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January 31, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-31

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Board on Subversive Activities
To Resume Public Hearings

Erupts in Suez

TEL AVIV, Israel (Al)-Israel and.
Egyptian tanks and artillery ex-
changed fire for 90 minutes across
the Suez Canal yesterday in the
heaviest engagement along the
troubled waterway since last Oc-
The firing began when Egypt
sent four launches into the north-
ern part of the canal to look for
obstacles barring the way of 15
foreign ships, stranded in the
waterway since the June war.
Clearing Operations
Israel had agreed to a clearing
operation in only the southern
part of the canal and had warned
Sunday that any attempt in the
north would be resisted.
The Egyptian launches had pro-
ceeded about a mile north from
their starting point at Ismailia,
midway in the canal, when Israeli
troops on the east bank fired
; warning shots.
Israel says the Egyptians on the
east bank then opened up with ar-
tillery and the fire was returned.
T eams ters,
Publis hers
To Bargain
DETROIT (P)-Striking Team-
sters and publishers of the closed
Detroit Free Press and Detroit
News have scheduled a joint nego-
tiating session for today, it was
learned yesterday.
The meeting is to begin at 10
a.m. in offices of the Detroit News-
* paper Publishers Association, which
represents the two struck dailies
in most labor negotiations.
It will be the first joint talks
since Dec. 28.
Robert Holmes, an international
vice president of the Teamsters
Union,' was reported meeting to-
day with the executive board of
Teamsters Local 372, of which
newspaper drivers and distributors
are members.
Teamsters. struck the evening
News on Nov. 16 in support of new
contract demands. The morning
Free Press closed down two days
later, adhering to a joint policy
that a strike against one of the
ailies amounts to a strike against
the other.
International officers of the
Teamsters reportedly were behind
a movement in which the striking
4 local recently closed down the re-
maining two interim dailies which
sprang up in the strike's wake.
Top union officials reportedly
felt the publishing of interim
papers was thwarting settlement
at the News and Free Press.
Whether Holmes would sit in on
# today's meeting was not determ-
ined immediately. His office re-
ported him meeting with Local

An Egyptian communique said Is-
raeli troops were the first to open
fire on Egyptian positions north
of Ismailia.
Tanks joined the artillery in the
duel. An Israeli army spokesman
said two Egyptian tanks were
knocked out. Five Israeli soldiers
were wounded.
The Egyptian arnfy communique
made no mention of casualties, but
said one of the launches was dam-
aged. This contradicted earlier
Egyptian reports that the four
launches returned safely to Is-
Fighting Stopped
Fighting finally was stopped in
response to an appeal by Lt. Gen.
Odd Bull, the United Nations chief
truce supervisor, who happened to
be visiting in Cairo. Egyptian
sources said he had ordered his
observers on the canal to prepare
a detailed report of the clash.
Explaining the attempt to make
a survey in the northern part of
the canal, the Egyptian sources
said a preliminary survey in the
southern portion of the canal
showed there were too many ob-
stacles. The nature of these ob-
stacles was not given, but some are
believed to be small ships sunk
by the Egyptians to block the
canal in the Israeli Arab war.
Free Canal
Since it would take considerable
time to clear the southern portion,
the Egyptians planned to survey
the northern part of the canal to
see if it would be easier to free the
foreign vessels, the sources said.
Without confirmation in Israel,
the Egyptians said the plan was
forwarded to Bull and that the
Israelis had agreed.
The Israeli position is that for
humanitarian reasons I s r a e l
agreed to clearing of the southern
part of the canal so the ships from
eight nations-including the Unit-
ed States-could be released.
Series of Clashes
The Israelis said this was an ex-
ception to an Israeli Egyptian
agreement reached last July
through Bull's intervention that
both sides-refrain from launching
small craft in the canal. The
agreement was to halt a series of
clashes caused by boat launchings.
Israel fears that any attempt to
clear the northern portion of the
canal would mean an Egyptian at-
tempt to free the whole 107 mile
length. Israel, with troops firmly
entrenched on the east bank, says
the canal will be opened to all
ships, including Israeli, or none.
The day's fighting was the most
severe since Oct. 24, when Israeli
artillery destroyed Egyptian oil
refineries at Port Suez at the
southern end of the canal in re-
taliation for the sinking of the
Israeli destroyer Elath by the
C o n f l i c t between Israel and
Egypt first flared hot last June
during a six-day Mid-East war,
won by Israel.

WASHINGTON () - The Sub-
versive Activities Control Board,.
nearly dissolved last year in an
uproar over a presidential ap-
pointment, asked Monday for a
38 per cent increase in its budget,
and announced yesterday its first
public hearing in two years.
A hearing scheduled to begin
Monday in New York will explore
the U.S. attorney general's con-
tention that the W.E.B. DuBois
Clubs of America "is substantially
directed, dominated and controlled
by the Communist Party."
Public Hearing
Frank Hunter, SACB general
counsel, disclosed the hearing to
a reporter who called to ask about
the budget increase. "We do not
have the faintest idea" where or
Press when hearings other than the Du-
Bois proceeding might be held,"
Hunter said.
The public hearing apparently
fter will keep the board in business,
rth since Congress voted to dissolve it
June 1, 1969, if it held no hear-.
ings in the next year.

The board became virtually ing the board to proceed. Huntei

dormant after courts strippedr
away its powers to require organi-
zations it deemed subversive to
register with the Justice Depart-

said he did not know how many
witnesses the Department of Jus-
tice or the DuBois clubs would

-AssQciated F


Herbert F. Hoover, a Republican from Oskaloosa, Iowa, campaigned yesterday in Concord, N.H., al
filing as a presidential candidate for the New Hampshire primary March 12. Hoover, 44, is a fou
cousin twice removed from the late president Herbert C. Hoover,
I\r 1 !A1l 1t - TN. 1U R 1.A Fif, W"A1-WT

pnK4.nnn aJn saVint

~Defense Departmenl

Reports o
the 83 crew members of the USS,
Pueblo, seized by North Korea asi
a spy ship, was reported yester-
day to have died.
The Defense Department said'
the report was unconfirmed, and
there was no way of identifying
any casualties among the cap-
tured men.
Proper Treatment
The report followed a White
House statement that it had been
advised the crew was being prop-
erly treated and the wounded
were receiving medical care.
Asst. Secretary of Defense Phil
G. Goulding said "We are notI
able to confirm the reliability" of
either report.
"The government still has noR
firm information on injured or
wounded among the crew of the
USS Pueblo," Goulding said in a,
Little Information
He said, "our only first hand
knowledge" was contained in brief'
radio messages from the Pueblo
at the time she was being sur-
rounded by Communist patrol
boats off North Korea on Jan. 22.
/ These messages indicated that,
three or four men had been!
wounded or injured, Goulding
said, and one man's leg had been
blown off.-
"We have no way of identify-,
ing any casualty and we cannot4
say whether there is a connection
between the ship's message of a
man critically injured and the!

F Pueblo C
unconfirmed report from other:
sources that there is one man
dead," Goulding said.
Neither he nor White House
press secretary George Christian
would give the source of their
The White House laid stress on
diplomatic efforts to free the
The press aid said the situation
is "too fluid" for a detailed dis-
cussion of what the United States
might do.
In response to questions about
United Nations efforts, he said

The DuBois clubs have asked a
postponement of the hearing until
Feb. 26. Their request for addi-
tional preparation time is expect-
ed to be granted.
The Subversive Activities Con-
su a lttrol Board popped from obscurity
asu altylast year after President Johnson
appointed Simon F. McHugh,
husband of a former Johnson sec-
"we're going to do whatever we retary, to a $26,000 a year job as
can in New York" to obtain re- a b o a r d member. Opponents
lease of the captives. argued McHugh was not qualified.
Christian said Johnson intends Congress, after first consider-
to keep in touch with the Repub- ing abolishing the board, finally
lican leaders, Sen. Everett M. voted at the urging of Senate
Dirksen of Illinois and Rep. Ger- Republican Leader Everett M.
ald R. Ford of Michigan, and in- Dirksen to give it new' duties in-
dicated the President probably stead,
would talk to them by telephone. Payroll Increases

ment. The brief Katzenbach filed
Now Congress has empowered nearly two years ago alleged that
the board to conduct hearings and the DuBois Clubs "came into
determine if organizations are existence under the plan, guid-
Communist dominated or control- ance and direction of the Com-
led. It has no punitive powers, and munist Party," have been partly
can act only on cases referred to financed by the Communist Party,
it by the attorney general. have supported C o m m u n i s t
Nicholas Katzenbach, then at- causes and objectives and has
torney general, filed a proceeding never deviated from positions ad-
against the DuBois Clubs on vanced by the Communist Party.
March 2, 1966. The organization The organization for young
fought in federal courts to stop people, which had 36 chapters and
g2,500 members at the time Katzen-
the hearings but eight days ago bach filed his charges, denied it
the Supreme Court turned down was affiliated with the Commun-
the latest DuBois petition, allow- i 1st Party.
Advisory Con-uison Sees
Political Crisis in U.S. Cities
WASHINGTON (R) - An inter- price of the authoritative action
governmental commission said required for the nation's survival."
yesterday the nation's political The 26 member commission is
system faces its severest challenge comprised of House members,
since the Civil War because of the senators, federal officials, gov-
rioting and blight of major Amer- ernors, mayors, county officials
ican cities. and members of state legislatures.
' In its ninth annual report to DseaeCii
Congress and the President, the DesperateCrisis
Advisory Commission on Inter- The commission said evidence
governmental Relations said the during 1967 piled high to drama-
nation's cities represent the ma- tize the desperate social and pa-
jor crisis threatening both the litical crisis of many central cities
federal system and society as it's as well as dire economic and fis-
known today. cal difficulties.
r kAs far as intergovernmental
Threat of Anarchy relations are concerned, the com-
The report spoke of threatened mission said, a significant feature
anarchy and said the future of of the 1967 rioting was the ten-
the nation's political system de- dency of local officials and news
pends on how the present chat- media to speak' almost entirely
lenges are met, of federal solutions.
It said the challenges are ra-
cial unrest, civil disorders, bur- Dissatisfaction
geoning crime and delinquency, The apparent reason for much
and alarming differences in in- of the dissatisfaction, however,
dividual opportunity for educa- stems from local government
dis ulopruiyfreua structure and money arrange-
tion, housing and jobs. mentsurooted in state constitu-
Meeting Challenges tions and laws not directly con-
"The manner of meeting these trolled or controllable by the fed-
challenges will largely determine eral government, it said.
the fate of the American politi- State financial aid to local
cal system," the commission said. schools, the conimission said,
f "It will determine if we can tends to favor the suburbs over
maintain a form of government the central city.
marked by partnership and "It is the paradox of educa-
wholesome competition among tion in metropolitan America,"
, national, state and local levels." Bryant said, "that where the
The alternative, the commis- needs are greatest, the resources
sion said, is whether in the face are scarcest; the children need-
of threatened anarchy "we must ing education the most are re-
sacrifice political diversity as, the ceiving the least."

Christian said Monday that
"prudent, orderly and limited de-
ployment" of U.S. military forces
was under way in the Korean
area, but there was no further
talk of that yesterday.


Worldl Newv, Rnnnln

T Tv o ltl 1 T V TT .7. . va i .a N
By The Associated Press Kennedy did not spell out to re-
LONDON-Prime Minister Har- porters the nature of circum-f
old Wilson contended yesterday stances that might cause him to1
very little separates the United change his mind. But it was indi-
States and North Vietnam from a cated that developments in thel
peace parley, at least in their pub- Vietnam war may have a great1
lic stances. deal to do with his thinking.-
Wilson, home from Moscow last * * *
week, suggested in the House of NEW YORK - A special three
Commons an exchange of assur- judge federal court granted final
ances between Washington and permission yesterday for the
Hanoi. Pennsylvania and New York Cen-!
* * * tral railroads to merge. The rail-
WASHINGTON - Sen. Robert roads said they would do it to-
F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.) said yester- morrow.
day he has told friends and asso- The order clears the way for
ciates he will not oppose Presi- the biggest merger in corporate
dent Johnson in presidential pri- history, the creation of the larg-
maries under any foreseeable cir- est privately owned rail system
cumstances. in the world.

The board was voted $295.000
this year and wants $13,000 more
to meet payroll increases ap-
proved by Congress-including' a
raise to $28,000gfor board mem-
bers. One of the five seats has
been vacant several months await-
ing a presidential appointment.
For fiscal 1969, the board is
asking $425,000. Increases would
go mostly for travel - $20,000 in-
stead of $3,500 this year - tran-
scripts and an increase in staff
from 17 to 22 persons. New staff
would include a $21,000 hearing
examiner, an attorney and secre-
tarial help.
Asked about the travel increase
Hunter said "all that can be done
is to have available to the board
money to travel if necessary for
hearings outside Washington."


I ,,.. a .. - I.. .. ._. ., _ ,

Come talk and
eat lunch with
Vietnamese Buddhist Monk
and writer
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8:30 P.M.

A Debate by Douglas Harvey (Washtenw County Sheriff)
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returning by popular demand to sing
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t A & I/^ Mp 0%[ 1 'TE!

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