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February 02, 1968 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-02

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Hustle Gets Fraumann Start

Wolverine sophomore center
Bill Fraumann should not be
starting in tomorrow's basketball
game at Michigan State. He's just
not the type.
He wasn't discovered in some
distant familiar community in.
Indiana or on a concrete play-
ground in a Chicago slum.
He's not receiving a "free ride"
to college from the athletic de-
partment, not even a partial
He wasn't an All-American high
school cager, he didn't even make
All State.
What's more, he's not fast, he
can't jump, and he can't shoot.
But he hustles.
"Bill Fraumann sells himself
out evey game," told his coach,j
Dave Strack. "He gives 150 per
.ent in his rebounding, defense
and hustle, and that's what I put
him in for."
Fraumann looks objectively at

fast enough to do that," said
Fraumann with authority.
But if Fraumann hasn't gone
as far as to clamp his ivories on
his opponents, he has done prac-
tically everything else to get the
ball. His prowess in wrestling
matches on the hard court would
make Dave Porter take notice.
The configurations he gets him-
self into with opposing players
look like modern sculptures from
Alumni Memoial Hall. And some-
times these tactics get him in
trouble, even with his own team.
"Some of the players on the
team resent me because I'm rough
with them in practice," said
Fraumann. "But it's not that I'm
that much rougher than anyone
else. It's just that I'm more ob-
vious," he added.
Fraumann's style of play didn't
just develop for him at Michigan;
With Higgins
he played that way at Ann Arbor
High. His team went all the way
to the Michigan state high school
"A'' championship, but on the
shooting and scoring strength of
a lanky guard-forward named
Earl Higgins.
Faumann only shot around five
times a game but managed to
average in double figures. He
stuck to lay-up shots and tip-ins
and consequently never devel-
oped a good outside jump shot.
"I played the same type of on-
the-ground basketball in highi

school," related Fraumann. "I'm
not afraid to get knocked around
a little; that's the way to play."
Fraumann's starting assignment
in the first Ohio State game gave
him quite a surprise. "I was elev-
enth man at the beginning of +'
this season. There's a lot of guys
with more ability than I have who <
are not starting. I guess Coach
Strack just wanted to make a
change since we were losing.
"Maybe my starting will niake
other guys work harder to real-
ize their potential and take my
place. That would be fine with
me," concluded Fraumann..
It would probably be fine with
a lot of other people too. MARTY KNIGHT

Tankers Face Wisconsin Tonight*
By VINCE MALONEY the most part an unknown quan- weekend. "We can put together our
This weekend the Michigan tity. Evidently, however, they are best lineup now since O'Connor
swim team journeys to the North- a team to be feared, according to came back. This is one of the rea-
ernmost section of Big Ten coun- Michigan Coach Gus Stager, "They sons Gary Kinkead is swimming
try to take on Wisconsin and Min- ire as tough as Michigan State. the backstroke now."
nesota on successive nights. The And we got every break in that 'If th b
Wisconsin meet is tonight and the, meet." they're going to have to beat us at
Badgers will provide the tankers Wisconsin Coach John Hickman our strength. We'll be going with
with the stiffest test of the week- will have some outstanding per- our best team all the way," Stager
end as Michigan tries to improve formers in the meet tonight. Julian 3eflected.
upon its 2-1 record. Krug is one such performer. Krug
finished third in the Big Ten This probably won't be the case
Wisconsin is presently 1-0 in Championships last year in the 3- on Saturday when the swimmers
dual competition in addition to meter diving event. John Lindley, take on Coach Bob Mowerson Min-
having finished third place in the I
Big Ten Relays. the captain, also placed in the nesota Gophers. The Gophers are
But because they haven't had Championships in the 100 and 2-2 in the Big Ten and 3-2 on the
many meets the Badgers are for 200-yd. butterfly as did Fred Ho- season but they seem to be weak
-----___ ---gan in the 200 and 500-yd. Free- in many positions. This does not
style events. deter Mowerson apparently over


Red Hot Icers Meet Duluth

The Daily
Sports Staff

his role. "I know I'm not a shoot-
er. In fact, I don't even look for
a shot when I'm in there.
"But if my hustle can get the
other guys to hustle, then I'm do-
ing my job," stated the 6'5'
There is a popular myth that
Fraumann once bit an opponent
in the heat of a freshman game
last year. However, he denied this
charge with a sheepish grin.
"I don't see how I could have
done it. To bite a guy in a bas,
ketball game, you first have to
catch up with him. And I'm not

Michigan's hockey team travels
to Duluth for a pair of games with
Minnesota, Duluth branch this
The Bulldogs presently hold downE
the cellar in the Western Col-
legiate Hockey Association with1
a dismal 3-13 showing in league
play. Overall they have achieved
an only slightly better' (percent-
agewise) 4-15 season showing.
The main focus of publicity outf
of Duluth this year is the factt
that UMD, in cooperation with the1
city, is hosting this year's NCAA1
Hockey Championships in March.
UMD pride manifests itself in t
the Duluth Arena Auditorium, thes
ultra-modern emporium where thec
championships will be held, even
though the local representativet

scoring. Graduation claimed four
other forwards.
The resulting dependence on
sophomores at forward has left
the Bulldogs green on offense. The
experience was supposed to have
been supplied by junior Bruce
McLeod, second behind Christian-
sen in last year's WCHA scoring
But McLeod has failed to pro-
duce in a fashion comparable to
66-67. Thus far he ranks 33rd in
the WCHA with eight points be-
hind such scoring stalwarts as
Lars Hansen and Lee Marttila.
McLeod's performance reflects
the dilemma of the entire UMD
squad. While managing to scorej
only two goals a game this sea-
son, the Bulldogs have been giving
up an average of nearly four goals

And returning senior goalie
Dave LeBlanc hasn't lived up to
expectations, yielding an average
of 5.4 goals per game. All of
which results in backup Ron
Beck backing up much more than
figured at the beginning of the
The Bulldogs take on Michigan
fresh from a four game series
with northern neighbors Michi-
gan Tech - and four losses.

Other Wisconsin tankers that'
will bear watching are transfer
student John McGrary of Palo
Alto who finished third in the
California State 200-yd. freestyle
championship and s o p h o m o r e
backstroker Dan Schwerin who is
considered by many to be one
best prospects in the Big Ten. I
The Michigan team will have to
be at its peak performance level
to overcome Wisconsin who are
particularly tough at home. Coach
Stager feels that "We have
strength in every event." He didn't
think this was the case before
Mike O'Connor rounded back into
shape for the Purdue meet last

optimistic prediction. "I think we
still have a chance to finish third
in the Big Ten championships."
The one position where the Goph-
ers seem to have real strength is
in the individual medley. This is
where Big Ten Champ Marty
Knight does his work.


Variety Kvey to Worne-j

may not be present, per contest.
No Results No Defense
This year's rebuilding has not UMD's strong point this season
yet produced results for the Bull- was supposed to be defense, with
dogs. Last year's seventh place a number of veterans of WCHA
finishers lost playmaker and most wars returning. But Captain John
valuable player Keith Christian- McKay was ineligible for the first
sen, who also led the WCHA in semester.

In 1893 the Women's Athletic
Association came into existence
offering one sport -- basketball.
It has since grown to its pres-
ent sponsorship of 14 clubs, in-
cluding the newly added Gym-
nastics club and Lifeguard Corps.
The majority of the clubs are
active both semesters excluding
speed swimming, square dance,
field hockey, golf, and tennis,
which run only during the fall
Despite the word "women" in
the title,, three of the clubs -
Crop and Saddle, Folk Dance, and
Concert Dance - are co-ed.
Specializing in shortening
women's coats, skirts,
and slacks.
Alterations for Men & Women
1103 S. University
above drug store

The third club is basically tech-
nique classes in modern dance
held every Tuesday and Thurdsay
nights in Barbuor Gym. As man-
ager Emily Dawson explains, "This
club, including both students and
faculty, serves as a corps from
which those who wish to present
shows can draw."
One endeavor of the club, as
part of the Creative Arts Fest-
ival, is "A Studio Evening: Facets
of Choerography" to be given at
8 p.m. this Sunday in the dance
studio of Barbour Gym.
For girls interested in compet-
ing in extramural sports, the
W.A.A. offers basketball, gym-
nastics, and riflery this term. Al-
though the teams are formed out
of the clubs themselves, a girl can
join a club with no intention of
becoming part of the team. The
2.0 grade point required to com-
pete extramurally does not apply
to club membership.
The basketball club has both an
'A' and a 'B' team which competes
with neighboring schools. This
Saturday morning, for example,
there will be a doubleheader with
Concordia and Jackson Junior
College in Barbour Gym. Prac-
tice sessions are held every Mon
day and Thursday nights in Bar-

Other Minnesota tankers expect-4
ed to perform well are Dave Doten.
Jim Lindquist and Dave Lundberg,
all of whom are freestylers. But
despite all the optimism pouring
out of Minneapolis, Coach Stager
feels, "This Minnesota team is
probably one of the weakest Min-
nesota teams to compete against
Michigan in a few years."
mainly to its annual swim show. 4
This year's presentation, scheduled
for March 28, 29 and 30, is entitled
"A Touch of Lore." Fifteen rout-
ines are presently being worked
out around themes of mythology,
legends, and folklore.
Beyond the actual show, the
club also brings in . nationally-
known swimmers to demonstrate
techniques. One such swimmer,
Kim Welshon, a Californian who
currently holds the National Jun-
ior Soloist title, will offer a few
pointers at 7 p.m. this Monday
night in the Women's Pool.
The basic problem of W.A.A. ac-
cording to President Nancy Da-
vison is "trying to communicate to
the girls on campus about all the
facilities that are available to
them. For example, we may have
to disband the fencing club after
this year because of lack of in- r
terest, though few of the girls in
fencing gym classes are aware of
the club's existence."
Anyone interested in further in-
formation about the W.A.A. should
contact Miss Davison (764-7808)
or Miss Marie Hartwig, the organ-
ization's advisor (through Bar-
bour Gym).


A football hero named Max
Found it terribly hard to relax;
So he followed each blitz
With a tall can of Schlitz
Till his coach was apprised of the facts.
® 1968 ius. Schu Brewing C. Miwaukee and other cties.
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Suggested Price: $199.95

--- - -------- -






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