drew FF H ELP A CRIPPLED KITTY walk again-expensive surgery neces- sary-all contributions welcome - send or come to 808 Tappan, apt. 5. FF - .- RELIABLE GIRL wanted for babysit- ting. 1 afternoon/week. Own trans- COME TO THE FAIR! portation necessary or city bus stops 1 blk. from house. 971-2689. H13 1968 WORLD'S FAIR LARGE NATIONAL BUILDER has po- Friday and Saturday sition open for an aggressive young FrIyadStra man who is Willing and eager to MICHIGAN UNION learn the residential buildingr busi- F36 ness in the field of purchasing and -- contract management. Some back- WANTED - Honda S-90 in excellent ground and or experience would be condition. Call 764-3758. FF helpful. Please call for appointment E d Mr. Robert Britz at Kaufman & DEAR CHRYL-On Feb. 3rd, 3 times Broad Homes, Inc. 442-5760 South- 3 equals 9. Months? No, just weeks, field, Mich. H14 Ain't it a trip!I Here's to some dual time aloft. Love, the daydream be- SECRETARY, TYPIST, CLERK-Full- liever. FF time positions requiring a minimum _______ - of, 45 w.p.m. typing, some with short- CALLNG AL CHRUBS I1 ajnd, $350. depending on skills and CALLING ALL CHERUBS!!! . experience. U of M Personnel Office, Let's get together. Call 769-3051. 1020 Admin. Bldg. Phone 764-7280. FE H10 LOST! One pair of brown glasses in 21-28 YR. OLD GIRL to care for Nan- a black leather snap case. Lost in dicapped college student. Must be theyvicinity of Couzens and Alice able to drive. $50/wk. Call 769-5154. Lloyd, If found, call 764-5978. FF H4 NERVOUS? Learn self-help. Recovery, BABYSITTER in my home Tues., Thur. Inc., Box 231. An Arbor, GL 3-0327. Transportation arranged. One child. F Call 6G5-2544. H40 PERSONAL HELP WANTED be billed at the FOR RENT The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit diso- crlimination in the University com - munity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing. 764-7400. AVAILABLE MARCH 1-F'urn., 2 bdrm. fireplace, air-cond., garage, backyard. Near I-M k building. $150/mo. includ- ing utilities. 751-6704. C41 IMMEDIATE occupancy - 2 bdrm, furnished apt. 2 blocks from campus. Includes kitchen, bath, living room and free parking. Ideal for 2-4 per- sons. Call 761-6546 or 663-1937, aftert 5 p.m. WE ARE DESPERATE! C31 A SINGLE APT. for female. Available May-Aug. Close to campus. Phone Diane 665-6308. 036 APT. 2 rooms, private kitchenette and bath, S. University, for grad student. $90. 761-8748. C38 FURNISHED 2 .bdrm. 2 male grads needed. 662-8046. Q39 FEMALE to fill 4th place in quiet, modern, bi-leverk apt. Rent negoti- able, immediate occupancy. 665-3179. C30 IMMED. OCCUPANCY - 2 bdrm., fur- nished apt. 2 blocks from campus. Includes kitchen, bath, living room and free parking. Ideal for 2-4 per- U sons. Call 761-6546 or 663-1937, after 5 p.m. WE ARE DESPERATE I C31 WANTED: Male roommate to share 2- man 2 bdrm. apt, with med. student, Completely furnished. Available un- til May 1 or 15: Island Dr. Apts. near med. center. $70/mo. Call 769-1165. C32 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Arbor Forest. All conveniences, reasonable rent, Call 761-6201. C33 FOR RENT NEAR CAMPUS, 1 bdrm., furn. apt., $120/mo. Utilities pd. Immed. occu- pancy. 761-9825. C34 921 SOUTH DIVISION Apartments for Summer and Fall Two bedrooms for 3 or 4 Furnished, air-conditioned, and disposal Parking and laundry facilities Call 769-4228 C22 F I REPLACE Dishwasher, air-conditioning, 4-man furnished apt. $65 per person. Close to Hospital. Charter Realty 1335 S. University 665-8825 C23 ROOMMATE WANTED - IMMED. 00- CUP.-To share 2-man, 2-bdrm. ul- tra mod. apt. Facilities include: dish- washer, a-c, etc. Reduced rent. Call Steve at 769-0648. C16 THIRD GRAD or working girl to share mod, apt. near campus and hospi- tals. 769-3246. C15 THOMAS PLAZA NOW RENTING FOR FALL A beautiful new building featuring: Where is A.C. ? ARBOR FOREST 721 S. FOREST now renting for fall exclusive campus location between S. Univ. and Hill St. 1 and 2 bedroom units, furnished or unfurnished Manager Apt. 102 663-6052 C46 LOADED WITH GOODIES 2 BDRM 4-man apt. Campus and hosp. location. NO 3-9373. Eves., NO 5-0063. C36 2 BDRM. FURN. apt. avail. immed. New bldg. 4-8 mo. lease. Call 761- 8055. C45 C36 pairs, electric and acoustic, lesons. W TE T----.RENT.-209 S. State. 665-8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. WANTED TO RENT __X WANTED: BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS unTedRental Purchase Plan 1 bedroom furnished apt. for 1 man A-1 New and Used Instruments 0$8 a month. Lease through April PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR Call 761-7347. Ask for Mark. LA 119 W. Washington f LAST AND FOUNDX LOSTAND FO D TAS-X pre-amplifier. 662-5393. X1l LOST last week on main campus. FoxP-SP E hat. Reward, Please call 764-3863. POOSPLE AF PHTOUPPIE 769-1146 FA GARGOYLE - LAST LAST LAST paste-up session of the year . FRIDAY NIGHT at 7:30 . . . . Garg office. Apologies to everyone who was informed about Saturday!!! FF A DEAD HORSE cannot be spurred' on to victory. -The Moustached Starer FB DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Zerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations. S. Univ, right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's WAKE-UP SERVICE. Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7 (18-21 years old need parent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 NF See the pretty girl! Watch the crazy guys! Play with their yo-yo's Mon thru Wed., Feb. 5-7. F47 i HILL STREET Modern 2 bedroom completely fur- nished air-conditioned apartment available for immediate occupancy. Wall-to-wall carpeting, free parking, laundry facilities, disposal, etc. Campus Managemgent, Inc. 662-7787 337 E. Huron 08 3 MEN NEED 4th to sublet until Aug. 20. Furnished 2-bdrm. Rent $57 each. 809 Catherine, Apt. 1. Call 76941546. C9 SANS SOUCI APTS. featuring: "' " 0 "a 0 Air-conditioning Balconies Covered Parking Completely Furnished 3 minutes from Campus Laundry & Storage Resident Managerr WANTED-1 studious, but fun-loving roommate to share 2 bdrm. Geddes apt. with a med. student and busi- ness student. Rent $75. Call 769-039) after p.m. C1 WILL SACRIFICE 2 girls needed to sublet mod. 2- bdrm. 3-man. Immed. occup. 769- 0526. C35 WANTED IMMED. 1-man (or woman) for single bdrm. in 1g. house, 2 blks. from campus with 3 law students, reasonable rent. Call 769-0029. C24 FOR SUMMER-Modern 2-man, air- 40conditipned, carpeted, garbage dis- posal. Just three blocks from Friere or Angell. Phone 665-2644. C26 3-MANSFOR FALL. Privately owned and operated. Swimming pool, sun- terrace. 761-6916. C27 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share modern, attractive apartment with two others. Reasonable. rates. On Fuller near hospitals and campus. Call 761-7405. C28 FURNISHED 3 bedroom home with bachelor apt. to sublet. 3 car garage. Spacious yard, security deposit re- quired $200. Rent $250/mo. Call HU 2-5463 mornings. C20 WANTED-1 to 2 females to fill a 2- man bdrm, in 5-man apt. furn, mod.. immed. occup. This apt. is for you!! Call Jeanne at 665- 061 or Terry at 769-3536 after 3:30. C17 April Too Late! And many other features 3 & 4-Man only NEAR CORNER OF STATE & PACKARD CALL 769-4759 Choice Locations! C I 4-MANS ON CAMPUS AND OFF 3-MANS AND A FEW 2-MANS F Fireplaces a Older or newer buildings. Nearly every size, style and description. ONE BEDROOM APTS.-ideal for two or three students, couples. TWO BEDROOM APTS. - of various sizes, fine for 3, 4, or 5 students, families. Balconies.. .. Dishwashers Air cond. . . .. Garbage disp. Individual storage rooms 1 Reserved private parking Laundry facilities Commuter bus to campus Resident manager CALL 761-2265, 5:30-9:30 eves, The Tradewiinds 2-3-4 Man Units I Among the Largest on Campus Now Renting for Fall Featuring: 0 Central Air-Conditioning, * Bi-Levels 9 Covered Parking 0 Balconies 9 Disposals * Laundry & Storage Facilities * Completely Furnished Management by: SUMMIT ASSOCIATES Call 665-8330 for Rental Information till 8:00 PM. C59 MALE ROOMMATE needed. $45/mo. Share house. Indiv. bedroom. No lease. No time limit. 5 min, from campus by car. 769-3095. C18 4TH MAN NEEDED to live with 3 law students Call 668-8404. C11 SUMMER SUBLET 1 BEDROOM, furnished large living room. N. State and High. Summer sublet with fall option. $180/mo. Call 662-1714 after 5 p.m. Ull SUMMER SUBLET with Fall option. 1 bdrm. furn. apt., 3 blocks from campus. $120/mo., summer and fall. Not available for Fall only. Call 761- 3996.o." U9 1024 SQ. FT. of modern convenience for this summer. 4-man, all electric apt. is 4 leisurely min. from Angell Hall. Air.-cond., completely furn., 2 Ig. bdrms. Apt 329, 350 Thompson. 769-4542. Come and see it for your- slef. U10 5 BDRM. HOUSE. Summer luxury at lowf $-completely furnished, includ- ing laundry and dishwasher:n ark- ing. 3 blks. from Union. Ideal for 5 persons. Call 764-9087 or 764-8957. U8 THIS SUMMER-live in comfort. Large 4-man, 2-bdrm. apt. (Plus a convert- ible couch in living room). Air-cond., parking, patio. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 628 Packard, No. . Call 769-2885. UA BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE for the 4 lucky people that rent our beautiful bi-level apartmnet. Two air-condi- tioners, 1% baths, dishwasher, 2 bedrooms, and all other modern con- veniences. Close to campus at 1316 Geddes (across from women's) and to Hospitals. Call 769-5048. U39 BEST TAN IN ALL AA from your own sundeck. Also included in this out- standing deal is a 4-man apt. with two large bdrms., central air-cond., spacious living room, parking space and laundry facilities. Call now 761- 2235. Just two blks. from the Union. UF BOTTLE OF WINE, fruit of the vine, when you gonna let me get sober? Not until you sublet my beautiful 3-bedroom, 5-man, conveniently lo- cated apt. 2 air-conditioners, dispo- sal, dishwasher, private terrace, parking and many other surprise features. Amazingly low price. 769- 1146 or 761-8340. FA LUXURIOUS 4-Man for Summer Sub- let-Air conditioned, two bedroom, 11V2 baths. Located in the beautiful minutes across the street). $50/man. Tradewinds Apts., 121 E. Hoover, No. 14. (Commuter bus stops every 10 Call 769-0839. UD BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING IN MY HOME. Term papers and theses. Reasonable. 761-5652. J12 AT CENTURY THE BEST in NEW & USED CAMERAS Exata 1000 F2.0 Zeiss (New)... $149 Exata 500 F2.8 Zeiss (New) .. $ 69 Praktica Nova "B" F2.0 Zeiss $ 99 Mamiya-Sekor 1000 TL (New)..$159 Konica Autoreflex - Case.. ...$125 Yashicamat "24" Case (New)..$ 70 135 MM F3.5 Teleauto (Pentax) $49 35 MM F2.8 Auto for Pentax... $,49 Sawyers 707 AQ Projector... $129 35 MM Enlarger with Easel ..$ 39 35 MM to 21 Enlarger for.... $ 59 r See the New MAMIYA 1000 TL SPOT OR FULL AREA METER ONLY $199.50 COMPLETE CENTURY CAMERA 1 2838 Woodwa rd-Detroit TO 5-0300 Take Edsel Ford Expr. to John Lodge North-Exit Glendale-Right-Turn to Woodward OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 P.M. DARKROOM SUPPLIES LUMINOUS PAPER WE BUY, TRADE, SELL (Michigan Bank & Security Charge. accepted) D14 PERSONAL TIME AND TIDE and ME wait for no man. Decide. Damn or me. Cringe and it's goodbye. FB ANN ARBOR'S BEST BUY on a dia- mond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151.. F ADAMS HAS officially challenged Hu- ber, but we get no reply. Is Huber cowardly? F18 BLUES IN ANN ARBOR every Wednes- day morning from 1 to 3 a.m. Blues MAINLINE on WCBN 650 "you" radio. F40 EXCITEMENT is a Personal ad in The Michigan Daily wishing belated birthday greetings to Mary Lou. Ev- en if the excitement is supposed to come on time, letter writing is not conducive to a good memory. FD THERESA BROWN is alive and hiding at The Grand Hotel. All residents and guests are welcome to auto- graphs. Contact the bearded cherub -NOW Bicarbonate will be on hand after tonight's orgy. Please fog. FE BAHAMAS HOLIDAY Get away from the cold and snow of Ann Arbor. Bask in the sun of beautiful Grand Bahama Island. Call John Gunning, 761-8867; Dick Rini, 764-5689; Claire Cantow, 764-1943; or Robbie Cantow, 761-4253. F44 Charley, Charley:- I thought I'd write a poem for you to tell you of my devotion true. But alas and alack, my sentiments just don't rhyme. F PLEASE - My long blond hair is streaming down my face - return the beige umbrella you found at phone booth, Mason' Hall, Thurs. be- tween 10-12 morning. I'm poor and wet. Bring to Betsy Barbour Dorm desk-no questions. FB LIPS - One grade A wazoo awaits you at 2759 Manchester, Be there for dinner. FB SUBLET EXTENSION Your last chance to sublet is Tues- day, Feb. 6. Don't be stuck with an apartment. FA I0 GARGOYLE - last paste-ups on Fri- day night at 7:30. You won't want to miss the big SURPRISES!!!! FF Go around the world ! Walk the dog! Join the jet set! Busy a yo-yo on the Diag or Eng. Arch Mon.-Wed, Feb. 5-7. F49 Competitive Rents When you get tired of looking, stop in and we'll give you a home. SUMMIT ASSOC. CALL 761-8055 C NOW LEASING - FALL 1968 WASH INGTON MANOR 418 E. Washington St. PART-TIME MALE OR FEMALE - Encyclbpedia Britannica and Great Books of the Western World. Now hiring. Make an extra $80-$134/wk. No cold canvassing. Work on leads and by appointment only. Must have car. Phone for personal interview. 761-1488. 11'22 MISCELLANEOUS BIBLE STUDY FOREIGN AND OTHER STUDENTS Quiet talks on the essential teach- ings of Christ. Participate inform- ally in Bible readings and discus- sions. We meet in a small private basement apt. near campus. Coffee and cookies. Saturday nights start- ing Feb. 3. 8:00 p.m. at 1243 Washte- new, Apt. 1 (opposite U niv. Chapel) Phone 663-5659. . M9 EAT GOOD, cheap lunches at Poor Richard's Cafeteria. 331 Thompson, 11:30-1, Mon.-Fri. Still some meal jobs left. Inquire there. M1u 100 COPIES of. an original, perfectly Xeroxed, only $3.00, 500 copies, only $11.00 immediate service on super speed Xerox 2400. Individual -pies 8c per page. 6c if left overnight. Copy paper supplied free. 2 conven- vient locations, S. Univ. right next to U. Towers. S. State tight next to Marshall's. Discount Photocopy Serv- ice, 769-0560; 769-4252. M2 DEAR PHI SIGS, We're looking forward to selling yo-yo's with you. We can hardly wait until we start. Love, Alpha Epsilon Phi P48 NEED 2-MAN APT. for '68-'69. If you know of a good one call 764-5948. We'll pay you $10. if we rent it. F46 PETITION FOR POSITION . . . . you too can be a bmoc. Petition for places on Gargoyle J.-Sr. staff for next year. Pick up yours at the Gar- goyle office. DUE NO LATER than Feb. 14. FB POSITIONS OPEN ON GARGOYLE staff next year - availaole at Garg office. Due Feb. 14. Present officers have all vanished 'to Ann Arbor jail. Positions open: Editor, assist- ant Ed. 'Art Ed., Business. Advertis- ing, Promotions, Composition,, Per- sonnel, Staff Cherub, Staff staff. FB I HEREBY no longer accept respon- sibility for ads placed in my name. That includes you, Bendelow. Sign- ed, Drew. FC HAD TROUBLE getting down to the bare facts? Take a sauna. 662-9200. P40 BRIGHT. CHEERFUL, witty male wish- es to meet attractive female who doesn't believe in mono. Call 761- 8438; ask for HANK. FF Who Is A.C.?. 769-1146 FA RELAX! Enjoy the imperturbability of the sauna. AAG. 662-9200. F41 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PEARLS. FD STUDENT RESEARCH GUIDE. Exper- ienced professor helps you write ex- cel. term papers easily. Simple ex- planations, clear examples, sample papers. Send name, address, $2.75. Eldorado Press CMD, P.O. Box 215, Elgin, Ill. 60120. F42 DON'T LEND HIM YOUR) NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. F17 MARX? no . . . Mark's opening soon! FB WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers with smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or only 6c per copy on overnight service, 2 convenient locations, S.. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. F18 "IT'S NOT MY innocence that I want, but the pleasure of losing it."' F WHAT, YOU HAVEN'T sent in your magazine subscription card? It's be kind to the mentally retarded week. What about the nut on the regis- tration line? Do you want HIM on your conscience? P37 POETRY WANTED for Anthology.I Idlewild Publishers, 543 Frederick, San Francisco, Calif. 94117. F I- FOR SALE USED CARS' '66 PONTIAC CAT. CONY. Clean. Un- der warranty. 761-9893. N31 CORVAIR, 1963 CONVERTIBLE, 4- speed, 4 new tires, 2 brand new snow tires. Call Ken. 761-3175. N30 '67 VOLKSWAGEN - Stereo-tape-play- er-radio, wood rim steering wheel, wood shift knob, rubber bumper guards, pop out rear windows, rus- toleum undercoat, floor mats, etc., $1600. 761-4439. NA '65 VW 595. Call 483-0500, ext. 451 be- tween 8 and 4. Ask for Gary. N29 ENGLISH FORD Anglia Deluxe. 1961. light blue, new snow tires. Good mechanical shape. Reasonable. 769- 1454. N26 CORVAIR MONZA 1967. Low miles, close ratio steering and transmission, racing type suspension. Lear jet tape pack and tapes included. Call John at 761-1919. N27 PORSCHE 912, 1966 green, 5-speed, radial ply tires. AM-FM, ski rack, driving lights, 31,000 miles. $3100, owner relocating. 965-3000 Don Lucas Delta Air Lines, Detroit. N15 BIKES AND SCOOTERS YAMAHA TWIN 100 1967. Under 800 mi Still under warranty. Including Buco helmet. NO 5-4248. Z7 WINTER SALE 166 HONDA-Super Hawk. Excellent cond. $450 761-9027. Z3 Save $1.00 with this ad ALL MOTORCYCLES EXPERT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Free Parking HONDA OF ANN ARBQR 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 '66 TRIUMPH TT Scrambler with trailer. $825. NO 3-0338. HELP WANTED LIKE LASERS? Cameras or Computers? Drafting or dynamics? Materials or machinery? If so, Engineering Council Student Employment Service has the part time job you've been waiting for. Call 764-6496 or stop in at 128 E West Enginnering, Mon., Wed., or Fri., 2-4 p.m. H16 Something To Swap? Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results SAVINGS BONDS 'BUY U.S. HENKE SPEEDFIT Buckle Boots. Nev- er used, size \12 narrow. $60 value, will sell for $42.50. Call 482-2452; ask? for Chuck. B36 GOING TO EUROPE? Must sell 2 tickets on UAC Charter flight 4. May 20-Aug. 12. Will bar- gain. Call 662-2826 eves. B32 '65 HONDA SUPER HAWK. Must sell. Make me an offer. Call 769-4023. B33 KEEP FREEDOM RINGING FOREST GLEN APTS. Seniors, Grads & Vets 927 S. Forest Ave. Apt. 102 or after 5 p.m., NO 2-6156 C14 I i I Ej i I b1k. from Frieze andt A.H. New and spacious, 1 bdrm. for 3 stu- dents - beautifully furn., balconies, air-cond., sound-proofed, laundry,! storage, large study hall. For info. and appointment, call 668-6906 C ,RENTING FOR FALL 1, 2 3 and 4 man apts. both old and new. Air-cond. and free parking available. Close to campus. CHESTNUT PROPERTIES CAMPUS FALL ]1968 New, furnished, close-in, student apartments. DAHLMANN APTS. Office: 545 Church 761-7600 weekdays r GERMAN STUDENTS - German girl experienced in tutoring is looking for students, any level. Call 662- 0806, between 4-6 p.m. J15 PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox 2400 duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents). Immediate, service during business hours only 8c per page. 2 convenient locations: R. T. ig ht'.t to T. Towers: S. AVAILABLE, IMMEDIATELY Modern 2 or 3 man apt. close to cam-j pus. 1 bdrm. air-cond. Call 761-9395 eves 6-10. c49 BARGAIN CORNER 1 - * 019 MADISON APTS. I Call 761-9395 eves. 6-10 C50 FALL RENTAL Sam's Store Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore For GALS and GUYS CORDUROY SLIM FITS $5.98 BUTTON FLY LEVI'S $5.29 (Guaranteed to Shrink) "NUVO' HOPSACK $8.00 SUPER SLIM bENIMS $5.50 LEVI'S DUNGAREES $5.79 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S $6.98 LEVI'S STA PREST $6.98 CANVAS SUPER' SLIM $4.98 I I E k S SUMMIT HOUSE 915 5. DIVISION 1, 2, 3. bedroom, completely furn. mod. apts. Features include garabage dis- posals, balconies, and plenty of free parking. Some apts. even have fire- place. Call 761-5471 after 6 p.m. C SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM APT. with fireplace and screened-in porch. Wall-to-wall carpeting and new fur- nishings. Fall occupancy. 662-7787. 033 OFFICE SPACE for rent. Multi-purpose penthouse. Call 665-7766 ext. 770 and ask for Mr. Spear. 027 ACE PLACE-Groove this summer in mod. luxury 4-man apt. Air-cond., balcony, dishwasher, free parking, etc. In midst of sorority hotbed. 2 blks. from campus. Amazing grace, reasonable. 761-6388. C6 SUBLET NOW 'til April-One girl for 4-man. Campus-hospital area. $57 a mo. (will bargain). Call 769-2828. 09 1 FEMALEW ROOfMMATE ate.Laa FALL 1968 8 MO. LEASE Lease applications being accepted. Large furnished four-man, also two bedroom. two baths. --ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS -FREE PARKING -FREE AIR-CONDITIONING -RESIDENT MANAGER For appointment call NO 3-8866 C9 TWO BEDROOM 2, 3, 4 MAN APTS. FOR FALL New modern building, furnised, disposals, free parking. Call 665-9627 after 5 p.m. C STUDENT HOUSING Ann Arbor Trust Co. is now offering these choice Ann Arbor apartment buildings for 1968-1969 school year. I b. univ. rign next zu. lwr;a. State right next to Marshall's. .JJ LUDE, lecivious, licenscious, and just downright filthy. Student rates on Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated and 40 other dirty magazines. Guar- anteed to titillate, excite, and stim- ulate your degenerate little mind. Call Student Periodical Agency, 769- 0030, anytime. J14 DON'T TSK IT... TASK IT! Typing-theses and term papers our specialty; IBM typewriters; execu- tive type and justified copy avail. able. Transcription-Medical, technical, business, conferences. Printing-Mimeograph, offset Photeopying Composition & Art Work Stuffing, mailing & addressing Resumes Telephone answering (Pick-up and Delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 West Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan Despite fiendish torture dynamic BiC Duo writes first time, every time!, mc's rugged pair of stick pens wins again in unending war against ball-point skip, clog and smear. Despite horrible punishment by mad scientists, BIC still writes first time, every time. And no wonder. BIC's" Dyamite" Ball is the hardest'metal made, encased in a solid brass nose cone. Will not skip, clog or smear no matter what devilish abuse is devised for them by sadistic students. Get the dynamic Bic Duo at your campus store now. WATERMAN-BICPEN CORP. MILFORD, CONN. IP - :171 Faculty Architecture Exhibit:- graphics, publications, and competition solutions in city planning, building design, and urban design. - FEB. 7-13- ARCHITECTURE BUILDING Modern Italian Art Exhibit: - " painting, sculpture, photographic collage, and prints representing the abstract arts of the new generation of Italy. through FEB. 10: ALUMNI i.....MEMORIAL MUSEUM 11