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January 31, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-31

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See Editorial Page


5k I!3Uf


Slight chance
of precipitation tonight

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
crime on Campus: Rapes Low, Muggings
EDITORS NOTE: This is thefirst of a campus may not be as imminent as ru- However, a chance survey of 15 female "When someone is out looking for a Ypsilanti area, and many that are picted a lot of
three-part series on the various forms of i u okn o piat ra n ayta r i~dalto
crimi on the University campus. Parts two mors might suggest, but there is cause undergraduates who estimated an aver- girl to attack or rob, he'll invariably go up by the police are repeat offenders. It otherwisei
and three, appearing Thursday and Friday, for concern. age of 20-25 on-campus rapes over the where he knows people are walking. With is rare that students themselves are ac- To stud
,will deal with drug use, and vandalism and -T td
tlhefl. The stories that circulate first are, of past calendar year is indicative of the the hospital and the libraries on cam- tually committing the violent crime, al- caution, b
couse, tales of constantly recurring rape. power of word-of-mouth exaggeration. pus, a large pedestrian nighttime popu- though a student fight in East Quad rently und
By DANIEL OKRENT The occasional missives that come out One girl said she knew of six rapes near lation is inevitable." early this month resulted in a knifing. more light
Monday night, at 11:55 p.m., Daily of the offices, of Panhellenic Association the cemetery on Observatory in the past Ann Arbor's rapes per capita rate is So Krasny's force must, on the whole, ny still m
reporter Michael Thoryn walked out of or from dormitory housemothers tell of six months alone. about one-third the national average. aim at those who come from outside the ticular sh
the Student Publications Bldg. on May- "rape waves" sweeping across the cam- Of the three cases that stood up after There is about one rape per year per immediate area. Six special patrolmen and should
nard St. and was accosted just a few pus. The ease with which rumors are investigation, all occurred on what city 33,000 people in Ann Arbor compared on campus at night keep an eye out for Rolland G
yards from the door. The knife flashed spread in the University's generally police consider the campus area. The with a national average of one rape "questionables" and try to stem the crime Security a
by one of his assailants ripped through closed society cause most undergraduate three, one near Division and Packard, per 11,000 population. tide by their presence. Last year's 16- cessor as
his coat, tore the lining, and cut open women to adopt a certain wariness when another in the 1900 block of Washter:aw, The rate of street "crimes against a man shortage on the force was widely same adv
his shirt. He managed to escape before walking the streets at night. and the last in the immediate vicinity of person," however, is proportionally high- publicized and earned Ann Arbor a repu- residenceI
anything more serious happened. According to Krasny, there were eight the General Library, did not occur in er. Krasny says that "a great majority" tation for being a "hittable" city. cent the s
athing mre serios happentrapes, reported in the entire city last any kind of a "streak", nor did they of Ann Arbor street assaults take place The police shortage has been eliminat-
There are many more people on the year, of which only three checked out to seem related. None were reported near on campus, similarly due to the high ed within the past few months, however. Gainsley
University campus whose luck does not be "actual" rapes. Too often, Krasny the cemetery. amount of pedestrian traffic. Street as- With an authorized force of 105 men - property p
devethemndasuell Teberhestupr-y notes, a woman will be visited by a for- The reason all of the city's rapes oc- saults take the form of molestations or over half of which have some college rectly char
dets anfacaulnt imeerwhfalAnny mer boyfriend, accept him with open curred on campus - roughly defined by robbery, armed and unarmed. Krasny training and 12 with full degrees for volent
to a.campus violent crime rate that Ann arms, and then file a rape charge when Krasny as an area bounded by Lawrence terms the 12 armed street robberies last Krasny expects the crime rate to begii Gainsley a
Arsroly "hiefWalterE.Krashe summarily leaves after a brief en- on the north, Division on the west, Hill year "much too high", and has recently dropping. can be a
terms "ungodly." , counter. on the south and a line up Baldwin to beefed up his night campus patrol. Another major problem in attracting having fu.
The spectre of rape, assault and mug- The number that go unreported be- University Hospital on the east - can The problem of prevention is not easy. criminals to the campus area is the high force does
ging that causes periodic alarm in sor- cause a victim fears publicity is not es- be attributed to the general "mobility Most of the "campus criminals," Krasny number of open parties. The attraction arrest and
ority houses and dormitories across timable. complexion" of the area. says, are unemployed youths from the of people, noise and an open door bring Tomo

people to campus who would
not' be around.
ents Krasny suggests constant
ut not alarm. Plans are cur-
erway for the construction of
ing on the campus, but Kras-
aintains that women in par-
ould walk in pairs at night
i try to avoid deserted streets.
ainsley, director of University
nd Krasny's immediate prede-
city police chief, offers the
ice, Periodic warnings from
hall and sorority officials ac-
ame cautions.
's force of Sanford Security
protection police are not di-
ged with policing the campus
crime, but both Krasny and
gree that their mere presence
crime deterrent. Although not
L1 police rights, the Sanford
have normal rights to citizen
rrow: Drugs in Ann Arbor

Fleming Acts







'U'-Legislature Relations
C 73a,-i Special To The Daily Os e




LANSING - President Robben
W. Fleming took a major step
yesterday toward improving Uni-
versity-Legislature relations with
a pledge to meet personally with
legislators to work out the prob-
lems confronting the University.
"Reasonable men don't always
see eye to eye," Fleming told a
special joint session of the Legis-
lature. "But I pledge to you that
so long as I am President our dif-
ferences will be discussed with re-
spect and dignity, there will be
no arrogance, and I shall person-
ally be available to explain and,
provide information you need
about the hopes and aspirations
of the University."
However, Fleming warned the
overflowing, enthusiastic audiencek
in the House chamber, if Michi-
gan is to maintain its record of
support for higher education, ad-I
ditional dollars must be forth-
"Those of us in universities do
not live in a world isolated from
society," Fleming said. "We know
there are roads to be built, :m-
mense welfare programs to sus-
tain, urban communities to re-
construct, K-12 educational pro-
grams to support, serious prob-
lems of water and air pollution,
crime control programs and hosts
of other things which would re-
quire money," Fleming explained.
"But we also know that if we
are to do the job you should have
us do, it will require additional
dollars," he concluded.
Fleming promised the legisla-
tors that if they ask for more
funds the University would help t
in convincing the citizens of the
state that the cause of highern
education is worthy of additionalr
Fleming cautioned legislators2
about reducing the number ofc
out-of-state students "who enjvy
the privilege of an educational
See FLEMING, Page 10

Aso M01111t Attacks
Oil Citles 'Airports
Urban Area Attacks Seen as Ploy;
Expect Major Offensive iII North
SAIGON K? - A Viet Cong unit seized and held parts of
the U.S. Embassy in the heart of Saigon for six hours Wed-
nesday before being wipeo out by American forces.
Paratroopers swarmed out of helicopters landing on the
roof of the eight story building to battle the invaders and
lift the siege.
All the Vit Cong intruders died in the embassy battle,
climaxing a series of guerrilla assaults and shellings in Sai-
gon that brought limiteo warfare deep into the South Viet-
namese capital
Simultaneous with the strikes against Saigon, for the
second straight day the Viet Cong attacked cities up and
down the country in an un---_.

President Fleming Addresses the Legislature
Senate Considers
'U' Building Control,

-Daily-Bernie Baker
SEVERAL RESIDENTS of Apartments Limited- managed buildings at 425 and 503 Hill St. have
complained about uncollected garbage that has been piling since the beginning of the year.
Firms Consider Short Lease;
Large Rental Boosts Posstble

precedented explosion of guer-'
rilla warfare against urban
Referring to the embassy at-
tack, Gen. William C. Westmore-
land, U.S. commander in Viet-
nam, said "the enemy's well-laid
plans went afoul," and listed 19
Viet Cong bodies found on the
Westmoreland said one U.S.
Marine was killed and five were
wounded, and that seven U.S.

A proposal currently before the
State Senate Education Commit-
tee would provide for the estab-
lishment of a "higher education
building council" which would
control acquisition of land, con-
struction of buildings and issu-
ance of bonds to finance all Uni-
versity buildings, including proj-
ects that are currently self-liqui-
Senate Bill 387 sets up the
Higher Education Building Coun-
cil to maintain legislative control
of constructions The bill, if
passed, would also change the
method of financing higher edu-
cation construction from appro-
priation to bonding.
The legislative control of con-
struction is made clear in two
sections. Section 11 states that no
institution shall receive any con-
struction funds until it pledges
not to engage itself in any self-
liquidating housing projects. All
University dormitories are cur-
rently self-liquidating.
Section 13 states that no uni-
versity shall undertake any self-
liquidating academic or Dousing
construction. This section is un-
enforceable except by further'
restrictions on appropriations.
"The full faith and credit of
the. state" is pledged to repay the
.h .s a~xr - - -.v " ..-w 1^ i f Pln

present laws. We ha
information before we
a building now."
University Executive
ident Marvin Niehuss
comment on whether t
flicts with University
He said he needed m
study the 'bill.
Last summer a
student worked in a
the handicapped
hagen, at a hospi
mentally retardedi
Jutland, and on a D

ve all that
give them
declined to
he bill con-
ore time to

By MICHAEL THORYN ments at 910 Packard,'has always
Apartment owners with small used a University lease. "I will
to middle-sized holdings are mov- use the new lease," he said, "as
ing to accept the University eight- long as I can have an acceptable
month lease with one catch - occupancy rate. I may have to
rents will be raised from five to raise rent more than 20 per cent
20 per cent. because I can't throw two to
"Any rent raise over 20 perthree month's rent out the win-
cent is extremely high," Michael: dow."
Koeneke, chairman of Student Shipman Associates, owner of
Housing Association (SHA) said. approximately 40 campus units,
Howard Hirth, who owns apart- will not use the University eight-

1/ 141 1_t . 1 VUV4 , V . ~
will continue to offer its own military policemen were killed or
eight-month lease at ten months' wounded. He said he thought four
rental fee. This is equivalent to of the MP's were dead.
a 25 per cent yearly rent hike. y The embassy building was bad-
In other developments, Voice ly shot up and the Great Seal of

month lease However, the Prm


Project Fo
STEIN in northwest Germany near
ENSEN the site of a World War II
University concentration camp.
factory for He was a member of the
in Copen- Lisle Fellowship program - a
tal for the combination of school, social
in Ribe on work and travel for students
)anish farm from all parts of the world.
Founded by Dewitt Baldwin,
retiring director of the Office
of Religious Affairs, the pro-
gram aims to impart "world
perspectives in intercultural
With programs in the Soviet
Union, Puerto Rico, Colombia.
and the United States as well
as Denmark, the program
works to have its students
:?':'aran savnprianrt- in an in-

ters Interculture

grow out of its isolationism,
and when this happened it
would need responsible lead-
ers capable of interacting
knowledgeably with the other
cultures of the world.
First Program
With this thought in mind,
the Baldwins held their first
eight week program at Lisle.
N.Y., with 27 students repre-
senting 12 different nations.
Since then the program has
expanded into different areas
of the world, and has included
participants from 80 countries.
The basic form of the pro-
gram has remained the same,
with an average of about 20
stue1nts in each nroaranm

tion period, reporting their ex-
periences to the rest of the
group. New teams are formed
and different projects are as:
signed for the next field as-
The last evaluation session
is devoted to a review of the
total accomplishments and
plans for future improvement.
Mark Schreiber, '69, who
spent last summer in Denmark,
called his Lisle Fellowship
work "a most exciting and re-
warding experience." After
leaving Denmark, he spent two
weeks in Czechoslovakia with
a friend from the program.
Political System
Schreihr added "I am now

last night joined several other
campus organizations, including
Graduate Assembly, Engineering
Council, Young Dems, Young Re-,
publicans and Inter-House As-
sembly in supporting the eight-
month lease.
The Voice resolution, the same
as the one passed by Student
Government Council last week, is
aimed at Apartments Limited, the
largest campus area rental firm
(550 units).
Apartments Limited has thus
far refused to accept the Univer-
sity's eight-month lease, and, the
resolution states, "has accumulat-
ed the largest number of com-
plaints relating to return of dam-
age deposits, maintenance, repair,
and cleaning bills."
Mark Schreiber, '69. chairman
of the Student Rental Union
(SRU). a subcommittee of SHA,
spoke to Voice prior to the vote.
"Few other schools have 12-month
leases." Schreiber said.
"There is no such thing as a 1967
lease." Koeneke said. "The Univer-
sity Off-Campus Housing office of-
fers only one University-approved
lease and that is the new one. The
1967 lease can be used this year as
a private lease. President Fleming1

Viet Monk
To D eliver
Peace Talk
A Vietnamese Buddhist monk
who has been forbidden to return
home by the Saigon government
because of his peace activities is
paying a two-day visit to the Uni-
versity as part of a nation-wide
Thich Nhat Hanh will deliver
an address tonight at 8:30 p.m.
in Rackham Lecture Hall, co-
sponsored by the Center for South
and Southeast Asian Studies and
the Office of Religious Affairs.
Tomorrow he will speak at an
informal noon luncheon at Can-
terbury House. That evening he
will meet in the fifth floor lec-
ture hall of the Medical Sciences
Bldg., with medical students to
discuss the Vietnam war.
Peace Prize Nominee
Nhat Hanh, a poet and author
who has published ten books, was
nominated by Rev. Martin Luth-
er King for the 1967 Nobel Peace
His recent book, "Vietnam: 'Lo-
tus in a Sea of Fire," was banned
by the Saigon government but
over 100,000 copies have been
smuggled in and secretly circu-
At Columbia

The 41-year-old B u d d h i s t
taught philosophy of religion at
Columbia University until sum-
moned home in 1964 to found and
head the School of Youth Social
Ellsworth Bunker Service, which sends volunteers
to work in villages on war relief
the United States was dislodged Iprojects.


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