PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILl TUESDAY, JANUARY 3Q, 1968 PAGE EIGHT TIlE MICHIGAN DAILI TUESDAY. JANUARY ~O. I!~a "- , . «.... T v w+a .v w. .y a. v V } .a V UO iirrrr .wi Search To Continue For Lost Submarines k4TL",.''.n"" . . .. .....PY'{ ..... . p.. 0..... 0 . .. :,:..fl ....... ,..{? ..... .{........ n"............ ..::" :L.6 ": ""^. .c.1. ....,.... .95 Y .Ml . n4w :M ..*.*..v*.}. 4.": . 't-.6V .Wtfl ":".V ..{ .rn r:5' :".: -.. fr. ..v.:..........................:. iF r.:{.:.. 'n. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r: r.",: .1:11:-::: r:::r ......::......::.::v::.:::::::::::: r:::;.; .:: ..1 : r:." ::":r:.v."r:::::. :. :,v.": r.": r:r: r:.1 r: r.: .:^::."r ...... ..::, ....:.. 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"r::y .r.".':: r: r. rrr ......:. .................. ............ . ........................... ..................... ..........L ... ....1 ..............r......r....,.........,............5.....................M1................................r........f+.. r..........,................. 1. rrh': rtr:rrr..... . ........................ }:'rr ,".'::........ .. :.. .r .. ,r ..... ....5........ . .... y,. ...................................... .... ........................ .......Yr Yrrr:'.t..rr...nt.r.^rr.x..111111": r .": x:11 ."".1 . tr . .i TOULON, France (P)-A search ship picked up an echo yesterday that could possibly be from the missing French submarine Min- erve with 52 crewmen aboard. Officers said, however, the sub- marine Ariane went down to veri- fy the sonar echoes and could identify the object only as a me- tallic mass. The site also is out- side the zone in which the 190 foot long Minerve was supposed to have been operating. Despite the doubts, a research submarine was rushed toward the President Asks Record '69 Budget (Continued from Page 1) automatically to $365 billion on July 1 - Johnson said no in-. crease in the legal limit will be needed. But if Congress fails to vote the surcharge, he will have to ask an increase. 9 Credit. A possible squeeze on the supply of mortgage credit, perhaps enough to damage. the housing recovery, is seen in a pro- posed curtailment of the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA). The FNMA's mortgage purchases - which funnels money into the hands of the mortgage lenders - would be cut from this year's $2.3 billion to less than $1 billion in 1968. * Housing. In an apparent ef- fort to offset the FNMA squeeze, Johnson recommended elimina- tion of the 6 per cent ceiling on interest rates on mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Adminis- tration and guaranteed by the Veterans Administration. That would permit higher mortgage interest rates, raising the cost to homebuyers. But it might attract more invesment funds into the mortgage market. Johnson called on Congress to help him "cull out lower priority programs." Many of the proposed cuts would require legislation, and most were deep enough to assure heated opposition when they start tirough the congressional mill. Included were merchant ship construction, federal outlays for college academic facilities con- struction, other education and health programs, farm operating loans and rural electrification loans. A slash of $230 million in space agency funds was urged. Never- theless, Johnson promised an ag- gressive space program to reach the goal of a man on the moon by 1970 and develop a "new space- craft for launch in 1973 to orbit and land on Mars" On the up side, about $3.3 bil- lion of the $10.4 billion budget in- crease would go into the military budget, Johnson said, producing an over-all national defense out- lay of $79.8 billion. The latter figure includes not only the Pen- tagon's $76.7 billion but indirect defense outlays in the atomic energy, stockpile and other pro- grams. Persian 0 U P rintsv ii all sizes India Art Shop adjacent to carport 330 Maynard scene near Porquerolles island off the southern French coast. In the eastern Mediterranean, two destroyers searched off Cy- prus for an indicator buoy that may have come from the Israeli submarine Dakar, lost Thursday with a crew of 69. French navy sources said the echo that may have been from the 800 ton Minerve, which van-! ished Saturday, came from a depth of 500 feet. The research submarine SP300 -- the "diving saucer" - can de- scend 1,300 feet. The French also requested the U.S. 6th Fleet to help with special diving equipment. American Aid The American equipment was understood to, include something like a diving bell, and the U.S. submarine recovery ship Petreol. In the °eastern Mediterranean, the buoy transmitting radio sig- nals on the same frequency as the missing Israeli submarine Dakar's buoys was last heard Sunday night, Israeli navy headers in Haifa reported. The communications center in The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only, Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 Day Calendar Twentieth Annual Fire Instructors Conference - Registration, Civil De- fense Center, 8:30 a.m. School of Music - University Wood- wind Quintet - Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller, Oboe; John Mohler, Clarinet; Lewis Cooper, Bas- soon; Louis Stout, French Horn; Mar- ian Owen, Pianist: Lecture Hall, Rack- ham Building, 8:30 p.m. Joint Judiciary Council - open meeting on Jan. 30 at 9:15 p.m. in 3540 S.A.B. IUruguayan Psychologists, etc., video, Uruguay, Jan. 30-Feb. SGC Monte- 2. 1968. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich. - M & F. BA/MA Econ., Law, Math., Psych., Chem., for Elec. Com- puting, Market Res.,rPersonnel, Prod, Purchasing. Stat., Transpor., nation- wide. !!{f jj{( i { M t k E t The approval of the following stu- Manufacturer's National Bank, De- dent sponsored events becomes effec- troit, Michigan - M & F. BA/MA tive after the publication of this no- Econ. Gen. Lib. Arts, Law, Math., for tice. All publicity for these events Banking. must be withheld until the approval Prudential Insurance Company of' has become effective. America, Minneapolis, Minn. - M & F Approval request forms for student BA/MA Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen. Lib. sponsored events are available in Arts, Law, Math., Poli. Sdi., Psych., Rooms 1001 and 1546 of the Student Speech, Soc., Soc. work for Insurance Activities Building. (Home Office), Advertising, Mgmt. The UM Forester's Club, Diag Adver- Trng., Personnel, Sales. tising, Feb. 12-16, 1968, 12-1 p.m., the Fri., Feb. 9 Diagonal. University of Michigan, Personnel The UM Forester's Club, Paul Bun- Office, Ann Arbor, Mich. - M & F. BA:MA Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., an Dance, Feb 7, 1968, 8 p.m.-2 a.m., Lib. Sc., Microbiol., Pharm., Biochem., League Ballroom, Chem., (Analy., Gen., Inorgan, Organ., Physical) for Biology, Botany, Zool. Library, Mgmt. Trng., Purchasing, Sec- P retarial, writing. U.S. Civil Service Commission - Interviews for the week of Feb. 5-9 M & F. Mr, R. Birdsong & Mr. J. Den I1968. Please make appts. before 4:00gewilnfr itrsed tuns F. wllinormint eetdstudent p.m. day preceding interview, about career oppor. under FSEE. Mr. Mon., Feb. 5 R. Kehoe will furnish information Army Finance Center, Ft. Benjamin about the Social Sec. Admin. Please Harrison, Indianapolis, Ind. - P.M. make appt. with the person who will M & F. All degree levels Econ., Educ., best be able to answer your questions. Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., Poll. Sdi., Math., for Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE Pub. Admin. Make interview appointments at Rm. Michigan Division of Vocational Re- 128 H West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- habilitation, Ann Arbor, Mich.-M & F wise specified. BA/MA Psych., Soc., Soc. Work, Couns. Feb.6 Michigan Dept. of Public Health Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. Raychem Corporation Standard Oil (N.J.) Esso Research & Engrg. Co. Humble Oil & Refining Co. Enjay Chemical Co. Esso Production Research Co. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. 29C pack All Cigarettes STATE DRUGS Stcte &vPackard .1 ~1 4 I for Counseling. Tues., Feb. 6 Haifa had been picking up the , Leo Burnett Company, Inc., Chicago, signals sinle Saturday night, but Ge r altces Ill. - M & F. All degree levels Econ., Engl., Fine Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., they were too brief for a position Attention: Prof. Fine's History 5621 Math,. Poli. Sci., Psych., Speech, Soc., fix, class will meet from now on in room for Advertising, Mkt. Research. Maiden Voyage 182 PA, MWF, 11:00 a.m. J. L. Hudson Company, Detroit, Mich. - M & F. BA Econ., Engi., Fine It was the first clue on the There will be a general meeting of Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts. Hist., Poli. Si., whereabouts of the Dakar which the Washington Summer Intern Pro- Soc. for Mgmt. Trng. vanihedon er mide voagegram on Jan, 31 at 4:00 p.m. in the vanished on her maiden voyage Multipurpose Room of the Undergrad- Household Finance Corp., Chicago, under the Israeli flag from Ports- uate Library. The purpose of this Ill.-BA/BS any field for Mgmt. Trng. mouth, England. Israel bought meeting will be to diffuse some job Cook County Dept. of Public Aid, t. information and set up the program Chicago, Ill. - M & F. BA Poli. Set., h for the rest of the semester. If you Psych.. Gen. Lib. Arts, Soc., Soc. Work Hopes of finding the 1,280 torn cannot attend, call 764-3492. for Soc Work. Voc. Couns., and Place- submarine still' were dim as the ment. British destroyer Diana, and the Applications for L.S.&A. Scholarships Mutual of New York, New York, N.Y. I s r a e 11 destroyer Yaffo were for the Spring-Summer Term, 1968; M & F. BA/MA Econ., Engl., Gen. rushed to the area in which the Spring Term (IIIA), 1968; Summer Lib. Arts, Hist., Math., Philos., Physics, Term (IIIB), 1968; Fall Term, 1968; Poll. Sci., Psych., Speech, Soc. for Ad- buoy was thought to be located, Winter Term, 1969, will be aavilable in vertising, Elec. Computing, Insurance south of eastern Cyprus and east Room 1220 Angell Hall beginning Feb. (Home Office), Mgmt. Trng., Person- outh easenerl Cyar s anea s 1, 1968. Completed applications will be nel, Pub. Relations, Stat., Sales (In- of the general search area. due no later than Feb. 23, 1968. Ap- side & Territ.). The Dakar is one of eight sub- plicants must have at least 'one full Wed., Feb. 7 marines of World War II vintage semester of residence in this College B.F. Goodrich. Company, Akron, I.- and at least a 3.0 grade point average. M & F BA/MA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, which the Israeli government has L.S.&A. Scholarships are awarded on Math., Chem., Phys., or other, for purchased from Great Britain. both need and scholarship; need being Mgmt. Trng., Market Res., Personnel, the primary consideration. Sales (Inside & Terr.) . If you have any questions about this Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., announcement, please call Miss Nona Ft. Wayne, Ind. - M & F BA Econ., Mustary at 764-7297. Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math., for Elec. Computing, Insurance (home Of- Physical Education - Women Stu- fice, Claims) Mgmt. Trng., Sales (In- dents: Women students taking re- side & Territ.), Stat. quired physical education who were National Institutes of Health, Be- .}# medically deferred for the first half of thesda, Md. - M & F. All degree levels this term should report to Office 15, ice. or. i.SiMt. i USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Barbour Gymnasium, to sign for the Biochem., Journ., Lib. Sk., Math., Mi- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially second half of the term. Registration crobiol., and Soc. Work for Biology, Elec. Computing, Mgmt. Trng., Per-! recognized and registered student orga- will be held from 8:00 a.m. to noon sonnel, Pub. Admin., Soc. Work, Stat., nizations only. Forms are available in and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Mon. through Tech. Writing, Science. room l*u SAB. Thurs., Jan, 29 through Feb. 1. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Upperclass students who wish to -BA/MA Anthro., Econ., Educ., Engl., UM Scottish Country Dance Society elect physical education classes may Fine Arts, For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts, meeting every Wed., 8:00-10:30 p.m., do so on Thurs. and Fri. mornings Geog., Hist, Journ., Lib. Sci., Music, Women's Athletic Bldg. Beginners Wel- only, Feb. 22 and 23. Philos., Poli. Sci., Psych., Speech, Soc. come. Instruction given. - for Mgmt in Educ Sales areas - Col- * ~,* .w~* 37..lege Div. Field Reps. Committee for Improved Education F 1or( ei Olt FV gSiL rS Thurs., Feb. 8 presents - John Holt, educator and General Foods Corp., white Plains, author of How Children Fail and How The following foreign visitors can be N.Y. - M & F. All degree levels Econ., Children Learn, in a benefit talk for reached through the Foreign Visitor Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., r the children's community, 7:30 p.m, Programs Gffice, 764-2148. Law, Math., Microbiol., Philos., Poli. Wed. Jan. 31, Schorling Auditorium - Miss Elsa Sanchez De la Vega, Ele- Sci., Psych., Speech, Soc., Biochem., University High School. mentary school teacher, Mexico, Jan. Chem. (Analy., Gen. Organ.), for Elec. * * * 22-Feb. 14, 1968. Computing, Mgmt. Trng., Market Res., Bach Club meeting, Wed. Jan 31, 8 Prof. and Dr. Nikolai Todorov, Direc- Personnel, Prod, Purchasing, Sales (In- p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe; talk- tor Institute of Balkan Studies, Sofia, side & Territ.), Stat., Res. & Devel. ing, listening, etc. BYO Bach records. B Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind. For further information call 769-1605. - M & F. All degree levels Econ., Gen. * * * Prof. Toparo Okada, School of Social Lib. Arts, Math., Pharm., Chem. UM. Ski Club meeting tonite, 7:30 Work, Shikoku, Gakiuh College, Japan, (Analy., Gen., Organ.) for Elec. Corn- p.m., Assembly Hall Union. Sign up for Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 1968. puting, Mgmt Trng., Market Res., Per- inter-collegiate weekend at Boyne. Miss Elida Tuana, Director, Teachers sonnel, Assoc. Dir, of Sci. Info. & Movies, too. Training Colleges, President, Society of Regulatory Affairs. ii~...-------------- --.-. ______ .---. - - _____~ _______________-___ Amphenol Corporation Bell System Beloit Corporation Diamond Alkali Company Emerson Electric Company Falk Corporation Ford Motor Company Koehring Company P Iq our *I TONIGHT! r da 0.b I Ill 'I 4i STUCK WITH AN APARTMENT TO SUBLET FOR THIS SUMMER? Here's How T c Rent It Quick Through The Michigan Daily's "Student Housing Guide" EXAMPLE DEADLINE- FRIDAY, FEB. 2 The quickest and easiest way to sublet your pad is through The Daily's special apartment supplement to be published Sunday, February 11th For only you can place a 1 Col. x 4" advertisement with a guaranteed circulation of 1 n nnnip THE FINEST IN APARTMENT LIVING MODERN 4-MAN APT. with central air-con- ditioning and heating, garbage disposal, parking lot facilities, large front view picture window, completely furnished, live-in manager. 2 large Bedrooms CALL 769-3247 I ! 1 ! E ! E NAME~ .. 1 / SADDRESS__ ___ _ _ _ _ _ E r- * PHONE -' E U * Print or Type Copy Legibly in Space Provided as You Would; Like it to Appear. ! E ! E ! E ! 1 E E ! 1 ! 1 ! E ! 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 E 1 E E 1 E ! E t E 1 ! 1 ! 1 ! E E ! ! E I E ! E ! E E E E 1 ! 1 E E ! E ! E E 1 ! E I f1 0 II I I I