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January 31, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-31

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College Administrators Seek Classified Projects

Spe cia ale

OFF !!

though opposition to secret re-
search on university campuses has
increased during the past six
months, the Pentagon claims uni-
versities have not responded by
backing down on their classified
research agreements.
In fact, a Defense Department
official said some college and uni-
versity administrations have re-
sponded by writing the Pentagon
expressing their willingnessgto
take onsecret researchnprojects,
or to increase the number they

now have. These administrations
apparently want to make their
positions exceedingly clear in
case some universities decide to
drop their classified projects.
Dr. Arwin A. Dougal, assistant
director of the Pentagon's office
for research and engineering,
would not say how many univer-
sities have expressed an interest
in conducting secret research. He
also declined to list specific
schools which have written the
Pentagon in this regard.
He did, however, indicate that

the number of schools expressing
a willingness to conduct secret
research outweighs the number
expressing concern over whether
or not universities should engage
in such projects.
Dougal conceded that some
university administrations, recog-
nizing the possibility that some
schools may discontinue their se-
cret Defense Department projects,
are grabbing for the research dol-
lar. "Some of them may be like
good businessmen who are always
trying to get more business," he


to retain their security clarances
when their projects are complet-
ed. "Many attempt to get involved
in conducting more classified re-;
search, and others want to serve
as advisers to research labora-1
tories," he 'explained.
In the past two months, thereI
have been some indications that
the government has been . espond-
ing to the protests against classi-
fied research by easing its poli-I
cies toward secrecy. Two specificI
events support this trend.
First, the Pentagon announced

secret research projects attempt' that it is "declassifying" some

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Concern for Security
But Dougal says the "large " f
majority' of the letters have .i




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shown the universities "have a
sincere concern about the nation-
al security." These universities
have indicated they realize that
classified research, although pos-
sibly undesirable, is necessary for
this nation's security, he said.
Dougal said he can sympathize
with the opponents of secret re-
search on university campuses.
"But many aspects of Defense
research simply have to be with-
held from foreign knowledge, and
the only way we can do that is
to classify the project. We do not'
arbitrarily declare that a project
has to be kept secret."
Strong Sector
Defense Department research is
conducted in four! basic sectors:
in-house Defense research labor-
atories; industries; Federal Re-
search Contract Centers, and uni-
versities. "The university sector is
one of the very strongest sectors,"
Dougal said.
Dougal also said many profes-
sors who have been involved in

1-LAAL k-, &A_ AAW/P.V /. ..3
Stirs Fury
JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (A)-A Unit-
ed Mine Workers Union drive to
arganize small independent mines
spread the worst violence in a gen-
eration through the Pennsylvania
soft coal fields yesterday and idled
18.000 men in three states.
State police said swift bands of
men used firebombs to destroy the
office of a union challenging the
United Mine Workers, AFL-CIO,
at the small mines.
The Southern Labor Union con-
tends it won an election desig-
nating it the sole bargaining agent.
The Solar Fuel Co. has contested
the results.
The United Mine Workers have
organized virtually every big deep
pit and strip mine in southwestern
Pennsylvania, except for a number
of coal seams recently opened by
small independents.

projects now underway at univer-
sities. But the announcement ap-
plies only to classified projects in
the area of basic research, and
most secret research falls under
the category of applied research.
Second, the State Department
announced that it has drawn- up
an anti-secrecy code designed to
apply to all research in the be-,
havioral and social sicences and
research on foreign countries.
Twenty-one government agencies,
including the Defense Depart-:
ment, the Central Intelligence!
Agency, and the Executive Of-
fice of the President say they will
abide by the Code..
But Dougal cautioned against
interpreting the two announce-
ments as meaning the govern-
ment is softening its position on
secret research. "There are many
projects which simply have to be
classified," he said. "What these
announcements show is that there
is a desire to not classify projects
when it is not necessary."
Campus Opposition
The Pentagon announcement
came in early November, when the
opposition to classified research
was near its peak on college cam-
puses. "But you should not be de-
ceived by the timing of the. an-
riouncement," Dougal said.
The new anti-secrecy code an-
nounced by the State Department
also affects only a small amount
>f research. It does not include
any natural science research, nor
does it include research done with-
in the United States. There are
no provisions for enforcement;
agreement is voluntary.

Inmate Tells
PenalI Deaths
tiP--An inmate whose long mem-
ory of a graveyard for forgotten
men led to the unearthing of three
skeletons claimed yesterday that
20 other Arkansas State prisoners
were shot to death on Labor Day
of 1940.
Reuben Johnson, 59, a hefty 6-
footer who first went to prison in
1937 for killing his brother, said
that years ago he helped bury 10
or 12 convicts who were "shot with
a pistol, a shotgun or just beaten
to death."
On Monday, Johnson led offi-
cials to the unmarked graves of
three men, the remains encased
in coffins buried in the rich soil
of the Arkansas River bottoms.
State Police Maj. Bill Strueberg
said the bodies of a number of
dead prison inmates had gone un-
claimed but he could not say if
this was the case with the three
Former Prison Supt. Dan D.
Stephens said he was aware all
along that there was an old prison
cemetery in the area where the
bodies were found, one headless,
one with the head smashed and a
third with the legs broken, ap-
parently to get the body into the
Stephens said the burials dated
back many years, and that no con-
victs were buried at Cumimins dur-
ing his tenure in 1964-65.
Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller told
a news conference: "This is a si-
tuation that has been rumored to
me ever since I have been in Ar-



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Grumman announces
an Engineering Masters Fellowship Program
Extending man's reach is the challenge at Grumman. The the full-time semester hours (approximately nine cred
creation of advanced aircraft and space vehicles requires so as to complete his Masters Degree within a two-y
creative design of a high order of magnitude if man is to period. Fellows must pursue scholastic programs direc
truly extend his reach in the domains previously denied applicable to the needs of the Corporation. Local re
him. These vehicles, whether for defending the national dency and attendance at a local university are requir
interest or for exploring extraterrestrial space, must be so Candidates for the Program must have at least
designed as to enable man to survive, function and fulfill 3.0/4.0 grade point average (or the equivalent) for th
his mission in every environment. Then "the bring-back" undergraduate work.
ability which only he possesses remains intact. At Grum-
man, all design requirements are delineated with this in- SALARY AND BENEFITS
eradicable fact in mind. The creativity necessary to attain The total value of the Fellowships ranges from $10,750
these requirements lies in the hands of the engineer who is $13,000 per year. The Fellow will be paid for1
constantly striving to extend his technological number of. hours workedl
reach. To assist him, Grumman has created week, based upon an eq
an Engi'neering Masters Fellowship Pro- * table starting salary prevail
gram. Fellowship applications are at the- time the Fellows
now being accepted for the aca commences. The Fellow's p
demic year beginning in formance will be evaluated d
Autumn, 1968. ing the two-year period and

0 to

We've almost lost a good word, and we hate to see it go.
The movie industry may feel the same way about words such as colossal,
gigantic, sensational and history-making. They're good words-good sym-
bols. But they've been overused, and we tend to pay them little heed. Their
effectiveness as symbols is being depleted.
One of our own problems is with the word "opportunity." It's suffering sym-
bol depletion, too. It's passed over with scant notice in an advertisement.
It's been used too much and too loosely.
This bothers us because we still like to talk about opportunity. A position
at Collins holds great potential. Potential for involvement in designing
and producing some of the most important communication systems in
the world. Potential for progressive advancement in responsibility and
income. Unsurpassed potential for pride-in-product.
That's opportunity.
And we wish we could use the word more often.
Collins representatives will visit your campus this year. Contact your
College Placement Office for details.
an equal opportunity emplover COMMUNICATION/COMPUTATION /CONTROL

The Fellowship
Program consists of
two basic types of awards. The first
is available directly to 1968 gradu-
ating engineers with Bachelors De-
grees in all engineering areas related
to aerospace. (Ten Fellowships of this
type are currently .available). The,
second is open to engineers who have;
been with our company for a mini-
mum of one year. The Fellowship will
be granted for a year and will be re-
newable for -an additional year upon
satisfactory completion of the 12-
month work/study plan. An op-
tional feature of this program
permits six months rota-
tional 'work assignments in
order to broaden Fellows
technical base and allow
for evaluation of re-
lated technical fields.

will be eligible for raise con-
siderations in the same manner
as every other employee. He
will also be entitled to full
normal employee benefits. A
stipend of $1,000 for the Fellow
plus $500 for each dependent
(spouse and children) will be paid
each year, plus full tuition,
books and fees.
Application forms for the
Grumman Engineering
Masters Fellowship Pro-
gram -for the academic
year beginning in
Autumn 1968
should be requested
immediately. Com-
pleted forms'must
reach our ofices
by March 15,1968.
Clip and mail the
coupon below now.

Each Fellow will be
required to work a
minimum of 24 hours
per week at Grumman
during the regular, school
year and 40 hours per week
during the summer. Each
Fellow will also be expected
to carry a workload of one-half

#t . #....*.**&*S***t ***
Mr. Thomas E. Fessenden, Director of
Engineering Services and Administration
i-- GRUMMAN Aircraft Engineering Corporation

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