Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE HARDER THEY FALL . .. 'Trying Harder' With President Fleming By John Lottier YFsgmno o u m m - -~ Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD $T., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1968 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LEVIN VietC or Den Season on U.S. Portends Disaster for Johnson ONE REALLY wonders about University President Robben Wright Fleming. He is, indeed, ai most peculiar man. When Fleming officially took hold of the administrative reins he immediately set about to change the image of the Uni- versity presidency. Where Harlan Hatcher tried to divorce himself from at least the student aspect of the University community, and thus precipitated an almost com- plete severance of student-ad- ministration relations, Fleming has thrust himself headlong into the issue of the student. A very commendable beginning. In the first month of his pres- idency he has 1) held a dinner at his house for The Daily sen- ior editors; 2) suggested to the Regents the possibility of hold- ing an open hearing on the ques- tion of dormitory regulations; and 3) gone before the Student Government Council in an at- tempt to clarify the on issues students. answer questions and administration's stand that directly conce::n THE MOUNTING Viet Cong offensive against United States forces in Viet- nam-which undoubtedly has not yet reached its limit-promises to turn the war upside down, and hopefully marks the closing stage of this indecent war. With the widespread and effective attacks on the cities, catching U.S. forces with their proverbial pants down--many divisions were on search and destroy mis- sions in the countryside when the blow struck-has forced them to re-concen- trate their forces in the cities. U.S. military advisors, expecting a ma- jor offensive near Khe Sanh had amassed, considerable numbers of troops . there. With the movement of five divisions of Recruiter Policy Needed, at 'U' THE PROPOSAL for open discussion by campus recruiters would benefit the University in two ways. It would provide a cbannel for free exchange of informa- tion and ideas and would offer an alter-' native to the demonstrations which have wracked other campuses. In many cases, company policies are not readily accessible to the public or their stands on specific issues are un- clear. Open discussions are one of the best ways of making this information available,. Individuals who are interested in an interview with a recruiter may find it difficult to ask pointed questions about company policy for fear of jeopardizing their job chances. These questions could be asked anonymously in open discus- lions. SOME GROUPS might abuse the discus- sion period by attempting to present their own ideas and attack the position of the company, but other benefits would offset this detriment. A policy of required debate is a poten- tial replacement for demonstrations re- sulting from closed communication chan- nels. Discussion lessens the tension of confrontation between students and re- cruiters by channeling feelings into a rational exchange of ideas. President Fleming has asked the ad- visory committee to the Placement Bu- rean to produce a plan he hopes the Regents could approve at their February meeting. If no action is taken by the Re- gents, Fleming plans to ask Dow Chemi- cal Company, controversial makers of napalm, to participate in an open discus- sion when they recruit on campus in March. Dow has indicated that it would do so if asked by the University. Rather than make Dow a special case, the Regents should establish a set of guidelines for all recruiters. -ROB BEATTIE In short, President Fleming has given the appearance, as the say- ing goes, of "trying harder." He appears to be working diligently to patch up the incredibly tangled network of student-administra- tion communications. Yet nothing of any real sub- stance is coming out of these meetings. He seems to be para- doxically "trying harder" and yet, not trying at all. LET ME clarify this with some illustration. At the buffet-style dinner the president and his wife gave for the senior editors and in the discussion that followed, Fleming said he did not really have a broad "overview" of what kind of place the University should be. When asked if he ever considered spending a few hours sitting on the Diag and just talking with students he replied that he never had thought of the idea. He said he was afraid that students wouldn't be interested in talking with him, either out of apathy or a fear of intimidation. This really bothered some of us. Not so' much because he had nev- er considered the idea, but be- cause he thought that no one wouldbe interested enough to dis- cuss things with him. At the open Regent's hearing two weeks ago in the Union Ball- room Fleming was again present before a portion of the student body while conducting the meet- ing. Yet because of the nature of the closed agenda, and because the Regents themselves were not willing to answer the queries of students concerning the issue of dormitory regulations, Fleming appeared more of a "labor medi- ator" protecting the Regents North Vietnamese regulars into the DMZ, as weld as the widespread attacks throughout the length of the country, the U.S. will probably not be able to resist a major offensive from fresh North Viet- namese troops. THE 1MMEDIATE question becomes, "What will President Johnson do in the face of almost sure defeat?" The answer is not comforting. It's not conceivable that Johnson will face the prospect in a sane manner. He does not have the personal courage of Gen. De- Gaulle. Johnson has continually backed himself further and further into a corner from which the only exit will be a hu- miliating escape. This is the same President who reacted to an leftist uprising in the Dominican Republic with Marines and who reacted to the seizure of a U.S. spy ship trapped inside another country's territorial wa- ters with a call up of some 15,000 Air Force reservists. He is not likely to meet a crushing military affront to his prowess with anything less than more troops and more bombs. THE MILITARY does not yet seem to realize what it faces. The latest d'e- velopments in the war will make contin- uation increasingly difficult: * With the movement into the cities, the Americans have lost probably the most impressive justification of their presence-they could protect their South Vietnamese allies. The ease with which the Viet Cong (who astoundingly resem- ble many other South Vietnamese) can infiltrate the cities and move about free- ly makes it impossible for the U.S. to provide any effective defense. Consider- ing the lackadaisical and pragmatic na- ture of the U.S.-Vietnamese alliance up to now, this ineffectiveness may easily cause numerous defections to the Com- munists. ! The Americans have become, more than ever, invaders. With the cities un- safe for them, too-the countryside has always been unstable at night-Ameri- cans can no longer operate even a "stra- tegic hamlet" strategy. They will be forced into a "strategic military post" de- fense, for an easily identifiable American will be safe nowhere but surrounded by his own massive firepower. , Washington's insistance on military victory where military victory is mean- ingless, the country may soon suffer a humiliating defeat. The Johnson ego is not made of such stuff that it could tolerate such a hu- miliation. It will" demand some assuage- ment for its wounded pride. That pride is dangerous and may result in damage far beyond the already expended 16,000 American lives. -RON LANDSMAN from the necessity of making the hearings a real dialogue. PERHAPS the most conspic- uous incident was Fleming's ap- pearance before Student Govern- ment Council at Thursday night's meeting. While Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler almost never attends Council meetings, the University presi- dent went before that body and fielded questions for a full 75 minutes. It really seemed that he was interested in hearing and under- standing the students' side; he said the Regents were becoming "very receptive" to student views. But at the same time he empha- sized that this "receptivity" was a decision that only the Regents could make and nothing that he could dictate. This ,of course, is true. But Fleming does indeed have the ability to influence the Regents; to inform them of his opinions on the subject. Let's face it, he's not just a liaison between that board and the University. WHEN ASKED of the Univer- sity's. complicity in the Thailand project Fleming responded that as far as he knew, we were not attempting to pull out of our present involvement there: "I am unaware that the Uni- versity is in the process of extri- cating itself from the Thailand project, and it is my belief that those aspects of Project 1111 which involved Thailand are now completed. However, there are many things at this University of which I am not aware." While acknowledging the "mor- al" implications of a university in conducting counter-insurgen- cy work for the military, and claiming that "we must be care- ful that our research does not in- terfere with our area studies pro- gram," Fleming either did not know exactly where research on the Thailand project was headed or he wouldn't say. If the former is the case, then it is unfortunate that Fleming 'doesn't know what's really going on. If the latter is true, then the problem of student-administrative communications is with us in an even greater degree than before. No less than five times during the question and answer period, and in response to such queries as those concerning the student boycott of Apartments Limited, Student Driving Regulations, pos- sible Central Intelligence Agency activity on campus, etc., Fleming claimed that he hadn't "really researched the problem," or that he didn't know that such a prob- lem existed. If this is true, then perhaps the office of the presi- dent precludes a real understand- ing of what this University is all about. And that would be unfor- tunate. ALL THIS is not meant to be an out and out criticism or in- dictment of President Fleming. His first month in office has been marked by a different and more enthusiastic administrative at- mosphere on the campus. Fleming has already become his own best PR man by personally going to Lansing to speak before the state Legislature. His appointment of Arthur Ross to the new position of Vice President for State Re- lations and Planning may prove to be a boon in wrangling more funds from the state. But Fleming's real effective- ness as far as the largest portion of the University community is concerned will be his ability to. understand and relate to problems of student-and faculty-interest. Enthusiasm alone is important, but to achieve any substantial results that enthusiasm dmust be transformed into more than mere words. Let's hope he succeeds. 4 4 Thich Nhat Hanh Takes Pe ace Message to Pope Paul The Middle Road Out of Vietnam American Presence Supresses National Aspirations That Could Possibly End War i . R F' " ! O9 It t to, "S G'S. 3. " i. Vietnamese Buddhist monk and poet Thich Nhat Hanh visited Ann Arbor this week in his speaking, tour to familiarize Americans with his "third solution" to end the war. Below he offers an alternative to destruction of the country or a Communist take-over. By THICH NHAT HANH TO UNDERSTAND the Vietna- mese war, one must set aside the kind of thinking that de- scribes it as an attempt by Com- munists to overrun a free nation. Very few South Vietnamese are Communists; very few even know what communism means. For most of them, this war is seen as one more attempt in Vietnam's long history to establish its in- dependence from foreign dom- ination. There are Communists involved in the war, certainly. North Viet- nam is under Communist rule, and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam is dominated by Communists in its leadership, but they do not win their support on the basis of their communism. Rather they are supported as pat- riots and nationalists. The trouble is that the Com- munist world has so identified with the North Vietnamese and the .National Liberation Front, and the United States so identi- fied with the South Vietnamese government, that neither one can risk the effect on its prestige of permitting itself to suffer a mili- tary defeat. Even the possibility that nego- tiations could bring peace is en- dangered by the stringent condi- tions that both sides have in- sisted on for settlement. If either side sees negotiations as the equivaleent of total defeat, then negotiations could end in an es- calated war. With such a bleak outlook, is there any hope for peace? Many >f us South Vietnamese believe that peace could be secured this year if the United States wished to secure it. That belief is based on our knowledge that most South Viet- namese are not Communists and do not support the National Lib- ration Front on an ideological basis. (It is also true that almost no South Vietnamese support the present government of Generals Thieu and Ky, which stays in power only because the United States keeps them in power.) Neither side stands for peace; but one seems to stand for independence. Therefore, with no other choice, millions of Vietna- mese give the Front their sup- port, or at least their acquiescence, as the only alternative to support- ing the Saigon-Washington axis. The elections of Sept. 3, 1967, however, when a president and vice-president were chosen, dem- onstrated the immense longing of the people for peace. To under- stand this it is necessary to look at the elections themselves. The two most widely known "peace candidates" were removed from the ballot before the election began. All those voters who were deemed to -be "unreliable"-that is, who might stand for peace or neutralism-were not permitted to register. Newspapers were heavily censored, and the opposition can- didates were severely limited in their campaigning. Even with the help of these things, and of reported wide- spread frauds on election day it- self, Generals Thieu and Ky re- ceived only one-third the vote. while opposing candidates who stood for peace received the other two-thirds. Thus two-thirds of those voting, even under the im- mense handicaps imposed, indi- cated that they wished a different government-which meant a dif- ferent policy on the war - from the one that they actually got. IF ONE BEARS in mind these characteristics of the South Viet- namese people, however, that they are not pro-Communist, that they are very much pro-inde- pendence, and that they long in- tensely for peace, one can begin to see how peace could be secured: 0If the United States would permit the South Vietnamese peo- ple to choose their own govern- ment freely, with the United States taking a neutral position, the South Vietnamese . people would quickly elect a government on a platform of peace and in- dependence. * Such a government would immediately call for a cessation of the bombing in both North and South Vietnam, and a cease-fire. Such a cease-fire would be im- plemented immediately on the part of American and South Viet- namese troops by the end of "search and destroy" missions, and the concentration instead on announce also a program through which that coalition government would negotiate the withdrawal of both American and North Viet- namese troops from South Viet- nam, the rebuilding of South Viet- nam, and ultimately discussions with North Vietnam of the prob- lems of unification. MANY AMERICANS scoff at this. They say that the Viet Cong would immediately take over the country. This is where it is neces- sary-to understand what I have tried to say before about the na- ture of the support which the Na- tional Liberation Front enjoys. That support is based on their understanding that the Front fights only for independence from the United States, and is not pri- marily motivated by the desire to achieve power for itself. With a government in power that had brought American mili- tary actions to an end, and was promising the total withdrawal of American military force, the Front would not dare to continue the war. If it tried to, the people themselveswould turn against it. I do not want to sound as though I think it would be a con- test between the Front and the non-Front. Members of the Front are also Vietnamese, and if some of them are Communists they are first of all Vietnamese patriots, rand their longing for peace is at least as great as that of the rest of us. What it comes down to then. is, this: the war can be ended if the United States will in fact permit the South Vietnamese to do what the United States claims it wants them to do: determine their own destiny. The aroused people of South Vietnam withrew the re- gime of President Diem in 1963 without the help of the National Liberation Front or the North Vietnamese. They were able to do so because the United States let it be known that it would not in- tervene in this domestic affair. The same thing would have happened in the spring of 1966 against General Ky, but this time the United States made it clear that it would intervene, and the opposition to General Ky was simply not strong enough to take on the whole American Army. SO FAR THE WAR can end in 1968, without the humiliation of military defeat on either side, if Letters to the Editor An All-'U Fullback To the Editor: IN YOUR VERY enjoyable article entitled "The All-University Foot- ball Team" in The Daily (Jan. 16) you did not have listed a fullback. I would suggest it go to: Steven A. Brown, the burly I.H.A. President who through his refusal to run let of center has generally not been identified as an effective offensive player. However, this tactic has allowed Brown to become very effective on the draw play up through the middle de- fensive territory of the Board of Governors while Bruce Kahn is faking the bomb. I also wonder if you would communicate to me The Daily policy on publishing letters submitted to the editor. --Don Racheter, '69 Dance to Freedom's Death To the Editor: GRANTING THE FACT that we are passing a serious international crisis, I nevertheless believe that The Daily should have taken the time and space to make a strong mention and comment on the recent dismissal of 49 professors at the universities of Athens and Salonica by the military regime ruling Greece. The reason given for their dismissal was that they were in dissonance with the regime. This brings the total number of professors relieved of their, duties since April 21st toapproximately 60. Serious as the event may be in principle, it becomes more serious if one considers the fact that the total number of professors in all institutions of higher education in Greece does not exceed 350. In a country where people qualified to teach in universities are to say the least, scarce, such an action con- stitutes a deadly blow to a long ailing educational system. IN CONNECTION with this event and other that preceded it, it is of interest to note that the Hellenic Student Society (the official function of the Greek students on campus) is participating in this year's World s Fair. In total apathy (and, in some cases,, total sym- pathy) to the establishment of a dictatorial regime in Greece and the events that ensued it (imprisonment of intellectuals, banning of major domestic and foreign works ranging from the classical times to the present, banishment of the freedom of the press, abolishment of the popular language in favor of a "purist" one, dismissal of public servants by the thousands etc etc., right down to the idiotic laws regarding mini-skirts, long hair, and "untidy" beards) those of the Greek students of Greek descent comprising the H.S.S. unabashedly decided to represent Greece in the World's Fair. They must realize. however, that everything of Greek origin that is worth exhibiting has been banned in the motherland; that when they will get up to dance it will be just a mechanical repetition of steps for freedom of expression is not allowed the Greeks, and it will so for the years to come -John S. Asvestas, Grad "We Have Resumed Normal Diplomatic Contacts" me~r *4 4 V s' I- .' ff IFAM IMWK7'4 jMFJWL N,\IWAIW _ I I W_5'M