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January 28, 1968 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-28

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Institute Director's Editorial
By Frank Kowalik


As director of the Detroit In- doctors, engineers, and educa- made our classes successful.
stitute two of the questions I tors-people from many occu- When we opened the Michigan
hear most often are: Who are pations have learned this new Institute we knew the peopl
Instiute w knewthe el
some of the graduates and, what reading skill - they now read1
results can I ex- dynamically. would be interested in personal
~pest? To relate the results we can improvement in the specific di-
T a h s w rection of reading skills. The
The E v e ly n refer to the average Readings.hss e
Wood reading Dy- Dynamics graduate who is an . o
~pechi pr ven ti onthe ep ae d-
namics course is independent reader now reading this. In addition, we are pleased
serving p e o p 1 e more than 1500 words per mn- with the pre-registration enroll-
from all facets of ute with equal or better compre- ment for future classes.
life Men, women, hension. The speed of most un- As part of Reading Dynamics
Kowalik boys and girls of trained readers is between 200 I can assure you that we will
age 12 to 84 are t a k i n g the and 400 words per minute. endeavor to earn a proud posi-
course. They are administrators, The Michigan Institute is one tion in the community and that
clerks, executives, salesmen, of the 74 opened in the United we are obligated to those who
tradesmen, officers, housewives, States and we are elated to find have taken our course and to
students, accountants, lawyers, that Michigan p e o p 1 e have those who will take it.


Free Demonstrations
Classes to be held in Ann Arbor
Residents of Ann Arbor and tion presented at each of the
nearby areas will be able to demonstrations
find out at first band beginning Those attending will also re-
tomorrow how they can benefit ceive a full exo)Janation of the
from the amazing Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course, high-
Reading Dynamics course which lighted by a feature film and a
teaches people to read three, question-and-aniwer session.
five-even ten times faster with G
.Graduates of the institute in
equal or better comprehension. Detroit have achieved an aver-
Free demonstrations of the age of 5.01 times increase in
course will be held tomorrow, reading rate, considerably above
SundayMondayny'the three times increase guaran-
Bell Tower Inn and theHoliday teed in writing for all enrollees,
Inn East. and the 4.7 times national aver-
I age increase.


Typical Classroom Scene

Dr. Gallup Cites


as the White House staff under the late President
Kennedy, members of Congress, executives, educators,
housewives and high school and college students have.
Our Average Graduate Reads
4.7 Times Faster
with equal or better comprehension
Internationally famous Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics invites you to attend one of the many
convenient free demonstrations this week of this unique method.t

Dr. George Gallup, noted poll-Ireading speeds can be greatly for many experiments. In time,
ster and columnist, has cited not increased," Dr. Gallup states in the method developed by Mrs.
only Evelyn Wood's success in his book, "Miracle Ahead" (Har- Wood, or similar ones, will gain
greatly increasing r e a d i n g per & Row), "her experience acceptance in the schools and
speeds, but also the far-reaching suggests that the brain of man become the regular practice of
effect it can have on the rap- is able to absorb material at a the public. With an increase in
idly expanding field of knowl- far faster rate than anyone has reading speed, man has one way
edge. "Apart from Mrs. Wood'sIimagined. Once this truth is ac- to cope with the ever-rising
success in demonstrating thatcepted, the door will be opened flow of knowled<;e."

These introductions to the Reservations sre not necessary
Reading Dynamics course pre- to attend any of the demonstra-
cede start of classes which will tions. Each will last approxi-
be offered in Ann Arbor. mately one hour. and there is no
Ann Arbor becomes the third obligation on the part of those
city in the Detroit area to offer who attend.
this remarkable course already
completed by more than 1500 Nationally, there are now more
Detroiters from all walks of life, than 400,000 Americans who have
including many of the Ann Arbor completed the Reading Dynam-
residents who have attended De- ics course at 74 institutes since
troit classes. Mrs. Evelyn Wood, a former
Utah school teacher, first of.
Achievements of these people fered her amazirg course to the
will be detailed among informa-(public.
Course Praised by
Graduates Here
By attending Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, many Michigan
people have increased their reading efficiency at least three times
what it was. Here are the comments of some of them:



Wood's Discovery

Helps Many Rea
Faster reading and improved comprehen
Evelyn Wood Reading Dynam-iLees, read her 80-page thesis
ics is a discovery, not an inven.Iat a speed of 6,000 words per
tion. People have been reading minute, she discovered as she
watched him. And he marked
tunapis. a ue the paper without having missed
Johnson read as a detail.
fast at he could Mrs. Wood knew an average

d Faster
sion are stressed:

January 28
Holiday Inn East
US-23 & Washtenaw
3:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.

January 29
Bell Tower Inn
300 S. Thayer
12:00 Noon
6:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M.

January 30
Bell Tower Inn
300 S. Thayer
4:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M.

turn pages, Bos-
well said. H. L.
Niencken c o ul d
Mrs. Wood read a 250-page
book in an hour.
Evelyn Wood made her dis-
covery in 1945 when she was
working on a master's degree,
at the University of Utah. One
of her professors. Dr. C. Lowell

college graduate reads between
250 and 350 words per minute.
She began to wonder if she
could attain a similar speed to
her professor's.
In a two-year search for other
exceptionally rapid readers, she
found 50 people in all walks of
life who could read faster than
1,500 words per minute.

4 You will see a Reading Dynamics graduate read at amazing speec's from a book he
has never seen before and then tell in detail what he has read.
You will see a documented film that includes actual interviews with Washington
Congressmen who have taken the course.
* You will learn how we can help you to faster reading, improved comprehension,
greater recall.

Reading Dynamics
Hailed by Senators-

Sen. Proxmire, Wisconsin
"I must say that this is one of the most
useful education experiences I have ever
had. It certainly compares favorably with
the experience I've had at Yale and

Sen. Talmadge, Georgia
"It is my opinion that if these technique,
were instituted in public and private schools
of our country, it would be the greatest
single step which we could take in educa.
tional progress."

Analyzing them, she found
they shared these characteris-
ties: 1) They read down a page,
not just from left to right: 2)
They read groups of words rath-
er than one or two at a time and
3) they rarely re-read a word or
a paragraph because they did
not understand it.
Mrs. Wood began to teach her-
self these principles. By the
time she was able to read sev-
eral thousand words per minute
herself, she discovered she had
developed a system for teaching
It took another 12 years before
the system was fully developed,
tested and proved. She opened
her first Reading Dynamics In-
stitute in Washington, D.C., in
1959. And in a short nine years,
she has opened institutes in 60
more principal cities in the
United States and Canada.
"We measure your current,
reading speed at the first class,"
she said. "Then we begin work-
ing with you. We are often able
to double a student's reading
speed the v e r y first night.
"Hearing the sound of a word as
you read is one things that slows
you down. We begin with a tech-
nique which directs the words
from the eye to the mind, by-
passing the ear."
She said reading rates vary
as to the nature and complexity
of the material being read. The
person whose reading skill is
only 250 words per minute is
likely to be mediocre at retain-
ing anything he reads.
"In the final analysis," she
said, "the rapid reader does not
become a slave to speed but the
slow reader is always a slave to


Richard A. Wise
GM Engineer
"I Increased my reading effi-
ciency 560% bysattending the,
Institute, g o i n g
from 526 words
per minute to
' 'f.,2,P50," said Wise,
a specification en-
gineer with the
General Motors
Corp. "I can now
go through' the
mail, newspapers and other ma-
terial much more rapidly and
have more time for scientific
Emmanuel L. Feinberg
"I increased my reading effi-
ciency 400%," said Feinberg,
president of Ther-
nalaire Engineer-
ing Co. "Of all
the printed
material that
crosses my
desk, only 5 to
10% is worth.
while. Since tak-
ing the course I have been able
to quickly eliminate the non-
usable matter and concentrate
my efforts and time on the be-
neficial material."
Vincent Gagliardi
GM Engineer

Rick Peterson
U of M Student
"The Reading Dynamics Instl-
tute has helped ne considerably
in my studies and
has built up my
confidence in my
ability to c op e
with any subject.
As a premedical"
student, I t a k e
mostly involved
technical subjects
and I h a v e benefited greatly
through use of the branching
diagram method of outlining my
study material, also taught at
the Institute," saiid Rick Peter-
son. He increased hisreading
speed from 444 to 1,900 words
per minute taking the course.
Ted Kennedy
Ann Arbor High School
"I not only read much faster
since attending the Evelyn Wood
Reading Dynam-
ics Institute, but
I r et a in much
m r e now and -
have to review
very little w h e n
test t i me rolls
around," said Ted
Kennedy who
read 478 words per minute be-
fore attending the Institute and
now reads 2,000 words per min-

Conventional rapid reading courses aspire to 450-600
words per minute. Most Reading Dynamics graduates
can read between 1,500 and 3,000 words per minute,
and many go even higher.

We guarantee to increase the reading effi- classes or having made up missed sessions
ciency of each student by AT LEAST THREE with the teacher. The student must also
TIMES with equal or better comprehension. have practiced the required n u m b e r of
We will refund the entire tuition of any hours, following the assignment outlined by
student who does not triple his reading ef- the teacher. Any student who must with-
ficiency as measured by the beginning and draw from the course for any reason may
subsequent tests, or the student may retake re-enter any subsequent courses at any fu.
the course free of charge. A refund is con- ture time, at no additional cost.
ditional upon the student attending all
Classes Start Tuesday, February 6
For Further Information Call
Detroit Collect ... 962-7056
Readitg Dyniamics


Senators a n d congressmen
have more to read than most
citizens of the United States.
Mail from their constituents
alone takes up a good part of
their allotted reading time.
Evelyn Wood taught a class of
senators and congressmen her
Reading Dynamics methods a
Sen. Proxmire Sen. Talmadge
few years ago and had some fine
success stories.-
Sen. Herman Talmadge (D.,
Ga.) called his improvement
"fantastic." He added that if7
Reading Dynamics was taught in
the public and private schools

of the country, "it would be the
greatest single step we could
take in educational progress."
"I must say that this was one
of the most useful educational
experiences I have ever had,"
said Sen. William Proxmire (D.,
Wis.). Before taking the course,'
Sen. Proxmire read 450 words'
per minute. Today he reads'
2,500 to 3,500 words per minute.
Also listed among the more
than 400,000 graduates of Read-
ing Dynamics are 12 top level
members of the White House
staff of the late John F. Ken-
nedy. Kennedy, a naturally fast
reader with an estimated 1,200
words per minute, requested
them to take the course.
Subsequently, h i s brother,
Sen. E d w a r d Kennedy (D.,
Mass.), and his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy, suc-
cessfully completed the course.

"I can read technical data
much faster now and remember Janet and Joyce Kaiser
a lot more than Students
.~I could before
taking the course. "We cut down our homework
by two hours," said the twins,
I can get through graduates of East
. m o re material Detroit High
that comes across School. "A ft e r
my e skr doan d taking the course
A threfore do nat ;
have to take as w had muh
much home." This gives memore time for
Sschool and social
more time for pleasure reading, ac ivties because
said Gagliardi, senior specifica- dd a
bansengneerwit theGenralwe did not have
ions engineer ith the General to spend as much time on our
Mtors Corp." homework."


so es



Graduates Can Continue Study

Michigan's Home Office, 1101 Washington Blvd., Detroit, Mich. 48226
0 In principal cities throughout the U.S.A.

Mrs. Sharen Owens

Dr. Robert R. Leichtman
o nta

11 All students who are graduated!


I Al tuent wo re rauae!world with no additional charge- !iutic ,ill of.,.4 fil ,;+;- .


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