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Slowly falling temperatures
accompanied by rain or snow
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Last of a Three Part Series
Stealing a book or smashing a
dormitory vending machine may
not be as serious criminal acts as
rape or dope-pushing, but in
terms of cost and man-hours,
these crimes of theft and van-
dalism leave their mark on the
University Security Officer Rol-
land Gainsly is the man with
the job of policing the classroom
and office buildings on campus.
His force of 30 Sanford Security
agents, supervised from a radio
office in the parking structure on
Church St. near South University,
runs 23 different routes four times
each night.
Thefts Hurt
The agents, retained on private
contract, keep a lookout for thefts
of objects ranging from television
sets to engineering supplies and
-on one occasion last year-
$3500 worth of gems from the
Exhibit Museum.
The security patrolmen also in-
vestigate daytime robberies from
open buildings. The number one
target for this variety of theft is
the Barbour-Waterman gymna-
sium complex, where at least one
wallet or billfold - sometimes
containing upwards of $50 - is
stolen every week.
"It's a simple matter of stu-
dents going to take a shower and
not even bothering to lock their
lockers while they're gone,"
Gainsley says.
The University library system
also suffers from a major theft
problem. Although the General
Libray staff is not able to take
complete inventories of books
shelved in that building, the an-
nual losses from the Undergrad-
uate Library give an indication
of the high rate of theft.
Miss Rose-Grace Faucher, di-
rector of the UGLI, last conducted
a full inventory at the end of the
1966-67 academic year. The re-
sults of that survey show an an-
,nual loss of over $20,000 worth of
books from the UGLI's shelves.,
The figure is derived from an
estimated $8 value for each of the
more than 2500 missing books,
the great majority of which were
stolen from reserve-listed cate-
gories. Sociology volumes ranked
first in "theft appeal," followed
by those classed as "literature."
"I'm sure that the new closed
reserve system will reduce thefts
greatly," Miss Faucher says, bud
she adds that the UGLI's exit in-
spection system would have to be-
come fool-proof before the flow of
stolen books is stopped entirely.
Most stolen books are probably
spirited out underneath the out-
ercoats of exiting library patrons,
she says, and the inspectors can't
frisk everyone that passes by the
checking desk.
If someone is found attempting
to leave the library without check-
ing out a book, Miss Faucher ex-
plains, the inspectors must pre-
sume that the offender is inno-
cent and unaware that he has
failed to appropriately charge the
volume. Usually, they are told to
return to the charging desk to le-
gally remove the book from the
Mutilation is another trouble
for the library system, particu-
larly in the case of periodicals.
Because of their large size, pros-
pective thieves often are not able
to take a complete bound volume,
so they settle for a few needed
pages instead.
Another facet of the stolen book
problem is manifested in the large
resale market in Ann Arbor's
bookstores. Books picked up from
dormitory coat racks, classroom
desks and restaurant tables are
easily converted into money
through sale to-.the local retailers.
The dormitory system is an-
other locus of considerable theft
and destruction. Chet Malinoski,
business manager for the Univer-
sity housing system, reports that
in recent months furniture from
dormitory lounges have been a
particularly prime target. Some
thieves have gone so far as to re-
move entire rugs from dorm pub-
lie areas.
Vandalism in the dormitories is
also considerable. Elevators in
Markley Hall are often out-of-
order for periods of days because
of tampering with the electrical
systems. Would-be pranksters, al-
tering. a dormitory's water flow,
have put a whole building on cold
water only.
Security officer Gainsley, whose
duties include functioning as a
referral agency for students in-
volved in any type of crime, does
not think the overall situation is
particularly serious. "Students are
no different today than they were
years ago; there'll always be some
who will step out of line, but on
the whole, most of them just
don't get into trouble.
S C Passes Newetnam
flught SI
Question Fleming on Lease Boycott,
Classified Research, Regetntal Talks L is
In an unanimous decision last night Student Government Council
passed a Student Bill of Rights in an attempt to "help foster and
preserve an enlightened, free, just and democratic academic com-
SGC President Bruce Kahn '69, said "The Student Bill of Rights
could possibly be the most important thing that SGC has done." Kahn
added that with the bill of rightF, students now will be aware of their
rights at the University
After the formal meeting University President Robben Fleming
appeared before SGC and its constituent assembly to answer questions.i
Offers New
Housn Plan
* Also discussed at the SGC meet-
ing last night was the combined By ALISON SYMROSKI
bovcott on Apartments Limited by
Hanoi CliMS 40
C ities Atta cked
Report 281 Anericant Victimu1s
As Four-Day Saigon Fight Slows
SAIGON i - U.S. Marines and Vietnam government
forces fought the Communists savagely for possession of the
old imperial city of Eue early today in the fourth day of co-
ordinated nationwide Communist assaults.
By allied count, the North Vietnamese ands the Viet Cong
have suffered 10,553 killed in savage fighting this week and
have failed to hold any major South Vietnamese cities.
South Vietnamese jets dive-bombed the citadel in the
. heart of Hue where an estimated 2,000 entrenched North
Vietnamese troops and Viet "
Cong had set up a revolution- -t
Sary council.
* Van Wylen
To Consider
several student groups.
Mike Koeneke '69, chairman of
the Student Housing Association
(SHA) was enthusiastic about the
boycott. "It seems that there is
The Ann Arbor Housing Com-
mission proposed a new low-in-
come public housing plan last
night providing for more sites, with
a lower maximum number of hous-
agying units on any one site.
R ecru t g an r Such changes have been de-
R e ui ngsmaller apartment managers to Sc hne aebe e
come over to the eight-month manded by -picketers last night
Rlease," he said. and Monday night who claimed
BRMark Schreiber '69 and pres-that the commission's first plan
The Engineering Placement Of- MrScrbr'6an pes-Would. lead to new ghettos.
fice will consider major policy de- dent of Student Rental Union add-
ciioscocrnn rcuiig ned that a new petition, asking stu- Nine Sites
cisions concerning recruiting on dents to indicate that they wll- The new proposal calls for hous-
campus as a result ofr meeting not rent from Apartments Limit- ing to be constructed on nine sites,
Wylan, dean of the engineering ed is now being circulated. with a maximum of 24 units on
colege, dan M he Daiserng ad-.any site. The original plan entailed
college. and Michael Davis, ad- seven sites-wth a~maximum~o
ministrative vice - president of See TEXT, Page 6 seven sites with a maximum of
SGC.-39 units.
Davis and Van Wylen met to Panhellenic and Inter-House Last night's plan proposes the
discuss a resolution passed last Assembly have joined in support construction of 136 one-family
week in which SGC required all of SHA-SRU action and have units-as many as possible in six-
business and corporation recruiters agreed to handle picketing for the unit dwellings-and the purchas-
using University facilities to hold next two weeks. ing of 42 apartments. To reach
open forums with students about SGC Coordinating Vice-Presi- the total 200 low-income units re-
company policies and activities. dent Paul Milgrom, '70, said, "It quired by the 1965 referendum, by
Interaction seems that student support is the commission building 22 apart-
"The purpose of the meeting was growing everywhere. Fraternities ments on a "turn-key arrange-
to bring about some sort of inter- and sororities have participated in ment.
action on problems and, policies in the picketing and South Quad This arrangement would mean
regards to recruiting here in the Council and Hunt House have that the apartments would be con-
school, 'V an Wylen said. -!structed by private builders, who
Also present at the meeting were would then lease them to the city
Assoc. Dean Arlen Hellwarth, Prof. to be used for low-rent housing.
John Young, head of the Place- ' Such an arrangement has been
ment Office, and Walden Rhines, =.{>> =tused in Lorain. Ohio. and ac-
68, president of Engineering Coun- coiding to several commission
cil. members apparently quite success-
President Robben W. Fleming 'fully.
T Commitment Needed
promised last week to bring a Voice Commissioner Conlin pointed
proposal concerning recruiting on<:.Comsinr olnpite
campus before the Regents at their out that there would have to be a
February Meeting. firm commitment from builders
The Voice proposal is similar to that they would undertake such a
the esouion pas s bsCr ad . project before the total plan could
asks that all companies using the be accepted.
University Placement Office be re- A second plan was proposed that
quired to participate in a public would constitute a compromise
forum concerning their corporate with the Commission's original
policies.n n r pplan. The pr'oposal provides for
Although Van Wylen termed the housing to be constructed on nine
meeting about "recruiting in gen- sites, but would not call for the
eral," the visit of recruiters from use of "turn-key" leased apart-
the Dow Chemical Co. on March ments. Thus, the proposal calls for
12 is foremost in the minds of more units on the sites, a maxi-
many. Dow is the nation's largest PRESIDENT FLEMING mum of 28.
American Marines and South A
Vietnamese infantrymen, moving /
behind tank columns, battled the;Snrakes
Communists in several parts of
the historic walled city 400 T o'CEF/iME
miles northeast of Saigon. 10 YtIj4EAU
Scattered fighting continued in
Saigon during the night, but the WASHINGTON (P) - The bomb-
focus of the four-day old Com- ing of North Vietnam will con-
munist offensive shifted to the tinue, President Johnson said yes-
struggle for 'Hue and heavy ac- terday, until the enemy gives some
-Daily-Jim Forsyth
FAIR PLAY FOR PEOPLE, an organization lar gely consisting of
night at City 'Hall before a meeting of the Housing Commission w
low-cost public housing.
Sheriff Misses Ark I
Gaede Criticizes Coo~
Washtenaw County Sheriff
Douglas Harvey failed to appear
last night for a debate originally
scheduled between Harvey and
Rev. Ewin A. Gaede on the use of
the county jail's incorrigible cell.
Rev. Gaede, however, gave an
informal talk to an audience of
about 25 at The Ark, on Hill
Steet, where the debate was ,
scheduled. Gaede urged that the
producer of napalm.
Spokesmen for Dow have said
that the firm would provide a
representative to hold this sort of
requested discussion if the request
were to come from University of-
'The Right Manner'
Van Wylen said he is concerned
with protecting the rights of all
the students. "We must keep in
mind both the students wishing to
be interviewed without being dis-
rupted by demonstrators, and
those students who wish to ques-
tion the companies about their
policies. I certainly would feel that
a policy discussion could be a goodI
thing if it were donein the right
ing E
vu r ge o i o$ In a meeting with the City incorrigible cell be closed. "See-
and $25 respectively to help the Council Feb. 8 the Housing Com- ing that cell gave me a real feel-
an $mission will promote all three ' ing of revulsion against the sys-
cause.plans, especially recommending the E tem," he said.
In reference to apartment man- "turn-key" plan if builders agree Jim Fieker, manager of thel
agers who have raised rents as to it. Ark, said that although Sheriff:
much as .25 per cent after ac- -__-
cepting the eight-month lease,
Koenek 1said "We realize thatr d s F a r O p n
Univesrity lease is accepted, but U CW rdsF i Op n T
rents will have to be raised if the Invriylaei cetd u
we hope that rent increases are By SHARON KORMAN The UAC World's Fair consists
limited to under 15 per cent." , of displays of the major countriesj
The University Activity Center's ';£,I- -- --' ..- -
Harvey was out of town this!
week and only learned of the de-
bate last night, "the Undersher-
iff assured me that someone from'
his department would come, al-
though the Sheriff would most
probably prefer to debate him-,
self." No one appeared last night
to debate with Gaede.
'The Hole'
Gaede. minister of Ann Arbor's
First Unitarian Church, spoke of
the incorrigible cell as "the hole,".
The cell is about six feet by six,
entirely concrete except for a
steel door. It has no toilet, and
no light except three quarter-inch
holes in the door.
oday i Union!
of the fair and co-ordinates the
variety show. The International
tinbetter sign that a han. wud noi,
welfare recipients, picketed last;ion in other cities. e n ht rrhrlsmwondagot
A Hanoi broadcast claimed at-,'mean more terrorism and aggres-
hich resulted in a new plan for Han w rudea , gaindt-lion
tacks were under way against ' in
more than 40 South Vietnamese As it is, Johnson, said, to call off
towns and cities. the bombing now would mean a
But the U.S. Command claimed harder and longer war, and the
the Reds were paying dearly, with loss of more American lives.
allied forces killing Communists While the bombing cannot keep
at the rate of 11.5 to 1. the enemy from ultimately mov-
They added that allied forces ing into battle position, Johnson
also captured 3,076 enemy sus- said, "it can reduce his momen-
pects and seized 2,100 weapons. tum. It can keep many of his men,
U.S. casualties were announced off the backs of our men."
r Ja i uI1 as 281 killed and 1,195 wounded Bombing Protection
in the period from 6:00 p.m. Mon- And so, Johnson said, "Until
day to midnight Thusday. Southw havesom better sign than
Section 125.483 of the Michigan Vietnamese killed were listed as these.last few days have provided
Compiled Laws requires that allI 632. that he will not step up his ter-
Class B dwellings have at least A Viet Cong representative in rorism and aggression if we halt
500 cubic feet of air space per Hanoi was quoted today as saying the bombing, we shall continue
occupant. Jails are classified as "simultaneous, repeated and fierce to give our men the protection It
Class B dwellings. Gaede claims attacks" are under way against affords."
that the incorrigible cell is at more than 40 South Vietnamese' Johnson voiced this stand as
most about 360 cubic feet. towns and cities. he presented the Medal of Honor
Gaede first saw the incorrigible: The remarks of Nguyen Phu to Air Force Maj. Merlyn H.
cell while visiting six draft dem- Soai, deputy chief of the South Dethlefsen, of Derby, Kan., who
onstrators in December. Vietnamese National Liberation took part in raids against North
The demonstrators were con- Front - NLF - headquarters in Vietnam's missile complex.
fined in the incorrigible cell after ' Hanoi, were broadcast early to- The President said the fliers
another prisoner in their original day by the North Vietnamese like him, comparatively few in
cell lit a small fire. All seven News Agency it said the state- ! number, e day are pinning
were kept in the incorrigible celll ment was made Thursday at a down 500,000 to 700.000 North
weeketm h ncrigbe elnews conference. - Vietnamese."
for two days. They were let out ncV n
only twice during that period tot
use a toilet.
Gaede said the Social Actione
Committee of his congregation isI
circulating petitions against the
incorrigible. They will submit thec
petitions to a county judge. "Stu-
dents are eligible for the jail,
and I think they're the ones who
should be signing the petitions,"f
he added.
When Sheriff Harvey heard of
t1, __;- -in nn-,, ,i «n r nt ,
Soais statement said, The pa-
triotic armed forces and people
are attacking, occupying or seiz-1
ing control of over 40 towns and
cities, including Saigon, Da Nang
and Hue."
Earlier, the Viet Cong claimed,
complete control of the mountain
city of Da Lat. It also said a
revolutionary council had been
set up in Hue and that appealst
for public support had been is-{
sued throughout the South.
Quang Tri city, 19 miles belowI
the demilitarized zone, was re-
United Nations
At United Nations, a U.S. spokes-
man said the Washington an-
nouncement did not mean that
'the United States was giving up
its effort to settle the problem
, through the U.N. Security Coun-
"The consultations are contin-
uing," he said.
He said also that the United
States would respond "in due
course" to a proposal by the five
'elected African and Asian mem-
haco a emin- l ta++tm eet
After regular business was con-
cluded Fleming held a question-
and-answer discussion with SGC.
When asked about SHA-SRU
action Fleming replied "I see it
as a perfectly traditional actions
annual World's Fair opened this
morning in the Michigan Union. It
will be open to the public all day
and tomorrow.
The fair, sponsored jointly by
UAC.the University's international
of the world. Students from each Center acts as a connection be-
country have set up displays of tween UAC and the foreign stu-
their national costumes, art, food dents, and also arranges for pub-
and much more. The Peace Corps, licity.
and American Field Service also The International Center has
have displays. rented one of the best portable
,_ .t,~o P in Th',,nai for the .ariety