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January 30, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-30

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1itA4 l§UU


Colder with chance
of light snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom







or End j0flSOfl




To Vehicle Regulations
By JENNY STILLER and some students cannot drive motorcycles ought to be retained.
4 The Senate Advisory Commit- motorized vehicles," was behind at least for a time, Kennedy said.
tee on University Affairs SACUA's recommendation,[This opinion is based on statistics
(SACUA) recommended yesterday SACUA Chairman Prof. Frankshowing a high accident rate
that the Regents abolish all reg- Kennedy of the Law School, said. among freshmen, he explained.
ulations governing student own- "It is our view that students "I have seen a report showing
ership and use of motorized ve- should not be subject to any spe- a definite decrease in motorcycle
hicles. cial University regulations in this and motor scooter accidents wince
The Regents had requested area," he explained. freshmen were prohibited from
4SACUA to submit their views on Student Government Council using them," Prof. Irving Copi, of
vehicle regulations to Vice-Presi- voted last October to eliminate the philosophy department, said.
dent for Student Affairs Richard all student vehicle regulations ex- The recommendation is being
L. Cutler for presentation at a cept those pertaining to bicycles. made on the assumption that the
future Regents meeting, Although the University does not University will assume no respon-
Specifically, SACUA recom- recognize the SGC action as bind- sibility for providing parking
mended the abolition of section ing, the Student Traffic Court space for students on campus.
8.06 of the Regents' bylaws, which has refused to uphold the regula- Student Representatives
sets the basis for University reg- tions though they are officially In other action last night,
ulation of student vehicles. still in force. SACUA asked the Student Rela-
"The administrative infeasibil- Some SACUA members feel tions Committee to invite rep e-
ity of continuing the present sys- that regulations p r o h i b i t i n g sentatives of seven student or-
tem, where some students can freshmen from using cars and ganizations to attend the next
meeting of the Faculty Assembly,
during which the Research Poi-
GroupDemonstrates ies Reportnclassified
will be discussed.
Representatives of Student;
Government Council. Graduate
Against HousingPlan Assembly, Engineering Council,
fopVoice, the Conservative Union,
Young Democrats, and the Cam-
By ALISON SYMROSKI Marshalling the picket lines was pus Republican Club will be in-
and DAVID SPURR Prof. Max Shain, of the School vited to prepare position papers
Ann Arbor citizens and stu- of Public Health, who is cam- on classified research for p-resen-
dents turned out in the rain last paigning against Housing Com- tation at the meeitng.
night to picket City Hall in a mission member Joseph B. Ed- The report of Faculty Assem.
campaign for low-income public wards for a City Council seat in bly's Committee on Research Pol-
housing that "will not ghetto-ize the elections April 1. Edwards, a icies, released January 18, rec-
the poor people." member of the Board of the ommended that the University
The group demonstrated against Chamber of Commerce, was ap- continue doing classified research
4a plan initiated by the Ann Arbor pointed by Mayor Wendell Hul- as long as it does not develop ways
Housing Commission to construct cher in 1964 after the Chamber to "destroy human life" and as
public housing on seven sites of Commerce had officially op -long as theUniversity can dis-
three of which are within a half posed the public housing referen- close the nature and sponsor of
mile of each other. The federal dum. the work.
government has allocated $3.71j At the meeting, Councilman John Civil Liberties Board
million for the project, but the d Feldkamp cited a need for a SACUA also voted last night to
funds will be withdrawn if con- housing project within the $3.7
stiuction is not started in five million allocated by the federal recommend that the Faculty As-
months. government. The city's annual sembly's Civil Liberties Board be
Fair Play for People, a group maintenance expenses for the enlarged from its present 10 mem-
of Ann Arbor citizens 'made up project would be some $20,000, bers to 16.
largely of welfare recipients, or- he claimed "We're going down a If the change is approved, the
ganized the demonstration. The course that may be blocked, and board will be comprised of two
aproximately50picketrs wethe net result is no housing," administrators, 10 faculty mem -
accompanied by many small chi- Feldkamp said. bradfu tdns nii
dren. After the demonstration, the Next week, the Council will con- crease of one admiistrator, oie
group attended the City Council sider appointing an Emergency student and four faculty mem-
meeting en masse. Housing Coordinator. bers over its present composition.
Federal Funds
Opponents of the group's de-
mands warn of the danger ofc
losing the federal funds if time
is taken to work out a new plan- o
However, Joan Adams, secre-
tary of the Office of Economic
Opportunity and a member of
Fair Play for People,' explained
that this does not present a ser-
ious obstacle. "If they're reallyt
sincerely interested," she saida
The City Council could go to
# the government to get the dead-r
line extended and more money al-P
Mary Ann Chatman, chairman
of Fair Play for People, empha
sized the need for housing that
will not create the "stigma" ofn
the ghetto. "I have lived in publics
* housing as a child," she said, "Ib
know how it feels.y
"There is a need for decent1
homes," she continued, "For my
children just as for any others'd
Postpone Hearings
At the City Council meeting
public hearings on the housing y.............
project were postponed from Feb
5 to Feb. 13. Council members
in favor of postponing the hear-
ings said the additional timeb
would allow the Housing Com- *
mission to reconsider its presentx
plan before holding the public
4 The Housing Commission will"
meet Feb. 7 to hear facts on build-
ing costs from contractors. Cityt
Council will meet jointly Feb. 8 -Daily-Bernie Bakers
with the Housing Commission fort
a work session. . WELFARE RECIPIENTS and other members of Fair Play for
Fair Play for People picket People brought their children to the City Council meeting lasts
again at the public hearings Feb. night in protest of the Housing Commission's current plan forn
13, public housing in Ann Arbor.f




X entures ota
Recrd $186 Billion
WASHINGTON (R'--President Johnson asked for "sac-
rifice and hard choices" in yesterday's budget message calling
for record outlays of $186.1 billion and a $10.2 billion income
tax surcharge to pay for the Vietnam war.
"It is not the rise in regular budget outlays which
requires a tax increase, but the war in Vietnam," Johnson
told the skeptical economy-bent Congress which has stalled
off an election-year tax boost.
It was the first time Johnson had specifically labeled his
proposed 10 per cent ?urcharge a war tax.
Spending Blue Print
The new spendingt ltueprint calls for selective expansion
of some domestic prograins and cutbacks in others, giving
high priority to government '

attacks on poverty, crime and
pollution in domestic pro-
grams. The outlay for the De-
fense Department is a pro-
posed $76.7 billion - almost
one-third of it to be spent on
Vietnam alone.
Johnson emphasized the need
for an anti-inflationary 10 per
cent tax boost starting April 1 for
individuals and retroactive to Jan.
1 for corporations.
Without the tax hike, he warn-


In Congress
WASHINGTON (P -- President
Johnson's budget message to Con-
gress yesterday called for a record
outlay of $186 billion and a $10.2
billion income tax surcharge.

- Associated Press
PRESIDENT JOHNSON YESTERDAY SIGNED the administration's $186 billion budget. Behind him
at the ceremony are Charles Schultze, hand to head. the outgoing Director of the Budget, and his
successor, Charles Zwick, who was on hand to take his oath. The outlay for fiscal 1969 spending was
submitted to Congress yesterday.
IHA Resolution BacksrrStudent
Boycott of Ap artime nts L ited

The Inter-House Assembly vot-
ed last night to support the Stu-;
dent Housing- Association (SHA)
in its efforts to force the adoption
of the University-approved eight
month lease.
The resolution, identical to the
one passed last week by Student
Government Council (SGC),
names Apartments Limited as a
target for a student boycott.
SHA and its subcommittee, the
Student Rental Union (SRU), are
pressing a publicity campaign
urging students not to rent from
Apartments Limited and to wait
until landlords adopt the eight-
month lease before renting apart-
ments for next fall.
At the request of Mark Schrei-
ber. '69, chairman of SRU, sever-
al IHA representatives agreed to
help organize a schedule of pick-
eting by memebrs of their resi-
dence halls. The question of ap-
propriating IHA funds to help
pay for SHA's advertising cam-
paign was put off until a later
date. The campaign, which in-
cludes newspaper advertising,
buttons, and daily picketing of
the Apartments Limited office on
Church Street has cost $300 to
date, paid for by SGC.
Michael Koeneke, '69 BusAd,
chairman of the SHA, charged
that Ann Arbor landlords have
"consistently taken advantage of
students" by charging "exorbi-
tant" rents. "The new lease is im-t
portant to the many dormitory ,
students who are planning to ,

The SGC resolution has also
been supported by Graduate As-
sembly, the Engineering Council,
the Young Democrats, and the
Young Republicans.
Apartments Limited was chosen
as a boycott target because it is
the largest apartment manager to
reject the lease, and because it
has accumulated the largest num-
ber of complaints to SRU from
Charter Realty and Campus
Management have also refused to
accept the new lease. University
Towers, Herbert Wickersham,
Madison Management and Huron
Towers, however, have agreed to
adopt it.
Paul Milgrom, '70, coordinating
vice-president of SGC, said that
SGC's reputation for direct, and

sometimes radical action, adds
weight to its demands. "The land-
lords know we're serious," he ex-
plained. "We're going to carry out
our threats, and the landlords are
not going to ignore us. If the
boycott doesn't work, next year it
might be rent strikes. We'll do
what we have to do."
He added that the effects of
the boycott,. if successful, will not
be felt until next year. "If Apart-
inents Limited accepts the lease,
the others will be forced to fol-
low suit next year," Milgrom pre-
Koeneke said that he has
been in contact with other apart-
ment owners and that they are
"feeling the pressure. I'm pleased
with the student response," he
said. "We're starting to pick up

ed, the ieuerau d edficit wUuia beSources indicated yesterday that
near $20 billion for the second these i'equests are likely to re-
year in a row." With the tax, the cesecrefuleoikglytiny
fiscal 1969 deficit will be $8 bil- ceive careful, economizing scrutiny
lion, he said, from Congress.
Record 'Peacetime' Initial reaction generally ran
Johnson disclosed that fiscal along party lines with the key
1968 will show the biggest "peace- man on the tax question-Chair-
time" deficit in history, $19.8 bil- man Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark), of
lion, the House Ways and Means Com-
The record outlay is chiefly mittee--declining comment until
due to the "unified budget" for- he reviews the more than six
mat recommended by a bipartisan pounds of budget documents.
presidential commission. But act- His committee already has
ual dollar outlays are escalating shelved the President's tax pack-
too. They will climb $10.4 billion, . age three times.
or 5 per cent, if Congress agrees The budget, which for the first
to the budgetary request. time lumps all spending into one
The new format adds the out- ' package instead of isolating in-
lays of the huge government-held come and outgo from the Social
trust funds - such as highways, Security and other trust funds,
Social Security and medicare - calls for increased outlays of $10.4
to regular federal spending. Pay- billion over the present fiscal
ments into those funds will be year ending June 30.'
treated for the first time as reg- R e c e i p t s of $178.1 billion
ular tax collections. matched against outlays of $186.1
Budget Highlights billion would produce a, deficit of
Yesterday's budget message high- $8 billion - if Congress votes
lighted several key economy fac- higher taxes.
tors: House Republican Leader Gerald
0 War. The Vietnam costs add R. Ford of. Michigan called the
up to $25.8 billion in the new budget unbelievable and said
budget, rising. $1.3 billion from spending must be reduced. Rep.
this year. In four fiscal years, Frank T. Bow of Ohio, senior Re-
1966-69, the U.S. will, have poured publican on the House Appropria-
$75 billion into the war. tions Committee, said spending
*! Excises. The 10 per cent tele- should be limited.
phone tax and 7 per cent auto Senate Democratic Leader Mike
exise should be extended beyond Mansfield of Montana, however,
April 1, Johnson said, instead of said Johnson is doing everything
dropping at that time to 1 per he can to hold down spending.
cent and 2 per cent respectivelyk But Sen. John J. Williams (R-
This, plus the surtax and proposed Oel), senior Republican on the
speedup of corporate tax pay- Senate Finance Committee, said
ments, would bring total tax in- the true deficit for fiscal 1969 is
creases to $12.9 billion in fiscal $28 billion because Johnson's fig-
1969. ure includes $12.9 billion in anti-
* Construction. A broad slow- cipated tax increases and a $7
down looms in federal construct- billion surplus from the trust
ion. Cutbacks will reduce 1969 funds.
building programs by about $1.6 Before signing the budget,
billion below the appropriated Johnson swore in as his new bud-
levels of 1968, Johnson said. get director, Charles J. Zwick, 41,
* Federal debt. The national to replace retiring director Charles
debt, as measured by the unified L. Schultze. Zwick has been as-
budget, will total $387.2 billion sistant director since 1965.
on June 30, 1969. Since part of Even before the budget was for-
this is not subject to the congres- mally submitted to Congress, some
sional debt ceiling - which rises key members had called for
See PRESIDENT, Page 8 spending cuts.

IRS Attahes Ck
For Vietnam Taxes


attach any assets to fulfill Feder-
al finan il nbli tainn

Last week Mark Elgot, a teach- al1111c1i oongauin.
ing fellow in the history depart- When asked why apparently so,
ment, was called in by the de- few of the people withholding
partment c h a i r m a n, William taxes had been forced to pay he{
Willcox, and informed that the replied that it "is just a matter
Internal Revenue Service had of time" until all persons refus-
placed a levy on his University ing to pay taxes will be served
paycheck. with levies.
The tax was levied on Elgot's Edelen admitted that often the
paycheck for hs efusa o Epay expenses incurred collecting the
paycheck for his refusal to pay I telephone back taxes exceed the
the Federal excise tax on tele- ' revenue brought in, but said "the
phone service because the tax laws must be enforced."

move into apartments in the next
few years," he added.

i .

gives financial support to the war
in Vietnam.

Cutbacks Dismay 'U' Planners

"Many people I
holding this tax,"
the only one to
against whom a

know are with-
Elgot said. "I'm
my knowledge
levy has been

Board Increasingly Receptive
To Proposals by A & D Students

University Executive Vice-President Marv-
in Niehuss has expressed "disappointment"
oveV Governor George Romney's recom-
mendation for $7.42 million in capital out-
lay funds.'
The appropriations recommended by Rom-
ney include funds for six major projects
and three smaller planning authorizations
during the '68-'69 fiscal year,
University officials are concerned over

-$750 thousand to start construction of
a new Modern Languages classroom-office
-$500 thousand to continue renovation of
the General Library.
-$500 thousand for renovation and mod-
ernization of elevators in University hos-
However, funds for a new A&D school were
high on the priority lists of University plan-

Building, remodel general science facilities,
and construct a learning resources building
-n the Dearborn Campus.
Although the governor has recommended
appropriation of these "authorized planning"
funds. P.A. 124 of 1965 still stands in the
way. This law states that funds for building
shall not be appropriated unless the State
Budget Office directs planning and approves
the choice of architect.
r oTnvrit stnrontly . nnfP-et n

On January 12, 1966, President
Johnson announced his intention
to raise the Federal excise tax on
telephone and typewriter service
from 3 to 10 per cent to help fi-
nance the war in Vietnam. The
tax hike went into effect that
April, with the stipulation that
the tax would fall to 1 per cent
in April, 1968.
Last August, President Johnson
announced that the tax would not
be reduced in April 1968 as sched-
uled. again due to this countrv's

While students in many areas
of the University have been clam-
oring for more influence in aca-
demic affairs, the School of Arch-
itecture and Design has been
moving ahead with' plans for
greater student participation.
A joint student-faculty com-
mittee created in 1958 has dis-
cussed topics of increasing im-
portance in recent years. "We've

dent representatives on certain+
departmental committees. These
students will serve in an advisory.
capacity only, but since most de-
cisions of these committees are
not based on a vote, the studentsI
actually will have equal influence.
with faculty.
Students serving on these com-
mittees will be chosen from the
student-faculty committee mem-
bers as well as the architecture

enacting the proposed changes.
This process "may take a long
time, but it's significant. It avoids
any real serious misunderstand-
ing since both students and fac-
ulty know what is behind certain
procedures," student representa-
tive Frank Piatkowsky, '68, ex-
Other action initiated by the
committee includes the formation
of "Sandwich Seminars" (noon-

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