Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS re Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 'ruth Will Prevail I ====- . I- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. . r.- /41 . , 4"j ' I 57*f v" t-- SUNDAY, FEFlRUARY 4, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR:DAVID KNOKE The Appropriations Squeeze 4 IT'S THE SAME old story. Every year, University administra- tors, armed with graphs, charts and a thick budget request, invade the com- mittee chambers of state legislators to explain why they think the University should get more money. And for the past three or four years the Univesrity has clearly taken a beat- ing at the hands of the legislators. Or as one administrator judiciously put it, the state has "ceased to support the University in the manner to which she has become accustomed." It is not that the graphs, charts and requests are not convincing; they are. Rather, the legislators seem more im- pressed by quantity than by quality. Inst tutions of higher learning that set little or no limits on enrollment are apt to receive more funds than a selective institution like the Univesrity. o BETTER SERVE the needs of the state, and to get more money the University tried to plan an increasing' enrollment. In 1963, projections were made by the Office of Academic Af- fairs predicting that by 1968 over 36,- 000 students would be attending the University. :By 1975, the number would be close to 47,000. Until this year the University has planned on keeping in line with these figures. Last fall, 34,514 students were enrolled as residence-credit students and a 2.6 per cent increase was plan- ned for next year. But the Univesrity couldn't afford to keep'playing the numbers game with the legislature. For while the Univer- sity continued to accept and enroll, more students, the legislature failed to appropriate the funds to support them. And thus, yesterday's report that the literary college intends to cut back en- rolment came as no surprise. The col- lege has received neither the funds nor the buildings to support more students. According to the University's 1968- 69 budget request," clearly, in terms of enrollment increase and price inflation, tho state investment in the Univesrity of Michigan has not increased, but has decreased. Between 1957-58 and 1966- 67, enrollment increased 42.5 per cent while state appropriations in constant dollars increased only 33.7 per cent." This discrepancy between the num- ber of students and the number of ap- propriated dollars becomes even more significant when it is noted that the purchasing power of the dollar has de- clined immensely. Two hundred million dollars in appropriations are only worth about $150 million in purchasing power. Furthermore, the legislature ignores the fact that the University grants al- most half the post-bacculaureate de- grees in the entire state. And it costs seven times in direct teaching cost to educate a doctoral candidate in phil- osophy as it does to instruct a fresh- man taking Philosophy 101. Enrollment is only one of the prob- lems. Ii the University doesn't get more money for its building fund, the enrol- lment problem is answered right there. "We're banging our heads on the ceil- ing until we get more space," one ad- ministrator complained recently. And teachers must be attracted to fitl the buildings the University should but does not have. Teachers will not be attracted - and will not stay - unless salary hikes are given. Salaries, are in- creasing, but not in step with the na- tional average. While most administratores would agree that the University has not yet come to the point of losing teachers purely and simply for dollars, the dan- ger of that happening is approaching. WHA.T IS NOTEWORTHY is that the University has managed so well. Al- though it has suffered a relative decline in position among the top ten univer- sities of the nation, it has continued to serve the state well. While granting 28 per cent of the degrees in the state, and the bulk of the most expensive kind of education, the University has received only 29 per cent of the state appropriations to four year institutions of higher learning, The University has maintained its position by depending on private con- tributions, the research dollar, and by making cutbacks. Teachers and sec- retaries aren't hired, equipment isn't replaced and educational experiments, notably the Residential College, aren't fully supported. The Univesrity can take only a few years of belt tightening. Unlike a cor- poration, which can tolerate a bad year then bounce back, the University can- not easily regain quality once it has declined. Good teachers and students aren't attracted to a University that "used to have" a good reputation. Specifically, it is the University's well-earned reputation for academic excelence that is at stake. Legislators who have ceased to adequately support the University will not only be}harm- irg the school, but risking the loss of a state asset as well. -HENRY GRIX a " . . What the hell's Ho Chi Minh doing answering our Saigon embassy phone ... ?" "FOR WHAT CAN WAR but endless war still breed," wrote poet John Milton 300 years ago. And, as this past week has so tragically taught, man may have improved his weapons, but not his humanity. "Enemy fighters were killed at a rate of 124 plus per hour during the 102 hour period from 6 p.m Monday through Friday midnight," boasts the U.S Command in Saigon, rattling off statistics of slaughter like beef at the market. "Fifteen planes and 23 helicopters were destroyed, and about 100 other planes were so severly damaged that they would have to be re- placed," reports American headquarters. Cost per plane: $2 million. "Saigon, Hue . are open cities, where the Viet Cong are in- distinguisable from the South Vietnamese," writes columnist James Reston. And the whole bloody war is just as confusing, for the Viet Cong are "South Vietnamese"-whatever that means-and Ky and Thieu are "North Vietnamese" living in the South. But it pis after weeks like thest past few-days of stolen ships, mis- sing bombs, troop build-ups, deaths in the tens of thousands-it is times like these that make one pause and wonder and realize that the world is being brutalized and hardened to accept conditions that shouldn't exist. "We Americans will never yield," pledges President Johnson, pin- ning the Medal of Honor on a Vietnam fighter pilot. "We are using our greatest resources-of industry, of technology, of skilled and courageous men-to conduct a limited war at the lowest possible cost in human life." But the war is no longer "limited" nor the human cost "low." And the pronouncements and predictions of our government are becoming more equivocating and ludicrous misleading the nation on the war's meaning and progress. "Everything's Okay-They Never Reached The Mimeograph Machine" WEEKS OFc: CRISISAnd ~Saigon, t war. Bu we kille We is in Vi have we we conti tured c pawns in The its claim its deed ASIA have die in Vetn Pre enough. country no long patriotic "or a ba mam ks wl next week, when the death totals are finally calculated in the U.S. will announce th. highest week of casualties of the t after all, they, will certainly say, look how many of the enemy d! And that, of course, makes it worth the price. are told that "aggression" must be stopped now, that the U.S. etnam-and Korea-waging war to end war. How many wars fought-and will we fight again-to end war? How long can inue to delude ourselves about what we are dong to that tor- irner of the world, and the people we have made expendable a game of power? United States is being isolated from the world community as ns become more suspect and its words deviate further from s. No pious plea for freedom, no pledge that the dead will not ed in vain-none of this can erase a legacy America is making am, as wetl as on the lives and minds of her own people. sident Johnson assures us he prays at night, but this is not None of his prayers, or bombs, or troops have helped patch a torn by a civil war that our leaders refuse to admit. One can er excuse the administration's defense of the war as noble, e, and benign. "There never was a good war," said Ben Franklin, ad peace." Perhaps this week of war will remind us all of that. -ROBERT KLIVANS Editorial Director The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mai). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Secopd class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. t '; i ,.. "Any Time You're Ready, Clark" :r .P } 41, !t+ ml,,,'" , _ , : .. f 1 'sL yy " t } r r ' ' > i a t 4 q3 ' hv 2 % ::i s. 7 k !K'" _ 's. - .. F t} f .. lyi. } g w- '' ;x r z ,ti ^ r ; ': r' ' s.; , 5 J "jJ t l s ,z y a,. ± t . v <, . i'< IM, ff I I RVI Wit:<.....:fi°.. "'+c'" s :