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January 27, 1968 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-27

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Burst Erases
4-2 Deficit
Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - The setting
was different but the Wolverine-
Gopher hockey game began last
light as if it were a replay of two
weeks ago.
Within the first minute of play
the score was tied 1-1; a pattern
borrowed from the last encounter,
only this time Michigan was forced
to play "come-from-behind" be-
fore eeking out a 5-4 victory.
The turning point of the game
came with the Wolverines taking
the lead 5-4 on Lars Hansen's tal-
ly from Phil Gross and Lee Mart-
tila at 7:51 in the third period.
Double Michigan penalties gave
Minnesota the opportunity to tie
it up again, but Jim Keough and
company staved off the attack.
Adding to the nerve-wracking
climax, with less than three min-
utes left in the game, an illegal
checking call sent Michigan cap-
tain Bill Lord to the penalty box.
Minnesota coach Glen Sonmor de-
cided to pull his goalie thus leaving
Michigan two men short. The Wol-
verines held out, nonetheless, and
gained a better chance at fourth
place in the WCHA, now held by
Minnesota.... :.






Cagers Host High flying OSU

a public lecture by
Recently Peking correspondent for the
Scandinavian News Agency
Monday, Jan. 29, 8:30 P.M.
Architecture Auditorium
Sponsored by The National Committee on
U.S.-China Relations

The University Events Building
turns into a three ring circus to-
day with the Big Ten Basketball
Game of the Week as its center
The Michigan cagers, sporting
a 5-8 overall record, will follow
the Michigan and Ohio State
frosh into "The House that Cazzie

The Lineups


Steve Howell (6-5)
Bill Hoskey (6-7)
Dave Sorenson (6-7)
Denny Meadors (6-0)
Mike Swain (6-4)



Rudy Tomianovich
Dennis Stewart
Bill Fraumann
Jim Pitts
Ken Maxey


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Built." Immediately following the son and Hosket hit for 21 and 20 Wolverines easily defeated the
varsity contest, thesWolverine points, respectively. Cardinals 99-75.
wrestlers move in to host an inex- Sorenson, at 6'7", scored most But against the Buckeyes, Strack
perienced Purdue squad. of his points from underneath. says, "The game will dictate how
The Wolverines will be out to The sophomore had little trouble many players we use. Of our top
capture their first conference vic- outmaneuvering Michigan's Bill 10 there is not a great deal of
tory in four starts when they take Fraumann, who started his first difference in some players. I just
the floor against Ohio State at game for the Wolverines in Co- dope to play the most effective
2:15 p.m. in the televised game to lumbus. Fraumann showed marked combination against Ohio State."
be seen locally over channel 4. improvement in the Ball State
The Buckeyes easily defeated the victory, however, and Michigan
Wolverines 103-70 at Columbus coach Dave Strack plans to start
last Saturday night and led by as the sophomore at center today.
much as 37 during the contest. Hosket, a 6'7" senior, is cur-
Ohio State, currently in third rently the fourth leading scorer
place in the Big Ten with a 2-1 in the Big Ten with a 21.8 av-
record, has an impressive 9-3 arage. He has combined with
overall record this season. teammate Howell to form the
The Buckeyes are led by a mas- third most potent scoring threat
sive front line that completely in the conference with 40 points


There is Still
Fall Orientation
Leader Interviews

Hat Trick
The Michigan scoring was large- WOLVERINE GL
ly in the hands of the defensemer Ohio State last
as Paul Domm picked up a hat
trick-the first three Wolverine on. The two tea
tallies, and Hansen slammed home attempts a come
the winning goal.
Domm's first two efforts.
;oming at :34 in the opening per-
lod, the other at 7:25 in the C ro sh
ond period tied the score following
Minnesota goals by Bill Klatt and By PHIL B
Chuck Norby respectively
The Gophers dominated the sec- Ohio State com
ond period, pulling into a 4-2 lead day for a Big T
by 14:24 on scores by Steve Ross the sagging Mich
and Klatt. team, but an a
However, with Domm's third will be in store for
tally at 15.41 from Bruce Koviak, who venture out
and Dave Perrin slamming home a Building a little ea
pass from Phil Gross exactly one Michigan's fres
minute later, the Wolverines takes on the OS
were back in the game. From that warmup tilt sche
point the Blue turned on the de- at 12 noon. Thei
fense to secure their victory. one of only three,
Michigan goaltender Jim Keougli verines play this
was called on to make 32 saves, fine opportunityf
tiatching his season average, a look at Michiga
while Minnesota netminder Mur- future.
ray McLachlan stopped 23 shots. Neither of the

-Daily-Jim Forsyth
UARD KEN MAXEY lays one up in action against
week as Buckeye junior Steve Howell (12) looks I
tms will meet again this afternoon, as Michigan
eback from the first meeting's 103-70 disaster.
MNeet Baby Bu

.es to town to-
'en battle with
igan basketball
dded attraction
Wolverine fans
to the Events
shman s q u a d
SU frosh in a
eduled to start
contest will be
the junior Wol-
year, and is a
for fans to get
an teams of the
two teams has

on all season. We'll use the fast
break as much as we can, get a
few rebounds, and generally try
to wear. them down physically.
We think we're in better condit-
ion than they are."
Fortunately, the Buckeyes are
not a whole lot bigger than
Michigan. Ohio State center Mike
Mackin, at 6' 9", and forward Bill
Jacobson, 6' 5", represent most
of the vistitors' height.
This is still noticeably bigger
than the Michigan lineup, which
will suffer with the loss of 6' 5"
center Tim Nicksic. Both Nicksic
and guard Mark Berg will sit out
the remainder of the season with
scholastic ineligibility.

tore the Wolverines apart in St.
John's Arena last weekend. For-!
wards Steve Howell and Bill Hos-1
ket along with center Dave Sor-
enson totaled as many points as
Michigan in the debacle.
The Lead
Howell, a 6'5" junior built like
a football tight end, was especial-
ly deadly from the outside against
the Wolverines. He led both teams
in scoring with 29 points, hitting
:n 67 percent of his shots. Soren-
Rod Ford will take over Nick-'
sic's spot on the starting five,j
with regulars Tom Lundstedt,
Mike Rafferty, Dan Fife, and Bob
"Fife is the key to our ball1
club," Honig opines. ."He will
definitely get an opportunity to
play with the varsity next Sear."
The 6' 3" backcourt ace from
Clarkston has been very impres-
sive in his limited number of
appearances this season. He tos-
sed in 20 points in the freshman
squad's pre-season loss to the
The coacheshave also been
favorably impressed with Mike
Rafferty, a 6' 4" forward from
Birmingham Groves.
"Mike will have to play guard
on the varsity," says Honig.
"We've played him at forward by
necessity, but think he can make
the move all right."
Other Wolverines expected to
see plenty of action today are
Bob Mull, at forward, Rex Eme-
rick, at guard, and Bob Wilson,
who will relieve Ford at center.

per game between them. The Wol-
verines' Rudy Tomjanovich and
Dennis Stewart rate fourth in that
department with over 36 points.
It was evident to everyone at
Columbus Saturday that Michi-
gan had little success defending
against the taller Buckeyes in
either a man-to-man or zone
defense. Ohio State proved itself
vulnerable in the backcourt, how-
ever, starting two guards who
neither score much nor handle the
ball well, and Strack hopes to test
this weakness today.
Still the Wolverine coach says,
"Gimmicks don't win these kind
:f ball games. The kids know
what happened to them down at
Columbus. And they know we'
didn't play well there."
What, then, does Michigan plan
to do? "We have to neutralize
their strength on the front lines
and the backboards," states
Strack. "We've got to try and de-
fend better than at Columbus, and
that means guarding their men
In an effort to spark the Wol-
verines' often dormant offense,
Strack has been playing 10 men
throughout Michigan's last few
games. Against Ball State, Strack
finally was able to take full ad-
vantage of his personnel and the
U, IlI

Office. 2nd floor Union


Now through Feb.


2.. 9-5






tCl e i3 tti1


Wins Another

played a regular game previous
to today's encounter, and it is
difficult to compare their relative
Played Gridders
"We haven't done a heck of
a lot," frowns assistant Coach


NEW YORK (R) - Carl Yas- Dick Honig. We haven't .played <
trzemski of the Boston Red Sox any decent competition - there
was announced as the winner of isn't a Law Club team like there
the Van Heusen Outstanding used to be. We did play a team
Achievement Award yesterday but of football players before the
his father, Carl Yestrzemski, Sr. (Michigan) State game, and be-
acepted the award in his absence fore that we had an intrasquad
due to illness. game."
A telegram was read from Yas- Coach George Pomey scouted
trzemski's doctor to the effect that the Buckeye frosh in an intra
he had the flu and could not ap- squad contest last week, and
pear. found the team strangely famil-
Yastrzemski was a unanimous iar.;
winner on the decision of a panel "They've got some big kids,
3f sportswriter over the other final- smiles Honig. "The Ohio State
ists, Lou Brock of St. Louis, Rusty freshmen are just like the var-
Staub of Houston and Gaylord sity: they capitalize on their
Perry of San Francisco. size, and use their strength under
The award, designed by a fa- the boards. They pick you up at
mous sculptor, is intended to hon- half court defensively, and don't
or singular achievements in base- usually press."
ball. Perry, Staub and Brock were "We plan to run a lot," he coi-i
present to accept runnerup honors. tinues. "It's what we've worked

St. Louis 103, New York 94
Dallas 122, Houston 96
Denver 104, New Orleans 97

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