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February 01, 1968 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-01

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the kitchen cynic

Hammond Tops Late Draft Picks

Seeing The Flower Children
On $25 A Week
Stopped into a church
I passed along the way
Got down on my knees
And I began to .. .
Sleep. In San Diego. We had been hanging around a public
fishing wharf and we met a grizzled geezer who told us he knew of
a church that' kept its doors open all night. He gave us directions
and we went there and had a good rest. The pastor came in the next
morning and didn't even wake us up. We were however, somewhat
surprised as we made our exit to find that the same grizzled dillet-
tante fisherman also worked as landscaper at the church. He had
'eglected to tell us that.
But churches are cheap and they are quiet. If you want to go
to California this spring, and you want to do it on the "go now, pay
little" plan, take a sleeping bag. Myself and my three miserly room-
mates of last year - Dick, Randy and Steve - spent almost four
weeks last spring seeing the Golden West and we did it for just about
K 00.00 apiece, of which about $40 was gas for the engine of our
frring Valiant. Thus the trip itself cost just over $2 a day and we
really didn't live badly.
On the way out we stopped nights in dormitories at our nation's
great, hospitable higher institutions of learning - Colorado College
(Colo. Springs), The University of Colorado (Boulder), The Univer-
sity of Utah (Salt Lake), and the University of Nevada (Reno), all
for a grand total of $0.
In San Francisco we "crashed" one night at the pad of a
pair of somewhat meshuginah hippies (if a hippie can be
meshuginah). The next day, however, one of them panhandled
us for a 40-mile ride across the bridge to San Leandro because
he wanted to have breakfast with his mother. We waited outside
his house and were promptly accosted by several of San Lean-
dro's finest, who knew the lad's reputation and searched us and
our car, then admonished us for, hanging about with such
- undesirables.
Two or three other nights we ended up in Golden Gate Park
which is on the ocean and gets cold, but otherwise is fairly
One morning a policeman on a horse rudely ruined the serenity
of our "nature was my bedroom" philosophy by stomping noisily into
our chosen cranny of the park. However, we were quite obviously
non-violent and neither said cop nor sturdy steed appeared too upset.
He warned us not to do it again, which meant that Randy, Dick
and Steve were forced to spend their last night in SF in the local
' YMCA, while I slept in the car. .
In Sacramento and San Jose, nepotism was the big kick. In
Wie former, my uncle shared his comfortable middle class abode
with us and also showed us the house of a less warm-hearted neigh-
bor, Ronny Reagan.
Randy's uncle, a seaweed salesman and one of the most
unusual men I have met, provided the lodging in San Jose and
then took a day off from the kelp factory to drive us in his
Lincoln Continental down to Monterey Bay and Carmel-by-the-
* Sea. (Relatives are excellent on trips. Their beds are clean and
their food is excellent and inexpensive. However, children may
be present. For serenity, churches and parks are better.)
At times we were really living high off the bovine. In LA we
slept at the Bel Air Sands Motel, one of the most luxurious estab-
Ashments on the west coast. In December I had stayed at the Sands
courtesy of the Michigan basketball team, and I had discovered a
grassy plain overlooking it and all of LA, from which we could not
be spotted. So we spent three or four various nice nights. I recom-
mend the Sands' Plateau quite highly, though it is preferable to stay
here in the winter when the sultry smog doesn't descend so low.
The most traumatic resting place we found was Tijuana,
Mexico. If you go across the border it might be judicious to ap-
propriate a buck or two'for a cheap hotel, We didn't, trying the
Tijuana beach instead. The problem with the Tijuana beach is
that it is infested with giant black rats and this is somewhat
unconducive to a good night's sleep. I had barely said my prayers
when out from this cavernous piece of driftwood 15 yards away
came a whole family of the friendly beasts. I was off the beach
in fifteen seconds. Steve had flown from LA back to Ann Arbor,
before we left for Mexico, but there was still only room for two
of us in the car. (If you want to use your car to sleep in, don't
drive a Valient.) Coins were flipped and I lost. I spent the night
on the car roof which was bad for all three of us as the metal
would cave in periodically.
The next night we were still sufficiently upset by the whole thing
and were driving back through southern California only a few miles
from the border, so we decided to invest in a lonely-looking motel.
After three weeks of sleeping in parks, on roofs and dormitory floors,
the motel was appeciated by us all.
The night following this we attempted to bust in at Northern
Arizona University in Tucson or Flagstaff or someplace like that.
We ran into trouble though, as the Resident Dean, a slimy, suspicious
looking cur, found us lugging our gear into a lounge. All was saved
however, when he found we were from Michigan. He was an Alum
from the early forties and, from the eagerness with which he digested
news of our region, I gathered that he hadn't been out of the desert
since just about that time. Before we were done, he even gave us
each a room and a bed.
Just outside of Amarillo, Texas, we slept on the hard ground

once again, and were restless in the night for fear of rattlesnakes.
Morning found us all healthy, and we headed for St. Louis and
Steve's house, where we could languor away the last days of our
Coming next: "California - Sociological Reflections on a Very
Strange Place" or "The Foreign Country next to Nevada."

By The Associated Press went to the Miami Dolphins of
NEW YORK - Quarterbacks the AFL in the sixth round, using
Kim Hammond of Florida State a draft right acquired from Den-
and Dewey Warren of Tennessee, ver in an earlier trade.
sprinter Jim Hines of Texas Warren in the Sixth
Southern and All-America defen- Warren, out of action because
sive back Tom Schoen of Notre of injuries during much of the
Dame were among the top col- Tennessee season, was a sixth-s
legians picked in the closing day round pick of the Cincinnati
of the combined American and bengals who had acquired quar-;
National Football League drafts terback John Stofa from Miami
yesterday. in a recent deal.
Although most of the cream had The Miami club also grabbed
been skimmed off the top Tuesday Hines, the sprinter whose 9.1 sec-
when the 26 pro clubs completed : onds for 100 yards tied the world
five rounds of selections, some still record last year. Hines is a
remained for the later rounds. flanker back with Texas Southern,
Hammond, who threw 15 touch- Schoen, Notre Dame's 5-foot-I1,
down passes for Florida State, 178-pound defensive back and
Bullets Outlast Pistons'

daring punt return man who was'
converted from a quartergack.
was an eighth-round pick by the
Cleveland Browns.
The Minnesota Vikings, who
had selected offensive tackle Ron

By The Associated Press j
BALTIMORE - Rookie Earl
Monroe scored 35 points and ledI
the surging Baltimore Bullets to
a 113-108 victory over the Detroit I
Pistons last night in a National1
Basketball Association game.
Monroe sank 14 of 32 field goal,
attempts, assisted on four baskets
and grabbed nine rebounds as Bal-
timore beat back a late Detroit
The Pistons, led by Dave Bing
with 41 points, pulled to within1
101-99 with 4% minutes remaining
after trailing by 19 points midway
through the third quarter.
But Monroe sank a one-hander,
from 20 feet out and then drib-
bled across the fpul lane for a
three-pointer and a 106-99 lead
with 3:45 to play.
BOSTON-Veterans John Hav-
licek and Bailey Howell took com-
mand in the last period last night
to lead the Boston Basketball As-
sociation victory over the Chicago!
With the Celtics leading 90-83
in the final quarter, Havlicek and
Howell ran off 15 straight points
between them while the Bulls were
held to seven points.
Howell had 27 points to lead
both teams in scoring. Havlicek '
had 25, and Sam Jones added 20
for the winners. Rookie Mal Gra-
ham chipped in 16 for the Celtics,
his high as a pro.
CINCINNATI - New York held
Chicago 3, New York 2
St. Louis at Los Angeles, inc.
New Jersey 119, Dallas 111

the ball for a final shot in the
overtime and Cazzie Russell pop-
ped in a jumper as the buzzer
sounded to give the Knicks a 128-
126 National Basketball Associa-
tion victory over Cincinnati last
Jerry Lucas connected on a lay-
up with 21 seconds remaining in
the overtime period to tie the score
126-126 but then New York called
time out and played for the final
New York, which led much of
the game, missed two attempts
to endthe game in regulation time
as Russell missed a 20-footer with
four seconds to go and Willis Reed
had a tip attempt roll off the

Three Wolverine gridders
were picked by the pros in
their annual draft. The first
Michigan player to be chos-
en, Rocky Rosema, went to
the St. Louis Cardinals in
the fifth round Tuesday.
Yesterday, New Orleans se-
lected Ray Phillips in the
seventh rounds, while Dave
Porter was picked by the
Cleveland Browns in round
Yary of Southern California
Tuesday as the No. 1 pick of all
the collegians, came up with Bob
Goodridge,aVanderbilt flanker,
and Len Snow, highly-regarded
Georgia Tech running back.
Seventh Goodie
Goodridge, who led the nation's
major college receivers with 79
catches for 1,114 yards. was taken
in the sixth round and Snow in
the seventh.
Cincinnati, given special con-
sideration as the latest expansion
team, had 45 selections but
traded a few of them away.
The Bengals drafted first and
last in each round, except the
first, but spun off some of the
rights in trades.
Ron VanderKelen, the one-time
Rose Bowl hero from Wisconsin
who has served time as a backup
man with the Minnesota Vikings,I

was traded off to the Atlanta Fal-
cons in return for a seventh
round pick.
The Vikings used the draft
right to take Oscar Reed, a run-I
ning back from Colorado State
who barged for 910 yards and
seven touchdowns last season
Vin One
Vince Lombardi, who may be!
making his last picks as coach of
Green Bay, selected Walt Chad-
wick, a running back from Ten-
nessee: Andy Beath, a defensive
back from Duke; Tom Owens, a
guard from the University of Mis-
souri at Rolla, and Bob Apisa,
Michigan State's barefooted kick-
er as his first four drafts on the
final day.
Lombardi has called a news
conference for today in Green Bay
where it is expected he will an-
nounce his retirement as coach
to concentrate on being the gen-
eral manager of the Packers. It is!
expected Phil Bengston, defensive
coach, will be named Packer
None of the coaches or general
* managers was present at the
draft. All drafts were made by
telephone through representatives
at the selection meeting.

-_ _ =_ _





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